57 research outputs found

    Соціокультурні аспекти розвитку системи дитячо-юнацького туризму (на прикладі Харківської обласної станції юних туристів)

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    Метою статті є аналіз соціокультурних аспектів сучасного розвитку системи дитячо-юнацького туризму, висвітлення досвіду роботи Харківської обласної станції юних туристів в зазначеному напрямку. Аналіз досліджень і публікацій. Дослідженню питань розвитку системи дитячо-юнацького туризм

    Analyse des Modellierprozesses von Grundschüler*innen zum Thema Löslichkeit

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    Die Autorinnen untersuchen im Rahmen ihrer Prä-Post-Studie mit Viertklässlern, ob der Modellierungsprozess durch analoges Schließen zwischen mehreren Phänomenen unterstützt werden kann, und ob chemische Konzepte zum Thema Löslichkeit erlernt werden können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Grundschüler*innen ihre mentalen Modelle in einem Modell ausdrücken und teilweise revidieren können. In einigen Fällen werden die Modelle reflektiert und Grenzen erkannt. (DIPF/Orig.)Learning scientific concepts and methods is part of scientific literacy (Bybee 2002) and can be supported by modeling-based learning. Modeling-based learning involves creating, using, revising and reflecting about models (Constantinou et al. 2019). At primary level, it has been shown that primary school students can express their mental models about phenomena, such as the water cycle, but need support (Forbes et al. 2019). Whether the results can be transferred to chemistry-related phenomena requires empirical investigation. Therefore, it will be investigated to what extent a) the modeling process can be supported by analogical reasoning between multiple phenomena and b) whether chemical concepts on the topic of solubility can be learned. To answer these research questions, a pre-post study in a comparison group design was conducted with 63 fourth graders. The focus is on a learning setting with multiple phenomena on the topic of solubility. The intervention group is explicitly supported by analogical reasoning between the phenomena. Concept acquisition is assessed with the help of pre-post interviews, which are videotaped and analyzed in a video analysis. The results show that primary school students can express their mental models in a model and partly revise it. In some cases, the models are reflected and limitations are recognized. These results are presented and discussed in this paper. (DIPF/Orig.

    Does Augmented Reality Help to Understand Chemical Phenomena during Hands-On Experiments?–Implications for Cognitive Load and Learning

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    Chemical phenomena are only observable on a macroscopic level, whereas they are explained by entities on a non-visible level. Students often demonstrate limited ability to link these different levels. Augmented reality (AR) offers the possibility to increase contiguity by embedding virtual models into hands-on experiments. Therefore, this paper presents a pre- and post-test study investigating how learning and cognitive load are influenced by AR during hands-on experiments. Three comparison groups (AR, animation and filmstrip), with a total of N = 104 German secondary school students, conducted and explained two hands-on experiments. Whereas the AR group was allowed to use an AR app showing virtual models of the processes on the submicroscopic level during the experiments, the two other groups were provided with the same dynamic or static models after experimenting. Results indicate no significant learning gain for the AR group in contrast to the two other groups. The perceived intrinsic cognitive load was higher for the AR group in both experiments as well as the extraneous load in the second experiment. It can be concluded that AR could not unleash its theoretically derived potential in the present study

    Does Augmented Reality Help to Understand Chemical Phenomena during Hands-On Experiments?–Implications for Cognitive Load and Learning

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    Chemical phenomena are only observable on a macroscopic level, whereas they are explained by entities on a non-visible level. Students often demonstrate limited ability to link these different levels. Augmented reality (AR) offers the possibility to increase contiguity by embedding virtual models into hands-on experiments. Therefore, this paper presents a pre- and post-test study investigating how learning and cognitive load are influenced by AR during hands-on experiments. Three comparison groups (AR, animation and filmstrip), with a total of N = 104 German secondary school students, conducted and explained two hands-on experiments. Whereas the AR group was allowed to use an AR app showing virtual models of the processes on the submicroscopic level during the experiments, the two other groups were provided with the same dynamic or static models after experimenting. Results indicate no significant learning gain for the AR group in contrast to the two other groups. The perceived intrinsic cognitive load was higher for the AR group in both experiments as well as the extraneous load in the second experiment. It can be concluded that AR could not unleash its theoretically derived potential in the present study

    Richtlijnen voor het ontwikkelen van lesmateriaal voor onderzoekend leren in wiskunde en natuurwetenschappen met behulp van beroepscontexten

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    In dit document beschrijven we richtlijnen voor docenten en docenten-in-opleiding voor het (her)ontwerpen van lesmateriaal voor onderzoekend leren, waarbij we gebruikmaken van rijke contexten uit de beroepspraktijk. Het doel van dit document is om duidelijk te maken waarom en hoe de opdrachten van mascil onderzoekend leren ondersteunen en hoe zij verband houden met de beroepspraktijk. Bovendien laat het zien hoe docenten opdrachten van mascil en opdrachten uit andere bronnen zoals de lesmethode, projecten, enz., kunnen selecteren en aanpassen aan hun behoeften en aan die van hun leerlingen, met als doel het bevorderen van onderzoekend leren in contexten uit de beroepspraktij

    Corrigendum to Effects of Innovative Science and Mathematics Teaching on Student Attitudes and Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Study, Educational Research Review, 19, 158-172

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    Corrigendum to original article: Elwin R. Savelsbergh, Gjalt T. Prins, Charlotte Rietbergen, Sabine Fechner, Bram E. Vaessen, Jael M. Draijer, Arthur Bakker Effects of innovative science and mathematics teaching on student attitudes and achievement: A meta-analytic study Educational Research Review, Volume 19, November 2016, Pages 158-172 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2016.07.00