15 research outputs found

    The thermal conductivity of silicon nitride membranes is not sensitive to stress

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    We have measured the thermal properties of suspended membranes from 10 K to 300 K for two amplitudes of internal stress (about 0.1 GPa and 1 GPa) and for two different thicknesses (50 nm and 100 nm). The use of the original 3 \omega -Volklein method has allowed the extraction of both the specific heat and the thermal conductivity of each SiN membrane over a wide temperature range. The mechanical properties of the same substrates have been measured at helium temperatures using nanomechanical techniques. Our measurements show that the thermal transport in freestanding SiN membranes is not affected by the presence of internal stress. Consistently, mechanical dissipation is also unaffected even though Qs increase with increasing tensile stress. We thus demonstrate that the theory developed by Wu and Yu [Phys. Rev. B 84, 174109 (2011)] does not apply to this amorphous material in this stress range. On the other hand, our results can be viewed as a natural consequence of the "dissipation dilution" argument [Y. L. Huang and P. R. Saulson, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69, 544 (1998)] which has been introduced in the context of mechanical damping.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to PR

    Measuring frequency fluctuations in nonlinear nanomechanical resonators

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    Advances in nanomechanics within recent years have demonstrated an always expanding range of devices, from top-down structures to appealing bottom-up MoS2_2 and graphene membranes, used for both sensing and component-oriented applications. One of the main concerns in all of these devices is frequency noise, which ultimately limits their applicability. This issue has attracted a lot of attention recently, and the origin of this noise remains elusive up to date. In this Letter we present a very simple technique to measure frequency noise in nonlinear mechanical devices, based on the presence of bistability. It is illustrated on silicon-nitride high-stress doubly-clamped beams, in a cryogenic environment. We report on the same T/fT/f dependence of the frequency noise power spectra as reported in the literature. But we also find unexpected {\it damping fluctuations}, amplified in the vicinity of the bifurcation points; this effect is clearly distinct from already reported nonlinear dephasing, and poses a fundamental limit on the measurement of bifurcation frequencies. The technique is further applied to the measurement of frequency noise as a function of mode number, within the same device. The relative frequency noise for the fundamental flexure δf/f0\delta f/f_0 lies in the range 0.5−0.01 0.5 - 0.01~ppm (consistent with literature for cryogenic MHz devices), and decreases with mode number in the range studied. The technique can be applied to {\it any types} of nano-mechanical structures, enabling progresses towards the understanding of intrinsic sources of noise in these devices.Comment: Published 7 may 201

    Nanomechanical damping via electron-assisted relaxation of two-level systems

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    We report on measurements of dissipation and frequency noise at millikelvin temperatures of nanomechanical devices covered with aluminum. A clear excess damping is observed after switching the metallic layer from superconducting to the normal state with a magnetic field. Beyond the standard model of internal tunneling systems coupled to the phonon bath, here we consider the relaxation to the conduction electrons together with the nature of the mechanical dispersion laws for stressed/unstressed devices. With these key ingredients, a model describing the relaxation of two-level systems inside the structure due to interactions with electrons and phonons with well separated timescales captures the data. In addition, we measure an excess 1/f-type frequency noise in the normal state, which further emphasizes the impact of conduction electrons

    Universality of thermal transport in amorphous nanowires at low temperatures

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    Thermal transport properties of amorphous materials at low temperatures are governed by the interaction between phonons and localized excitations referred to as tunneling two-level systems (TLSs). The temperature variation of the thermal conductivity of these amorphous materials is considered as universal and is characterized by a quadratic power law. This is well described by the phenomenological TLS model even though its microscopic explanation is still elusive. Here, by scaling down to the nanometer-scale amorphous systems much below the bulk phonon-TLS mean free path, we probe the robustness of that model in restricted geometry systems. Using very sensitive thermal conductance measurements, we demonstrate that the temperature dependence of the thermal conductance of silicon nitride nanostructures remains mostly quadratic independently of the nanowire section. It does not follow the cubic power law in temperature as expected in a Casimir-Ziman regime of boundary-limited thermal transport. This shows a thermal transport counterintuitively dominated by phonon-TLS interactions and not by phonon boundary scattering in the nanowires. This could be ascribed to an unexpected high density of TLSs on the surfaces which still dominates the phonon diffusion processes at low temperatures and explains why the universal quadratic temperature dependence of thermal conductance still holds for amorphous nanowires

    Warped AdS_3 Black Holes

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    Three dimensional topologically massive gravity (TMG) with a negative cosmological constant -\ell^{-2} and positive Newton constant G admits an AdS_3 vacuum solution for any value of the graviton mass \mu. These are all known to be perturbatively unstable except at the recently explored chiral point \mu\ell=1. However we show herein that for every value of \mu\ell< 3 there are two other (potentially stable) vacuum solutions given by SL(2,R)x U(1)-invariant warped AdS_3 geometries, with a timelike or spacelike U(1) isometry. Critical behavior occurs at \mu\ell=3, where the warping transitions from a stretching to a squashing, and there are a pair of warped solutions with a null U(1) isometry. For \mu\ell>3, there are known warped black hole solutions which are asymptotic to warped AdS_3. We show that these black holes are discrete quotients of warped AdS_3 just as BTZ black holes are discrete quotients of ordinary AdS_3. Moreover new solutions of this type, relevant to any theory with warped AdS_3 solutions, are exhibited. Finally we note that the black hole thermodynamics is consistent with the hypothesis that, for \mu\ell>3, the warped AdS_3 ground state of TMG is holographically dual to a 2D boundary CFT with central charges c_R={15(\mu\ell)^2+81\over G\mu((\mu\ell)^2+27)} and c_L={12 \mu\ell^2\over G((\mu\ell)^2+27)}.Comment: 29 page

    Nanomechanical damping via electron-assisted relaxation of two-level systems

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    We report on measurements of dissipation and frequency noise at millikelvin temperatures of nanomechanical devices covered with aluminum. A clear excess damping is observed after switching the metallic layer from superconducting to the normal state with a magnetic field. Beyond the standard model of internal tunneling systems coupled to the phonon bath, here we consider the relaxation to the conduction electrons together with the nature of the mechanical dispersion laws for stressed/unstressed devices. With these key ingredients, a model describing the relaxation of two-level systems inside the structure due to interactions with electrons and phonons with well separated timescales captures the data. In addition, we measure an excess 1/f-type frequency noise in the normal state, which further emphasizes the impact of conduction electrons