486 research outputs found

    Taxonomy and Modern Distribution of Elphidiid Foraminifera in the Kara Sea, Arctic Russia

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    Paleoceanography of the Gulf of Papua using multiple geophysical and micropaleontological proxies

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    Recent marine and late Pleistocene sediments examined from the Gulf of Papua (GoP), Papua New Guinea investigate the flux and fate of detrital sediments and organic carbon over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. Based on surface sediment magnetic susceptibility (MS) and calcium carbonate concentrations, recent marine sediment is exported off the narrow shelf and into deeper regions via the Kerema Canyon of the northern Pandora Trough. Detrital clastic sediment is then dispersed deeper into the central and southern Pandora Trough. Except for pelagic deposition, very little detrital material reaches the Ashmore Trough and Eastern Plateau adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef. Rock-Eval pyrolysis data and organic petrography indicate that late Pleistocene and recent organic matter were strongly degraded prior to burial. Late Pleistocene depositional records come from two, 12 m piston cores retrieved from the slope of the northern Pandora Trough. MV-54 was taken at the mid-slope of the central Pandora Trough (923 m) and MV-51 was collected from a bathymetric high in the northeastern Pandora Trough (804 m). Core sediments were analyzed with MS, calcium carbonate, organic geochemistry, and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. Both cores show two periods of rapid sediment accumulation. High accumulation rates characterize 15,800-17,700 Cal. yrs B.P. in MV-54 and correspond to the early transgression when rivers delivered sediments closer to the shelf-edge. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in MV-51 indicate a seasonally variable flux of organic carbon during late LGM (~18,400-20,400 Cal. yrs B.P.), suggesting enhanced contrast between monsoon seasons. The oldest section, \u3e32,000 14C yrs B.P., contains the highest mass accumulation rates and TOC fluxes, with \u3e50% of the organic carbon derived from C3 vascular plant matter. MS and benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates are orders of magnitude higher during this interval than any younger time indicating a greater influence of detrital minerals and labile organic carbon. Because mineralogy and detrital input are shown to be the main controls on MS variability, the MS data in this interval suggest more direct dispersal pathways from central and eastern PNG Rivers to the core site when sea level was lower and dispersal gradients were higher

    A system for the real-time geo-referenced measurement of soil parameters

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    The aim of this research is to develop a system for accurately measuring in real-time, collecting and processing a high amount of geo-referenced data of soil physical-mechanical parameters, e.g. cone penetrometer resistance, index of soil compaction, and draft force. The system for measuring the soil cone penetrometer resistance is comprised of a load cell, connected to a rod, ending with a cone, and is mounted on a frame, fixed to the front part of a tractor. The system for measuring the draft force required to till the soil is comprised of a load cell, mounted on the hitch hook of a tool carrier, towed by the tractor. Moreover, in order to test the usefulness of the system with different types of linkage tractor-implement, two other load cells were mounted, respectively, on the top link and the right point of the three-point hitch of the tool carrier. A portable computer, by means of a Virtual Instrument, developed in LabVIEW environment, acquires the signals of the load cells and of a DGPS mobile receiver. The results of the first tests, carried out in a field in inland Sicily, showed that: the system is able to log data with a sampling frequency adjustable from 1 to 10 Hz; it is able to accurately measure and collect in real-time a large amount of data, which can be easily processed by means of a data sheet, a GIS or another software usable for measuring the within-field spatial variability of soil physical-mechanical parameters; the absolute value of the force measured on the hitch hook of the tool carrier is proportionally correlated to that measured on any point of the three-point hitch of the same one

    Evaluation of cervical posture improvement of children with cerebral palsy after physical therapy based on head movements and serious games

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    Background: This paper presents the preliminary results of a novel rehabilitation therapy for cervical and trunk control of children with cerebral palsy (CP) based on serious videogames and physical exercise. Materials: The therapy is based on the use of the ENLAZA Interface, a head mouse based on inertial technology that will be used to control a set of serious videogames with movements of the head. Methods: Ten users with CP participated in the study. Whereas the control group (n=5) followed traditional therapies, the experimental group (n=5) complemented these therapies with a series of ten sessions of gaming with ENLAZA to exercise cervical flexion-extensions, rotations and inclinations in a controlled, engaging environment. Results: The ten work sessions yielded improvements in head and trunk control that were higher in the experimental group for Visual Analogue Scale, Goal Attainment Scaling and Trunk Control Measurement Scale (TCMS). Significant differences (27% vs. 2% of percentage improvement) were found between the experimental and control groups for TCMS (p<0.05). The kinematic assessment shows that there were some improvements in the active and the passive range of motion. However, no significant differences were found pre- and post-intervention. Conclusions:Physical therapy that combines serious games with traditional rehabilitation could allow children with CP to achieve larger function improvements in the trunk and cervical regions. However, given the limited scope of this trial (n=10) additional studies are needed to corroborate this hypothesis

    Current state and future of biogas and digestate production

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    Over the past few years, the worldwide cost of energy has increased significantly, due to a growing global demand for energy and the decreasing availability of fossil fuel sources. Many countries are adopting environmental policies promoting the production and consumption of alternative, sustainable and renewable energy sources. Among these sources is green energy production through the anaerobic digestion of agricultural feedstock, like animal manure and food industry by-products, mainly aimed at producing biogas. Nevertheless, only a very small part of the biogas potential is currently used, while many European countries are facing huge problems caused by the overproduction of organic waste from industry, agriculture and households. Biogas production is an excellent way of using organic waste for energy generation, followed by the recycling of the digested substratum (digestate) as fertiliser. Many factors, like chemical composition and pH of raw materials, environmental temperature and microbial composition, influence the efficiency and reliability of the anaerobic digestion process. This paper reviews the current state and perspectives of biogas and digestate production, including the above factors influencing the biogas and digestate yields of anaerobic digestion

