34 research outputs found
Canine Fetal Peritonitis
Background: The occurrence of neonatal diseases and neonatal deaths in canines are considered higher in the first days of life of individuals and bacterial diseases are considered the second most common cause. Inflammation of the mesothelial lining of the abdominal cavity is referred peritonitis, which can be classified as primary or secondary and there is no description on the occurrence of canine fetal peritonitis in the veterinary literature. The objective of this study is to describe a case of canine fetus peritonitis, presenting abnormal sonographic findings of the fetus and abnormalities identified after birth that were not yet described in veterinary literature.Case: A female Poodle, six years of age, considered healthy and without clinical complications during the gestational period, was referred for sonographic evaluation at the end of the pregnancy, in order to evaluate of the fetal viability and estimate the gestational period. By ultrasound examination, two canine fetuses were identified and based on its morphogenesis and biparietal diameter, the estimated gestational age was approximately 58 days. On the individual examination of each of the fetus by ultrasound, it was found that one of them had normal sonographic findings and on the second canine fetus it was found an increase of the intra-abdominal echogenicity of tissues, loss of the sonographic definition of the intestinal loops and presence of laminar anechoic areas between the interfaces of organs, consistent with abdominal effusion. Parturition occurred the following day of the ultrasound examination no complications and with the birth of two canine fetuses. About six hours after birth, one of the neonates showed dyspnea, hypothermia, areas of ecchymosis, suffusion in the ventral abdominal region, icteric and pale mucous membrane and the presence of abdominal fluid and came to death about 30 min after. Cytological analysis of the sample revealed exuberant amount of erythrocytes, fibrin and leukocytes. Culture revealed infection by Staphylococccus aureus and Enterococcus sp. Presence of bloody fluid in the abdominal cavity was observed at necropsy, with yellowish parietal surface of the thoracic and abdominal cavities and petechiae on the lungs, heart, stomach surfaces and intestinal mucous membrane. Microscopically, the lungs showed extensive areas of parenchymal consolidation, vascular congestion and intense inflammatory infiltrate in the alveolar wall; the liver was characterized by vascular congestion, areas of degeneration of hepatocytes and presence of calcified foci, necrosis and inflammatory infiltrates. Associating the results and findings of the exams was possible to conclude the diagnostic of fetal peritonitis.Discussion: The visualization of abnormal findings in affected fetus by a gestational ultrasound exam makes this report inedited and relevant for veterinary obstetrics. This demonstrates the importance of ultrasound exam in pregnant bitches for early detection of maternal fetal diseases. Presence of abdominal fluid and increased mesenteric ochogenicity associated with loss of the intestinal loop definition corroborates with the clinical suspicion of peritonitis in fetus. Findings on the anatomopathological examination, cytology and culture allowed conclusion of the cause of death. Bacterial forms in the cytological smear supported the diagnostic suspicion of peritonitis. Gestational ultrasound exam performed in this report was essential for proper conduct of the pregnant bitch and viability of the fetuses, suggesting that the detected fetal abnormalities showed predictive value in the viability of diseased individual. This case report contributes with the description of canine fetal peritonitis
Objetivou-se por meio deste relato a ocorrência de fístula abomaso-umbilical em bezerro Girolando, descrevendo a sintomatologia clínica e tratamento instituído. Um bezerro com quatro meses de idade e 80 kg, apresentou histórico de onfaloflebite e lesão eritematosa com edemaciação umbilical. À inspeção física, verificou-se gotejamento de secreção esbranquiçada com aspecto leitoso e presença de orifício na região umbilical. Verificou-se pela palpação digital a presença de tecido pregueado semelhante mucosa abomasal. Por meio desses achados, sugeriu-se o diagnóstico de fístula abomaso-umbilical e procedeu-se a correção cirúrgica da lesão fistulante. Após 15 dias do tratamento instituído, o animal recebeu alta médica. Dessa forma, pôde-se concluir que, apesar de rara, essa patologia foi de fácil diagnóstico clínico e a terapia foi capaz promover a completa recuperação do animal
A ultrassonografia é uma ferramenta diagnóstica amplamente utilizada em Medicina Veterinária nas diversas especialidades. Em obstetrícia, representa ferramenta fundamental para diagnóstico e acompanhamento gestacional. Utiliza princípios físicos de propagação e reflexão do som para gerar imagens que permitem visibilizar órgãos internos em tempo real, permitindo a conclusão de diagnósticos precisos, sendo possível identificar gestações de apenas 20 dias além de possibilitar a avaliação da viabilidade fetal. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias como a ultrassonografia tridimensional ampliam as possibilidades diagnósticas na ultrassonografia gestacional em cadelas. Esta revisão discute a tecnologia e sua utilização em obstetrícia veterinária
