282 research outputs found

    On the Asymptotic Efficiency of Approximate Bayesian Computation Estimators

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    Many statistical applications involve models for which it is difficult to evaluate the likelihood, but from which it is relatively easy to sample. Approximate Bayesian computation is a likelihood-free method for implementing Bayesian inference in such cases. We present results on the asymptotic variance of estimators obtained using approximate Bayesian computation in a large-data limit. Our key assumption is that the data are summarized by a fixed-dimensional summary statistic that obeys a central limit theorem. We prove asymptotic normality of the mean of the approximate Bayesian computation posterior. This result also shows that, in terms of asymptotic variance, we should use a summary statistic that is the same dimension as the parameter vector, p; and that any summary statistic of higher dimension can be reduced, through a linear transformation, to dimension p in a way that can only reduce the asymptotic variance of the posterior mean. We look at how the Monte Carlo error of an importance sampling algorithm that samples from the approximate Bayesian computation posterior affects the accuracy of estimators. We give conditions on the importance sampling proposal distribution such that the variance of the estimator will be the same order as that of the maximum likelihood estimator based on the summary statistics used. This suggests an iterative importance sampling algorithm, which we evaluate empirically on a stochastic volatility model.Comment: Main text shortened and proof revised. To appear in Biometrik

    Tractable diffusion and coalescent processes for weakly correlated loci

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    Widely used models in genetics include the Wright-Fisher diffusion and its moment dual, Kingman's coalescent. Each has a multilocus extension but under neither extension is the sampling distribution available in closed-form, and their computation is extremely difficult. In this paper we derive two new multilocus population genetic models, one a diffusion and the other a coalescent process, which are much simpler than the standard models, but which capture their key properties for large recombination rates. The diffusion model is based on a central limit theorem for density dependent population processes, and we show that the sampling distribution is a linear combination of moments of Gaussian distributions and hence available in closed-form. The coalescent process is based on a probabilistic coupling of the ancestral recombination graph to a simpler genealogical process which exposes the leading dynamics of the former. We further demonstrate that when we consider the sampling distribution as an asymptotic expansion in inverse powers of the recombination parameter, the sampling distributions of the new models agree with the standard ones up to the first two orders.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur

    Particle approximations of the score and observed information matrix for parameter estimation in state space models with linear computational cost

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    Poyiadjis et al. (2011) show how particle methods can be used to estimate both the score and the observed information matrix for state space models. These methods either suffer from a computational cost that is quadratic in the number of particles, or produce estimates whose variance increases quadratically with the amount of data. This paper introduces an alternative approach for estimating these terms at a computational cost that is linear in the number of particles. The method is derived using a combination of kernel density estimation, to avoid the particle degeneracy that causes the quadratically increasing variance, and Rao-Blackwellisation. Crucially, we show the method is robust to the choice of bandwidth within the kernel density estimation, as it has good asymptotic properties regardless of this choice. Our estimates of the score and observed information matrix can be used within both online and batch procedures for estimating parameters for state space models. Empirical results show improved parameter estimates compared to existing methods at a significantly reduced computational cost. Supplementary materials including code are available.Comment: Accepted to Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistic

    On Optimal Multiple Changepoint Algorithms for Large Data

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    There is an increasing need for algorithms that can accurately detect changepoints in long time-series, or equivalent, data. Many common approaches to detecting changepoints, for example based on penalised likelihood or minimum description length, can be formulated in terms of minimising a cost over segmentations. Dynamic programming methods exist to solve this minimisation problem exactly, but these tend to scale at least quadratically in the length of the time-series. Algorithms, such as Binary Segmentation, exist that have a computational cost that is close to linear in the length of the time-series, but these are not guaranteed to find the optimal segmentation. Recently pruning ideas have been suggested that can speed up the dynamic programming algorithms, whilst still being guaranteed to find true minimum of the cost function. Here we extend these pruning methods, and introduce two new algorithms for segmenting data, FPOP and SNIP. Empirical results show that FPOP is substantially faster than existing dynamic programming methods, and unlike the existing methods its computational efficiency is robust to the number of changepoints in the data. We evaluate the method at detecting Copy Number Variations and observe that FPOP has a computational cost that is competitive with that of Binary Segmentation.Comment: 20 page