150 research outputs found

    До проблеми систематизації джерельної бази дослідження теорії, історії та практики сімейного виховання

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    The article is a brief summary of the results of research on the problem of source base systematization of the theory, history and practice of children’s education in the family in the modern historical and pedagogical science. The article presents the specific aspects of the theoretical study of certain questions of family education in different scientific areas: philosophy, history, sociology, familistics, demography, economics, law, psychology, pedagogy, medicine, ethnography etc. The author analyzes the origins of the formation of the child's upbringing in the family theoretical foundations a as a historical and pedagogical problems, the sources of its research and their classification; the systematization groups of scientific works on a direction and the problem of research of the national historical and pedagogical discourse is represented.Стаття є стислим викладом результатів дослідження, присвяченого проблемі систематизації джерельної бази теорії, історії та практики виховання дітей у сім’ї в сучасній історико-педагогічній науці. У статті представлено конкретні аспекти теоретичного вивчення окремих питань сімейного виховання у різних наукових галузях: філософії, історії, соціології, фамілістики демографії, економіки, юриспруденції, психології, педагогіки, медицини, етнографії тощо. Автор аналізує витоки становлення теоретичних основ виховання дитини у сім’ї як історико-педагогічної проблеми, джерела її дослідження та їх класифікацію; репрезентує систематизацію груп наукових робіт за напрямом і проблемою дослідження у вітчизняному історико-педагогічному дискурсі

    Individual’s Dominants as Vector of Language Interpretation of Quantity

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    The study considers the dominant principle of sense formation in the process of reality perception and conceptualization including the quantitative aspect of being. The individually significant structures of knowledge, i.e. the dominants of the individual’s linguistic consciousness, determine and direct the process of language interpretation. The novelty of the study is seen in the attempt to model the principles of linguistic consciousness in understanding the quantitative properties and relationships. The relevance of the study is determined by the chosen cognitive approach involving the correlation between different mental structures, formats of knowledge and their language representation. The analysis of the empiric material, including the data of English, French, Russian languages, reveals not only the standards of interpretation, i.e. markers of the dominant zones of individual’s linguistic consciousness “exposing” different priority areas, but also identifies cognitive and linguistic mechanisms of meaning configuration. The repertoire of the dominant linguistic consciousness seems to be unique for each individual, because the formation, presence and the degree of certain knowledge structures ‘prominence’ are conditioned by the individual cognitive experience which depends on many factors. The application of the dominant principle allows demonstrating the variability of the cognitive content formatting, the level of linguistic personality development and, as a consequence, the degree of a person’s linguistic creativity

    Role of Numerical Symbolism in Interpreting Relations and Properties of Reality

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    The role of numerical symbolism in the interpretation of the results of understanding the surrounding reality, interpreting its relations and properties, forming the image of the world is considered. Special attention is given to the transcendental nature of numerical symbolism, which consists in the fact that, being the archetype of the unconscious human, being one of the basic symbols and cognitive patterns common to all of humanity, the image of the number is incorporated in the human consciousness. Numerical symbolism, as one of the areas of human knowledge, played an important role in the formation of not only early ideas about the world, but also cultural systems in general. Contemporary understanding of the deep structure of nature and the human mind, based on the correlation with the number, indicates the use of numbers not only as a tool for calculation, but also as a tool of interpretation of properties and relations of reality, which is reflected in the language. The results of the comparative analysis of phraseological units with a numerological component in English, French, Russian languages are presented. Analysis of factual material shows that the numbers represent a character a class of signs focused on qualitative and quantitative assessment. This determines the relevance of further development of the problem of interpreting the potential number

