17 research outputs found

    Serious Adverse Drug Reactions in Children and Adolescents Treated On- and Off-Label with Antidepressants and Antipsychotics in Clinical Practice

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    Introduction: Despite the growing evidence base for psychotropic drug treatment in pediatric patients, knowledge about the benefit-risk ratio in clinical practice remains limited. The 'Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)-VIGIL' study aimed to evaluate serious adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in children and adolescents treated with antidepressants and/or antipsychotics in approved ('on-label'), and off-label use in clinical practice. Methods: Psychiatric pediatric patients aged 6-18 years treated with antidepressants and/or antipsychotics either on-label or off-label were prospectively followed between October 2014 and December 2018 within a multicenter trial. Follow-up included standardized assessments of response, serious ADRs and therapeutic drug monitoring. Results: 710 youth (age=14.6±2.2 years, female=66.6%) were observed for 5.5 months on average; 76.3% received antidepressants, 47.5% antipsychotics, and 25.2% both. Altogether, 55.2% of the treatment episodes with antidepressants and 80.7% with antipsychotics were off-label. Serious ADRs occurred in 8.3% (95%CI=6.4-10.6%) of patients, mainly being psychiatric adverse reactions (77.4%), predominantly suicidal ideation and behavior. The risk of serious ADRs was not significantly different between patients using psychotropics off-label and on-label (antidepressants: 8.1% vs. 11.3%, p=0.16; antipsychotics: 8.7% vs 7.5%, p=0.67). Serious ADRs occurred in 16.6% of patients who were suicidal at enrollment versus 5.6% of patients who were not suicidal (relative risk 3.0, 95%CI=1.9-4.9). Conclusion: Off-label use of antidepressants and antipsychotics in youth was not a risk factor for the occurrence of serious ADRs in a closely monitored clinical setting. Results from large naturalistic trials like ours can contribute to bridging the gap between knowledge from randomized controlled trials and real-world clinical settings

    Therapeutic drug monitoring of sertraline in children and adolescents: A naturalistic study with insights into the clinical response and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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    BACKGROUND Sertraline is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor with specific indications in child and adolescent psychiatry. Notwithstanding its frequent use and clinical benefits, the relationship between pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, efficacy, and tolerability of sertraline across indications, particularly in non-adult patients, is not fully understood. METHOD This naturalistic therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) study was conducted in a transdiagnostic sample of children and adolescents treated with sertraline (n = 78; mean age, 14.22 ± 2.39; range, 7-18 years) within the prospective multicenter "TDM-VIGIL" project. Associations between dose, serum concentration, and medication-specific therapeutic and side effects based on the Clinical Global Impression scale were examined. Tolerability was measured qualitatively with the 56-item Pediatric Adverse Event Rating Scale. RESULTS A strong linear positive dose-serum concentration relationship (with dose explaining 45% of the variance in concentration) and significant effects of weight and co-medication were found. Neither dose nor serum concentration were associated with side effects. An overall mild-to-moderate tolerability profile of sertraline was observed. In contrast with the transdiagnostic analysis that did not indicate an effect of concentration, when split into depression (MDD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) diagnoses, the probability of clinical improvement significantly increased as both dose and concentration increased for OCD, but not for MDD. CONCLUSIONS This TDM-flexible-dose study revealed a significant diagnosis-specific effect between sertraline serum concentration and clinical efficacy for pediatric OCD. While TDM already guides clinical decision-making regarding compliance, dose calibration, and drug-drug interactions, combining TDM with other methods, such as pharmacogenetics, may facilitate a personalized medicine approach in psychiatry

    Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Children and Adolescents: Findings on Fluoxetine from the TDM-VIGIL Trial

