57 research outputs found

    Analisis Efektivitas Biaya (Cost Eff Ectiveness Analysis) Pada Pasien Gastritis Kronik Rawat Inap Di RSU Pancaran Kasih Gmim Manado

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    ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS BIAYA (COST EFF ECTIVENESS ANALYSIS) PADA PASIEN GASTRITIS KRONIK RAWAT INAP DI RSU PANCARAN KASIH GMIM MANADO Febryanti Laumba1), Gayatri Citraningtyas1), Adithya Yudistira1)1)Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA UNSRAT Manado, 95115 ABSTRACT The use of gastritis drugs with a relatively high cost does not guarantee the effectiveness of proper care. The cost of health services, particularly the cost of drugs, has increased in recent years. Pharmacoeconomic analysis describes and analyzes that drug costs for health care systems. A drug is determined to be cost-effective if the value of ACER of a drug from the two drugs compared is the lowest from the drugs compared. This study aims to determine a more cost-effective therapy between the use of omeprazole and pantoprazole against gastritis patients. This research uses descriptive research method with retrospective retrieval. The sample in this study consisted of 21 patient, with 5 patients using omeprazole and 16 patients using pantoprazole. The results show that the comparison of ACER value of ACER pantoprazole value (Rp 822,398 / day) is less than the value of ACER omeprazole (Rp. 857,859 / day), so the use of pantoprazole is more cost-effective than omeprazole. Keywords: Cost Effectiveness Analysis, Chronic Gastritic, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole ABSTRAK Penggunaan obat gastritis dengan biaya yang relatif mahal belum menjamin efektifitas perawatan yang tepat. Biaya pelayanan kesehatan, khususnya biaya obat, telah meningkat beberapa tahun terakhir. Analisis farmakoekonomi menggambarkan dan menganalisa biaya obat untuk sistem perawatan kesehatan. Suatu obat dikatakan cost-effective apabila nilai ACER suatu obat dari kedua obat yang dibandingkan adalah yang paling rendah dari obat yang dibandingkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan terapi yang lebih cost-effective antara penggunaan omeprazole dan pantoprazole pada pasien gastritis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Sampel pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 21 yaitu 5 pasien menggunakan omeprazole dan 16 pasien menggunakan pantoprazole. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbandingan nilai ACER yaitu nilai ACER pantoprazole (Rp. 822.398. /hari) lebih kecil dari nilai ACER omeprazole (Rp

    Pengaruh Emisi Partikel Ultrafine Printer Terhadap Kerusakan Organ Ginjal Mencit

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    Partikel ultrafine merupakan partikel yang memiliki ukuran kurang dari 0,1 µm(≤ 0,1 µm). Proses utama pembentukan partikel ini biasanya melalui kondensasi uap panas selama proses combustion dengan temperatur tinggi dan proses nukleasi material atmosferik yang membentuk partikel baru. Partikel ultrafine didapat dari hasil printing menggunakan printer. Partikel ultrafine dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada organ ginjal, untuk mengetahui kerusakan organ ginjal akibat partikel ultrafine maka dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh emisi partikel ultrafine printer terhadap organ ginjal mencit (Mus musculus). Penelitian ini menggunakan proses printing yang dipaparkan langsung terhadap mencit yang dimasukkan kedalam Exposure Chamber sebanyak 0 lembar (kontrol), 700 lembar, 1400 lembar, 2100 lembar, 2800 lembar, 3500 lembar dan 4200 lembar. Kemudian dibuat preparat histologi organ ginjal dan kerusakannya diamati dengan perbesaran 400x. Pengukuran konsentrasi partikel ultrafine menggunakan P-Trak UPC model 8525 dengan cara melakukan proses printing didalam Exposure Chamber. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa banyaknya lembar yang dihasilkan dari proses printing memberi pengaruh terhadap Perubahan struktur histologi ginjal mencit (Mus musculus). Semakin besar partikel ultrafine yang diperoleh dari proses printing maka akan semakin besar pula persentase kerusakan organ ginjal pada mencit

    Analisis Survey Kepuasan Pengguna Terhadap Website Bina Darma Career and Training Center (Bdctc)

