103 research outputs found

    Forecasting the development of the scientific and technical (innovative) products market of individual enterprise

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    Обґрунтовано можливість прогнозування ринку науково-технічної продукції ДП «Гипрококс», за рахунок використання кореляційно-регресійних моделей залежності загального обсягу виконаних Гипрококсом робіт за рахунок коштів замовників з України від обсягів випуску коксу 6 % вологості в Україні. Для оцінювання очікуваних обсягів виконаних Гипрококсом робіт за рахунок коштів замовників з України в майбутніх періодах побудовано модель залежності обсягу виконаних Гипрококсом робіт за рахунок коштів замовників з України, від обсягу випуску коксу в Україні на основі використання даних за 2000 – 2008 роки. Для прогнозування обсягів виробництва коксу в Україні побудовані: авторегресійна модель випуску коксу 6 % вологості (на даних часового ряду з 1922 по 2010 рік) та трендова прогнозована модель (на даних часового ряду з 1990 по 2010 рік). Проведено оцінювання статистичної значущості параметрів та якості прогнозованих моделей.The ability to forecast the market for R&D products of Hiprokoks state-owned company due to the use of a correlation and regression models of how the overall volume of works performed by Hiprokoks at the expense of the Ukrainian customers funds affects production of the coke with 6% humidity in Ukraine is analyzed in the paper. To evaluate the expected volumes of works to be performed by Hiprokoks at the expense of the Ukrainian customers funds in future periods the model of dependency of the volume of works performed by Hiprokoks at the expense of the Ukrainian customers funds on the volume of coke produced in Ukraine in 2000 – 2008 has been built. To forecast the production of coke in Ukraine (using historic data of 1922 – 2010) the trend and autoregressive models of the coke with 6% humidity production has been built. The autoregressive model was chosen based on a series of forecast accuracy figures. The trend forecast model of coke with 6% humidity is based on the historic data of 1990 – 2010. The evaluation of statistical value of parameters and established connections has been conducted for all the proposed correlation and regression forecasting models; the applicability of the forecasting models has been evaluated by calculating the forecasting models quality indicators, Fisher's criterion in particular. The tight relationship between the volume of works performed by Hiprokoks at the expense of the Ukrainian customers funds and the volume of coke with 6% humidity production in Ukraine has been proved. The rate of change of the volume of works performed by Hiprokoks at the expense of the Ukrainian customers funds may be forecasted based on the existing data and obtained forecasting models

    Heat capacity of a thin membrane at very low temperature

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    We calculate the dependence of heat capacity of a free standing thin membrane on its thickness and temperature. A remarkable fact is that for a given temperature there exists a minimum in the dependence of the heat capacity on the thickness. The ratio of the heat capacity to its minimal value for a given temperature is a universal function of the ratio of the thickness to its value corresponding to the minimum. The minimal value of the heat capacitance for given temperature is proportional to the temperature squared. Our analysis can be used, in particular, for optimizing support membranes for microbolometers

    Fluctuations of the Fermi condensate in ideal gases

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    We calculate numerically and analytically the fluctuations of the fermionic condensate and of the number of particles above the condensate for systems of constant density of states. We compare the canonical fluctuations, obtained from the equivalent Bose condensate fluctuation, with the grandcanonical fermionic calculation. The fluctuations of the condensate are almost the same in the two ensembles, with a small correction comming from the total particle number fluctuation in the grandcanonical ensemble. On the other hand the number of particles above the condensate and its fluctuation is insensitive to the choice of ensemble.Comment: 10 pages with 3 figs. IOP styl

    Oxygen and nitrogen concentrations in the Ti-6Al-4V alloy manufactured by direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) process

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    Published ArticleTwo machines from two scientific centers (Russia and South Africa) were used for the manufacturing of the Ti6Al4V alloys by the direct metal laser sintering. The chemical composition of powders complies with the ASTM F-136 (grade 5), ASTM B348 (grade 23) standard for medical applications. Analysis of the oxygen and nitrogen contamination in DMLS alloys was done with Van de Graaff accelerator with two Mega Volts. It is found that structures of the samples manufactured with two different machines used the same regimes are close to each other. TEM studies found the metastable martensitic structure and silicon nitride Si3N4. It was found that the oxygen and nitrogen contents in both samples are within the normal range for medical grade titanium alloys

    Comparative analysis of the structure and internal stress in Ti-6Al-4V alloys manufactured by 3D printing and processing with screw extrusion

