31 research outputs found

    Obiteljska pismenost i obrazovanje roditelja u odnosu na različite mjere jezičnih sposobnosti djeteta

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    The family literacy environment is reported to be an important predictor of a childā€™s language and early literacy development. This study examined the relations between various aspects of family literacy environment and different measures of childrenā€™s language, assessed in three different settings, namely in a structured test situation, at home and in preschool. The sample included 80 preschool children, randomly selected from 13 preschools, aged approximately 4 years. The quality of family literacy environment was estimated by mothers, using the Home literacy environment questionnaire. Childrenā€™s language development and storytelling ability was assessed by a testator, while their spontaneous language was assessed by their mothers and preschool teachers. Family literacy environment was found to be an important factor of the childā€™s storytelling ability and the complexity of his spontaneous language, used at home and in preschool. Maternal education proved to be associated with the quality of the family literacy environment and also related to all measures of the childā€™s language except for maternal assessment. The findings have implications for understanding the role of family environment in the development of different aspects of a childā€™s language and the importance of assessing the childā€™s language in various settings thus obtaining a complete estimation of his language ability.Obiteljska pismenost važan je pokazatelj djetetova jezičnog razvoja i razvoja pismenosti. Ovo je istraživanje proučavalo odnose između različitih aspekata obiteljske pismenosti i različitih mjera dječjeg jezika, procijenjenih u tri okruženja, tj. u strukturiranoj testovnoj situaciji, kod kuće i u vrtiću. Uzorak je uključivao 80 predÅ”kolske djece, odabranih slučajnim odabirom u 13 vrtića, u dobi od 4 godine. Kvaliteta okruženja obiteljske pismenosti procijenjena je od strane majki pomoću Upitnika o okruženju obiteljske pismenosti. Ispitivač je procijenio jezični razvoj i sposobnost prepričavanja priča, dok su majke i predÅ”kolske odgajateljice procijenile spontani jezik. Okruženje obiteljske pismenosti važan je faktor u razvoju djetetove sposobnosti prepričavanja priča i složenosti spontanog jezika koji se koristi u dobu i u vrtiću. Obrazovanje majke povezano je s kvalitetom okruženja obiteljske pismenosti i s mjerama dječjeg jezika, osim s procjenama majke. Rezultati su korisni za razumijevanje uloge obiteljskog okruženja u razvoju različitih aspekata dječjeg jezika i važnosti procjene dječjeg jezika u raznim okruženjima, na taj način pružajući kompletnu procjenu njegovih jezičnih sposobnosti

    Triage of patients with acute coronary syndrome at the emergency department: A retrospective study

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    Brendan McCormack - ORCID: 0000-0001-8525-8905 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8525-8905Background: Acute coronary syndrome represents a considerable challenge worldwide as one of the causes of death; its diagnosis is often very complex. It includes acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation, acute myocardial infarction without ST-segment elevation, unstable angina pectoris, and sudden cardiac arrest. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 678 patients who were admitted to the emergency department between 2015 and 2019 with acute coronary syndrome. Triage data were reviewed for vital signs, baseline characteristics, chief complaints, demographic variables, mode and time of arrival, triage, diagnosis, and treatment. Regression was used to identify key symptoms and patient characteristics at triage encounter to predict acute coronary syndrome. Results: A total of 678 triage records were identified. The average age of the sample was 67 years old, 58.6% male, and 31.8% came by themselves to the emergency department. The most common diagnosis was acute myocardial infarctions without ST elevation (38.2%). Chest pain and difficulty in breathing were the two most common symptoms. Most patients were not assigned to the appropriate triage category, i.e., were diagnosed as less urgent. Discussion and conclusion: This study presents the triage of patients with acute coronary syndrome at the emergency department to provide a comprehensive insight into their care. By identifying patient symptoms at the emergency department, nurse triage recognizes patients with acute coronary syndrome on time, thus increasing the accuracy of determining the triage category, which will impact the treatment outcome of patients. Ā©2023 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. All rights reserved.https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110786088-009pubpu

    Razlike med spoloma v govoru otrok: Metaanaliza slovenskih studij

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    Child gender has been proved to affect toddlersā€™/childrenā€™s language development in several studies, but its effect was not found to be stable across different ages or various aspects of language ability. The effect of gender on toddlerā€™s, childrenā€™s and adolescentsā€™ language ability was examined in the present meta-analysis of ten Slovenian studies (nine cross-sectional studies and one longitudinal study). The ten studies were published between 2004 and 2016 and included a total of 3,657 toddlers, children and adolescents, aged from 8 months to 15 years. The language outcome measures refer to different aspects of language ability, including vocabulary, mean length of utterance, sentence complexity, language expression and comprehension, storytelling ability and metalinguistic awareness. Across the studies, language ability was assessed using different approaches and instruments, most of which were standardised on samples of Slovenianspeaking children. Based on the reported arithmetic means and standard deviations, the effect sizes of gender for each of the included studies were calculated, as well as the average effect size of gender across the different studies. The findings of the meta-analysis showed that the effect size of gender on toddlersā€™/childrenā€™s/adolescentsā€™ language largely depended on their age and the aspect of language measured. The effect sizes increased with childrenā€™s increasing age. All significant effects proved to be in favour of girls. The findings were interpreted in relation to the characteristics of language development and social cultural factors that can contribute to gender differences in language ability. (DIPF/Orig.

