21 research outputs found

    A vevői nemfizetés előrejelzése viselkedési jellemzők segítségével = Estimation of Customer Default based on Behavioral Variables

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    Cikkemben a vevői nemfizetés előrejelezhetőségét vizsgálom. A kis- és középvállalkozókból (KKV) álló 905 elemű mintán a banki scoring modellezésből ismert logisztikus regressziót alkalmazom. Az eredmények alapján a KKV ügyfelek nemfizetésének előrejelzésére a viselkedési, nem pénzügyi változók nagyobb diszkriminatív erővel bírnak, mint a pénzügyi adatokra építő verziók. A modellek teljesítménye gyengébb, mint az a banki hitelkockázatról szóló szakirodalomban megszokott, ennek oka, hogy a szállítónak való nemfizetés inkább fizetési hajlandóság, mint fizetőképesség kérdése

    Financing Cooperative Supply Chain Members — The Bank’s Perspective

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    This paper contributes to the supply chain finance literature with an agent-based Monte Carlo simulation model focusing on the bank’s point of view. Our theoretical model assesses how a bank should screen a supply chain (SC) member and whether that requires different considerations and monitoring systems compared with traditional corporate loans. In the model, the SC members may cooperate, reducing their bankruptcy risk considerably; thus, the chance for and extent of inter-entity financial aid are critical to consider when assessing bankruptcy risk. A cooperative SC member cannot just be financed from debt taken by other members, but it may also offer protection to other SC members using its operating cash flow. Thus, based on our results, bankruptcy risk is SC-specific, rather than a characteristic of an individual firm. Therefore, to finance an SC member is a quasi-joint decision of its peers, so particular care should be paid to estimating and monitoring the correlations between the operational cash flows of cooperative SC members. One of the key results is that of edge default exposure of the bank; it might be optimal to limit the amount of the loan made available to a given collaborative SC member instead of charging higher rates or financing the most attractive SC member only. Another SC member offering an additional guarantee with its assets will provide the remaining need for financing. As this solution also reduces the total bankruptcy risk of the SC, the SC itself should prefer this financing structure

    Alternative Remedies in the Treatment and Prevention of Dementia, in Particular Alzheimer's Disease

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    This thesis takes a look into dementia, and in particular dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease. A combination of different pieces of literature and how they have evaluated the disease has been complied into this thesis; taking into account different studies, opinions and findings of this neurodegenerative disease that affect so many people on a global scale. Literature has been studied regarding the pharmacological approaches taken in the disease, as well as possible alternative approaches of treating the disease which have less side effects, and possibly making life more comfortable for the patient. The general conclusion to this thesis is that not enough is being done to diagnose people with Alzheimer’s disease before they reach a point in which the only treatment available is palliative, and to slow the inevitable progression; and that there are alternative treatments with less side effect in which further studies is needed.egységes, osztatlanáltalános orvosmagya