1,355 research outputs found

    Multidimensional Baker-Akhiezer functions and Huygens' Principle

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    A notion of rational Baker-Akhiezer (BA) function related to a configuration of hyperplanes in C^n is introduced. It is proved that BA function exists only for very special configurations (locus configurations), which satisfy certain overdetermined algebraic system. The BA functions satisfy some algebraically integrable Schrodinger equations, so any locus configuration determines such an equation. Some results towards the classification of all locus configurations are presented. This theory is applied to the famous Hadamard's problem of description of all hyperbolic equations satisfying Huygens' Principle. We show that in a certain class all such equations are related to locus configurations and the corresponding fundamental solutions can be constructed explicitly from the BA functions.Comment: 35 pages, LATEX, 2 figures included in graphicx. Submitted to Comm.Math.Phys. (Dec. 1998

    Gaudin Model, Bethe Ansatz and Critical Level

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    We propose a new method of diagonalization of hamiltonians of the Gaudin model associated to an arbitrary simple Lie algebra, which is based on Wakimoto modules over affine algebras at the critical level. We construct eigenvectors of these hamiltonians by restricting certain invariant functionals on tensor products of Wakimoto modules. In conformal field theory language, the eigenvectors are given by certain bosonic correlation functions. Analogues of Bethe ansatz equations naturally appear as Kac-Kazhdan type equations on the existence of certain singular vectors in Wakimoto modules. We use this construction to expalain a connection between Gaudin's model and correlation functions of WZNW models.Comment: 40 pages, postscript-file (references added and corrected

    V-systems, holonomy Lie algebras and logarithmic vector fields

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    It is shown that the description of certain class of representations of the holonomy Lie algebra associated to hyperplane arrangement Δ\Delta is essentially equivalent to the classification of ∹\vee-systems associated to Δ.\Delta. The flat sections of the corresponding ∹\vee-connection can be interpreted as vector fields, which are both logarithmic and gradient. We conjecture that the hyperplane arrangement of any ∹\vee-system is free in Saito's sense and show this for all known ∹\vee-systems and for a special class of ∹\vee-systems called harmonic, which includes all Coxeter systems. In the irreducible Coxeter case the potentials of the corresponding gradient vector fields turn out to be Saito flat coordinates, or their one-parameter deformations. We give formulas for these deformations as well as for the potentials of the classical families of harmonic ∹\vee-systems.Comment: 21 pages, slightly revised version, to appear in IMR

    Degenerate flag varieties: moment graphs and Schr\"oder numbers

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    We study geometric and combinatorial properties of the degenerate flag varieties of type A. These varieties are acted upon by the automorphism group of a certain representation of a type A quiver, containing a maximal torus T. Using the group action, we describe the moment graphs, encoding the zero- and one-dimensional T-orbits. We also study the smooth and singular loci of the degenerate flag varieties. We show that the Euler characteristic of the smooth locus is equal to the large Schr\"oder number and the Poincar\'e polynomial is given by a natural statistics counting the number of diagonal steps in a Schr\"oder path. As an application we obtain a new combinatorial description of the large and small Schr\"oder numbers and their q-analogues.Comment: 25 page

    Border Collision Route to Quasiperiodicity: Numerical Investigation and Experimental Confirmation

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    Numerical studies of higher-dimensional piecewise-smooth systems have recently shown how a torus can arise from a periodic cycle through a special type of border-collision bifurcation. The present article investigates this new route to quasiperiodicity in the two-dimensional piecewise-linear normal form map. We have obtained the chart of the dynamical modes for this map and showed that border-collision bifurcations can lead to the birth of a stable closed invariant curve associated with quasiperiodic or periodic dynamics. In the parameter regions leading to the existence of an invariant closed curve, there may be transitions between an ergodic torus and a resonance torus, but the mechanism of creation for the resonance tongues is distinctly different from that observed in smooth maps. The transition from a stable focus point to a resonance torus may lead directly to a new focus of higher periodicity, e.g., a period-5 focus. This article also contains a discussion of torus destruction via a homoclinic bifurcation in the piecewise-linear normal map. Using a dc-dc converter with two-level control as an example, we report the first experimental verification of the direct transition to quasiperiodicity through a border-collision bifurcation

    Factorizable ribbon quantum groups in logarithmic conformal field theories

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    We review the properties of quantum groups occurring as Kazhdan--Lusztig dual to logarithmic conformal field theory models. These quantum groups at even roots of unity are not quasitriangular but are factorizable and have a ribbon structure; the modular group representation on their center coincides with the representation on generalized characters of the chiral algebra in logarithmic conformal field models.Comment: 27pp., amsart++, xy. v2: references added, some other minor addition

    Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual quantum group for logarithmic extensions of Virasoro minimal models

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    We derive and study a quantum group g(p,q) that is Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual to the W-algebra W(p,q) of the logarithmic (p,q) conformal field theory model. The algebra W(p,q) is generated by two currents W+(z)W^+(z) and W−(z)W^-(z) of dimension (2p-1)(2q-1), and the energy--momentum tensor T(z). The two currents generate a vertex-operator ideal RR with the property that the quotient W(p,q)/R is the vertex-operator algebra of the (p,q) Virasoro minimal model. The number (2 p q) of irreducible g(p,q)-representations is the same as the number of irreducible W(p,q)-representations on which RR acts nontrivially. We find the center of g(p,q) and show that the modular group representation on it is equivalent to the modular group representation on the W(p,q) characters and ``pseudocharacters.'' The factorization of the g(p,q) ribbon element leads to a factorization of the modular group representation on the center. We also find the g(p,q) Grothendieck ring, which is presumably the ``logarithmic'' fusion of the (p,q) model.Comment: 52pp., AMSLaTeX++. half a dozen minor inaccuracies (cross-refs etc) correcte

    On the algebra A_{\hbar,\eta}(osp(2|2)^{(2)}) and free boson representations

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    A two-parameter quantum deformation of the affine Lie super algebra osp(2∣2)(2)osp(2|2)^{(2)} is introduced and studied in some detail. This algebra is the first example associated with nonsimply-laced and twisted root systems of a quantum current algebra with the structure of a so-called infinite Hopf family of (super)algebras. A representation of this algebra at c=1c=1 is realized in the product Fock space of two commuting sets of Heisenberg algebras.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Free-Field Realization of D-dimensional Cylindrical Gravitational Waves

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    We find two-dimensional free-field variables for D-dimensional general relativity on spacetimes with D-2 commuting spacelike Killing vector fields and non-compact spatial sections for D>4. We show that there is a canonical transformation which maps the corresponding two-dimensional dilaton gravity theory into a two-dimensional diffeomorphism invariant theory of the free-field variables. We also show that the spacetime metric components can be expressed as asymptotic series in negative powers of the dilaton, with coefficients which can be determined in terms of the free fields.Comment: 15 pages, Late

    A note on the relationship between rational and trigonometric solutions of the WDVV equations

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    Legendre transformations provide a natural symmetry on the space of solutions to the WDVV equations, and more specifically, between different Frobenius manifolds. In this paper a twisted Legendre transformation is constructed between solutions which define the corresponding dual Frobenius manifolds. As an application it is shown that certain trigonometric and rational solutions of the WDVV equations are related by such a twisted Legendre transform