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    In the world of education website is a place to disseminate information both from private and public institutions. Bina Darma Career and Training Center (BDCTC) is a training institute and job placement center that has a website that is www.bdctc.or.id, but the problem is that the website has not been put to good use by users that stakeholders / companies, alumni and students. To find out the problem, then the website BDCTC need to analyze the level of satisfaction of users with measurement techniques quality website that is WebQual through 3-dimensional (Usability, Information, and Service). The method of analysis used descriptive survey approach.Based on the research note that the level of satisfaction of the users of the website BDCTC 3-dimensional views of the Usability and Service does not have a significant effect on user satisfaction, while at the Information have any impact on satisfaction.The third dimension of the most dominant influence is the information. Keywords: Analysis, WebQual, stakeholders, students, alumni and quantitative descriptive methods

    Team Buildingthrough Class Blog

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    Student's work for a writing class is no longer one submitted for limited readership the teacher and the writer himself as it can be publicly shared online. Posted on a webpage such as blog, it allows more people to access, read, or leave comments. Though it may sound intimidating for some shy students who are likely to keep their writing private, it is less about trespassing the confidential status of a student's work than building the student's self confidence and encouraging them to produce a better composition. It is especially through class blog which is managed by a number of students of the same class. This model proves to be beneficial for the students because not only is their writing read by more audience than their fellow classmates but they can also identify themselves as a team. This paper attempts to describe the previous researches concerning the application of blog in general and what it means by class blog, the model of class blog which has been implemented in this project, and how team work among the classmates is built through class blogs

    Perkembangan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (Pmri) di Lptk Bandung Raya

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    Math is very important to develop students\u27 thinking skills and instill character education on students with abilities so that learners are expected to survive in an uncertain and competitive . However, to date most of the students do not like and even hate math because math is something they feel boring and intimidating . there is evidence of the general mathematical problems such as low national average NEM , low competitiveness in the International arena as well as the lack of interest in learning mathematics . Many efforts have been made by experts of mathematics education in Indonesia, even in developed countries also do a lot of innovations in education, especially in mathematics . Indonesia is in the midst popularized Realistic Mathematics Education Indonesia or abbreviated PMRI. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method that will generate descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of the subject being observed. Data collection techniques used is to use the method of observation , questionnaire , interview, and documentation . The results of this study that PMRI Developments in West Bandung West Java has not been fully developed as expected when first introduced in Indonesia PMRI . It can be seen that only a few PMRI apply themselves in school . At this present time LPTKs - LPTK already begun rarely held pelatiha / workshops , seminars and study also the theme PMRI . Then also supported that the lack of support from the government regarding PMRI . Thus, PMRI in its development as a whole has not spread in Bandung Raya

    Analisis Penerapan Sistem Operasi Linux dan Mikrotik terhadap Kecepatan Akses (Studi Kasus Warnet Kota Palembang)

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    In the advancement of information technology, namely the Internet, and web hosting as well as internet warnet or better known term cafe is increasingly widespread and growing every year. Many warnet that exist in the city of Palembang just a few warnet that use Linux operating system and operating system Mikrotik, this is due to the cafe just rely on the facilities provided without considering connections and needs of each client. The research will be carried out analysis implementation server operating system that has been used several internet cafés in the city of Palembang to see speed internet access. With the research is expected to see how much influence the linux operating system and a proxy server for internet access speeds at every cafe that uses server operating system and taken consideration for each Internet cafe to use Linux operating system and a proxy server in managing the Internet network. Keywords: Public Internet, Linux Operating System, Operating System Mikroti

    Leksikon Jagung Dalam Masyarakat Tutur Jawa

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    The formation of corn\u27s lexicons in Javanese. This study aims to describe the constituent elements and the type of reference from corn\u27s lexicons in Javanese. The type of this study is qualitative descriptive by using semantics theory approach. Methods of data collection are literature study and interview. The source of data comes from informant who\u27s working as farmer in Sragen and Pemalang regency. The numbers of informants are three people in each regency. The data were analyzed by ‘teknik pilah\u27 followed by ‘teknik hubung banding\u27. The results shows (1) the forming element of attributes are word and phrase, and (2) the type of reference consists of three categories, i.e. functions of maize plants, morphology of maize plants, and cultivation of maize plants
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