7,132 research outputs found

    Joint superexchange--Jahn-Teller mechanism for A-type antiferromagnetism in LaMnO3LaMnO_3

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    We propose a mechanism for A-type antiferromagnetism in orthorombic LaMnO_3, compatible with the large Jahn-Teller splitting inferred from structural data. Orbital ordering resulting from Jahn-Teller distortions effectively leads to A-type ordering (antiferromagnetic in the c axis and ferromagnetic in the ab plane) provided the in-plane distorsion Q_2 is large enough, a condition generally fulfilled in existing data.Comment: 4 pages Late

    Long Range Forces from Two Neutrino Exchange Revisited

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    The exchange of two massless neutrinos gives rise to a long range force which couples to weakly charged matter. As has been noted previously in the literature, the potential for this force is \VN \propto G_{F}^2 / r^5 with monopole-monople, spin-spin and more complicated interactions. Unfortunately, this is far too small to be observed in present day experiments. We calculate \VN explicitly in the electroweak theory, and show that under very general assumptions forces arising from the exchange of two massless fermions can at best yield 1/r51 / r^5 potentials.Comment: 5 pages + 1 figure (not included), UFIFT-HEP-92-28/HUTP-92-A04

    High momentum lepton pairs from jet-plasma interactions

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    We discuss the emission of high momentum lepton pairs (p_T>4 GeV) with low invariant masses (M << p_T) in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC (\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV). The spectra of dileptons produced through interactions of quark and antiquark jets with the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) have been calculated. Annihilation and Compton scattering processes, as well as processes benefitting from collinear enhancement, including Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effects, are calculated and convolved with a one dimensional hydrodynamic expansion. The jet-induced contributions are compared to thermal dilepton emission and Drell-Yan processes, and are found to dominate around p_T=4 GeV.Comment: Parallel talk given at QM2006, Shanghai November 2006. 4 pages, 3 figure

    The long-range interaction in massless (lambda Phi^4)_4 theory

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    Does massless (lambda Phi^4)_4 theory exhibit spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB)? The raw 1-loop result implies that it does, but the "RG-improved" result implies the opposite. I argue that the appropriate "low-energy effective theory" is a nonlocal field theory involving an attractive, long-range interaction Phi^2(x) Phi^2(y)/z^4, where z=|x-y|. RG improvement then requires running couplings for both this interaction and the original pointlike interaction. A crude calculation in this framework yields SSB even after "RG improvement" and closely agrees with the raw 1-loop result.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures (.eps

    A nonlinear model for gas chromatograph systems

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    Fundamental engineering design techniques and concepts were studied for the optimization of a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer chemical analysis system suitable for use on an unmanned, Martian roving vehicle. Previously developed mathematical models of the gas chromatograph are found to be inadequate for predicting peak heights and spreading for some experimental conditions and chemical systems. A modification to the existing equilibrium adsorption model is required; the Langmuir isotherm replaces the linear isotherm. The numerical technique of Crank-Nicolson was studied for use with the linear isotherm to determine the utility of the method. Modifications are made to the method eliminate unnecessary calculations which result in an overall reduction of the computation time of about 42 percent. The Langmuir isotherm is considered which takes into account the composition-dependent effects on the thermodynamic parameter, mRo

    Electronic spin precession and interferometry from spin-orbital entanglement in a double quantum dot

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    A double quantum dot inserted in parallel between two metallic leads allows to entangle the electron spin with the orbital (dot index) degree of freedom. An Aharonov-Bohm orbital phase can then be transferred to the spinor wavefunction, providing a geometrical control of the spin precession around a fixed magnetic field. A fully coherent behaviour is obtained in a mixed orbital/spin Kondo regime. Evidence for the spin precession can be obtained, either using spin-polarized metallic leads or by placing the double dot in one branch of a metallic loop.Comment: Final versio

    Programmable telemetry system Patent

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    Time division multiplexed telemetry transmitting system controlled by programmed memor

    Effects of Bose-Einstein Condensation on forces among bodies sitting in a boson heat bath

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    We explore the consequences of Bose-Einstein condensation on two-scalar-exchange mediated forces among bodies that sit in a boson gas. We find that below the condensation temperature the range of the forces becomes infinite while it is finite at temperatures above condensation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Effective Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians for Studying Resonance Statistics in Open Disordered Systems

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    We briefly discuss construction of energy-dependent effective non-hermitian hamiltonians for studying resonances in open disordered systemsComment: Latex, 20 pages, 1 fig. Expanded version of a talk at the Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics IX, June 21-24 2010, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Accepted for publication in the Internationa Journal of Theoretical Physics (Springer Verlag

    Dynamical Casimir-Polder interaction between an atom and surface plasmons

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    We investigate the time-dependent Casimir-Polder potential of a polarizable two-level atom placed near a surface of arbitrary material, after a sudden change in the parameters of the system. Different initial conditions are taken into account. For an initially bare ground-state atom, the time-dependent Casimir-Polder energy reveals how the atom is "being dressed" by virtual, matter-assisted photons. We also study the transient behavior of the Casimir-Polder interaction between the atom and the surface starting from a partially dressed state, after an externally induced change in the atomic level structure or transition dipoles. The Heisenberg equations are solved through an iterative technique for both atomic and field operators in the medium-assisted electromagnetic field quantization scheme. We analyze in particular how the time evolution of the interaction energy depends on the optical properties of the surface, in particular on the dispersion relationof surface plasmon polaritons. The physical significance and the limits of validity of the obtained results are discussed in detail.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure
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