585 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Ouellette, Fedora (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Communication Strategy for a public information campaign on CO2 geological storage and on CCS as a whole: the case history in Italy from 2003 to 2008

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    Abstract In the frame of the INGV activities of the Group 5 of the European Platform on Zero Emissions Fossil Fuels Power Plants (Eu ZEP) INGV resumes 8 years of experience in public communication on CCS aimed to the public acceptance of this strategic group of technologies. This paper follows from the beginning (2000–2008) the history of the communication and public acceptance campaign in Italy, discriminating in details the bad/sound messages appeared on newspaper, TV, video and conference, mostly as regard the possible natural risks associated to a newly exploited technology: CO2 Capture & Storage (CCS), namely degassing/leakage to surface and triggering of micro-seismicity typically associated to industrial fluids injection. The most important messages, the mediatic errors and the obstacles encountered during this long communication campaign, mostly exploited by INGV in Italy, are described critically, tentatively avoiding that the involved stakeholders make the same mistakes in future and do not adopt the herewith suggested protocols of communication. This is strategic mostly in densely populated countries, like the European ones, often affected by the NIMBY syndrome (Not In My Back Yard) for new plants which could foreseen the CO2 storage sites in the vicinity. In the frame of the European Directivity on CCS, the above mentioned risks are mainly supported and charged on the "storage operator": and this load is not soundly taken in considerations in the directivity itself: these risks must be spread on the "capture" community and on the "Competent Authority", otherwise the "storage operators" are not encouraged to enter in the CCS market. INGV describes its experience in creating good communication in public populated events like the "Science Festival" held in Lecce (May 2008) and the "Science Festival" held on Genova (October 2008), also by facilities as plastic interactive CCS scaled box reproducing the CO2 storage techniques, for a complete and simple communication with general public and stakeholders. The most important messages to be highlighted on CCS are mentioned and critically reviewed in the newspaper articles since the USA-Italia bilateral agreements on the climate change, including CCS at that time


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    This research deals with the cultural words found in the Indonesian novel Laskar Pelangi written by Andrea Hirata, and its translation, The Rainbow Troops by Angie Kilbane. The aim of this research is to find out the procedures which are used in translating the cultural words and to identify the shift in meaning that occurs in translating the cultural words. The research is conducted following the steps proposed by Sudaryanto (1993). In collecting the data, the writer applied ‘’non- participant observational method†and “note- taking†technique. The writer analyzed using translation identity method (Sudaryanto, 1993:13). Translation identity method is a method used to analyze the translation of one language into another language. The writer applies the formal and informal method to present the result of analysis (Sudaryanto, 1988). In analyzing the data, the theory used are from Newmark (1988), Vinay and Darbelnet (1995), Catford (1974) and supported by Baker’s (1992) and Larson’s (1984). The results indicate that there are four categories of cultural words found in novel Laskar Pelangi. The categories are ecology, material culture, social culture, organization, customs, activities, procedures and concept. Then, in translating the cultural words, the translator tend to use cultural equivalence procedure in the translation. Afterwards, there are seven cultural words shifted in meaning in the translation.Keywords: cultural word, meaning shif

    Sensualit\ue0 e spiritualit\ue0 nell'opera di due poeti: il croato Nikola \u160op (1904-1982) e lo sloveno Alojz Gradnik (1882-1967)

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    Nel saggio si mette a confronto la sensualit\ue0 e la spiritualit\ue0 nell'opera di due poeti: il croato Nikola \u160op (1904-1982) e lo sloveno Alojz Gradnik ((1882-1967). Mentre nell'opera poetica di Alojz Gradnik prevale nella fase giovanile la sensualit\u107 all'insegna del motto "amore e morte", in Nikola \u160op predomina invece, in questa fase, l'idealizzazione dell'amore. In seguito la poesia di Gradnik si spiritualizza sempre pi\uf9 ed alla fine del percorso poetico in Gradnik sensualit\ue0 e spiritualit\ue0 si fondono in un tutt'uno nell'immagine dell'Amore universale. In Nikola \u160op assistiamo invece al percorso inverso. Nella seconda fase della sua produzione poetica sensualit\ue0 e spitiyualit\ue0 sono in netta disarmonia: L'Essere supremo viene percepito soltanto in rari momneti di estatsi mistica, ma il dualismo e l'angoscia permangono costantemente e non riescono a fondersi armoniosamente

    Alien Registration- Bernier, Fedora (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    This research deals with the cultural words found in the Indonesian novel Laskar Pelangi written by Andrea Hirata, and its translation, The Rainbow Troops by Angie Kilbane. The aim of this research is to find out the procedures which are used in translating the cultural words and to identify the shift in meaning that occurs in translating the cultural words. The research is conducted following the steps proposed by Sudaryanto (1993). In collecting the data, the writer applied ‘’non- participant observational method” and “note- taking” technique. The writer analyzed using translation identity method (Sudaryanto, 1993:13). Translation identity method is a method used to analyze the translation of one language into another language. The writer applies the formal and informal method to present the result of analysis (Sudaryanto, 1988). In analyzing the data, the theory used are from Newmark (1988), Vinay and Darbelnet (1995), Catford (1974) and supported by Baker’s (1992) and Larson’s (1984). The results indicate that there are four categories of cultural words found in novel Laskar Pelangi. The categories are ecology, material culture, social culture, organization, customs, activities, procedures and concept. Then, in translating the cultural words, the translator tend to use cultural equivalence procedure in the translation. Afterwards, there are seven cultural words shifted in meaning in the translation.Keywords: cultural word, meaning shif

    Notes on Contemporary Indian Identity.

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    This essay offers a survey of Native American positions in the American patchwork. Taking as a starting point contemporary American politics and the possibility of multiracial identification in the U.S. Census, it surveys the contemporary discussion by Native American writers and scholars on “Men made of words,” “postindians,” “paracolonialism,” invented Indians, real Indians, and Indians as “signatures of assent,” foregrounding the complex negotiations involved in definitions and self-definitions of Indian identity

    Alien Registration- Roy, Fedora (Auburn, Androscoggin County)

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    Negara Indonesia mengusahakan peningkatan penerimaan negara dengan meningkatkan pemasukannya dengan penerimaan dari sektor pajak . Indonesia setiap tahunnya membangun dan meningkatkan sarana prasarana baik fisik maupun non fisik, serta peningkatan sektor migas non migas sebagai penunjang kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin berkembang terus. Kebutuhan akan pembangunan infrastruktur pastinya memerlukan biaya negara yang besar. Banyaknya penggelapan pajak yang terjadi mendorong penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di Surabaya Timur mengenai Penggelapan Pajak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan teknik wawancara kepada 15 orang informan yang seluruhnya merupakan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di Surabaya Timur yang ditentukan peneliti dengan teknik judgement sampling. Informan yang diteliti diharuskan berada di Surabaya Timur, merupakan wajib pajak pribadi dengan penghasilan dari pekerjaan dan usaaha , memiliki kewajiban PPh 21, memiliki NPWP , berusia 17-65 tahun dan memahami topik perpajakan terutama penggelapan pajak. Adapun Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah (1) Persepsi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di Surabaya Timur mengenai penggelapan pajak adalah tidak baik untuk dilakukan karena adanya Sanksi Perpajakan , (2) Persepsi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di Surabaya Timur mengenai penggelapan pajak adalah tidak baik untuk dilakukan berdasarkan Pengetahuan Wajib Pajak mengenai Penggelapan Pajak, (3) Persepsi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di Surabaya Timur mengenai penggelapan pajak adalah tidak baik untuk dilakukan karena adanya sistem perpajakan yang mengatur