    Cases in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language

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    The article deals with the specificity of using cases in teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) to the adults getting higher professional education or studying Russian for personal goals. The research describes operational phases in the educational process of cases and presents the innovative three-component model of the case. The model is based on features of teaching Russian as a foreign language and takes into account the level of the language proficiency, peculiarities of students and learning environment. The authors define greatest challenges and positive aspects of using cases and lay down their efficiency conditions. The structure of the case developed and proposed in the article can be used in teaching any European language (with some modifications connected with features of culture and everyday life of this or that country). Efficiency of the method, proposed in the article, has been tested at Omsk Tank-Automotive Engineering Institute in the groups with the student number not exceeding 10 persons. The article formulates general methodical requirements and conditions enhancing the productivity of teaching Russian as a foreign language while using cases, positive and negative aspects of cases in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language

    Role of Changes in Cell Fatty Acids Composition in the Increasing of Frost Resistance of Winter Wheat Suspension Culture

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    Influences of low temperatures (4 and 8 ° С) on the frost tolerance and fatty acid compositions of cells in a winter wheat suspension culture have been studied. It has been found that treatment of the culture with 4 °C (7 days) did not protect cells from subsequent freezing temperature action (-8 °С, 6 h) and was not accompanied significant changes in the fatty acid composition. On the contrary, the treatment of the culture with the temperature 8 °C (7 days) prevented the death caused by freezing temperature and the content of saturated fatty acids decreased: pentadecanoic acid (by 35,0%), palmitic acid (by 19,9%) and stearic acid (by 65,4%), and the content of α-linolenic acid increased by 94%. That was the cause of the double bond index (DBI) increase by 16%. The role of fatty acids composition changes in the process of increasing frost tolerance in plants are discussed

    Effect of phase composition on the parameters of non-isothermal moisture transfer in unsaturated sandy soils

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    This paper considers the influence of phase composition on the parameters of non-isothermal moisture transfer in unsaturated sandy soils. The technique of study options non-isothermal moisture transfer to disperse soil of disturbed structure. The exploratory procedure of the parameters in disperse soils having disturbed structure in the wide range of their phase composition using triangular diagrams is expounded. Shown that the parameters non-isothermal moisture transfer depend on moisture content and soil composition density. Established that for the sandy soil there is the “optimal” range of moisture content and density at which the non-isothermal moisture transfer is most efficient. The dynamics of the field moisture content of sand in time is identified

    From lean to green management

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    The article is devoted to testing the hypothesis of Melnyk et al. that companies implementing principles of Lean Management System are more environmentally friendly than those that do not implement them. Melnyk tested his hypothesis in North American companies, where Lean Management System and Green Management System are introduced almost simultaneously. Russian production practice is significantly different from the American one, and Lean manufacturing is significantly ahead of Environmental management principles. To test the hypothesis, a formed sample of a number of Russian manufacturing companies was rather small, but the results were fully confirmed

    A systematic review of the clinical effectiveness of monitoring patients with diabetes mellitus using individual blood glucose meters with function of transmitting measurements via gsm channel or via the internet

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    BACKGROUND: In recent years, there has been an active introduction of telecommunication technologies in various spheres of scientific and practical knowledge, including medicine. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common chronic non-communicable diseases requiring constant monitoring of the patient’s condition. For telemedicine monitoring of patients with DM, glucose self-monitoring devices with the option of transmitting patient’s measurements via GSM channel or via the Internet have been developed. AIM: To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of telemedicine observation of patients with DM using individual glucose self-monitoring devices with option of transmitting patient’s measurements via a GSM channel or via the Internet. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Publications about clinical trials were searched in PubMed. The search, selection and evaluation of the methodological quality of clinical trials were carried out by two independent researchers. Clinical trials were included in the review if the clinical efficacy of remote monitoring of patients with DM using individual glucose self-monitoring devices with the option of transmitting the results of measurements taken by the patient via a GSM channel or via the Internet was evaluated in comparison with traditional observation methods. RESULTS: As a result of the systematic search, 10 original randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with different methodological quality were selected. It was found that the use of remote technologies for 12 months does not affect the level of glycated hemoglobin, however, it allows to increase the frequency of achieving individual therapeutic goals in patients with type 2 DM. In addition, it was found that the use of remote technologies allows to reduce the frequency of outpatient visits of patients with type 2 DM, but does not reduce the length of hospitalization and the frequency of an emergency calls of these patients. CONCLUSION: Thus, evidence was obtained of the potential therapeutic benefits of remote observation of patients with diabetes based on data from foreign clinical studies. Based on the results obtained, a Russian clinical trial of this medical technology can be recommended

