34 research outputs found


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    The paper conducts a quantitative appraisal of existing empirical testing on economic variable determinants of welfare in Bengkulu Province, analyze how economic growth dan income inequality affect welfare in Bengkulu Province directly or and using an intermediary variable. To capture this issue, path analysis is applied in this study as to the analysis method. The study addressed the measurement of the welfare of Bengkulu Province using the Human Development Index, and using the Williamson Index as representative of income inequality, also apply observational data for all variables in the period 2005-2017. The result shows that economic growth and income inequality to be associated with welfare in Bengkulu Province, and income inequality is proven an intervening variable affecting welfare. Keywords :  Welfare1, Economic Growth2, dan Income Inequality

    Do Financial Deepening, Government Spending, and Unemployment Benefit Poverty Reduction in Indonesia?

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    Poverty is classic problem faced in anycountry, various policies are carried out to reduce poverty to prosper the community. This study aims to analyze the effect of financial deepening, government spending, and unemployment on poverty in Indonesia. Observations were made in 33 provinces in Indonesia during the period 2012-2020. The model used is a panel data regression with fixed effect model. The results of this study indicate the financial deepening has a negative and significant effect on poverty, government spending has a negative and significant effect on poverty, and unemployment has a positive and significant effect on poverty. The implication is necessary to increase the role of the financial sector in every province in Indonesia, especially areas that are still low in financial deepening, optimize and increase government spending so that it can create new jobs and reduce the unemployment rate and poverty

    Kajian Tingkat Pemahaman dan Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang Wakaf Uang sebagai Solusi dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Kota Bengkulu

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    This research is a qualitative research which aims to determine the level of understanding and views of the people of Bengkulu City about cash waqf as a solution to poverty alleviation in Bengkulu City. The data used are primary data obtained through questionnaires distributed directly or indirectly (questionnaires online). The results showed that the level of understanding of the people of Bengkulu City about cash waqf was still low and the public view of cash waqf as a solution to poverty alleviation in Bengkulu City was good, where the average Bengkulu City community thought that cash waqf if applied in Bengkulu City would have a positive impact. for the economy in Bengkulu City

    Government revenue and spending nexus in regional Indonesia: Causality approach

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    This study aims to test the hypothesis that explains the relationship between tax revenue and government spending in six Indonesian regions. Furthermore, the units of analysis were districts and cities in each region from 2006 to 2017, and a Granger panel causality approach was used. The results showed five experienced bidirectional causalities between tax revenues and local government spending out of the six regions, namely Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and the Bali & Nusa Tenggara. Also, there was fiscal synchronisation in five regions, while the tax-spend hypothesis applies in the Papua & Maluku regions. Therefore, the local governments in these regions need to be careful in deciding actions related to increasing revenue. This can be achieved through the tax sector's optimisation and expenditure increment by encouraging public spending from the administration


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    The mismatch between jobs and skills indicates the match model in the job market is not going well, which is referred to as (e.g.) labor match, which leads to overeducation and undereducation in the job market. This research was conducted to find the influence of growth, overeducation and undereducation on wages in Southeast Asia. The data used is secondary data sourced from https://ilostat.ilo.org/data/ data in 2010-2019, especially in 8 Southeast Asian countries consisting of Brunai Darusalam, Philippines, Laos, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam. The results found that the workers with the highest undereducated levels were in Timor Laste, then Laos and Cambodia. Worker conditions in developing countries such as Southeast Asia have more undereducation conditions than overeducation. Economic growth, overeducation and undereducatio affect workers' wages. Keywords: overeducation, undereducation, mismatch, labor


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    The purpose of the community service activities are society, especially women as housewife, able to diversify its business through the business of making fish balls and fish tekwan which have high economic value. From this extension activity, women are able to increase their family income by doing business at home. Community service activity method is to conduct discussions and question and answer session conducted while delivering the training material. In addition there is a demonstration method of making meatballs and “tekwan”. Berdasarkan training outcomes mother-housewife who became a trainee is able to develop products processed marine fish feed marine fish tekwan the meatballs and marine fish. Keywords: housewife, income, sea fish product

    Do Financial Deepening, Government Spending, and Unemployment Benefit Poverty Reduction in Indonesia?

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    Poverty is classic problem faced in anycountry, various policies are carried out to reduce poverty to prosper the community. This study aims to analyze the effect of financial deepening, government spending, and unemployment on poverty in Indonesia. Observations were made in 33 provinces in Indonesia during the period 2012-2020. The model used is a panel data regression with fixed effect model. The results of this study indicate the financial deepening has a negative and significant effect on poverty, government spending has a negative and significant effect on poverty, and unemployment has a positive and significant effect on poverty. The implication is necessary to increase the role of the financial sector in every province in Indonesia, especially areas that are still low in financial deepening, optimize and increase government spending so that it can create new jobs and reduce the unemployment rate and poverty

    Penerapan Aquaponik di Lahan Pekarangan Rumah untuk Tercapainya SDGs Desa Tanpa Kelaparan di Desa Taba Jambu

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    The increasing population with limited carrying capacity raises crucial problems. Currently the problem of food insecurity is one of the focuses of the government in Indonesia so that it is included in one of the SDGs programs. Taba Jambu Village is a village that borders the City of Bengkulu, so its strategic location has resulted in the conversion of land into housing and shops. For the long term, a food safety net needs to be prepared through the application of a cropping pattern in the form of Aquaponics

    Pengaruh Kredit Perbankan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Provinsi di Sumatera

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze working capital loans, investment loans and consumption loans in Sumatra Province in 2010-2018. This type of research used in this study is secondary data, namely data in the form of numbers or quantitative time series. Based on the results of the panel analysis of regression data by E-Views 9, working capital credit are positive and significant to economic growth in Provinces in Sumatra, investment credit is positive and significant to economic growth in Provinces in Sumatra and consumption credit have positive and significant income to economic growth in the Provinces all over Sumatra. Keywords: Working capital credit1, Investment credit2, Consumption credit3, Economic growth


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    This study aims to analyze the financial performance of the Bengkulu City government with a degree of fiscal decentralization approach and to determine the effect of the PAD component on the Bengkulu City Government Financial Performance. The data used in this study is secondary data in the form of time series data and processed by multiple linear regression analysis tools (multiple regression). The empirical results of this study indicate that based on the calculation of the degree of fiscal decentralization ratio, the financial capacity of Bengkulu City is still at a very low capability level which is founded a very large difference between government spending and regional opinion. So it appears that Bengkulu  Government still relies on assistance from the Central Government and is not yet independent. This can be an underline for local government to improve their ability being more independent and capable