4 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Assessment of UHF-RFID Devices in Healthcare Environment

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    In this work, the evaluation of electromagnetic effect of Ultra High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification (UHF-RFID) passive tags used in the healthcare environment is presented. In order to evaluate exposure levels caused by EM field (865–868 MHz) of UHF-RFID readers, EM measurements in an anechoic chamber and in a real medical environment (Hospital Universitario de Canarias), as well as simulations by 3D Ray Launching algorithm, and of biophysical exposure effects in human models are presented. The results obtained show that the EM exposure is localized, in close vicinity of RFID reader and inversely proportional to its reading range. The EM exposure levels detected are sufficient to cause EM immunity effects in electronic devices (malfunctions in medical equipment or implants). Moreover, more than negligible direct effects in humans (exceeding relevant SAR values) were found only next to the reader, up to approximately 30% of the reading range. As a consequence, the EM risk could be firstly evaluated based on RFID parameters, but should include an in situ exposure assessment. It requires attention and additional studies, as increased applications of monitoring systems are observed in the healthcare sector—specifically when any system is located close to the workplace that is permanently occupied.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III project “Electromagnetic “Characterization in Smart Environments of Healthcare, and their involvement in Personal, Occupational, and Environmental Health” (PI14CIII/00056) https://portalfis.isciii.es/es/Paginas/DetalleProyecto. aspx?idProyecto=PI14CIII%2f00056 (accessed on 24 July 2022), and project “ (PI19CIII/00033) TMPY 508/19 “ Metrics development for electromagnetic safety assessment in healthcare centers in the context of 5G“ https://portalfis.isciii.es/es/Paginas/DetalleProyecto.aspx?idProyecto=PI19 CIII%2f00033, (accessed on 24 July 2022) from Sub-Directorate-General for Research Assessment and Promotion. The results of a research task (II.PB.15) carried out within the National Programme “Improvement of safety and working conditions” partly supported in Poland in 2020-2022-within the scope of research and development-by the National Centre for Research and Development were also included.S

    Electromagnetic assessment of UHF-RFID devices in healthcare environment

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    In this work, the evaluation of electromagnetic effect of Ultra High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification (UHF-RFID) passive tags used in the healthcare environment is presented. In order to evaluate exposure levels caused by EM field (865–868 MHz) of UHF-RFID readers, EM measurements in an anechoic chamber and in a real medical environment (Hospital Universitario de Canarias), as well as simulations by 3D Ray Launching algorithm, and of biophysical exposure effects in human models are presented. The results obtained show that the EM exposure is localized, in close vicinity of RFID reader and inversely proportional to its reading range. The EM exposure levels detected are sufficient to cause EM immunity effects in electronic devices (malfunctions in medical equipment or implants). Moreover, more than negligible direct effects in humans (exceeding relevant SAR values) were found only next to the reader, up to approximately 30% of the reading range. As a consequence, the EM risk could be firstly evaluated based on RFID parameters, but should include an in situ exposure assessment. It requires attention and additional studies, as increased applications of monitoring systems are observed in the healthcare sector—specifically when any system is located close to the workplace that is permanently occupied.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III project “Electromagnetic Characterization in Smart Environments of Healthcare, and their involvement in Personal, Occupational, and Environmental Health” (PI14CIII/00056), and project (PI19CIII/00033) TMPY 508/19 “Metrics development for electromagnetic safety assessment in healthcare centers in the context of 5G“ from Sub-Directorate-General for Research Assessment and Promotion. The results of a research task (II.PB.15) carried out within the National Programme “Improvement of safety and working conditions” partly supported in Poland in 2020–2022—within the scope of research and development—by the National Centre for Research and Development were also included

    Malformación arteriovenosa gigante de cuero cabelludo: caso clínico

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    Las malformaciones arteriovenosas (MAV) en el cuero cabelludo son lesiones vasculares muy infrecuentes. Sus síntomas son variados, desde molestas y antiestéticas tumoraciones de la piel, hasta hemorragias que pueden ser devastadoras. Su origen puede ser congénito o traumático. El diagnóstico de las mismas es clínico, mediante la inspección del enfermo, y la angiografía de las carótidas interna y externa confirma el diagnóstico. Las posibilidades terapéuticas son variadas, siendo la extirpación quirúrgica el tratamiento de elección, aunque cada vez se utiliza más el tratamiento endovascular como tratamiento único o prequirúrgico, para disminuir las pérdidas hemáticas. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 50 años de edad que presentaba una gran tumoración en cuero cabelludo, con dilataciones vasculares muy marcadas y sin otra sintomatología asociada. Describió un antecedente traumático hacía 12 años. La angiografía mostró una MAV abigarrada, con aporte vascular de la carótida externa y también de la interna, a cargo de ramas meníngeas transoseas provenientes de arterias etmoidales y dependientes de ambas arterias oftálmicas. El tratamiento endovascular de los aportes intracraneales no fue posible, debido al alto riesgo de amaurosis uni o bilateral, por lo que la lesión se resecó quirúrgicamente, sin presentarse complicaciones. El tratamiento de las MAV de cuero cabelludo ofrece diversas posibilidades pero se hace imprescindible la individualización de cada caso a la hora de decidir el abordaje correcto para evitar las posibles complicaciones

    Electromagnetic characterization of uhf-rfid fixed reader in healthcare centers related to the personal and labor health

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    Hospitals and healthcare centers are experiencing a remarkable implementation of new systems based on wireless communications technologies. Many of these systems provide location services and identification of materials, instrumentation and even patients, which promotes the increase of the quality and the efficiency of healthcare. A tracking system based on short-range radio frequency, UHF-RFID is evaluated. This system helps with location of orthopedic prosthesis according to the criteria and requirements of a specific hospital environment. It is characterized the influence of UHF-RFID system in the electromagnetic environment by measuring the parameters and characteristics of the emission levels. The results of the assessment are represented through 2D contour maps and simulations have been performed by means of an in-house 3D-RL algorithm. The proposed graph aims to provide a methodology of studying the electromagnetic environments and the evaluation of the safety conditions of workers, patients, and people in general. E field exposure levels due to the RFID localization system were analyzed in order to verify regulations concerning the safety of patients and the general public in the labor and healthcare fields. Localized electromagnetic field exposure at levels which may cause electromagnetic hazards in the specific healthcare environment have been found and potentially excessive exposure to EMF emitted by UHF RFID devices may apply to patients or bystanders. In all cases, insufficient electromagnetic immunity of electronic devices (including AIMD and other medical devices) should be considered and the electromagnetic hazards may be limited also by relevant preventive measures, as also shown in this paper, together with the principles of an in-situ evaluation of electromagnetic hazards near the UHF-RFID devices.This work was supported in part by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III Project 'Electromagnetic Characterization in Smart Environments of Healthcare, and Their Involvement in Personal, Occupational, and Environmental Health' under Grant PI14CIII/00056, and in part by the Sub-Directorate-General for Research Assessment and Promotion through the Project 'Metrics Development for Electromagnetic Safety Assessment in Healthcare Centers in the Context of 5G [(PI19CIII/00033) TMPY 508/19].