12 research outputs found

    Клиническое исследование эффективности и безопасности препарата Визомитин®, глазные капли, у пациентов с возрастной катарактой

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    PURPOSE: The assessment of possibility to add a new indication for the registered pharmaceutical. Evaluation of safety and efficacy of Visomitin® compared to placebo in patients with age-related cataracts. METHODS: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study of Visomitin® eye drops in patients with age-related cataracts was conducted in accordance with Good Clinical Practice guidance, the Declaration of Helsinki and the Russian regulatory requirements. The study included 80 patients (23 men and 57 women) aged 45 to 75 years with diagnosed age-related cataract. All subjects were randomized into two groups of 40 patients each. In the treatment group patients received Visomitin® eye drops and in the control group, patients were given placebo (vehicle, i.e. eye drops with the same composition as Visomitin® except for the active substance SkQ1) in the form of instillations of one drop per each eye three times daily for six months. The study comprised 7 monthly visits. The following standard ophthalmological examinations were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy: visual acuity measurement, refractometry, biomicroscopy of the eye, ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, computer perimetry, densitometry. At certain visits lacrimal fluid was taken for evaluation of its antioxidant activity. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured as a part of safety evaluation which also included documentation of complaints and adverse events. Concomitant therapies were also documented. RESULTS: Analysis of safety parameters showed Visomitin® to be safe and well tolerated for patients with age-related cataract. Practically no adverse effects were documented during the study. In both groups a decrease of the number of patients with subjective complaints was observed. These complaints included: visual deterioration, dryness, grittiness, burning eyes, eye fatigue. The decrease of the number of complaints in the Visomitin® group was more pronounced than in the placebo group. During the first months of treatment an improvement of visual acuity was observed in both groups. This result can be explained by a protective effect of hypromellose contained in both Visomitin® and placebo. However, between the 4th and the 6th months, the improvement in visual acuity significantly slowed down in the placebo group, while positive dynamics remained the same in the Visomitin® group. At the end of the treatment visual acuity increased by more than 50% in Visomitin® group and remained at the level of 10-15% in the placebo group (statistically significant difference between placebo and Visomitin® groups,

    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the xth international congress of virology: August 11-16,1996 Binyanei haOoma, Jerusalem, Israel Part 2 Plenary Lectures

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    The work provides classification chemical destruction on the concrete, are features some approximate calculations of three-component composition (cement, sand and large-size filler), as well as outlines optimum amounts of environmentally safe additives.Приведена классификация химического разрушения бетона и даны некоторые примерные расчеты трехкомпонентного состава (цемент, песок и крупный заполнитель), а также намечены оптимальные количества экобезопасных добавок.Наведено класифікацію хімічного руйнування бетону та дані деякі зразкові розрахунки трикомпонентного складу (цемент, пісок і великий заповнювач), а також намічені оптимальні кількості екобезпечних домішок.

    Plasmodesmata: Channels for Viruses on the Move

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    The symplastic communication network established by plasmodesmata (PD) and connected phloem provides an essential pathway for spatiotemporal intercellular signaling in plant development but is also exploited by viruses for moving their genomes between cells in order to infect plants systemically. Virus movement depends on virus-encoded movement proteins (MPs) that target PD and therefore represent important keys to the cellular mechanisms underlying the intercellular trafficking of viruses and other macromolecules. Viruses and their MPs have evolved different mechanisms for intracellular transport and interaction with PD. Some viruses move from cell to cell by interacting with cellular mechanisms that control the size exclusion limit of PD whereas other viruses alter the PD architecture through assembly of specialized transport structures within the channel. Some viruses move between cells in the form of assembled virus particles whereas other viruses may interact with nucleic acid transport mechanisms to move their genomes in a non-encapsidated form. Moreover, whereas several viruses rely on the secretory pathway to target PD, other viruses interact with the cortical endoplasmic reticulum and associated cytoskeleton to spread infection. This chapter provides an introduction into viruses and their role in studying the diverse cellular mechanisms involved in intercellular PD-mediated macromolecular trafficking