189 research outputs found

    Student-Faculty Partnership: The European Framework and the Experience of the Italian Project Employability & Competences.

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    The article describes the European Framework for Improving Quality of Teaching in Europe and the research carried our at Italian University to explore the student voices in higher education

    Chapter The Student Voice in Higher Education and the Implications of Promoting Faculty Development

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    This chapter presents a literature overview of the student voice in higher education, the main results from a three-year research project conducted at five Italian universities with the aim of investigating students’ voices in higher education and how they offer insight into fostering Faculty Developmen

    Student-Faculty Partnership: The European Framework and the Experience of the Italian Project Employability & Competences

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    Exploring the landscape of reflection

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    open4noopenFrison, Daniela; Fedeli, Monica; Tino, Concetta; Minnoni, ErikaFrison, Daniela; Fedeli, Monica; Tino, Concetta; Minnoni, Erik

    L\u2019Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro: uno studio qualitativo Alternation School-Work: a qualitative study

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    Studi internazionali condotti su esperienze di Work-Based Learning (WBL) e Work- Related Learning (WRL), evidenziano il potere educativo e formativo dei contesti di lavoro. Un simile approccio \ue8 alla base del modello italiano dell\u201fAlternanza Scuola-Lavoro (ASL), la cui componente chiave \ue8 la partnership tra scuola e mondo del lavoro. Nonostante le numerose sperimentazioni, l\u201fASL si presenta per\uf2 come un modello formativo ancora da definire. Questo studio, facente parte di un piano di ricerca molto pi\uf9 ampio, \ue8 stato realizzato in due fasi, tramite interviste semi-strutturate rivolte a due gruppi di partecipanti diversi. La finalit\ue0 di questa prima parte del percorso \ue8 di conoscere lo stato dell\u201farte del dialogo scuola-lavoro in alcune scuole del nord-Italia. I risultati ottenuti ne evidenziano i punti di forza, ma anche la causa delle criticit\ue0 legate al nostro sistema di ASL

    L'alternanza scuola-lavoro: la voce di tutor e coordinatori nelle organizzazioni.

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    L'Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro (ASL) \ue8 un paradigma complesso che mette in discussione l'autoreferenzialit\ue0 della scuola, la cultura delle organizzazioni, la capacit\ue0 dei sistemi di attraversare i loro confini per creare partnership efficaci per l'apprendimento. Questo studio, a carattere qualitativo, \ue8 stato condotto tramite interviste semi-strutturate rivolte ai tutor o coordinatori che nelle organizzazioni si occupano dell'accompagnamento degli studenti in ASL. Lo scopo \ue8 di far conoscere alcuni elementi costitutivi della pratica di ASL nei contesti lavorativi e il ruolo dei tutor e coordinatori aziendali nel contribuire alla costruzione della partnership scuola-lavoro. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano elementi di forza della pratica dell'ASL. Tuttavia la sistematizzazione del sistema e la sua stessa natura richiedono agli attori e promotori della partnership scuola-lavoro, ulteriore impegno e maggiore consapevolezza, relativamente alla complessit\ue0 del fenomeno, ai ruoli e alle funzioni da svolgere, al fine di giungere ad una necessaria e condivisa definizione della sua identit\ue0

    Work-related teaching and learning methods to foster generic skills in Higher Education. An Italian experience

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    open5siWithin the framework of modernisation of higher education systems in Europe, universities are invited to go beyond a knowledge-based perspective focused on disciplinary approaches and to be more concentrated on encouraging generic skills to deal with today’s complex and unpredictable career paths. The literature about Work-Related Learning and Work-Integrated Learning offers evidence to research regarding contributions of work-related experiences to the development of generic skills. The first part of the article presents a literature review carried out following the matching among three main keywords: work-related learning, generic skills, and higher education. Resources focused on the integration/teaching of generic skills in formal curriculum or in co-curriculum work-related activities and they were collected in order to explore the link between work-related learning in higher education and the development of generic skills. The focus is to identify valuable considerations to improve teaching strategies and methods. The second part presents an Italian work-related experience developed within the course of “Organizational Intervention Research Methods,” which involved 22 master’s degree students. The work-related assignment will be described in addition to the content analysis process of the 22 collected texts and the findings about the development of generic skills.openDaniela, Frison; Concetta, Tino; Jonathan, W., Tyner; Monica, FedeliFrison, Daniela; Tino, Concetta; Jonathan, W.; Tyner, ; Fedeli, Monic

    Innovation and Kwnoledge Transfer of the Research. Final Remarks

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    Chapter Introduction: The Project from Beginning to End and Beyond

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