75 research outputs found

    A herbĂĄriumrĂłl (gondolatok Ă©s jĂłtanĂĄcsok)

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    A növĂ©nygyƱjtemĂ©ny (herbĂĄrium) kĂ©szĂ­tĂ©s – gyƱjtĂ©s, preparĂĄlĂĄs, cĂ©dulĂĄzĂĄs – mĂșzeumok, tudomĂĄnyos intĂ©zetek, esetleg iskolĂĄk Ă©s gyƱjtƑszenvedĂ©lytƑl fƱtött magĂĄnosok szĂĄmĂĄra vĂĄlhat cĂ©llĂĄ. Ez rĂ©szint – a fenti mottĂł szellemĂ©ben – a gyƱjtemĂ©ny-kĂ©szĂ­tĂ©sĂ©rt magĂĄĂ©rt tör­tĂ©nik. MĂĄsrĂ©szt azonban azĂ©rt, mert a szentencia, hogy „növĂ©nyismeret nĂ©lkĂŒl nincs botanika” ma is Ă©rvĂ©nyes, Ă©s kĂ©tsĂ©gtelen, hogy a növĂ©nyek megismerĂ©sĂ©nek legbiztosabb Ă©s legegysze­rƱbb mĂłdja herbĂĄrium kĂ©szĂ­tĂ©se Ă©s tanulmĂĄnyozĂĄsa. Emellett a terepen dolgozĂł botanikus – bĂĄrmilyen jĂł növĂ©nyismerƑnek is tartja magĂĄt – mindig talĂĄlkozik olyan növĂ©nyekkel, me­lyeket csak alapos vizsgĂĄlat utĂĄn tud azonosĂ­tani, kĂ©nytelen is „gyƱjteni” kĂ©sƑbbi vizsgĂĄlat cĂ©ljĂĄra.</jats:p

    Effects of Temperature–Climate Patterns on the Production of Some Competitive Species on Grounds of Modelling

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    Climate change has serious effects on the setting up and the operation of natural ecosystems. Small increase in temperature could cause rise in the amount of some species or potential disappearance of others. During our researches, the dispersion of the species and biomass production of a theoretical ecosystem were examined on the effect of the temperature–climate change. The answers of the ecosystems which are given to the climate change could be described by means of global climate modelling and dynamic vegetation models. The examination of the operation of the ecosystems is only possible in huge centres on supercomputers because of the number and the complexity of the calculation. The number of the calculation could be decreased to the level of a PC by considering the temperature and the reproduction during modelling a theoretical ecosystem, and several important theoretical questions could be answered

    A balatonvíz tulajdonsågainak vizsgålata algaélettani kísérletekkel

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    Chlorella vulgaris Beyer, tenyĂ©szkĂ­sĂ©rletekkel megĂĄllapĂ­tottuk, hogy a balatonvĂ­z alkalmas tĂĄpoldat alga tömegtĂ©nyĂ©sztĂ©shez, ha a benne kis mennyisĂ©gben levƑ foszfĂĄtot Ă©s nitrĂĄtot pĂłtoljuk, de mĂ©g jobb eredmĂ©nyt kapunk, ha az algĂĄk szĂĄmĂĄra legjobbnak talĂĄlt szintetikus tĂĄpoldatunk sĂłit teljes egĂ©szĂŒkben feloldjuk benne. TömegtenyĂ©szet esetĂ©n 3-5% szĂ©ndioxidot tartalmazĂł levegƑ ĂĄtbuborĂ©koltatĂĄsa a siker elengedhetetlen feltĂ©tele. A tenyĂ©szkĂ­sĂ©rletekkel szemben megĂĄllapĂ­thatjuk, hogy az ott minimumfaktorkĂ©nt jelentkezƑ N Ă©s P adagolĂĄsĂĄval a Chlorella fotoszintĂ©zise nem fokozhatĂł mĂ©g Ă©heztetett sejtek esetĂ©ben sem. Ez arra utal, hogy a Balatonban a N Ă©s P pillanatnyilag mindig elegendƑ mennyisĂ©gben ĂĄll a fitoplankton rendelkezĂ©sĂ©re. Ha a balatonvĂ­z hidrogĂ©n-ion koncentrĂĄciĂłjĂĄt növeljĂŒk, valĂłszĂ­nƱleg a hozzĂĄfĂ©rhetƑ szĂ©ndioxid arĂĄnyĂĄnak növekedĂ©se következtĂ©ben a Chlorella szuszpenziĂł fotoszintĂ©zis-intenzitĂĄsa lĂ©nyegesen nƑ. MĂ©rĂ©sekkel, szĂĄmĂ­tĂĄssal Ă©s biolĂłgiai teszttel (csak szabad szĂ©ndioxidot hasznosĂ­tĂł lombosmoha asszimilĂĄltatĂĄsĂĄval) egyarĂĄnt arra az eredmĂ©nyre jutottunk, hogy a Balaton vizĂ©ben legalĂĄbb 0,2-0,4 mg/l CO₂ van. EredmĂ©nyeink szerint az a közismert tĂ©ny, hogy a Balatonban Ă©lƑ fitoplankton biomasszĂĄja arĂĄnylag kevĂ©s, rĂ©szben a benne jelenlevƑ hozzĂĄfĂ©rhetƑ CO₂ kis mennyisĂ©gĂ©vel magyarĂĄzhatĂł, ami a szĂ©nforgalom fontossĂĄgĂĄra utal a Balaton Ă©s a hozzĂĄ hasonlĂł lĂșgos kĂ©mhatĂĄsĂș, mĂ©szben dĂșs tavak esetĂ©ben

