917 research outputs found

    Neuropsychological approach to the diagnosis and prevention of deviant behavior

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    The article is concerned with the main issues of the prevention system of deviant behavior among adolescents in Russia. The necessity of studying the nature of deviant behavior in order to optimize preventive measures is also substantiated. The article gives the description of the results of the study of some neuropsychological pre-requisites found in the functional 10symmetry manifestation, with personality attributes, including the temporal perspective specialities as an indicator of personal maturity / immaturit

    Oxidative detoxification of organomercury pesticides

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    A method of oxidative mineralization of the organomercury granozan pesticide commercial form under mild conditions was investigated. The product components of hazard class 1 were destructed to the low-toxic compounds in the electrolyte under the oxidants electrochemically formed in situ in sulphuric acid solutions of pesticide. Simultaneously, at the cathode, the mercury ions formed as a result of the pesticide organic component destruction process reduce up to more than 90%


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    Objective: to describe a clinical case of late-stage Parkinson’s disease (PD) with nocturnal symptoms and fluctuations and to present successful experience in using the three-component drug Stalevo (levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone) as a single dose prior to sleep. Patient V. aged 72 years took medical advice at the Department of Neurology, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, for complaints of constrained movements, inability to turn in bed independently, painful muscle cramps, light sleep with nocturnal awakenings, and frequent (5–6 times) urinations at night. The first symptoms of the disease appeared 12 years ago when the patient began to notice sluggishness, altered handwriting, and clumsiness during small movements of the right hand. By taking into account symptoms (obvious nocturnal akinesia, overactive bladder, sleep disorders, and cramps) and the results of his examination, the patient was diagnosed with the akinetic-rigid form of PD (4 Hoehn-Yarh scores). Therapy was corrected as follows: the dose of amantadine remained the same (300 mg); its last administration is recommended to be at 16:00; the daily dose of levodopa was 700 mg; that of levodopa/benserazide was 550 mg/day (1 tablet × 3/4 tablet × 1 tablet). The evening intake of levodopa was changed for that of the three-component drug Stalevo (levodopa 150 mg/ carbidopa 37.5 mg/entacapone 200 mg). Results. After 3 months, the patient was observed to have significant health improvement: reduced nocturnal and morning akinesia, better gait, a considerably smaller number of nocturnal urinations (less than once per night), regression of painful calf muscle cramps, and improved sleep. Conclusion. The three-component drug Stalevo (levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone) is effective in treating late-stage PD. Its use as a single dose before going to bed has led to regressive nocturnal symptoms, better sleep, and lower motor fluctuations

    Distribution of the common nettle Urtica dioica L. and annual nettle U. urens L. in the Russian Federation

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    Two widespread weedy species of Urtica L. (Urticaceaea Juss.), common nettle (Urtica dioica L.) and annual nettle (U. urens L.), possess many useful properties, so any information on their distribution is of practical interest. Numerous scientific publications with open access were used to map the areas of distribution for these species in the Russian Federation. While mapping the spatial arrangement of these taxa, the data on the frequency of their occurrence in separate administrative subdivisions of the country were employed. Areas where occurrences of an individual nettle species are scored as “very often”, “often”, “usually” or “often” were blended into one territory characterized with the “often” occurrence: this is the optimum zone for the species in question. Similarly, the pessimum zone for the species was identified as a combined territory of the areas where the occurrence was marked as “very rarely”, “rarely”, “infrequently” or “sporadically”. The pessimum zone included the areas located in the north of the range of species distribution: they are characterized by cooler and more humid environmental conditions than the optimum zone. The pessimum also incorporated the lands stretching in the southern part of the range: their environmental conditions are drier and warmer than those in both the optimum zone and the northern part of the pessimum zone. Therefore, plants of the same species, occurring in different parts of their area of distribution, are adapted to different hydrothermal conditions, which should be taken into account when selecting forms for further possible cultivation and use


