66 research outputs found

    Influence of lattice defects on the ferromagnetic resonance behaviour of 2D magnonic crystals

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    This paper studies, from a modelling point of view, the influence of randomly distributed lattice defects (non-patterned areas and variable hole size) on the ferromagnetic resonance behaviour and spin wave mode profiles of 2D magnonic crystals based on Ni80Fe20 antidot arrays with hexagonal lattice. A reference sample is first defined via the comparison of experimental and simulated hysteresis loops and magnetoresistive curves of patterned films, prepared by self-assembly of polystyrene nanospheres. Second, a parametric analysis of the dynamic response is performed, investigating how edge, quasi-uniform and localized modes are affected by alterations of the lattice geometry and bias field amplitude. Finally, some results about the possible use of magnetic antidot arrays in frequency-based sensors for magnetic bead detection are presented, highlighting the need for an accurate control of microstructural features

    Influence of shape, size and magnetostatic interactions on the hyperthermia properties of permalloy nanostructures

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    We present a detailed study of permalloy (Ni80Fe20) nanostructures with variable shape (disk, cylinder and sphere) for magnetic hyperthermia application, exploiting hysteresis losses for heat release. The study is performed modifying nanostructure aspect ratio and size (up to some hundreds of nanometres), to find the optimal conditions for the maximization of specific heating capabilities. The parameters are also tuned to guarantee negligible magnetic remanence and fulfilment of biophysical limits on applied field amplitude and frequency product, to avoid aggregation phenomena and intolerable resistive heating, respectively. The attention is first focused on disk-shaped nanostructures, with a comparison between micromagnetic simulations and experimental results, obtained on nanodisks still attached on the lithography substrate (2D array form) as well as dispersed in ethanol solution (free-standing). This analysis enables us to investigate the role of magnetostatic interactions between nanodisks and to individuate an optimal concentration for the maximization of heating capabilities. Finally, we study magnetization reversal process and hysteresis properties of nanocylinders (diameter between 150 nm and 600 nm, thickness from 30 nm up to 150 nm) and nanospheres (size between 100 nm and 300 nm), to give instructions on the best combination of geometrical parameters for the design of novel hyperthermia mediators

    Nanomaterials Characterisation through Magnetic Field Dependent AFM

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    Atomic force microscopy is a versatile technique allowing to exploit many different physical effects for measuring a number of materials properties. The magnetic properties of surfaces and thin films are traditionally accessed through magnetic force microscopy, which produces magnetic field gradient maps generated by the magnetisation distribution at the surface of the sample. However, more advanced techniques can be derived from this fundamental setup, allowing for a richer characterisation of magnetic samples. In this chapter, we will describe how to extend a magnetic force microscope to allow magnetic field-dependent characterisations. Magnetisation reversal processes, as well as full hysteresis loops, can be investigated with such a technique, with field resolution adequate for identifying significant features such as domains reversal, nucleation or annihilation of domains, and other irreversible mechanisms. The same principle can also be exploited for the measurement of magnetostriction on thin films, and can be taken as guideline for other advanced applications of atomic force microscopy

    Measurement of thin film magnetostriction using field-dependent atomic force microscopy

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    Measurement of thin film magnetostriction is a challenging task, as magnetostrictive material deformations in parts per million, in conjunction with materials at small dimensions, require high precision, often with dedicated set-ups, for reproducible results. We have developed a novel approach employing a commercial atomic force microscope (AFM) with attached electromagnets. Magnetostriction measurements are demonstrated on 50 - 500 nm thick Fe81Al19 films sputter deposited directly on high aspect ratio commercial AFM micro-cantilevers. A magnetostrictive deflection of the cantilever bimorph translates into a deflection force acting in a contact mode measurement, which is interpreted and recorded as a change in height. For determination of the magnetostriction coefficient, we have developed a modified version of the equation for the magnetostrictive deflection of a cantilever bimorph by Guerrero and Wetherhold, taking into account long-range attractive forces acting during contact mode AFM measurements in air. The sub-atomic precision of the AFM, combined with the widespread availability of all components and the simple set-up, makes the measurement of magnetostriction on films of just a few tens of nanometers thickness easily accessible.H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 SELECTA (grant agreement no. 642642 of the European Commission

    Effect of Ag content on magnetic properties of (FePt)-Ag sputtered thin films

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    Ordered FePt thin films deserved particular attention owing to their very large magnetocrystalline anisotropy making them attractive in high-density magnetic recording. The addiction o fan immiscibile elements such Ag promotes the formation of a granular FePt phase displaying a significant magnetoresistence effect (MR). The effect of Ag addiction on the morphological and magnetic properties of the starting Fe33Pt47 system will be clarified

    Cellular Contact Guidance on Liquid Crystalline Networks with Anisotropic Roughness

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    : Cell contact guidance is widely employed to manipulate cell alignment and differentiation in vitro. The use of nano- or micro-patterned substrates allows efficient control of cell organization, thus opening up to biological models that cannot be reproduced spontaneously on standard culture dishes. In this paper, we explore the concept of cell contact guidance by Liquid Crystalline Networks (LCNs) presenting different surface topographies obtained by self-assembly of the monomeric mixture. The materials are prepared by photopolymerization of a low amount of diacrylate monomer dissolved in a liquid crystalline solvent, not participating in the reaction. The alignment of the liquid crystals, obtained before polymerization, determines the scaffold morphology, characterized by a nanometric structure. Such materials are able to drive the organization of different cell lines, e.g., fibroblasts and myoblasts, allowing for the alignment of single cells or high-density cell cultures. These results demonstrate the capabilities of rough surfaces prepared from the spontaneous assembly of liquid crystals to control biological models without the need of lithographic patterning or complex fabrication procedures. Interestingly, during myoblast differentiation, also myotube structuring in linear arrays is observed along the LCN fiber orientation. The implementation of this technology will open up to the formation of muscular tissue with well-aligned fibers in vitro mimicking the structure of native tissues
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