13 research outputs found

    Functional Properties and Metabolic Profile of National Fermented Products of Russia and South Africa

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    . Both Russia and South Africa have a long-standing history of fermented milk product consumption. Along with the products widely distributed around the world, such as yoghurts, in each of these countries there are a number of national products. An example of a widely demanded fermented milk product in Russia is Kefir.This productis used not only as a food source in the diet of children and adults, but also in medical institutions, since ithasa positive effect onhuman health when consumed regularly. South Africa is characterized by the consumption of products such as Amasi,which is produced commercially. Its consumption has also been shown to have beneficial effects on the digestive system. In this research, the metabolic profiles(fatty acid composition and volatile compounds) of these fermented milk products were analyzed and these showed significant differences. The results indicated that this metabolite composition reflected the different production protocols and microbial complexity of these dairy products. The functional properties of the studied drinks were also considered.The average content of L-leucine equivalents in Amasi was slightly higher (6.5-8.9mMol×L −1) than in Kefir (4.9-6.7mMol×L −1). Antioxidant and antihypertensive activity of the fermented products correlated with the depth of hydrolysis of the milk proteins. Amasishowed higher antioxidant and antihypertensive activities (600- 796µМolТE/ml and 1.3-1.5mg/ml, respectively) than Kefir (246-574µМolТE/ml and 2.0-4.3mg/ml, respectively). Keywords: fermented products, Kefir, Amasi,metabolic profile, antioxidant potential, antihypertensive propertie

    Application of ESI FT-ICR MS to Study Kraft Lignin Modification by the Exoenzymes of the White Rot Basidiomycete Fungus TrametesHirsutaLE-BIN 072

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    Trameteshirsuta is a wood rotting fungus that possesses a vast array of lignin degrading enzymes, including7 laccases, 7 ligninolyticmanganese peroxidases, 9 lignin peroxidases and 2 versatile peroxidases. In this study,electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR MS)was used to examine kraft lignin modification by the enzymatic system of this fungus.The observed pattern of lignin modification suggested that before the 6th day of cultivation,the fungal enzymatic system tended to degrade more oxidized moleculesand, hence, less recalcitrant molecules, with the production of hard-to-modify reduced molecular species. At some point after the 6th day of cultivation,the fungal enzymatic system tended to degrade more oxidized moleculesand, hence, less recalcitrant molecules, with the production of hard-to-modify reduced molecular species. At some point after the 6th day of cultivation,the fungus started to degrade less oxidized, more recalcitrant, compounds, converting them into the more oxidized forms. The altered pattern of lignin modification enabled changes in the fungal enzymatic system. These changes were further attributed to the appearance of the particular ligninolyticmanganese peroxides enzyme(MnP7), which was added by the fungus to the mixture of enzymes that had already been secreted (VP2 and MnP5). Keywords: wood rotting fungi, kraft lignin, mass spectrometry, peroxidase

    Determining the Rational Concentration of Dry Demineralized Whey in a Formulationfor Marzipan Pastes

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    Results obtained in the studies of rheological, surface and sensory characteristics of marzipan paste containing dry demineralized whey (DDW) are presented in this paper. Positive effect of DDW on sensory characteristics of model compositions of marzipan pastes was established. Component compatibility of DDW and almond nut has been confirmed. It has been established experimentally that DDW brings about changes in structural state of marzipan pastes by changing quantitative values of rheological and surface characteristics. It was established that an increase in DDW concentration entails growth of strain and plasticity indices and a decrease in elasticity and resilience indices of marzipan pastes which generally improves formability. As it was confirmed by the results from comprehensive studies, there is a possibility of partial replacement of import-dependent raw materials in composition of marzipan paste and, respectively, cut of cost of final product.Technological feasibility of using glycerin in compositions of DDW-containing marzipan pastes to improve their plasticity and compliance while maintaining high formability was substantiated. The rational content of glycerin in compositions of marzipan pastes was established which makes it possible to adjust surface properties within specified limits for pasty dressing semi-finished products from marzipan pastes.Lines of differentiated use of marzipan pastes with various weight fractions of DDW in confectionery production as dressing semi-finished products were offered: TICP marzipan paste with DDW mass fraction of 20 % for topping and spreading interlayers in wads and confectionery products. Corresponding figure of 30 % was recommended for making sweets and molding figured confectionary product

    Amino acid formulas in patients with food allergy

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    The article presents modern approaches to the use of balanced formulas for nutrition and diet correction in children with various forms of food allergies. The guidelines are based on all available up to date evidence on the efficacy, safety and utility of using such innovative medical technology as specialized amino acid formulas. This formula is the targeted medical intervention for food allergies and confirmed cow's milk protein allergy, and particularly for patients with reduced physical growth and development (growth rates included). The material is based on methodological guidelines on the amino acid formulas usage previously developed by specialist experts of the Union of pediatricians of Russia in 2020

    Amino Acid Formulas in Patients with Gastrointestinal Diseases

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    Modern approaches for the management of children with gastrointestinal pathologies include optimal nutritional support that makes it possible to replete energy failure and restore essential nutrients balance. The article presents key information on gastrointestinal diseases in which modern amino acid formulas can be used to regulate nutritional status. The authors have conducted the extensive analysis of all available for now evidence on the efficacy, safety and utility of using such innovative medical technology as special elemental formula in gastrointestinal tract pathological conditions. This material is the basis for guidlines on the use of amino acid formulas developed by expert specialists of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia in 2020

    Применение аминокислотных смесей при пищевой аллергии

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    The article presents modern approaches to the use of balanced formulas for nutrition and diet correction in children with various forms of food allergies. The guidelines are based on all available up to date evidence on the efficacy, safety and utility of using such innovative medical technology as specialized amino acid formulas. This formula is the targeted medical intervention for food allergies and confirmed cow's milk protein allergy, and particularly for patients with reduced physical growth and development (growth rates included). The material is based on methodological guidelines on the amino acid formulas usage previously developed by specialist experts of the Union of pediatricians of Russia in 2020.В статье приводятся современные подходы к использованию сбалансированных детских смесей, которые предназначены для вскармливания и коррекции рациона детей, страдающих различными формами пищевой аллергии. Рекомендации разработаны на основании всех доступных на сегодняшний день доказательств эффективности, безопасности и полезности использования такой инновационной медицинской технологии, как специализированные аминокислотные смеси. Данная формула является таргетным медицинским вмешательством при пищевой аллергии и подтвержденной аллергии к белкам коровьего молока, особенно для пациентов со сниженными показателями физического развития, в том числе темпов роста. Материал основан на методическом руководстве по применению аминокислотных смесей, ранее разработанном экспертами-специалистами Союза педиатров России в 2020 г