389 research outputs found

    Radiation emission from wrinkled SiGe/SiGe nanostructure

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    Semiconductor optical emitters radiate light via band-to-band optical transitions. Here, a different mechanism of radiation emission, which is not related to the energy band of the materials, is proposed. In the case of carriers traveling along a sinusoidal trajectory through a wrinkled nanostructure, radiation was emitted via changes in their velocity in a manner analogous to synchrotron radiation. The radiated frequency of wrinkled SiGe/SiGe nanostructure was found to cover a wide spectrum with radiation power levels of the order of submilliwatts. Thus, this nanostructure can be used as a Si-based optical emitter and it will enable the integration of optoelectronic devices on a wafer

    Моральність медичного персоналу

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    The medical help is considered to be full when medical staff not only use medical and diagnostic technology properly, but also follow the ethical rules. The research showed questionnaire to be a good method of diagnostic for both medical staff ethical potential and the individual employee's one. The scale for assessing group ethical preferences is considered to be effective also. The data resulted in a high level of ethical values and behaviour for only every eleventh respondent include. The majority of respondents, more than two-thirds, showed an average level and one of five - showed a low ethical level, mainly due to the low ethics of males. The ethical learning is an urgent and indispensable task of the medical environment in public professional organizations. The ethical trainings for different social groups (as males, females doctors and the medical staff) should be distinctively different in content and occurred in each medical organisation annually. The medical ethics has become a professional competence factor of medical staff and it should be taken care of, both the public and administrators, heads of medical institutions at all levels of government.Вважається, що медична допомога повноцінна тоді, коли медичний персонал додержується усіх етичних норм і правил, а не тільки правильно і адекватно використовує лікувально-діагностичну технологію. Дослідження показало результативність використання анкетування, як засобу діагностики рівня етичного потенціалу медичного закладу і окремого співробітника, а також запропоновану шкалу оцінки групових етичних уподобань. За результатами дослідження тільки кожен одинадцятий респондент показав високий рівень етичних цінностей і поведінки. Найбільша частина людей – більш як дві третини, показали середній рівень і кожен п’ятий респондент продемонстрував низький рівень етичності, головним чином, за рахунок низької етичності чоловіків. Навчання етичним правилам, нормам і поведінки є невідкладним і неодмінним завданням лікарського середовища, громадських професійних організацій. Етичні тренінги для різних соціальних груп (лікарів чоловіків, жінок і середнього медичного персоналу) за змістом мають суттєво відрізнятися і відбуватися в кожній медичній організації, хоча б раз на рік. Можна стверджувати, що медична етика стала фактором професійної компетентності медичного персоналу і нею слід опікуватися, як громадськості, так і адміністраторам, керівникам медичного закладу на всіх рівнях управління

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of RT4Al8 (R = Sc, Y, La, Lu; T = Fe, Mn, Cr) compounds. Hydrostatic pressure effects

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    We present results of theoretical and experimental studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of RFe4Al8, RMn4Al8, and RCr4Al8 compounds with nonmagnetic elements R = Sc, Y, La, and Lu. The electron spectrum and field induced magnetic moment, as well as their dependences on the unit cell volume, are calculated for the paramagnetic phase of the RT4Al8 systems. The calculations are supplemented by measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of representative RT4Al8 compounds as a function of temperature and hydrostatic pressure

    Scope of endovascular surgery in correction of stenotic lesions of the internal carotid artery in complex anatomic conditions

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    In most cases, patients with multifocal atherosclerotic lesions, including brachiocephalic arteries, are denied surgical treatment due to the high risks of intra- and postoperative complications. Despite the severe stenotic lesion of the carotid arteries, which can lead to such a major complication as ischemic stroke, in most cases surgeons refuse to perform the operation. Endovascular surgery is often the only option for these patients. After analyzing the world experience in the treatment of hemodynamically significant lesions of the arteries of the brachiocephalic basin and applying in practice various methods of endovascular interventions in patients with complex stenotic lesions of the internal carotid arteries, we were convinced that endovascular correction of such lesions is often the main method of treatment for patients with multifocal atherosclerosis, and can also be used as a primary method of treatment, as it demonstrates high effectiveness, low risk of complications and good long-term results

    Polymerization of Lactic Acid Using Microwave and Conventional Heating

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    The polymerization of lactic acid (LA) has been investigated by two methods: conventional heating and under microwave irradiation. The reactions of polymerization have been carried out in two stages: at the beginning water is removed and oligomer is obtained; then, the catalysts/co-catalysts are added and reactions are carried out. Tin octoate, toluene sulfonic acid, 2-aminopropanoic acid (alanine) have been investigated as polymerization catalysts and the derivatives of 2,4,6,8- tetramethilol -2,4,6,8- tetraazabicyclo[3.3.0]octane -3,7-dion (Tetraol), comprising atoms of Mg, Zn, Al have been synthesized for the first time. The structure of the synthesized catalyst has been investigated using the method of IR, {1}H NMR. It has been shown that the process of obtaining polylactic acid (PLA) by microwave irradiation proceeds hundreds of times faster. PLA samples synthesized by this method have the same optical characteristics as the PLA obtained by conventional heating