    A biolĂłgiai vĂ­zminƑsĂ­tĂ©s

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    Photosynthetic experiments with unicellular algae of different photosynthetic type

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    Photosynthetic curves of four algal strains (7K Chlorella vulgaris Beyer., 172 Kirchneriella contorta (Schmidle) Bohlin, 953 Coelastrum microvorum NĂ€g., 3153 Chlorocloster terrestris Pascher.) investigated in a 3 mM KOH—K₂CO₃—KHCO₃ buffer system of different CO₂-deficiency by the usual Warburg method are discussed in this paper. On the basis of these experiments three photosynthetic types can be distinguished. In the first type only free carbon dioxide is utilized (Chlorella vulgaris), and photosynthesis decreases gradually parallel with the diminution of C02 content. There is no photosynthesis at high pH values and at a surplus of carbonate ions. The strain belonging to the second type can utilize both free carbon dioxide and hydrocarbonate ions, but its rate of photosynthesis becomes slower in a more alkaline carbonate-containing medium (Kirchneriella). The algae belonging to the third type can photosynthesize, after a certain lag-period, most vigorously in a solution containing hydro carbonates and a surplus of carbonates. Their photosynthesis in solutions containing free carbon dioxide, though starting just at the beginning of illumination, is slower than in buffers containing either hydrocarbonates or carbonates (Coelastrum and Chlorocloster). The experiments presented seem to support the hypothesis that the strains exhibiting a greater photosynthetic activity in solutions where carbonate ions predominate over hydrocarbonate ions are able to utilize the carbonate ions too. It is still undecided, whether the differences in photosynthetic rates in various buffer systems depend on the availability of carbon sources or on hydrogen ion concentration. The great pH tolerance in alkaline range of the strains investigated may perhaps be brought into connection with the chemical properties of their natural habitats. It seems to be an important assumption from the hydrobiological point of view that the ability of using hydrocarbonate (or carbonate) ions by planktonic algae is the result of a “training” taking place in a certain space of time. Thus, the main purpose of physiological research, when dealing with the ecology of photosynthesis in planktonic algae, should be to study the aptitude for this adaptation in the different species

    Apparent photosynthesis of Potamogeton perfoliatus L. in different depths of Lake Balaton

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    Experiments were made in the apparent photosynthesis of Potamogeton perfoliatus L. The results may be summed up as- follows: 1. For photosynthetic experiments of short duration (only few hours) isolated leaves are more suitable than the apical portions of shoot. 2. As the calculations made on a dry matter, leaf surface or chlorophyll content basis show, the photosynthetic rate of the leaves of different plant specimens collected from natural habitats are very incongruous. Leaves of the same plant gave good and comparable results. The effect of various light intensities in different depths of water can be correctly measured by the relative measurement method of Meyer and co-workers (1941, 1943). 3. According to these studies, the photosynthetic activity of higher aquatic plants is never inhibited by lack of light on clear summer days, even if the water is very turbid. 4. Inhibition due to oversaturated light can be studied in the uppermost layers of optical clear water. 5. Compensation point of photosynthesis and of respiration can not develop in summer days in the shallow water of Lake Balaton

    Erdei fåk lombjånak mésztartalmåról

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