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    Study is based on the compare characterization of the structure and evaluation of the residual internal stresses in Ti-6Al-4V samples manufactured by the 3D printing (selective laser melting) and in the Ti-6Al-4V samples obtained with using of the severe plastic deformation by screw extrusion. The microstructure and residual stresses were examined by transmission electron microscope and X-ray diffractometer. High tensile internal residual stresses in the 3D printed sample were found. The high compressive residual internal stresses were found in the hot pressed and in the twisted samples. It was shown that arising of the high residual stresses in the studied samples under various technological processes occurred in various ways. The residual stresses in the severe plastic deformed samples arose due to non-uniform volumetric plastic deformation. In 3D printed sample, the residual tensile stresses arose from both phase (martensitic) transformation and thermal deformation. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-12Si produced by selective laser melting

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    Al-12Si specimens are produced by selective laser melting (SLM) from gas atomized powders. Installation for the production of powder is original. All specimens were prepared using the EOSINT M 280 device. A fine cellular structure is observed with residual free Si along the cellular boundaries. Room temperature tensile tests reveal remarkable mechanical behavior: the samples show yield and tensile strengths of about 102 MPa and 425 MPa, respectively, along with fracture strain of 12%. The study of crack surface morphology was shown by the example of a sample. Except the spherical pores, the interface of the molten pool also appears on the fracture surface, which indicates a mixture of fragile and ductile fracture. Additionally, the agglomerated silicon group appears also on the fracture surface. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-12Si produced by selective laser melting

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    Al-12Si specimens are produced by selective laser melting (SLM) from gas atomized powders. Installation for the production of powder is original. All specimens were prepared using the EOSINT M 280 device. A fine cellular structure is observed with residual free Si along the cellular boundaries. Room temperature tensile tests reveal remarkable mechanical behavior: the samples show yield and tensile strengths of about 102 MPa and 425 MPa, respectively, along with fracture strain of 12%. The study of crack surface morphology was shown by the example of a sample. Except the spherical pores, the interface of the molten pool also appears on the fracture surface, which indicates a mixture of fragile and ductile fracture. Additionally, the agglomerated silicon group appears also on the fracture surface. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Functional activity of the oral endothelium in persons, with chronic periodontitis during treatment with plasmolifting

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    Chronic periodontitis as an osteoimmune disease of the oral cavity is accompanied by a change in the functional activity of endotheliocytes. Moreover, abnormal vascularization exacerbates periodontal inflammation, as it promotes the transmigration of a larger number of immunocompetent cells, the influx of inflammatory mediators and cytokines.The aim of our work was to study the functional activity of the endothelium of the vessels of the oral cavity in persons suffering from chronic periodontitis in the treatment of plasmolifting.Materials and methods. Under observation were 30 patients diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity at the age of 35 (32.50; 40.00) years, with no severe somatic pathology (main group). The comparison group included 20 people aged 38 (34.00; 45.00) years with no inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity. All patients underwent local anti-inflammatory therapy and sanitation of periodontal pockets, correction of occlusal contacts, curettage, plasma lifting. Oral fluid concentration of soluble adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, endothelin-1, qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora were determined.Results. After the treatment with plasmolifting, a noticeable relief of the activity of the inflammatory process was observed. In patients with chronic periodontitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis was found in 100 % of cases in a titer of 5.73 (4.9; 6.7) lg (gEq/sample), in 62.5 % – Prevotella intermedia in a titer of 4.5 (3.0; 5.5) lg (gEq/sample). Against the background of therapy, decrease of the occurrence of the microorganism and of the number of microorganisms was observed. The concentration of the soluble form of VCAM-1 in the oral fluid of patients with chronic periodontitis exceeded the values of the control group by 38.3 times (p = 0.000001), and ICAM-1 – by 18.1 times (p = 0.00001). Against the background of plasmolifting therapy, the level of the studied substances decreased, but exceeded the control values by 25.2 and 6.4 times, respectively. The content of endothelin in the oral fluid in patients with periodontitis exceeded the values of healthy individuals by 40.7 % (p = 0.003), during therapy its values decreased, but did not reach the level of healthy volunteers (p = 0.04)

    Goltsov phenomenon as a natural-technogenic electromagnetic discharge of the lithosphere

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    The article presents data on an unusual natural phenomenon that occurred on November 30, 1984 in the village of Goltsovka, Zmeinogorsky District, Altai Territory. It manifested itself in the passage above the village of a luminous ball, which was accompanied by an impact on the surface of the earth and led to some damage to structures and buildings. A detailed description of this unusual phenomenon in the published scientific literature, as far as we know, is practically absent. The article describes this phenomenon, based on data collected soon after the event, with the addition of upto-date clarifying information. A comparison is made with several known cases of ball lightning and a whirlwind. The conclusion is made about an unusually large energy release in the Goltsovka event