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    Fluoxetine is the recommended first-line antidepressant in many therapeutic guidelines for children and adolescents. However, little is known about the relationships between drug dose and serum level as well as the therapeutic serum reference range in this age group. Within a large naturalistic observational prospective multicenter clinical trial (“TDM-VIGIL”), a transdiagnostic sample of children and adolescents (n = 138; mean age, 15; range, 7–18 years; 24.6% males) was treated with fluoxetine (10–40 mg/day). Analyses of both the last timepoint and all timepoints (n = 292 observations), utilizing (multiple) linear regressions, linear mixed-effect models, and cumulative link (mixed) models, were used to test the associations between dose, serum concentration, outcome, and potential predictors. The receiver operating curve and first to third interquartile methods, respectively, were used to examine concentration cutoff and reference values for responders. A strong positive relationship was found between dose and serum concentration of fluoxetine and its metabolite. Higher body weight was associated with lower serum concentrations, and female sex was associated with lower therapeutic response. The preliminary reference ranges for the active moiety (fluoxetine+norfluoxetine) were 208–328 ng/mL (transdiagnostically) and 201.5–306 ng/mL (depression). Most patients showed marked (45.6%) or minimal (43.5%) improvements and reported no adverse effects (64.9%). This study demonstrated a clear linear dose–serum level relationship for fluoxetine in youth, with the identified reference range being within that established for adults

    Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of children and adolescents treated with tiapride

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    Tiaprid wird bei Kindern und Jugendlichen im deutschsprachigen Raum als Mittel der ersten Wahl zur Behandlung von Ticstörungen off-label eingesetzt. Es gilt dabei die generelle Empfehlung, Therapeutischen Drug Monitoring (TDM) bei der Behandlung von Minderjährigen mit Neuro-/Psychopharmaka durchzuführen. Therapeutische Referenzbereiche für Tiaprid sind bisher jedoch nur für erwachsene Patienten mit Chorea Huntington definiert worden (1000 bis 2000 ng/ml) (Hiemke et al., 2011). An ausgewählten Zentren im Rahmen des Kompetenznetzwerks Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie (www.tdm-kjp.com) wurden von 2007 bis 2014 standardisiert TDM-Daten erfasst, um den Zusammenhang zwischen Dosis, Serumkonzentration, Wirksamkeit und UAW von Tiaprid zu untersuchen sowie Hinweise auf einen möglichen alters- und diagnosespezifischen therapeutischen Referenzbereich zu generieren. Bei den 49 Patienten (mittleres Alter 12,5 Jahre; 84 % männlich) zeigte sich eine positive Korrelation (r= 0.76; p< .001) zwischen der Dosis (Mittelwert 354 mg) und der Serumkonzentration von Tiaprid (Mittelwert 1324 ng/ml) mit einer ausgeprägten interindividuellen Variabilität, jedoch keine Beziehung zwischen Serumkonzentration und Wirkeffekt (83,3 % profitierten) bzw. UAW in der Gesamtpopulation. Die Auswertung der Verlaufsmessungen von Patienten mit mehreren Messungen der Tiaprid-Serumkonzentration ergab beim dritten Messzeitpunkt eine negative Korrelation zwischen Wirkeffekt und Serumkonzentration (r= -.68; p= .032). Bei Patienten mit Serumkonzentrationen unter 2000 ng/ml wurde ein günstigerer klinischer Effekt dokumentiert als bei solchen mit Konzentrationen oberhalb dieses Wertes. Die ROC-Analyse ergab eine Sensitivität von 86 %, ab einer Konzentration von 618 ng/ml zu respondieren (AUC= .524). Kein Patient litt an einer schweren UAW und nur wenige Patienten unter leichten oder mittelschweren UAW (n=13). Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass der untere therapeutische Referenzbereich für jugendliche Patienten mit einer Tic-Störung bei etwa 600 ng/ml liegt und die obere Grenze von 2000 ng/ml auch als Orientierungswert auf Kinder und Jugendliche gelten könnte. Bevor diesbezüglich gültige Empfehlungen für den klinischen Alltag formuliert werden, müssen Studien mit höheren Fallzahlen und mehr kontrollierten Studiendesigns abgewartet werden. Background: Tiapride is used off-label as first-line treatment for children and adolescents with tic disorders in German speaking countries. Methods: Standardized TDM data were collected from 2007 to 2014 within the Competence Network Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (www.tdm-kjp.com) to investigate the correlation between dosage, serum concentration, effectiveness and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of tiapride. Additionally, information about a possible age- and diagnosis-specific therapeutic reference range should be obtained as the therapeutic reference ranges for tiapride are only available for adult patients with chorea Huntington (1000 to 2000 ng/ml). Results: In the 49 paediatric patients (mean age = 12.5 years, 84% male), a positive correlation (r = 0.76; p <.001) was found between tiapride dose (mean = 353.6 mg) and serum concentration (mean = 1324.0 ng/ml) with marked interindividual variability, but no relationship between serum concentration and effect (83.3% profit) nor ADRs. No patient suffered from severe ADRs and only a few patients had mild or moderate ADRs (n = 13). The evaluation of the measurements of patients with multiple measurements of the tiapride serum concentration (N = 10) showed a negative correlation between effect and serum concentration after one year treatment with tiapride (r = -.68, p = .032). A better outcome in patients with serum concentrations below 2000 ng / ml was observed. ROC analysis revealed a sensitivity of 86% from a concentration of 618 ng/ml in regard to the therapeutic response. Discussion: These results suggest that the lower therapeutic reference range in adolescent patients with tic disorders could be about 600 ng/ml and the upper limit of the adult therapeutic reference range of 2000 ng/ml could be a reference point as a guide to children and adolescents in terms of the incidence of ADRs and the expected effect

