135 research outputs found

    Spontaneous vortex state and φ\varphi-junction in a superconducting bijunction with a localized spin

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    A Josephson bijunction made of three superconductors connected by a quantum dot is considered in the regime where the dot carries a magnetic moment. In the range of parameters where such a dot, if inserted in a two-terminal Josephson junction, creates a π\pi-shift of the phase, the bijunction forming a triangular unit is frustrated. This frustration is studied both within a phenomenological and a microscopic model. Frustration stabilizes a phase vortex centered on the dot, with two degenerate states carrying opposite vorticities, independently of the direction of the magnetic moment. Embedding the bijunction in a superconducting loop allows to create a tunable "φ\varphi"-junction whose equilibrium phase can take any value. For large enough inductance, it generates noninteger spontaneous flux. Multi-loop configurations are also studied

    Splitting electronic spins with a Kondo double dot device

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    We present a simple device made of two small capacitively coupled quantum dots in parallel. This set-up can be used as an efficient "Stern-Gerlach" spin filter, able to simultaneously produce, from a normal metallic lead, two oppositely spin-polarized currents when submitted to a local magnetic field. Our proposal is based on the realization of a Kondo effect where spin and orbital degrees of freedom are entangled, allowing a spatial separation between the two spin polarized currents. In the low temperature Kondo regime, the efficiency is very high and the device conductance reaches the unitary limit, e2h\frac{e^2}{h} per spin branch.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Partially resummed perturbation theory for multiple Andreev reflections in a short three-terminal Josephson junction

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    In a transparent three-terminal Josephson junction, modeling nonequilibrium transport is numerically challenging, owing to the interplay between multiple Andreev reflection (MAR) thresholds and multipair resonances in the pair current. An approximate method, coined as "partially resummed perturbation theory in the number of nonlocal Green's functions", is presented that can be operational on a standard computer and demonstrates compatibility with results existing in the literature. In a linear structure made of two neighboring interfaces (with intermediate transparency) connected by a central superconductor, tunneling through each of the interfaces separately is taken into account to all orders. On the contrary, nonlocal processes connecting the two interfaces are accounted for at the lowest relevant order. This yields logarithmically divergent contributions at the gap edges, which are sufficient as a semi-quantitative description. The method is able to describe the current in the full two-dimensional voltage range, including commensurate as well as incommensurate values. The results found for the multipair (for instance quartet) current-phase characteristics as well as the MAR thresholds are compatible with previous results. At intermediate transparency, the multipair critical current is much larger than the background MAR current, which supports an experimental observation of the quartet and multipair resonances. The paper provides a proof of principle for addressing in the future the interplay between quasiparticles and multipairs in four-terminal structures.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, improvements in the presentation, Eur. Phys. J. B in pres

    Enhancement of Cooper pair splitting by multiple scattering

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    In three-terminal NSN hybrid structures the influence of additional barriers on the nonlocal conductance and on current cross-correlations is studied within a scattering theory. In metallic systems with additional barriers and phase averaging, which simulate disordered regions, local processes can be enhanced by reflectionless tunneling but this mechanism has little influence on nonlocal processes and on current cross-correlations. Therefore Cooper pair splitting cannot be enhanced by reflectionless tunneling. On the contrary, in ballistic systems, additional barriers lead to Fabry-Perot resonances and allow to separate the different contributions to the conductance and to the current cross-correlations. In particular, crossed Andreev processes can be selectively enhanced by tuning the length or the chemical potential of the interbarrier region.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, 1 tabl

    Absence of split pairs in the cross-correlations of a highly transparent normal metal-superconductor-normal metal electron beam splitter

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    The nonlocal conductance and the current cross-correlations are investigated within scattering theory for three-terminal normal metal-superconductor-normal metal (NSN) hybrid structures. The positive cross-correlations at high transparency found by M\'elin, Benjamin and Martin [Phys. Rev. B 77, 094512 (2008)] are not due to crossed Andreev reflection. On the other hand, local processes can be enhanced by reflectionless tunneling but this mechanism has little influence on nonlocal processes and on current cross-correlations. Therefore Cooper pair splitting cannot be enhanced by reflectionless tunneling. Overall, this shows that NSN structures with highly transparent or effectively highly transparent interfaces are not suited to experimentally producing entangled split pairs of electrons.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1211.534

    Phase-sensitive transport at a normal metal-superconductor interface close to a Josephson junction

