67 research outputs found

    The Seoul Summit 2010

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    Barack Obama visit to Seoul, South Korea, Federated States of Micronesia, sheet of 4 stamps. The President Obama International Stamp Collection


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    This paper presents an update from the first stock assessment of silky shark in the western and central Pacific Ocean that was submitted to SC8 in August 2012. The main changes are the inclusion of a greater number of CPUE and catch time series in the analysis. The assessment uses the stock assessment model and computer software known as Stock Synthesis (version 3.21

    Biological Reference Points for Fisheries Management Under Environmental Changes

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    biological reference points (BRPs) for fisheries management under environmental changes, supported by Fisheries Agency of Japan. The objectives of this workshop are to review various BRPs for fish stocks including tuna and other fish species and to discuss the appropriate BRPs for temperate tunas considering the characteristics of biology and fishery for these species, environmental and ecosystem, and socio-economic effects. The key points of twelve presentations are provided below plus a short summary of the discussion are as follows. Participants were not necessarily representing the positions of their affiliated organizations. Japanese coastal fisheries have long history and some of them have never experienced the stock level of Bmsy. Bloss, which is the historically smallest biomass with enough RPS, is easier to be understood by fishermen, because fishermen know well from their experience that the stock biomass had fluctuated. Considering on the hardness to estimate MSY, for the stocks in North Pacific Ocean which had experienced various fishing intensity and had fluctuation of biomass, Bloss would have similar performance with Bmsy. Bmsy and Fmsy are not used for the management of TAC stocks in Japanese coastal fisheries, because the density dependence in S-R relation is not clear and there is uncertaint


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    Analyses of tagging data for tropical tunas, with implications for the structure of WCPO bigeye stock assessment


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    Paper prepared for Secretaria


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    This paper reports on the major developments over the past year with regard to filling gaps in the provision of scientific data to the Commission. All CCMs with fleets active in the WCPFC Convention Area have now provided 2012 annual catch estimates. Estimates for the key shark species (which is in accordance with the change in the requirements to include the key shark species catches) continue to improve and coastal states have begun using the new extended longline logsheets which has the provision for reporting shark at the species level. In general, the timeliness of the provision of aggregate catch/effort data continues to improve with nearly all CCMs providing data by the deadline of 30th April 2013. The quality of aggregate data provided has also improved with a reduction in the number of notes assigned to the aggregate data in recent years. A new structure of notes has been provided for the 2012 data provisions with the separation of (i) data gaps notes from (ii) general notes providing more background on the data provided. Operational data for the the American Samoa longline fleet (2007-2012) was provided for the first time, and catch estimates for one new fleet were provided for the first time (Portugal longline). Japan provided aggregated longline catch in weight data for the first time which facilitate the reconciliation with their annual catch estimates
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