14 research outputs found

    Learning from the input: syntactic, semantic and phonological cues to the noun category in English

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    [spa] Las l铆neas centrales de la teor铆a ling眉铆stica de los 煤ltimos a帽os han descrito la adquisici贸n y el desarrollo de primeras lenguas como un proceso basado en el conocimiento innato de las propiedades gramaticales de la lengua por parte de los ni帽os aprendices. Tales descripciones del desarrollo sint谩ctico asumen que el entorno ling眉铆stico al que los ni帽os est谩n expuestos es demasiado limitado como para dar lugar al aprendizaje de una lengua (es decir, el llamado argumento de la pobreza del est铆mulo). As铆 pues, seg煤n esta visi贸n, es el conocimiento ling眉铆stico innato lo que permite a los ni帽os llegar a ser hablantes competentes de su propia lengua nativa. Este estudio se plantea el objetivo de cuestionar esta visi贸n y muestra evidencia emp铆rica con la que se puede inferir que los ni帽os pueden adquirir conocimientos gramaticales a partir de la experiencia y de la informaci贸n que reciben del entorno

    When meaning is not enough: Distributional and semantic cues to word categorization in child directed speech

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    One of the most important tasks in first language development is assigning words to their grammatical category. The Semantic Bootstrapping Hypothesis postulates that, in order to accomplish this task, chil dren are guided by a neat correspondence between semantic and grammatical categories, since nouns typically refer to objects and verbs to actions. It is this correspondence that guides children's initial word categorization. Other approaches, on the other hand, suggest that children might make use of distributional cues and word contexts to accomplish the word categorization task. According to such approaches, the Semantic Bootstrapping assumption offers an important limitation, as it might not be true that all the nouns that children hear refer to specific objects or people. In order to explore that, we carried out two studies based on analyses of children's linguistic input. We analyzed child-directed speech addressed to four children under the age of 2;6, taken from the CHILDES database. The corpora were selected from the Manchester corpus. The corpora from the four selected children contained a total of 10,681 word types and 364,196 word tokens. In our first study, discriminant analyses were performed using semantic cues alone. The results show that many of the nouns found in parents' speech do not relate to specific objects and that semantic information alone might not be sufficient for successful word categorization. Given that there must be an additional source of information which, alongside with semantics, might assist young learners in word categorization, our second study explores the availability of both distributional and semantic cues in child-directed speech. Our results confirm that this combination might yield better results for word categorization. These results are in line with theories that suggest the need for an integration of multiple cues from different sources in language development

    Language acquisition in a post-pandemic context: the impact of measures against COVID-19 on early language development

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    Language acquisition is influenced by the quality and quantity of input that language learners receive. In particular, early language development has been said to rely on the acoustic speech stream, as well as on language-related visual information, such as the cues provided by the mouth of interlocutors. Furthermore, children's expressive language skills are also influenced by the variability of interlocutors that provided the input. The COVID-19 pandemic has offered an unprecedented opportunity to explore the way these input factors affect language development. On the one hand, the pervasive use of masks diminishes the quality of speech, while it also reduces visual cues to language. On the other hand, lockdowns and restrictions regarding social gatherings have considerably limited the amount of interlocutor variability in children's input. The present study aims at analyzing the effects of the pandemic measures against COVID-19 on early language development. To this end, 41 children born in 2019 and 2020 were compared with 41 children born before 2012 using the Catalan adaptation of the MacArthur Bates Communicative Development Inventories (MB-CDIs). Results do not show significant differences in vocabulary between pre- and post-Covid children, although there is a tendency for children with lower vocabulary levels to be in the post-Covid group. Furthermore, a relationship was found between interlocutor variability and participants' vocabulary, indicating that those participants with fewer opportunities for socio-communicative diversity showed lower expressive vocabulary scores. These results reinforce other recent findings regarding input factors and their impact on early language learning

    Hand Position and Response Assignment Modulate the Activation of the Valence鈥怱pace Conceptual Metaphor

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    Conceptual metaphor is ubiquitous in language and thought, as we usually reason and talk about abstract concepts in terms of more concrete ones via metaphorical mappings that are hypothesized to arise from our embodied experience. One pervasive example is the conceptual projection of valence onto space, which flexibly recruits the vertical and lateral spatial frames to gain structure (e.g., GOOD IS UP-BAD IS DOWN and GOOD IS RIGHT-BAD IS LEFT). In the current study, we used a valence judgment task to explore the role that exogenous bodily cues (namely response hand positions) play in the allocation of spatial attention and the modulation of conceptual congru- ency effects. Experiment 1 showed that congruency effects along the vertical axis are weakened when task conditions (i.e., the use of vertical visual cues, on the one hand, and the horizontal alignment of responses, on the other) draw attention to both the vertical and lateral axes making them simultaneously salient. Experiment 2 evidenced that the vertical alignment of participants' hands while responding to the task驴regardless of the location of their dominant hand驴facilitates the judgment of positive and negative-valence words, as long as participants respond in a metaphor-congruent manner (i.e., up responses are good and down responses are bad). Overall, these results support the claim that source domain representations are dynamically activated in response to the context and that bodily states are an integral part of that context. Keywords: Conceptual metaphor; Embodiment; Valence spac