    Spatially variable rate herbicide application on durum wheat in Sicily

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    Using the conventional farming system, durum wheat requires high rates of herbicide spraying. Herbicide residues can cause pollution of soil and ground water and, therefore, of the entire environment. In order to minimise the environmental impact of herbicides, a home made system for spatially variable rate crop input application was designed, developed and set up by the Department of Engineering and Technologies in Agriculture and Forestry (I.T.A.F.). This system consists of a DGPS, a portable computer, a specifically developed software and a device for applying rates proportionally related to the machine forward speed (DPA). Tests of spatially variable rate herbicide application were carried out in inland Sicily, on a field of 8.4 ha (where a three-year crop rotation, broad bean/vetch - durum wheat - durum wheat, was practised), using a sprayer modified for applying variable rates and equipped with the above mentioned system. The results are promising. The spatially variable rate herbicide application allowed an almost even grain yield over the entire field and a saving of 29% of herbicides with respect to the amounts normally used with the conventional farming system

    The current status of the agricultural sciences core curricula in Italian university faculties of agriculture

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    In Italian University Faculties of Agriculture the 1st cycle of studies concerns a BSc. degree offering completed application-oriented studies ensuring employability or an intermediate pivot-point degree towards an integrated MSc. In each first cycle program of studies offered by the Faculties of Agriculture a core curriculum exists and has the scope of providing students with a basic cultural background, common to every program of studies. In Italy the Faculties of Agriculture offer Agricultural Engineering programs of studies and no specialisation both for the 1st and the 2nd cycles of studies. Students can achieve the degree in Agricultural Sciences with a Agricultural Engineering specialisation, although until now no degree fulfils the requirements of FEANI for Engineers. It is possible to create a flexible new Agricultural Engineering 1st cycle program of studies to be implemented in the future, by adopting part of the core curriculum proposed by FEANI program. The learning outcomes and contents in Agricultural / Biological Sciences not covered by the core curriculum proposed by FEANI program of studies in the above new virtual program are defined in terms of courses, that could be included in the Agricultural Sciences part of the specialisations or as electives

    Agricultural Engineering programmes meeting the FEANI and EurAgEng criteria in Italy

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    The only administrative change which took place in Italian institutions from the status described in the 1st Workshop, in the framework of Bologna process, is the updating of 3+2 years University study programmes. According to the ECTS credit system used in Italian institutions, the total student workload in one year is 60 CFU, which are considered equivalent to 60 ECTS; each CFU represents 25 hours of learning, both as aided learning and as individual studies. The 1st cycle degree study programme (\u201cLaurea\u201d) consists of 180 ECTS, while the 2nd cycle one (\u201cLaurea Magistrale\u201d) is constituted by 120 ECTS. No adjustment, alteration or difference concerning the quality assurance scheme used in Italy happened since the 5th USAEE Workshop. At present the Faculties of Agriculture of the Universities of Molise, Palermo, Sassari and Viterbo offer 1st cycle degree programmes of studies with titles related to Agricultural Engineering. Moreover, nowadays the Universities of Bari, Molise, Sassari and Viterbo offer 2nd cycle Agricultural Engineering degree study programmes. A proposal of virtual 1st and 2nd cycle study programmes, meeting the FEANI and EurAgEng criteria, the Italian cultural requirements and the criteria of the national University system, is shown in terms of course categories and ECTS credits

    Multivariate geostatistics for assessing and predicting soil compaction

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the potential of geostatistical techniques for understanding and evaluating the spatial variability of soil compaction, caused by the traffic of agricultural machines and/or the action of tillage implements. Soil cone penetrometer resistance was measured in a field of inland Sicily, along a transect of 3 m length, from the soil surface until 70 cm depth. The 3D mean maps showed a random variation on the surface and a high spatial correlation among penetrometer resistance data measured at different depths. The map corresponding to five tractor passes showed the largest extension of the areas characterised by the highest values of penetrometer resistance. The probability maps showed that at least 20% of the monitored soil volume can exceed the critical penetrometer resistance for root growth

    Potential production of biogas from prinkly pear (opuntia ficus-indica L.) in sicilian uncultivated areas

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    The aim of this work is to evaluate the potential production of biogas and, indirectly, biomethane or electric and thermal energy, from prinkly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), to be grown in a part of Sicilian uncultivated areas and co-digested together with the available livestock manure and slurry. In order to increase the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and reduce the dependency from fossil ones, the conversion of biomass into biogas through Anaerobic Digestion (AD) process is paramount for producing biomethane, to be used as fuel for means of transport and agricultural machines or heating, or electric and thermal energy through Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants. Moreover, the digestate produced through AD process can be applied to soils as organic fertiliser in the place of chemical ones. Prinkly pear was supposed to be grown, by mechanising the harvest of cladods (modified stems), in a part of the Sicilian Used Agricultural Area that is currently uncultivated (totally 600, 000 ha ca.), identified by means of a GIS software. Thus it was possible to compute the potential production of biogas and, indirectly, biomethane or electric and thermal energy. The results show that the Sicilian potential production of biogas is 612, 115 103m3, from which 342, 784 103m3of biomethane could be extracted or 67, 038 MWh of electric energy and 70, 390 MWh MWh of thermal energy could be generated. Moreover the obtained digestate would be used as biofertiliser, within both conventional and organic farming. This work demonstrates that the production of RES, such as biogas from prinkly pear, represents a very profitable way of using the uncultivated areas: the income of the farmer would include not only that deriving from the sale of biomethane or electric and thermal energy but also the saving for replacing chemical fertilisers with digestate and the subsidy for producing biomethane as fuel for means of transport or electric and thermal energy from biogas
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