141 research outputs found

    Political Events of February 1917 in the Diocesan Periodicals of Western Siberia

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    The events of February 1917, presented on the pages of the church periodicals of Western Siberia, is examined in the article. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that for the first time in Russian historiography the political upheavals of this period have been analyzed on the basis of materials from regional diocesan records. The authors note that the diocesan records are an important historical source. A detailed analysis of the content of articles of Omsk, Tobolsk, Tomsk periodicals (“Diocesan Gazette”) on the presentation of the political events of February 1917 in them is carried out. The novelty of the research lies in identifying the attitude of the regional clergy to the revolutionary events in the period from February to April 1917. The presented results of the comparative analysis can be grouped according to the chronology and significance of the events that took place. The article concludes that it was during this period that one could hear the opinion of the Russian Orthodox Church on political changes in the country. It is noted that of particular interest were the issues of the relationship between the Church and the Provisional Government, this topic remained the most acute after the fall of the monarchy. It is shown that the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church wanted to restore historical justice and receive autonomous government and independence from the secular authorities

    Sociocultural Infrastructure of Tatar Rural Settlements of Tobolsk Province at Beginning of 20th Century

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    The article is devoted to the characteristics of the socio-cultural image of the Tatar rural settlements of the Tobolsk province population at the beginning of the 20th century. The dynamics of the population and the number of settlements for the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries are traced (according to the lists of settlements in the Tobolsk province). The authors focus on the consideration of the socio-cultural infrastructure of the Tatar rural settlements. It is understood as a set of objects of the non-productive sphere (religious, educational institutions, healthcare facilities and communications). They reveal regional and ethnic features of the integration of the Tatar population into the all-Russian system in the period under review. The country has undergone reforms aimed at unifying the management system and actively integrating the national outskirts into national processes. There was an acceleration of migration processes. It caused a violation of the former isolation of the rural Tatar-Muslim communities. Settlers arriving in the region contributed to the active development of commodity-money relations. The educational and cultural needs of the Tatar population grew. All-Russian processes have caused the need to adapt to new realities, in connection with which there is a modernization within the confessional education system

    Effects of etifoxine: Chemoreactome simulation

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    Etifoxine modulates GABAergic transmission and is used as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medication. The indications for etifoxine use are anxiety, fear and inner tension.Objective: to simulate the biological properties of etifoxine. This simulation has been carried out for the first time.Material and methods. Reliable estimates of more than 2,500 biological activities were obtained for this molecule, which were compared with the reference drug lorazepam (benzodiazepine).Results and discussion. The data obtained from chemoreactome simulation may suggest that there are significant differences between the pharmacological effects of etifoxine and benzodiazepine in: 1) the selectivity of binding to various neurotransmitter receptors; 2) anti-inflammatory activity; 3) the effect on hemodynamics and vascular walls; 4) negative side effects and 5) pharmacokinetic parameters.Conclusion. The findings are consistent with the available experimental and clinical data and are indicative of promising clinical applications of etifoxine

    Possibility of Using Modified Polyamide Membranes for Virus Concentration for the Purposes of Sanitary-Virological Analysis of Water

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    The results of investigations of modified polyamide microfiltration membranes application in the concentration of viruses and bacteriophages during sanitary virological monitoring of water bodies are presented in this paper. The analysis of developments in the control of viral contamination of different origins water bodies is given. Viruses presented in the water in small amounts can cause disease. It is shown that an important step is viral concentration from large amounts of water for its identification. The possibility of positively charged microfiltration membranes application in the concentration of viruses is established. A method of polyamide microfiltration membranes modification for increasing the positive charge on their surface is developed. To estimate the retention capacity of membranes the methods of measuring the sorption properties of the membranes using the model dye bromophenyl blue is developed. A membrane filter module with tangentially-radial mode of fluid movement was used. Studies carried out in specialized organizations revealed that the efficiency of bacteriophage MS-2 sorption on the modified polyamide membrane at different loads was 100%. It was found that the use of membrane filtration module not only improves the detention of microorganisms, but also allows improving the elution stage. The laboratory results were confirmed by tests using natural waters