Follicular Histomorphometry and Evaluation of Ovarian Apoptosis in Queens of Different Age Groups
Background: In humans and bitchs the age is another factor that may affect the size of ovarian structures, verifying alterations in the quality of the pool and size of follicular structures, which can compromise the use of these structures for in vitro maturation. There are no reports correlating the morphometric characteristics of the follicles and ovarian apoptosis at different ages in cats. The aim of this study was to evaluate the histomorphometric parameters of follicular growth and the relationship with the occurrence of apoptosis in ovarian tissue of young, adult and senile queens.Materials, Methods & Results: Eighteen domestic queens, multiparous, of different breeds and age groups were used in this study and divided into three groups according to their ages: five months to one year - young; (7.8 ± 1.0 months); one to six years - adults (2.8 ± 0.5 years); and more than six years - senile (8.0 ± 0.9 years). Vaginal cytology was performed in order to characterize the estrous phase associated with plasma concentrations of progesterone. The morphology and percentage of the vaginal epithelium cells were evaluated and queens were classified into estrous and non-estrus and plasma concentrations of progesterone were determined. Ovarian samples were collected after ovariohysterectomy to routine histological processin and all follicles were counted and categorized into two groups, non-atresic and atresic. The mean follicular and oocyte diameters were calculated between the measurement of the largest diameter and perpendicular diameter. The relationship between follicle and oocyte were determined using the measurements of diameter, area and perimeter. The apoptotic cells were detected and cells were considered positive when TUNEL reaction was detected. The morphometric index of 1039 follicles were evaluated. Primordial follicles in young animals showed larger diameter, follicular area and perimeter than the structures of adult queens, as well as the unilaminar primary follicles of the same group were larger compared with senile animals (P 0.05). For the pre-ovulatory follicles there was no positive correlation between the oocyte growths regarding the follicles (P > 0.05). Only in senile animals positive markers for apoptosis were identified in nuclei of primordial follicles. No significant differences concerning the number of follicles and Tunel positive cells were observed between groups (P > 0.05).Discussion: Considering the importance of this study for greater knowledge in the basic aspects for reproductive biotechnologies, we verified that secondary follicles showed the largest diameters and younger animals the largest values for diameter, area and perimeter, suggesting that this age group could be ideal for the use and manipulation of oocytes. The process of follicular atresia is characterized by the occurrence of apoptosis, or programmed cell death when the organism begins to efficiently eliminate dysfunctional cells. The study of follicular apoptosis in small animals, especially in cats, is very important for the development of reproduction biotechnologies. Phenomenon of apoptosis showed no relationship with age in queens, occurring in a physiological, continuous and proportionate manner considering the number of nondominant follicles involved in each estrous cycle
The aim of this research is to evaluate supplementation effects of two probiotics to Beagle puppies receiving two diets (high and low quality) over microbiote and faecal pH. They were used 18 Beagle puppies shared in three treatments : 1) treatment 1: control (food); 2) treatment 2: food with probiotic 1 (Bifidobacterium); 3) treatment 3: food with probiotic 2 (Lactobacillus). Research was shared in two levels, each charactherized to different quality foods changing. It was used food fats how stress agent. Analysis made were water and foods microbiology and faecal microbiology (E. coli, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Clostridium sp.). It was verified significative results (
Fístula abomaso-umbilical em bezerro: Relato de caso
Objetivou-se por meio deste relato a ocorrência de fístula abomaso-umbilical em bezerro Girolando, descrevendo a sintomatologia clínica e tratamento instituído. Um bezerro com quatro meses de idade e 80 kg, apresentou histórico de onfaloflebite e lesão eritematosa com edemaciação umbilical. À inspeção física, verificou-se gotejamento de secreção esbranquiçada com aspecto leitoso e presença de orifício na região umbilical. Verificou-se pela palpação digital a presença de tecido pregueado semelhante mucosa abomasal. Por meio desses achados, sugeriu-se o diagnóstico de fístula abomaso-umbilical e procedeu-se a correção cirúrgica da lesão fistulante. Após 15 dias do tratamento instituído, o animal recebeu alta médica. Dessa forma, pôde-se concluir que, apesar de rara, essa patologia foi de fácil diagnóstico clínico e a terapia foi capaz promover a completa recuperação do animal