    Association between triage nurses\u27 job satisfaction and professional capability: results of a mixed-method study

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    Aim This study aims to examine factors related to the job satisfaction of triaging nurses and their professional capability in the clinical setting. Background Triage is a complex process that relies on making decisions in favour of the patient and his treatment. The professional capability of a triaging nurse is an important psychological construct of job satisfaction. Methods The study used a mixed-method methodology, with data collection based on an explanatory research design. The research instrument in the quantitative part was a survey questionnaire, and in the qualitative part, a semi-structured interview. The results were integrated using the ā€˜Pillar Integration Processā€™. Results There are significant relationships between professional capability and job satisfaction. Six main topics were exposed: characteristics and traits, work organization, safety is the key, burdening circumstances, capability and self-evaluation. Conclusion Professional capability is associated with job satisfaction. The necessary managerial changes should be made to achieve job satisfaction and develop professional competence while focusing on already trained and competent triage nurses, as satisfied triage nurses will stay longer in the institution. Implications for Nursing Management The manager\u27s job is to be aware of the level of job satisfaction, take care to develop their employee\u27s professional capability and take action in case of disrupted balance

    Knowledge and use of modern guidelines for administering intramuscular injection

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    Teoretična izhodiŔča: Intramuskularna injekcija je paranteralni, preventivni ali kurativni način aplikacije zdravila v miŔično tkivo in predstavlja najpogosteje izvajano intervencijo v dnevni rutini medicinskih sester. Številne raziskave kažejo, da se aplikacija intramuskularne injekcije ne izvaja vedno v skladu s priporočili, ki so osnovana na raziskovalnih dokazih, zato je bil namen raziskati poznavanje, veŔčine in izkuŔnje medicinskih sester, zaposlenih na primarnem nivoju zdravstvenega varstva, o aplikaciji intramuskularne injekcije. Raziskovalna metodologija: Izvedli smo presečno opazovalno raziskavo. V raziskavo smo vključili 116 medicinskih sester, zaposlenih na primarnem nivoju zdravstvenega varstva. Podatke smo zbrali z anketnim vpraŔalnikom, rezultate pa s pomočjo programov za statistično analizo Microsoft Office Excel 2016 in IBM SPSS Statistics 24 z uporabo deskriptivnih statističnih metod. Rezultati: Raziskava je pokazala, da se medicinske sestre (87 %) najpogosteje odločijo za uporabo dorzoglutealne strani pri aplikaciji intramuskularne injekcije, medtem ko ventroglutealna stran večini (75,9 %) anketirancev ostaja nepoznana. Medicinske sestre se izogibajo ventroglutealni strani zaradi pomanjkljivega znanja (19,6 %), strahu pred poŔkodovanjem pacienta (8,5 %), nepoznavanja ventroglutealne strani (29 %) in lokalizacije vbodnega mesta (10,3 %). Diskusija in zaključek: Raziskava je pokazala, da so izkuŔnje in znanje medicinskih sester o aplikaciji intramuskularne injekcije v ventroglutealni predel omejeni. Medicinske sestre Ŕe vedno izvajajo aplikacijo intramuskularne injekcije po tradicionalnih metodah dela, saj o novejŔih rezultatih raziskav niso obveŔčene. Pomanjkljivo znanje poznavanja sodobnih smernic s področja intramuskularne injekcije predstavlja priložnost za dodatne raziskave. Medicinske sestre je treba izobraziti, usposobiti in spodbuditi k aplikaciji intramuskularne injekcije v ventroglutealno stran ter uporabi na dokazih utemeljene zdravstvene nege.Theoretical background: Intramuscular injection is the paranteral, preventive or curative route of drug administration into the muscle tissue and represents the most commonly performed intervention in nursing daily routine. Numerous studies show that intramuscular injection is not always performed in accordance with recommendations based on research evidence. The purpose was to investigate the knowledge, skills and experience of staff nurses about intramuscular injection in the primary level of health care. Research methods: We conducted a cross-sectional observational study. The study included 116 nurses, employed in the primary level of healthcare. Data were collected using a questionnaire and the results were analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel 2016 and IBM SPSS Statistics and descriptive statistics. Results: Results showed that the majority of the nurses (87%) are more likely to use the dorsogluteal site for intramuscular injections, while the ventrogluteal site remains unknown to most (75.9 %) of the respondents. Nurses avoid the ventrogluteal site due to the lack of knowledge (19.6 %), fear of injuring the patient (8.5 %), unfamiliarity with the ventrogluteal site (29 %) or ignorance of the injection site (10.3 %). Discussion and conclusion: The study has found that nurses\u27 experience and knowledge of the administration of intramuscular injection into the ventrogluteal region is limited. Nurses are still administering the intramuscular injection application according to traditional methods of work, as no recent research findings have been reported. A lack of knowledge on modern guidelines in the field of intramuscular injection is the opportunity for additional research. Nurses should be educated, trained and encouraged to use the appropriate ventrogluteal site and evidence based practice

