86 research outputs found

    Analysis and Use of CRM Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises of the Czech Republic

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    FEDOROVÁ, Romana: CRM systémy v malých a středních podnicích. [Bakalářská práce]. VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra podnikohospodářská. Vedoucí práce: doc. Ing. Xenie Lukoszová, Ph.D. Rok obhajoby: 2018. Počet stran: 98 Bakalářská práce se zabývá oblastí CRM systémů v malých a středních podnicích. Cílem je seznámení s nejrozšířenějšími CRM systémy, jejich detailní charakteristika a popis atributů, které má CRM systém určený pro oblast malých a středních podniků splňovat. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Úvod je zaměřen na seznámení s problematikou CRM systémů a jejich významu pro malé a střední firmy. V dalších kapitolách teoretické části jsou vymezeny teoretická východiska CRM systémů a malých a středních firem. Část praktická je tvořena kvantitativním výzkumem CRM systémů v malých a středních podnicích. Celá práce je zakončena doporučeními a podstatné myšlenky jsou shrnuty v závěru bakalářské práce.FEDOROVÁ, Romana: CRM systems in small and medium enterprises. [Bachelor Thesis]. VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics. Department of Business Administration. Supervisor: doc. Ing. Xenie Lukoszová, Ph.D. Year of defense: 2018. Number of pages: 98 Bachelor thesis deals with area of CRM systems in small and medium enterprises. The goal is to get familiar with major CRM systems, their detailed characteristics and description of the attributes that the CRM system designed for small and medium-sized enterprises area has to fullfil. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The introduction is focused on understanding the issues of CRM systems and their significance for small and medium businesses. Next chapters of the theoretical part are defined by the theoretical background CRM systems and small and medium companies. The practical part consists of a quantitative research of CRM systems in small and medium-sized enterprises. The entire is topped with recommendations and essential ideas are summarized in the conclusion of Bachelor thesis.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskádobř

    The impact of the revolutionary movement on the judicial reform of Russian Tsar Alexander II

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    The article deals with the impact of revolutionary movement of 1860-1881 on the judicial reform introduced by Russian Tsar Alexander II. The reform comprising the Law on Establishment of Courts, the Criminal Trial Act, the Civil Trial Act and the Law on Penalties Imposed by the Conciliation Courts,w was designed to eliminate the shortcomings of the disfunctional judicial system of the pre-reform period and allowed for the public control of the judicial decisions. By doing this, the reform opened the door to the needed changes in the Russian society that significantly lagged behind Western Europe. The measures taken against the revolutionary movement of the 1880s and the 1890s negatively affected the reform legislation and distorted many democratic institutions introduced by the judicial reform

    Study of Cu(II) Adsorption by Siderite and Kaolin

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    AbstractThis work deals with the study of adsorption properties of natural raw materials – siderite (S) and kaolin (K) as potential adsorbents of heavy metals cations. To enhance their adsorption capacity, the coating of their surfaces by MnO2 was used (samples denoted as SM and KM). The changes of the surface parameters after the modification were studied by the low temperature nitrogen adsorption measurement. More expressive increase of the value of SBET was observed for the sample SM, from 6 to 36 m2 g-1. The nonhomogenous distribution of MnO2 particles of needle shape on the siderite surface was observed by SEM.The results from the batch adsorption experiments of Cu(II) removal were processed by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The calculated value of maximum adsorption capacity increased after the modification from 12.9 to 19.8mg g-1 and from 10.8 to 39.8mg g-1 for siderite and kaolin, respectively. In the introductory experiments in dynamic regime, the columns filled with mixtures of S-K and S-KM were percolated with Cu(II) model solution. Due to the presence of a higher dose of S, the solution pH increased during the percolation and precipitated copper was retained in the columns. During the first hours, the effectivity of both mixtures reached 100% and then slightly decreased to 85% in average

    Influence of the State Accounting Reform on Transfers of the Municipatities, with a Focus on Budget Classification