    Replantejament del sistema d'avaluaci贸 de Gram脿tica descriptiva de l'angl猫s I

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    Des del GID-Gram脿tica i ling眉铆stica anglesa hem estat treballant darrerament en la millora dels exercicis dissenyats en anteriors projectes i en la creaci贸 de nous materials did脿ctics per a l鈥檃ssignatura de Gram脿tica descriptiva de l鈥檃ngl猫s II i Lexicologia i morfologia anglesa, tant des de la perspectiva de l'alumnat (fitxes d鈥檈xercicis) com des de la del professorat (eines d'avaluaci贸 d'aprenentatge i il鈥ustraci贸 de continguts), els quals han esdevingut un eix fonamental de les actuacions d鈥檌nnovaci贸 docent dutes a terme fins ara. Durant el curs acad猫mic passat, alguns membres del grup han impartit l鈥檃ssignatura de Gram脿tica descriptiva de l鈥檃ngl猫s I i ens hem adonat que l鈥檃valuaci贸 d鈥檃questa assignatura requeria un replantejament urgent, ja que no anava en conson脿ncia amb la Gram脿tica descriptiva de l鈥檃ngl猫s II i no reflectia prou acuradament l鈥檃ssoliment de continguts per part de l鈥檃lumnat

    Elaboraci贸 d鈥檜n glossari sint脿ctico-sem脿ntic

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    En projectes anteriors hav铆em desenvolupat una base de dades de patrons sint脿ctics, la Clause Pattern DB (CPDB), als quals hav铆em associat estructures d鈥檃rbre i de la qual hem pogut extreure 脿gilment informaci贸 directament relacionada amb els continguts de la mat猫ria. Quant als beneficis pedag貌gics, cal destacar que aquest recurs docent est脿 contribuint, d'una banda, a la millora i ampliaci贸 dels tipus d鈥檈xercicis dissenyats en anteriors projectes i, d'una altra, a la creaci贸 de materials did脿ctics, ja sigui des de la perspectiva de l'alumnat (models d鈥檈xercicis diversos com per exemple, l鈥櫭簊 de bases de dades, an脿lisis sint脿ctiques amb estructures d鈥檃rbre, etc.) com des de la del professorat (eines d'avaluaci贸 d'aprenentatge i il鈥ustraci贸 de continguts). Arran d'aquesta innovaci贸, v脿rem detectar que l'alumnat de Gram脿tica descriptiva I, II i III i Lexicologia i morfologia anglesa (totes quatre assignatures s贸n obligat貌ries en el grau d鈥橢studis anglesos) mostrava certes confusions terminol貌giques, derivades de la manca d鈥檋omogene茂tzaci贸 terminol貌gica en aquestes assignatures. 脡rem conscients que aquesta confusi贸 terminol貌gica incidia negativament en l'assimilaci贸 de conceptes clau, aix铆 com en les an脿lisis sint脿ctiques que l鈥檃lumnat ha de produir a les esmentades assignatures. Ens v脿rem proposar, doncs, elaborar un glossari terminol貌gic i pilotar-lo a l鈥檃ula per determinar la seva incid猫ncia en l鈥檃prenentatge de l鈥檃lumnat

    Elaboraci贸 d'un glossari sint脿ctico-sem脿ntic

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    En projectes anteriors hav铆em desenvolupat una base de dades de patrons sint脿ctics, la Clause Pattern DB (CPDB), als quals hav铆em associat estructures d鈥檃rbre i de la qual hem pogut extreure 脿gilment informaci贸 directament relacionada amb els continguts de la mat猫ria. Quant als beneficis pedag貌gics, cal destacar que aquest recurs docent est脿 contribuint, d'una banda, a la millora i ampliaci贸 dels tipus d鈥檈xercicis dissenyats en anteriors projectes i, d'una altra, a la creaci贸 de materials did脿ctics, ja sigui des de la perspectiva de l'alumnat (models d鈥檈xercicis diversos com per exemple, l鈥櫭簊 de bases de dades, an脿lisis sint脿ctiques amb estructures d鈥檃rbre, etc.) com des de la del professorat (eines d'avaluaci贸 d'aprenentatge i il鈥ustraci贸 de continguts). Arran d'aquesta innovaci贸, detect脿rem que l'alumnat de Gram脿tica descriptiva I, II i III i Lexicologia i morfologia anglesa (totes quatre assignatures s贸n obligat貌ries en el grau d鈥橢studis anglesos) mostrava certes confusions terminol貌giques, derivades de la manca d鈥檋omogene茂tzaci贸 terminol貌gica en aquestes assignatures. 脡rem conscients que aquesta confusi贸 terminol貌gica incidia negativament en l'assimilaci贸 de conceptes clau, aix铆 com en les an脿lisis sint脿ctiques que l鈥檃lumnat ha de produir a les esmentades assignatures. Ens v脿rem proposar, doncs, elaborar un glossari terminol貌gic i pilotar-lo a l鈥檃ula per determinar la seva incid猫ncia en l鈥檃prenentatge de l鈥檃lumnat

    Morphosyntactic cues to noun categorization in English child-directed speech

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    Mainstream research in Linguistics claims that grammatical regularities are scarcely represented in the linguistic input to which children are exposed. However, recent empirical research shows that child-directed speech contains a series of reliable cues that might assist young language learners in language development. The present study aims at testing whether English child-directed speech contains morphosyntactic regularities which might be robust enough for infants to group nouns in their grammatical category. The results from the study show that, in fact, the kind of input available to English-learning infants contains reliable and consistent distributional cues to account for most of the nouns to which children are exposed