    Систематический обзор эффективности Пентаглобина в предотвращении смертности от любых причин при бактериальных инфекциях и сепсисе у детей до двух лет

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    Objectives. There is no consistent evidence of clinical efficacy of Pentaglobin for reducing mortality in newborns and older children with bacterial infections and sepsis. The aim of the study was to update evidence by considering recent clinical trials and analyzing age populations and comparators separately.Methods. We searched publications in PubMed and the Cochrane Library in December 2014 and in October 2015. All-cause mortality was analyzed, and systematic review using meta-analysis and indirect comparison was carried out.Results. Three meta-analyses and 7RCTs were considered, including 6 trials studied the effect of Pentaglobin in newborns, and one in children 1-24 months old. All interventions were applied with basic therapy (BT). In newborns mortality is lower in Pentaglobin than in all comparators groups, RR 0.51 [0.32; 0.82], and in BT with or without placebo, RR 0.56 [0.34; 0.91]. Children under 24 months receiving Pentaglobin also had lower mortality than in all comparators group, RR 0.51 [0.36; 0.72]. Indirect comparison of IgM and IgG in adults showed no differences, in newborns the difference is in favor of IgM, RR 0.51 [0.32; 0.82].Conclusion. Pentaglobin is effective in reducing all-cause mortality in newborns with bacterial infection or sepsis in comparison with any comparators (BT with or without placebo, albumin, IgG), in children under 24 months in comparison to BT with or without albumin. Further head-to-head clinical trials are needed to enhance evidence.Цель: систематический обзор актуальной доказательной базы по сравнительной эффективности Пентаглобина и различных компараторов при бактериальных инфекциях и сепсисе у детей.Материалы и методы. Систематический поиск публикаций о рандомизированных контролируемых испытаниях (РКИ) Пентаглобина был выполнен в Кокрановской библиотеке систематических обзоров и библиографической базе данных Medline в декабре 2014 г., поиск был повторен в октябре 2015 г. Были выполнены мета-анализы и непрямое сравнение по критерию эффективности «смерть от любых причин в течение 28-30 суток» у детей неонатального возраста и детей 0-24 мес.Результаты. По результатам систематического поиска в рассмотрение включены три мета-анализа и семь РКИ, в т.ч. шесть РКИ, изучающих эффект Пентаглобина у новорожденных, одно – у детей более старшего возраста. Вмешательства во всех РКИ осуществлялись на фоне базовой терапии (БТ). У новорожденных Пентаглобин был эффективнее как совокупности всех компараторов (включая альбумин на фоне БТ), так и только БТ в сочетании с плацебо или без него (ОР=0,51, 95% ДИ [0,32; 0,82] и ОР=0,56, 95% ДИ [0,34; 0,91] соответственно). У детей младше 24 мес., получавших Пентаглобин, смертность также была ниже, чем в группе сравнения (совокупность компараторов): ОР=0,51, 95% ДИ [0,36; 0,72]. Непрямое сравнение Пентаглобина и стандартных поликлональных иммуноглобулинов выявило различия в возрастной группе новорожденных (ОР=0,51, 95% ДИ [0,32; 0,82]).Выводы. У новорожденных Пентаглобин на фоне БТ эффективнее БТ в сочетании с альбумином или без него, а также стандартными иммуноглобулинами. У детей 1-24 мес. Пентаглобин на фоне БТ эффективнее БТ. Для повышения надежности полученных доказательств необходимо проведение прямых сравнительных клинических исследований