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    Import 11/07/2012Diplomová práce se zabývá tématem Vliv reformy účetnictví státu na transfery obce se zaměřením na rozpočtovou skladbu. Cílem mé diplomové práce je srovnání účtování transferů obce (jako příjemce, zprostředkovatel a poskytovatel) v průběhu reformy za rok 2010 až 2012, včetně zaměření na rozpočtovou skladbu a její vysvětlení. Dále se v závěru diplomové práce pokusím o konečné porovnání, zda má reforma pozitivní, či negativní dopad na obec. Diplomová práce je členěna do tří hlavních částí. V první části se zaměřuji na vysvětlení účetní reformy, včetně základních cílů této reformy, a také právního rámce, kde popisuji náplň Českých účetních standardů a vyhlášek. V druhé části se věnuji základní charakteristice transferů obce, a to jako příjemce, zprostředkovatele a poskytovatele. V této části se také zaměřím na vysvětlení rozpočtové skladby. Ve třetí části mé diplomové práce se zabývám účetními případy obce v průběhu reformy účetnictví státu.The subject of the diploma dissertation is an Influence of the state accounting reform on transfers of the municipality with a focus on budget classification. The aim of the thesis is a comparison of municipality transfers booking (in case of a beneficiary, an intermediary as well as a provider scenario) over the course of the accounting reform in years 2010-2012 including a focus on the budget composition and its explanation. Further on in the conclusions I attempt to provide a final analysis of the impact of the accounting reform on municipalities – whether the reform brings positive, negative or neutral impact on them. The dissertation is structured into three main parts. The first one is focused on the explanation of the accounting reform, its main aims and targets and on the legal background looking mainly into Czech accounting standards and other Czech accounting related legal documents. The second part is devoted to the summary of basic characteristics of the municipality transfers when acting as a beneficiary, a provider or an intermediary. In this part I also analyzed the budget composition. In the third part I provide concrete examples of municipality transfer bookings over the course of the government accounting reform.117 - Katedra účetnictvídobř

    Evaluation of transformation from even-aged to selection forest by means of Gini index

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    We used the Gini index for evaluation of the 40-year transformation to selection forests in the Training Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest Křtiny (Czech Republic). The Gini index values for particular forest stands were compared with the reference values derived from the diameter distribution model curve (type E) by Meyer. From a total of sixteen stands which were evaluated in 2013 (the last periodic inventory), only two stands reached the desired diameter structure. Four other stands reached the desired diameter structure at least once during the transformation period. We recommend the application of Gini index for determination of a success rate of even-aged stand transformation to selection forest.O

    Influence of iron ore works in Nižná Slaná on the atmospheric deposition of heavy metals

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    The contribution deals with an evaluation of atmospheric deposition monitoring in 2001–2009 which was realised in the vicinity ofsiderite mining and processing works. Besides of gaseous emissions the works also produced the solid compounds of iron oxides and otherheavy metals. The iron ore plant worked up to August 2008. The atmospheric deposition (wet and dry) was determined by the modified bulkdeposition methodology. The samples were collected from seventeen monitoring sites, which are located maximally up to 8 km from the mainpollution source. Together with the deposition fluxes of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu,Cr, Cd, As), the mineralogical composition,dispersion and size characteristics of solid particles were studied in selected samples. The volume content of respirable solid particles withthe diameter under 5 μm was from 6.7 to 13.2 %. Nanoparticles with the average hydrodynamic diameter in the interval of 242–558 nm werefound. High values of the deposition (median) of iron - 4111 mg.m-2.year -1, manganese - 236.6 mg.m-2.year -1 and especially toxic arsenic -8.05 mg.m-2.year -1 were measured in the area of Nižná Slaná in the years 2001–2008 and compared with other areas. A correlation betweenemissions of solid pollutants in particular years and the deposition for these metals was observed. In 2009, after shutdown of the works,a decrease of values at the most contaminated sites of deposition by arsenic, manganese and iron about 90 % was recorded. Sucha significant change was not recorded for other studied metals

    A Generalized Stopping Criterion for Real-Time MPC with Guaranteed Stability

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    Most of the real-time implementations of the stabilizing optimal control actions suffer from the necessity to provide high computational effort. This paper presents a cutting-edge approach for real-time evaluation of linear-quadratic model predictive control (MPC) that employs a novel generalized stopping criterion, achieving asymptotic stability in the presence of input constraints. The proposed method evaluates a fixed number of iterations independent of the initial condition, eliminating the necessity for computationally expensive methods. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the introduced technique by its implementation of two widely-used first-order optimization methods: the projected gradient descent method (PGDM) and the alternating directions method of multipliers (ADMM). The numerical simulation confirmed a significantly reduced number of iterations, resulting in suboptimality rates of less than 2\,\%, while the effort reductions exceeded 80\,\%. These results nominate the proposed criterion for an efficient real-time implementation method of MPC controllers

    Development of sessile oak and European hornbeam sprouts after thinning

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    We observed the growth of juvenile sprouts at stool level in an oak-hornbeam selective coppice after selective thinning. We tested the relations of sprouting probability, number and height of new sprouts, and stool biometric characteristics with thinning intensity and light conditions. We compared the results between the two species. The sprouting probability, number of new sprouts, and height of new sprouts were modelled using different types of regression (logistic, generalized linear, and multiple linear regression) evaluated from 84 sessile oak (Quercus petraea Matt. Liebl.) and 139 European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) stools with the same site conditions. There were no significant relations between sprouting probability and the tested parameters because nearly all stools re-sprouted. The growth (number and height) of new sprouts depended on the stool basal area before thinning and on thinning intensity. Light conditions (indirect site factor) only influenced the number of new European hornbeam sprouts in 2016 and the height of new sessile oak sprouts. The number of new sprouts in European hornbeam was higher than in sessile oak.O