1,223 research outputs found

    Fast, scalable, Bayesian spike identification for multi-electrode arrays

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    We present an algorithm to identify individual neural spikes observed on high-density multi-electrode arrays (MEAs). Our method can distinguish large numbers of distinct neural units, even when spikes overlap, and accounts for intrinsic variability of spikes from each unit. As MEAs grow larger, it is important to find spike-identification methods that are scalable, that is, the computational cost of spike fitting should scale well with the number of units observed. Our algorithm accomplishes this goal, and is fast, because it exploits the spatial locality of each unit and the basic biophysics of extracellular signal propagation. Human intervention is minimized and streamlined via a graphical interface. We illustrate our method on data from a mammalian retina preparation and document its performance on simulated data consisting of spikes added to experimentally measured background noise. The algorithm is highly accurate

    Lake-size dependency of wind shear and convection as controls on gas exchange

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    High-frequency physical observations from 40 temperate lakes were used to examine the relative contributions of wind shear (u*) and convection (w*) to turbulence in the surface mixed layer. Seasonal patterns of u* and w* were dissimilar; u* was often highest in the spring, while w * increased throughout the summer to a maximum in early fall. Convection was a larger mixed-layer turbulence source than wind shear (u */w*-1 for lakes* and w* differ in temporal pattern and magnitude across lakes, both convection and wind shear should be considered in future formulations of lake-air gas exchange, especially for small lakes. © 2012 by the American Geophysical Union.Jordan S. Read, David P. Hamilton, Ankur R. Desai, Kevin C. Rose, Sally MacIntyre, John D. Lenters, Robyn L. Smyth, Paul C. Hanson, Jonathan J. Cole, Peter A. Staehr, James A. Rusak, Donald C. Pierson, Justin D. Brookes, Alo Laas, and Chin H. W


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    This report provides the main results and findings of the twelfth annual underwater television survey on the ‘Smalls grounds’ ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 22. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV, CTD and other ecosystem data. A total of 40 UWTV stations were surveyed successfully (good quality video footage) carried out over an isometric grid at 4.5nmi or 8.3km intervals. The precision, with a CV of 5%, was well below the upper limit of 20% recommended by SGNEPS 2012. The 2017 abundance estimate was 16% higher than in 2016 and at 1600 million is above the new MSY Btrigger (990 million). Using the 2017 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catch of 4,332 tonnes and landings of 3,784 tonnes in 2018 when MSY approach is applied (assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2014–2016). Only one species of sea-pen Virgilaria mirabilis was recorded as present at the stations surveyed. Trawl marks were observed at 59% of the stations surveyed. Ten beam trawl tows were carried out providing important data on the benthic communities and size structure of the Nephrops population

    A compact statistical model of the song syntax in Bengalese finch

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    Songs of many songbird species consist of variable sequences of a finite number of syllables. A common approach for characterizing the syntax of these complex syllable sequences is to use transition probabilities between the syllables. This is equivalent to the Markov model, in which each syllable is associated with one state, and the transition probabilities between the states do not depend on the state transition history. Here we analyze the song syntax in a Bengalese finch. We show that the Markov model fails to capture the statistical properties of the syllable sequences. Instead, a state transition model that accurately describes the statistics of the syllable sequences includes adaptation of the self-transition probabilities when states are repeatedly revisited, and allows associations of more than one state to the same syllable. Such a model does not increase the model complexity significantly. Mathematically, the model is a partially observable Markov model with adaptation (POMMA). The success of the POMMA supports the branching chain network hypothesis of how syntax is controlled within the premotor song nucleus HVC, and suggests that adaptation and many-to-one mapping from neural substrates to syllables are important features of the neural control of complex song syntax

    Perfectionism and self-conscious emotions in British and Japanese students: Predicting pride and embarrassment after success and failure

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    Regarding self-conscious emotions, studies have shown that different forms of perfectionism show different relationships with pride, shame, and embarrassment depending on success and failure. What is unknown is whether these relationships also show cultural variations. Therefore, we conducted a study investigating how self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism predicted pride and embarrassment after success and failure comparing 363 British and 352 Japanese students. Students were asked to respond to a set of scenarios where they imagined achieving either perfect (success) or flawed results (failure). In both British and Japanese students, self-oriented perfectionism positively predicted pride after success and embarrassment after failure whereas socially prescribed perfectionism predicted embarrassment after success and failure. Moreover, in Japanese students, socially prescribed perfectionism positively predicted pride after success and self-oriented perfectionism negatively predicted pride after failure. The findings have implications for our understanding of perfectionism indicating that the perfectionism–pride relationship not only varies between perfectionism dimensions, but may also show cultural variations

    Capillaric-Field Effect Transistors

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    Controlling fluid flow in capillaric circuits is a key requirement to increase their uptake for assay applications. Capillary action off-valves provide such functionality by pushing an occluding bubble into the channel using a difference in capillary pressure. Previously, we utilized the binary switching mode of this structure to develop a powerful set of fundamental fluidic valving operations. In this work, we study the transistor-like qualities of the off-valve and provide evidence that these structures are in fact functionally complementary to electronic junction field effect transistors. In view of this, we propose the new term capillaric field effect transistor to describe these types of valves. To support this conclusion, we present a theoretical description, experimental characterization, and practical application of analog flow resistance control. In addition, we demonstrate that the valves can also be reopened. We show modulation of the flow resistance from fully open to pinch-off, determine the flow rate–trigger channel volume relationship and demonstrate that the latter can be modeled using Shockley’s equation for electronic transistors. Finally, we provide a first example of how the valves can be opened and closed repeatedly

    Field Effect Transistor-Like Control of Capillaric Flow Using Off-Valves

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    An important application area of microfluidics is point-of-care devices. Capillaric circuits are a promising technology to realize such devices. Recently, we introduced a capillary action off-valve which adds preprogrammed autonomous “off”-type valving as a unit operation to capillaric circuits. To date, these devices have only been shown to operate in binary mode. However, due to its conceptual symmetry with electronic junction field effect transistors, it was hypothesized that the off-valve was capable of providing analog resistance control. Using an experimental approach, this work demonstrates for the first time that capillary off-valves can operate in analog resistance mode and that flow control results can be fitted using a modified model of the Shockley transistor equation

    Multidimensional Cosmology: Spatially Homogeneous models of dimension 4+1

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    In this paper we classify all 4+1 cosmological models where the spatial hypersurfaces are connected and simply connected homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. These models come in two categories, multiply transitive and simply transitive models. There are in all five different multiply transitive models which cannot be considered as a special case of a simply transitive model. The classification of simply transitive models, relies heavily upon the classification of the four dimensional (real) Lie algebras. For the orthogonal case, we derive all the equations of motion and give some examples of exact solutions. Also the problem of how these models can be compactified in context with the Kaluza-Klein mechanism, is addressed.Comment: 24 pages, no figures; Refs added, typos corrected. To appear in CQ