    Nurses ā€˜Job Satisfaction with the Implementation of the Triage Process Depending on their Professional Capability

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    Uvod: Triaža je kompleksen proces, ki sloni na sprejemanju odločitev v prid bolnika in njegovega zdravljenja. Profesionalna usposobljenost je v zdravstveni negi nujna za zagotavljanje bolnikove varnosti, zadovoljstva in kakovostne oskrbe. Neizogiben del zadovoljstva in psiholoŔke trdnosti na delovnem mestu sta čustvena stabilnost in trdnost. Metode: V raziskavi smo uporabili metodologijo meŔanih metod. Pridobivanje podatkov je potekalo s pojasnjevalnim načrtom raziskovanja. Instrument raziskovanja v kvantitativnem delu je bil anketni vpraŔalnik, v kvalitativnem delu pa delno strukturiran intervju. Za izvedbo opisne in sklepne statistične obdelave kvantitativnih podatkov raziskave smo uporabili program IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0. Za obdelavo kvalitativnih podatkov smo uporabili tematsko analizo besedila. Kvantitativni in kvalitativni rezultati so bili integrirani z uporabo procesa stebrne integracije. Rezultati: Izpostavili smo Ŕest glavnih tem: sposobnosti in karakteristike, organizacija dela, varnost je ključna, oteževalne okoliŔčine, usposobljenost in samoevalvacija. Medicinske sestre z več kot tremi leti delovnih izkuŔenj v triaži so dosegle viŔje ocene v vseh domenah zadovoljstva (p < 0,05). Ugotovili smo zmerno pozitivno korelacijo med domenama zadovoljstva in profesionalne usposobljenosti (r = 0,211**p < 0,01). Razprava in sklep: Na podlagi rezultatov Ŕtudije smo ugotovili, da poklicna usposobljenost vpliva na zadovoljstvo pri delu. Zato bi bilo treba poskrbeti za uvedbo potrebnih sprememb v doseganju zadovoljstva in razvoja profesionalne usposobljenosti, obenem pa dati poudarek na že usposobljene in kompetentne triažne sestre, saj bodo le-te verjetneje ostale v instituciji dlje, če bodo zadovoljne na svojem delovnem položaju.Introduction: Triage is a complex process that relies on making decisions in favor of the patient and his treatment. Professional training in nursing is essential to ensure patient safety, satisfaction and quality care. An inevitable part of job satisfaction is emotional stability and strength, which represent the psychological strength of a nurse. Methods: In the following research we used the mixed methods methodology. Data acquisition was carried out with an explanatory research plan. The leading research instrument was a questionnaire in the quantitative part, and a semi-structured interview in the qualitative part of the research work. IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 was used to perform descriptive and concluding statistical processing of survey data. For the processing of qualitative data, we followed the methodology of thematic analysis of the text. Quantitative and qualitative results were integrated using a pillar integration process. Results: During integration process, six pillar of intergration have been exposed: skills and characteristics, work organization, safety, aggravating circumstances, professional capability and self-evaluation. Triage nurses with more than three years of work experience in triage achieved higher scores in all domains of satisfaction (p < 0,05). A moderate positive correlation has been found between the domain of job satisfaction and professional capability (0.211 **

    Relation between infants&#39;&#47;toddlers&#39; developmental status and their levels of object play

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    The purpose of introduced study was to establish the connection between the highest achieved levels of infant&#39; and toddler&#39;s object play and their developmental status. 23 Slovenian infants and toddlers were included in the sample. They were engaged in solitary play with standard toys. Global and partial quotients were established using the early childhood development scale RT-R. The levels of child&#39;s solitary play were estimated using assesment scale designed by Belsky and Most. The results showed some statisticaly significant correlations between children&#39;s developmental qoutients (global and partial) and their highest achieved levels of object play. As the basis for the interpretation of results I used the theories which explain the development of child&#39;s language, cognition and play

    Parentsā€™ Views on Quality Programmes for Children and the Risks and Benefits They Bring to Preschool Childrenā€™s Development and Learning

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    The aim of this study, which combines a qualitative and a quantitative approach, was to investigate by which standards Slovenian parents of preschool children define a high-quality childrenā€™s programme that can be watched on different screens. In addition, we were interested in parentsā€™ views on the risks and benefits that programmes designed for children bring to the childā€™s early development and learning. The sample included 239 parents of children aged 1 to 6 years. The results show that, on average, children were exposed to screens at the age of two, but individual differences in both the age of first exposure and the frequency of exposure to screen content were substantial. Parents mostly used restrictive mediation to regulate their childrenā€™s screen exposure. Overall, parents attached great importance to the different aspects of quality childrenā€™s programme and rated aesthetic quality, entertainment and involvement as three very important elements. The standards by which they judged the quality of childrenā€™s programme were related to their education and the age of the child. They emphasised the positive effects of childrenā€™s programmes on the childā€™s emotional and language development, imagination and creativity, as well as on the development of social skills and play. On the other hand, the parents were most concerned about violent content, the modelling of inappropriate behaviour and the choice of words in childrenā€™s programmes