3,855 research outputs found

    Searching for evidence of jet-cloud interaction in radio galaxies. First results for 3C 381

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    We present results of Gemini spectroscopy and Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the 3C~381 radio galaxy. Possible ionising mechanisms for the Extended Emission-Line Region were studied through state-of-the-art diagnostic analysis employing line-ratios. Photoionisation from the central engine as well as mixed-medium photoionisation models fail in reproducing both the strengths and the behaviour of the highest-excitation lines, such as [NeV]3424, HeII, and [OIII}]5007, which are measured at very large distances from the AGN. Shock-ionisation models provide a better fit to the observation. Expanding shocks with velocities higher than 500 km/s are capable of reaching the observed intensity ratios for lines with different ionisation states and excitation degrees. This model also provide a direct explanation of the mechanical energy input needed to explain the high-velocity line-splitting observed in the velocity field.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures; to be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Long-Term Optical Monitoring of Eta Carinae. Multiband light curves for a complete orbital period

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    The periodicity of 5.5 years for some observational events occurring in Eta Carinae manifests itself across a large wavelength range and has been associated with its binary nature. These events are supposed to occur when the binary components are close to periastron. To detect the previous periastron passage of Eta Car in 2003, we started an intensive, ground-based, optical, photometric observing campaign. We continued observing the object to monitor its photometric behavior and variability across the entire orbital cycle. Our observation program consisted of daily differential photometry from CCD images, which were acquired using a 0.8 m telescope and a standard BVRI filter set at La Plata Observatory. The photometry includes the central object and the surrounding Homunculus nebula. We present up-to-date results of our observing program, including homogeneous photometric data collected between 2003 and 2008. Our observations demonstrated that Eta Car has continued increasing in brightness at a constant rate since 1998. In 2006, it reached its brightest magnitude (V ~ 4.7) since about 1860s. The object then suddenly reverted its brightening trend, fading to V = 5.0 at the beginning of 2007, and has maintained a quite steady state since then. We continue the photometric monitoring of Eta Car in anticipation of the next "periastron passage", predicted to occur at the beginning of 2009.Comment: Accepted by A&A. The paper contains 3 figures and 2 table

    Polarimetry of an Intermediate-age Open Cluster: NGC 5617

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    We present polarimetric observations in the UBVRI bands of 72 stars located in the direction of the medium age open cluster NGC 5617. Our intention is to use polarimetry as a tool membership identification, by building on previous investigations intended mainly to determine the cluster's general characteristics rather than provide membership suitable for studies such as stellar content and metallicity, as well as study the characteristics of the dust lying between the Sun and the cluster. The obsevations were carried out using the five-channel photopolarimeter of the Torino Astronomical Observatory attached to the 2.15m telescope at the Complejo Astron\'omico El Leoncito (CASLEO; Argentina. We are able to add 32 stars to the list of members of NGC 5617, and review the situation for others listed in the literature. In particular, we find that five blue straggler stars in the region of the cluster are located behind the same dust as the member stars are and we confirm the membership of two red giants. The proposed polarimetric memberships are compared with those derived by photometric and kinematical methods, with excellent results. Among the observed stars, we identify 10 with intrinsic polarization in their light. NGC 5617 can be polarimetrically characterized with Pmax=4.40P_{max}= 4.40% and θv=73∘.1 \theta_{v}= 73^\circ.1. The spread in polarization values for the stars observed in the direction of the cluster seems to be caused by the uneven distribution of dust in front of the cluster's face. Finally, we find that in the direction of the cluster, the interstellar medium is apparently free of dust, from the Sun's position up to the Carina-Sagittarius arm, where NGC 5617 seems to be located at its farthest border

    Spectroscopic observations of the cluster IC 2391

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    With the grating spectrograph of the Bosque Alegre telescope, which gives a dispersion of 42 A/mm, the brightest stars of the galactic cluster IC 2391 were taken,for the purpose of radial velocity measurements and for a provisional spectral classification in the MK system.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Spectroscopic observations of the cluster IC 2391

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    With the grating spectrograph of the Bosque Alegre telescope, which gives a dispersion of 42 A/mm, the brightest stars of the galactic cluster IC 2391 were taken,for the purpose of radial velocity measurements and for a provisional spectral classification in the MK system.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Penrose Limits, the Colliding Plane Wave Problem and the Classical String Backgrounds

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    We show how the Szekeres form of the line element is naturally adapted to study Penrose limits in classical string backgrounds. Relating the "old" colliding wave problem to the Penrose limiting procedure as employed in string theory we discuss how two orthogonal Penrose limits uniquely determine the underlying target space when certain symmetry is imposed. We construct a conformally deformed background with two distinct, yet exactly solvable in terms of the string theory on R-R backgrounds, Penrose limits. Exploiting further the similarities between the two problems we find that the Penrose limit of the gauged WZW Nappi-Witten universe is itself a gauged WZW plane wave solution of Sfetsos and Tseytlin. Finally, we discuss some issues related to singularity, show the existence of a large class of non-Hausdorff solutions with Killing Cauchy Horizons and indicate a possible resolution of the problem of the definition of quantum vacuum in string theory on these time-dependent backgrounds.Comment: Some misprints corrected. Matches the version in print. To appear in Classical & Quantum Gravit

    Klossiella cobayae associated With Chronic Interstitial Nephritis in Guinea Pigs

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    Infection with the renal coccidian parasite K. cobayae was detected in 6 conventionally kept Dunkin-Hartley guinea pigs, submitted for routine health monitoring at The National Veterinary Intsitute, Uppsala. Chronic inflammatory lesions were microscopically observed in the kidneys and the lungs of all animals
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