    Emotional Balance as a Component of Subjective Well-Beingof Student Youth

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    Статья содержит результаты исследования эмоционального компонента субъективного благополучия студенческой молодежи. Представлены выводы о соотношении положительных и отрицательных состояний, а также о балансе переживания и выражения эмоций различной направленности.The article contains the results of the research of the emotional component of the subjective well-being of students and presents conclusions about the balance of positive and negative emotions and the balance of experience and expression of different emotions

    The role of green management in conserving the earth's biodiversity

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    The scientific paper presents the authors' research on the aspects of nature and process of forming a new direction in the management system of sustainable development - green management. This direction which has recently become quite popular has been declared as a new priority in the implementation of large projects. But so far there is no practice of implementation and regulatory approval of this concept. It is generally accepted that green management is based on the principles of a lean or green economy and harmless attitude to the natural environment. From the authors' point of view, this concept should be interpreted slightly broader, since regular monitoring of the state of the environment should be based, among other things, on the introduction and wide spread of information technologies into the management system. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Characterisation of new animal cell cultures’ sensitivity to <i>Coxsackievirus B5</i> and <i>Herpes simplex virus‑1</i>

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    The increase in the number of cell cultures for virology and biotechnology enhances the chances of a successful response to threats related to outbreaks of well-known and new human infectious diseases. It is a vital task to search for cell cultures sensitive to a wide spectrum of viruses.The aim of the study was to investigate the sensitivity of new diploid animal cell cultures (fibroblasts of a foetal pig’s kidneys and larynx) to Coxsackievirus B5 (CVB5) and Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1).Materials and methods. The cultures of porcine foetal kidney fibroblasts (PFKF) and porcine foetal larynx fibroblasts (PFLF) were derived from a foetus of a healthy pig by mild trypsinisation. The study determined the sensitivity of these new PFKF and PFLF cultures to the above-mentioned viruses by the cytopathic effect (CPE) expressed as a percentage. The infectious activity of CVB5 was studied using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the determination of amplification cycle threshold values (Ct); that of HSV-1 was studied using quantitative titration of the virus-containing liquid (VCL). Infectious activity values were expressed as tissue culture 50% infective doses (TCID50).Results. The authors developed diploid PFKF and PFLF cell cultures. PFKF cells demonstrated high sensitivity to CVB5, with a CPE of 87.5±3.3% after passage 3 and a satisfactory concentration of enterovirus RNA in the VCL of 22–24 Ct . The sensitivity of PFKF cells to HSV-1 corresponded to a CPE of 92.1±5.5%. In these cells, the infectious activity of HSV-1 corresponded to 104.25 TCID50/0.2 mL. The experiments with PFLF cells showed low CPE and infectious activity values for both viruses.Conclusions. The study demonstrated high CPE values with the CVB5 (CB5-8100) and HSV-1 (HSV-1/L-2) strains as examples and confirmed the sensitivity of the new diploid PFKF cell culture to these test viruses. Thus, the PFKF cell culture offers potential applications in virology and biotechnology and may be a candidate for testing other strains of CVB5 and HSV-1

    Psoriasis and metabolic syndrome: a review

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    Psoriasis is the most common chronic dermatosis and affects 1–2% of the population of developed countries. In Russia, psoriasis incidence rate has increased by 11% since 2011. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory and immune-mediated skin disease and it is often associated with metabolic syndrome and its components such as obesity, arterial hypertension, insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. The risk of developing metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriasis is 40% higher than in the general population. Psoriasis and metabolic syndrome share some pathogenic mechanisms such as chronic low-grade systemic inflammation and an increased level of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Systemic inflammation causes obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes. These conditions increase the risk of mortality among patients. There is a link between the severity of psoriasis and metabolic syndrome and associated with severe rash, reduction of the remission and higher risk of psoriatic arthritis development. The carriers of the risk allele of FTO gene are associated with severe psoriasis, presence of psoriatic arthritis and obesity. The article presents the issues of epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis and metabolic syndrome

    Economic and legal aspects of the protection of natural ecosystems

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    Recently, the problem of preserving natural ecosystems, which has long been given secondary importance, has been actualized. The focus of modern society on sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity has led to new changes in the legislative and economic spheres of regulation of harmful effects on nature as a result of human activity. The main measures of managing the process of ecosystem protection and lean nature management are considered. The problems accumulated during the periods of transformation and industrial transition of the world ecological and economic paradigm to a new high-tech level of development are listed. Conclusions are drawn about the need for an integrated approach to environmental management. © 2023 Author(s)