    Stackables: Faceted Browsing with Stacked Tangibles

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    Extended AbstractsInternational audienceWe demonstrate Stackables, tangible widgets designed for individual and collaborative faceted browsing. In contrast, current interfaces for browsing and search in large data spaces largely focus on supporting either individual or collaborative activities. Each stackable facet token represents search parameters that can be shared amongst collaborators, modified, and stored. We show how individuals or multiple people can interact with Stackables and combine them to formulate queries on realistic datasets. We have successfully used and evaluated Stackables in a user study with a dataset of over 1500 books and 12 facets with ranges of thousands of facet values

    Stackables: Combining Tangibles for Faceted Browsing

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    International audienceWe introduce Stackables: tangibles designed to support faceted information seeking in a variety of contexts. We are faced, more than ever, with tasks that require us to find, access, and act on information by ourselves or together with others. Current interfaces for browsing and search in large data spaces, however, largely focus on the support of either individual or collaborative activities. Stackables were designed to bridge this gap and be useful in meetings, for sharing results from individual search activities, and for realistic datasets including multiple facets with large value ranges. Each Stackable tangible represents search parameters that can be shared amongst collaborators, modified during an information seeking process, and stored and transferred. We describe Stackables, their flexible and expressive combination to formulate queries, and the underlying interaction concept in detail. An evaluation provides initial evidence of their usability in targeted and exploratory information seeking tasks

    Estimation of a preliminary therapeutic reference range for children and adolescents with tic disorders treated with tiapride

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    Purpose!#!Tiapride is commonly used in Europe for the treatment of tics. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between dose and serum concentrations of tiapride and potential influential pharmacokinetic factors in children and adolescents. In addition, a preliminary therapeutic reference range for children and adolescents with tics treated with tiapride was calculated.!##!Methods!#!Children and adolescents treated with tiapride at three university hospitals and two departments of child and adolescents psychiatry in Germany and Austria were included in the study. Patient characteristics, doses, serum concentrations, and therapeutic outcome were assessed during clinical routine care using standardised measures.!##!Results!#!In the 49 paediatric patients (83.7% male, mean age = 12.5 years), a positive correlation was found between tiapride dose (median 6.9 mg/kg, range 0.97-19.35) and serum concentration with marked inter-individual variability. The variation in dose explained 57% of the inter-patient variability in tiapride serum concentrations; age, gender, and concomitant medication did not contribute to the variability. The symptoms improved in 83.3% of the patients. 27.1% of the patients had mild or moderate ADRs. No patient suffered from severe ADRs.!##!Conclusions!#!This study shows that tiapride treatment was effective and safe in most patients with tics. Compared with the therapeutic concentration range established for adults with Chorea Huntington, our data hinted at a lower lower limit (560 ng/ml) and similar upper limit (2000 ng/ml)

    Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring zur Optimierung der Psychopharmakotherapie von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Update und Leitfaden für die Praxis

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    Trotz verbesserter Evidenzbasis bestehen in der kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie viele Unsicherheiten über die Wirkung und Verträglichkeit der häufig off-label oder in Kombinationstherapie verordneten Medikamente. Gerade auch vor dem Hintergrund der in vielen Fällen notwendigen mittel- bis langfristigen Einnahme sollen unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen in dieser Altersstufe möglichst minimiert und eine auf die individuellen Charakteristika der Patientin oder des Patienten zugeschnittene, effektive Dosierung gefunden werden. Kinder und Jugendliche scheinen nicht nur besonders anfällig für bestimmte unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen, sondern sind auch iatrogenen Risiken durch Dosierungs- oder Applikationsfehler ausgesetzt, die zu Unter- oder Überdosierungen führen können mit entsprechend negativen Auswirkungen auf den Therapieerfolg. Neben einer strengen Indikationsstellung sind daher eine präzise Dosisfindung sowie systematische Überwachung der Sicherheit der Psychopharmakotherapie unverzichtbar. In diesem Artikel wird Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring als hilfreiches klinisches Instrument vorgestellt und beschrieben, wie dessen richtige Anwendung sowohl die Wirksamkeit als auch die Sicherheit und Verträglichkeit einer Psychopharmakotherapie im Kindes- und Jugendalter zum unmittelbaren Nutzen für die Patientinnen und Patienten verbessern kann.Despite the improved evidence base, many uncertainties remain in child and adolescent psychiatric pharmacotherapy about the efficacy and tolerability of drugs, which are often prescribed off-label or in combination therapy in this age group. Because medium- to long-term use is unavoidable in many cases, clinicians should minimize adverse drug reactions as far as possible and tailor an effective dosage to the individual characteristics of the patient. Not only are children and adolescents particularly vulnerable to certain adverse drug effects, they are also exposed to iatrogenic risks from dosing or application errors, which can lead to under- or overdosing with correspondingly negative effects on the success of the therapy. In addition to determining a strict indication, it is therefore essential to establish precise dosage and systematic monitoring of the safety of the psychopharmacotherapy. This article introduces therapeutic drug monitoring as a useful clinical tool and describes how its correct application in practice can improve the efficacy as well as the safety and tolerability of psychotropic therapy in children and adolescents for the immediate benefit of patients

    Pollen metabolome analysis reveals adenosine as a major regulator of dendritic cell–primed TH cell responses

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    BACKGROUND: Water-soluble components from pollen modulate dendritic cell (DC) functions, such as IL-12 secretion and 3&#39;-5&#39;-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signaling and migration, possibly contributing to the establishment of a T(H)2-dominated immune response against pollen. Because these effects could not solely be attributed to the previously identified pollen-associated lipid mediators, the pollen metabolome was analyzed for candidate immunomodulatory substances. OBJECTIVE: We sought to perform an analysis of the effect of pollen-associated adenosine on DC function and T(H) cell differentiation. METHODS: Fractions of aqueous pollen extracts (APEs) were generated by means of ultrafiltration and were subjected simultaneously to biological tests and metabolome analysis (ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry) and ultraperformance liquid chromatography. Effects of pollen-derived adenosine on monocyte-derived DC cAMP signaling, cytokine response, and capacity to differentiate T(H) cells were studied. RESULTS: The less than 3-kd fraction of APEs comprised thousands of substances, including adenosine in micromolar concentrations. Pollen-derived adenosine mediated A₂ receptor-dependent induction of cAMP and inhibition of IL-12p70 in DCs. APEs digested with adenosine deaminase failed to mediate IL-12 inhibition. DCs of nonatopic donors exposed to APEs showed an adenosine-dependent reduced capacity to differentiate T(H)1 cells and an enhanced capacity to induce regulatory T cells and IL-10. DCs of atopic donors failed to induce IL-10 but instead induced IL-5 and IL-13. CONCLUSION: This study identifies adenosine out of thousands of metabolites as a potent immunoregulatory substance in pollen. It acts on the level of the DC, with differential effects in atopic and nonatopic donors