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    The paper presents some results of a research project, which purpose is working out and testing of theoretical and methodological approach to the study of modern trends in the field of non-standard socio-labour relations at the regional labour market. The authors elaborated the research toolkit and methods for studying of non-standard forms of employmentand socio-logical survey program, conducted approbation of survey’s toolkit and summarized the results of the pilot study concerns the use of non-standard forms of labour relations in the Sverdlovsk oblast.В статье представлены некоторые результаты исследовательского проекта, целью которого является разработка и апробация теоретико-методического подхода к изучению современных трендов в сфере нестандартных социально-трудовых отношений на региональном рынке труда. Авторами разработаны инструментально-методический аппарат изучения нестандартных форм занятости на региональном рынке труда и программа социо-логического опроса руководителей организаций, проведена апробации инструментария опроса, обобщены итоги пилотажного исследования проблем применения нестандартных форм социально-трудовых отношений на территории Свердловской области.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках научного проекта № 14-12-66003

    Digital vector of work environment inclusion in the energy sector: Information, indicators and data analysis

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    The next decade is aimed at improving the well-being of citizens, creating an accessible and convenient digital environment for people, implementing a social policy to support disabled people and people with disabilities. Today other most vulnerable groups of the population are also involved in the management processes, such as: women, children, migrants, ethnic minorities, foreign citizens. In order to have high level of life and work for mentioned categories of citizens, state structures and companies should create conditions and advantages with a focus on the digital vector of economic development. The administration of companies in the leading sectors of the economy, which include energy, actively implements a policy of social responsibility towards employees in need, and this strategy applies to the whole society. That is why it is necessary to declare not only the willingness to bear social responsibility, but also information about the inclusion of the working environment should be public and subject to evaluation and analysis. The purpose of developing a digital vector of inclusion of the working environment in accordance with the ESG principles of responsible investment is to improve the quality and transparency of corporate policy to support disabled people and other stakeholders through the formation of transparent integrated reporting. These provisions are fundamentally transforming the global financial markets. The research methodology is based on determining the directions and indicators of inclusion of the working environment, which are reflected in integrated reports and reveal the directions and measures of the corporate management of energy companies on labor protection and organization, preparation of inclusion programs. The results obtained are based on a review of reports and indicators of rating agencies, an analysis of the best corporate governance practices of Russian energy companies. © 2023 Author(s)

    Upper limit on the ultra-high-energy photon flux from AGASA and Yakutsk data

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    We present the interpretation of the muon and scintillation signals of ultra-high-energy air showers observed by AGASA and Yakutsk extensive air shower array experiments. We consider case-by-case ten highest energy events with known muon content and conclude that at the 95% confidence level (C.L.) none of them was induced by a primary photon. Taking into account statistical fluctuations and differences in the energy estimation of proton and photon primaries, we derive an upper limit of 36% at 95% C.L. on the fraction of primary photons in the cosmic-ray flux above 10^20 eV. This result disfavors the Z-burst and superheavy dark-matter solutions to the GZK-cutoff problem.Comment: revtex, 8 pages, 4 figure

    The use of wet-laid techniques to obtain flax nonwovens with different thermoplastic binding fibers for technical insulation applications