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    Phase- and voltage bias-sensitive quasiparticle transport at a double NIS1IS2NIS_1IS_2 interface is considered. The barriers II range from tunnel to transparent, and the intermediate region S1S_1 has a width comparable to the superconducting coherence length. A phase difference φ\varphi is applied to the Josephson junction S1IS2S_1IS_2. The normal and Andreev reflections at the NIS1NIS_1 interface become φ\varphi-sensitive, and transport is governed by interferences within the narrow S1S_1 region, both in the normal and anomalous channels. The subgap conductance is separately (energy EE)- and (phase φ\varphi)- symmetric. Above the superconducting gap, the conductance is in general not symmetric even if (E,φ)(E,\varphi) is changed in (E,φ)(-E,-\varphi), but the symmetry is restored by averaging Fermi oscillations. The Tomasch oscillations are amplified by the phase difference. The subgap conductance exhibits a resonant structure at the energy of the Andreev bound states (ABS) of the S1IS2S_1IS_2 junction, providing a side-spectroscopy of such states. Depending on the relative transparencies of the junctions, the resonance can increase or reduce the conductance, and it can even vanish for φ=π\varphi=\pi, featuring total reflection of quasiparticles at NS1NS_1 by the ABS at S1S2S_1S_2.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    A quantum interferometer for quartets in superconducting three-terminal Josephson junctions

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    An interferometric device is proposed in order to analyze the quartet mode in biased three-terminal Josephson junctions (TTJs), and to provide experimental evidence for emergence of a single stationary phase, the so-called quartet phase. In such a quartet-Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (quartet-SQUID), the flux sensitivity exhibits period hc/4e{hc}/{4e}, which is the fingerprint of a transient intermediate state involving two entangled Cooper pairs. The quartet-SQUID provides two informations: an amplitude that measures a total ``quartet critical current'', and a phase lapse coming from the superposition of the following two current components: the quartet supercurrent that is odd in the quartet phase, and the phase-sensitive multiple Andreev reflection (phase-MAR) quasiparticle current, that is even in the quartet phase. This makes a TTJ a generically "θ\theta-junction". Evidence for phase-MARs plays against conservative scenarii involving synchronization of AC Josephson currents, based on ``adiabatic'' phase dynamics and RSJ-like models.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, revised manuscript (minor modifications

    Phonon-mediated negative differential conductance in molecular quantum dots

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    Transport through a single molecular conductor is considered, showing negative differential conductance behavior associated with phonon-mediated electron tunneling processes. This theoretical work is motivated by a recent experiment by Leroy et al. using a carbon nanotube contacted by an STM tip [Nature {\bf 432}, 371 (2004)], where negative differential conductance of the breathing mode phonon side peaks could be observed. A peculiarity of this system is that the tunneling couplings which inject electrons and those which collect them on the substrate are highly asymmetrical. A quantum dot model is used, coupling a single electronic level to a local phonon, forming polaron levels. A "half-shuttle" mechanism is also introduced. A quantum kinetic formulation allows to derive rate equations. Assuming asymmetric tunneling rates, and in the absence of the half-shuttle coupling, negative differential conductance is obtained for a wide range of parameters. A detailed explanation of this phenomenon is provided, showing that NDC is maximal for intermediate electron-phonon coupling. In addition, in absence of a gate, the "floating" level results in two distinct lengths for the current plateaus, related to the capacitive couplings at the two junctions. It is shown that the "half-shuttle" mechanism tends to reinforce the negative differential regions, but it cannot trigger this behavior on its own

    Sub-Gap Structure in the Conductance of a Three-Terminal Josephson Junction

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    Three-terminal superconductor (S) - normal metal (N) - superconductor (S) Josephson junctions are investigated. In a geometry where a T-shape normal metal is connected to three superconducting reservoirs, new sub-gap structures appear in the differential resistance for specific combinations of the superconductor chemical potentials. Those correspond to a correlated motion of Cooper pairs within the device that persist well above the Thouless energy and is consistent with the prediction of quartets formed by two entangled Cooper pairs. A simplified nonequilibrium Keldysh Green's function calculation is presented that supports this interpretation.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Spin-orbital Kondo decoherence by environmental effects in capacitively coupled quantum dot devices

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    Strong correlation effects in a capacitively coupled double quantum-dot setup were previously shown to provide the possibility of both entangling spin-charge degrees of freedom and realizing efficient spin-filtering operations by static gate-voltage manipulations. Motivated by the use of such a device for quantum computing, we study the influence of electromagnetic noise on a general spin-orbital Kondo model, and investigate the conditions for observing coherent, unitary transport, crucial to warrant efficient spin manipulations. We find a rich phase diagram, where low-energy properties sensitively depend on the impedance of the external environment and geometric parameters of the system. Relevant energy scales related to the Kondo temperature are also computed in a renormalization-group treatment, allowing to assess the robustness of the device against environmental effects.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. Minor modifications in V