21 research outputs found

    Highly tunable hybrid metamaterials employing split-ring resonators strongly coupled to graphene surface plasmons

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    Metamaterials and plasmonics are powerful tools for unconventional manipulation and harnessing of light. Metamaterials can be engineered to possess intriguing properties lacking in natural materials, such as negative refractive index. Plasmonics offers capabilities to confine light in subwavelength dimensions and to enhance light-matter interactions. Recently,graphene-based plasmonics has revealed emerging technological potential as it features large tunability, higher field-confinement and lower loss compared to metal-based plasmonics. Here,we introduce hybrid structures comprising graphene plasmonic resonators efficiently coupled to conventional split-ring resonators, thus demonstrating a type of highly tunable metamaterial, where the interaction between the two resonances reaches the strong-coupling regime. Such hybrid metamaterials are employed as high-speed THz modulators, exhibiting over 60% transmission modulation and operating speed in excess of 40 MHz. This device concept also provides a platform for exploring cavity-enhanced light-matter interactions and optical processes in graphene plasmonic structures for applications including sensing, photo-detection and nonlinear frequency generation

    InGaAs/AlInGaAs THz quantum cascade lasers operating up to 195 K in strong magnetic field

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    Terahertz quantum cascade lasers based on InGaAs wells and quaternary AlInGaAs barriers were measured in magnetic field. This study was carried out on a four-quantum-well active-region design with photon energy of 14.3 meV processed with both Au and Cu waveguides. The heterostructure operates up to 148 K at B = 0 T in a Cu waveguide. The complete magneto-spectroscopic study allowed the comparison of emission and transport data. Increasing the magnetic field, the low effective mass of the InGaAs wells allowed us to reach the very strong confinement regime. At B = 12 T, where the cyclotron transition is almost resonant with the LO-phonon, we recorded a maximum operating temperature of 195 K for the devices with Cu waveguide. Additional lasing at 5.9 meV was detected for magnetic fields between 7.3 and 7.7 T.ISSN:1367-263

    Enhanced current injection from a quantum well to a quantum dash in magnetic field

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    Resonant tunneling injection is a key ingredient in achieving population inversion in a putative quantum dot cascade laser. In a quantum dot based structure, such resonant current requires a matching of the wavefunction shape in k-space between the injector and the quantum dot. We show experimentally that the injection into an excited state of a dash structure can be enhanced tenfold by an in-plane magnetic field that shifts the injector distribution in k-space. These experiments, performed on resonant tunneling diode structures, show unambiguously resonant tunneling into an ensemble of InAs dashes grown between two AlInAs barrier layers. They also show that interface roughness scattering can enhance the tunneling current.ISSN:1367-263

    Gate and magnetic field tunable ultrastrong coupling between a magnetoplasmon and the optical mode of an LC cavity

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    The coupling between the optical mode of an LC cavity and a magnetoplasmon is studied by terahertz transmission spectroscopy. The magnetoplasmons are created by etching a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas into stripes. As a result, we identify three different regimes, depending on the plasmon frequency relative to the cavity frequency. We find a significant coupling to the cyclotron dispersion even in presence of screening of the electric field by the plasmon.ISSN:1098-0121ISSN:0163-1829ISSN:1550-235XISSN:0556-2805ISSN:2469-9969ISSN:1095-379