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    [EN] In this work, the wet-laid technique has been used to obtain flax nonwovens thermally bonded with different contents of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and bicomponent polyamide 6/copolyamide (PA6/CoPA) fibers in the 10-30 wt.% range. Scanning electron microscopy has been used to evaluate the formation of interlock points through melted polymer and flax fibers. Volume porosity has been estimated through determination of thickness and surface mass. Tensile strength and elongation at break have been determined on longitudinal (preferential) and transversal directions to evaluate anisotropy. The sound absorption properties of stacked sheets of flax: PVA and flax: PA6/CoPA nonwovens have been evaluated. In addition, the thermal insulating properties of individual nonwovens have been obtained. Mechanical characterization shows slight anisotropy. The absorption coefficient is interesting in the medium frequencies range, and relatively low thermal conductivity and thermal resistance values are obtained with these nonwovens (in the 0.020-0.025Wm(-1) K-1 range for flax: PVA nonwovens and in the 0.09-0.10Wm(-1) K-1 range for flax: PA6/CoPA nonwovens). By taking into account these features, these nonwoven substrates could find interesting applications as sound absorbers and/or thermal insulation materials in technical applications.This work is part of the project IPT-310000-2010-037, "ECOTEXCOMP: Research and development of textile structures useful as reinforcement of composite materials with marked ecological character", and was supported by the "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion", with a grant of (sic)189,540.20, within the Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica 2008-2011 and funded by the European Union through FEDER funds, Technology Fund 2007-2013 and Operational Programme on R + D + i for and on behalf of the companies. The project is also known as "WET-TEX: Implementacion de la tecnologia wet-laid en el desarrollo de nuevos textiles medico-sanitario" with expedient number IMIDIC/2010/137 (total grant of (sic)284,400) and the project "WET-TEX II: Implementacion de la tecnologia wet-laid en la investigacion y desarrollo de paneles para aplicaciones tecnicas a partir de residuos procedentes de la industria textil" with expedient number IMDEEA/2011/167 (total grant of (sic)255,000) funded by IMPIVA and cofunded (80%) by the European Union through FEDER funds, Valencian Community Operational 2007-2012.Fages, E.; Cano, MA.; Gironés, S.; Boronat Vitoria, T.; Fenollar Gimeno, OÁ.; Balart Gimeno, RA. (2013). The use of wet-laid techniques to obtain flax nonwovens with different thermoplastic binding fibers for technical insulation applications. Textile Research Journal. 83(4):426-437. https://doi.org/10.1177/0040517512454183S42643783

    Identification of proteins that can participate in the recruitment of Ttk69 to genomic sites of Drosophila melanogaster

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    The proteins with the BTB domain play an important role in the processes of activation and repression of transcription. Interestingly, BTB-containing proteins are widely distributed only among higher eukaryotes. Many BTB-containing proteins are transcriptional factors involved in a wide range of developmental processes. One of the key regulators of early development is the BTB-containing protein Ttk (tramtrack), which is able to interact with the Drosophila nucleosome remodeling and histone deacetylation (dNuRD) complex. Ttk69 directly interacts with two protein components of the dNuRD complex, dMi-2 and MEP1. It can be assumed that Ttk69 represses some target genes by remodeling chromatin structure through the recruitment of the dNuRD complex. However, it is still unknown what provides for specific recruitment of Ttk to chromatin in the process of negative/positive regulation of a target gene expression. Although Ttk69 has DNA-binding activity, no extended specific motif has been identified. The purpose of this study was to find proteins that can participate in the recruitment of Ttk to regulatory elements. To identify Ttk partner proteins, screening in the yeast two-hybrid system was performed against a collection of proteins with clusters of C2H2 domains, which bind effectively and specifically to sites on chromatin. As a results, the CG10321 and CG1792 proteins were identified as potential DNA-binding partners of Ttk. We suppose that the CG10321 and CG1792 proteins provide specificity for the recruitment of Ttk and, as a result, of the NuRD-complex to the genome regulatory elements. We found that the Ttk protein is able to interact with the MEP1 and ZnF proteins at once

    Soil and Forest Characteristics of the Sample Plots in the Conditions of Sod-Podzolic Soils of the Forest Experimental Garden, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

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    In this paper, the influence of sod-podzolic soils with different expression of sod and podzolic processes of soil formation the formation of pure coniferous and deciduous, and mixed forest stands in terms of educational scientific consulting center “the Forest experimental cottage”. Identified the relationship of physico-chemical properties of soil from silvicultural and forest inventory indices of the studied stands. In this regard, was a complex of forests and soil studies, which include the laying of soil profiles with detailed description of the soil horizons, the holding of descriptions of woody vegetation with the establishment of the age, vertical and horizontal structure of forest stands growing