40 research outputs found

    Exploring crucial factors of an interest in STEM career model among secondary school students

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    Many countries desperately need manpower from the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to help address the country's increasingly volatile economy. Barriers to implementation are identified when students are less exposed to STEM Education goals. Therefore, this study is to determine the main factor that could influence the development of STEM career interest among secondary school learners. Thus, the objective of this study is to develop a model towards the STEM career interest formation among Form 4 science stream students in Malaysia. This study uses quantitative study and proportionate stratified random sampling method in data collection. It involved 314 students Form 4 secondary school science stream in Selangor, Malaysia. The study used three instruments to collect data, namely S-STEM and interest in STEM careers, Science Motivation Questionnaire II (SMQ II), and Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ). Implementing correlational analysis between factors and simultaneous regression to determine the overall contributing with huge impacts of each factor towards the formation of STEM career interest among learners with the value of standardized regression weight for the determination coefficient (R2) = 0.64. The result of the findings shows the crucial factors in this study are accurate there are attitudes towards STEM, 21st-century skills, science motivation, and parental authority significance with the huge contribution of the cultivation of learners’ STEM careers interest entirely

    A Literature Review on Cooperative Learning to Improve EFL Students’ Learning Motivation

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    Purpose:  The gender-related research discrepancy makes it clear that understanding why cooperative learning effectiveness differs by gender is one of the goals of the current study. Another goal is to investigate the changes in grade-level-based supportive knowledge effectiveness.   Theoretical framework: . A collection project's success is the outcome of the aids made by the participants and the guiding principles that they are all committed to. It may be difficult to include individual contributions in the evaluation and appraisal of the group's overall effort. Second, students with diverse backgrounds may have a range of cultures, values, worldviews, and life experiences.   Design/methodology/approach: A successful educational method that supports such an method is supportive knowledge, which consists of “some related methods of organizing classroom instruction to achieve common knowledge goals via cooperation”. This method to knowledge is based on the idea that individuals actively choose, change, and interpret the information.   Findings:  As a result, they can settle disputes, make required changes, and eventually provide superior results. All learners can benefit from cooperative learning after these conditions have been satisfied, with certain variations owing to particular learner traits. The findings of this study provide educators with more empirical support for the use of effective interactive teaching techniques to boost student motivation and enhance learning outcomes.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  Recent research has demonstrated that training based on constructivism and collaborative principles affects learning results in a variety of academic areas.   Originality/value:  The outcomes of cooperative learning will be more likely and the findings will be more reliable. The gender-related research discrepancy makes it clear that understanding why cooperative learning effectiveness differs by gender is one of the goals of the current study.

    Cooperative learning implementation among elementary Trust School Teacher Program

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    Malaysia’s education system is continuously transforming to provide pupils with 21st-century skills. Cooperative learning is viewed as a studentcentered approach that helps pupils develop 21st-century learner characteristics. This study aims to identify the relationship between teachers’ content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technological knowledge with the implementation of cooperative learning. A total of 100 elementary Trust School Program teachers in Selangor were involved in this quantitative study, which comprises a correlational design. Respondents were randomly selected to answer the teachers’ cooperative learning questionnaire (TCLQ) and the content, pedagogical, and technological knowledge questionnaire. The findings obtained indicate that teachers’ content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technological knowledge are at a high level. No significant difference was reported between teachers’ knowledge and implementation of cooperative learning based on years of teaching experience in Trust School Program. The result also revealed a positive and strong relationship between content knowledge and cooperative learning implementation (r=0.551, p=0.000), as well as a positive and strong relationship between pedagogical knowledge and cooperative learning implementation (r=0.603, p=0.000). However, a positive and moderate relationship was reported between teachers’ technological knowledge and cooperative learning implementation (r=0.384, p=0.000). This study can help raise awareness about the elements that educational policymakers and educators need to take into account during cooperative learning

    The Big Why of Implementing Computational Thinking In STEM Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Computational Thinking (CT) has been increasingly embraced as a reformation in STEM education. This paper discusses why the implementation of CT would have a considerable effect on STEM education. The first objective of this systematic literature review is to identify the subjects that incorporate the most elements of CT in STEM education. Secondly, it aims to provide an overview of CT practices in the classrooms. Finally, the major findings of this study seek to discuss the benefits and challenges of the use of CT in STEM education. Fifteen articles were methodically selected from Scopus, Web of Science, Dimensions, and Google Scholar databases as the relevant studies to be discussed in this systematic study, based on the PRISMA Statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) review technique. This review identifies current research gaps and directions for the practice and implementation of CT in STEM education. Further analysis of the articles has contributed to a conclusion that CT has become more widespread and multi-disciplinary and seems to have propagated improvements in STEM education. Still, a new study is required, especially on long-term implications

    Aplikasi kemahiran proses sains dalam pembelajaran berasaskan masalah untuk mata pelajaran biologi

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    The study was conducted to investigate the effect of the application of science process skills in the Problem-Based Learning approach (PBL) towards achievement in Biology as compared with the Conventional Teaching (CT). Sixty (60) four of science stream students from a school in the district of Sepang, Selangor were the subjects in this study. The data from the pre-test and post-test from the PBL and CT group were compared. The findings showed that student achievement scores from the PBL approach group (M = 2.496, SD = 0.388) were higher when compared with the overall performance of students from the CT approach group (M = 2,462, SD = 0379). The t-test analysis indicated that that the mean score of students from the PBL approach is significantly higher than students using the CT approach (t(58) = 2,522, p= .014 <.05). The PBL approach can increase student achievement in biology and can be considered to be an effective teaching strategy. The implication of this study is that the PBL approach can be looked upon as an alternative for teachers to enhance their classroom teaching strategies

    The impact of active learning and learning style on blended learning: Insights from higher education students

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    Blended learning is a progressive teaching technique combining online and face-to-face instruction to encourage active learning and improve academic achievement. However, various problems, such as different attitudes and learning styles between educators and students, influenced the implementation of blended learning effectively. Therefore, there is a need to identify the factors that impact blended learning to improve students’ performances and enhance blended learning. In this study, the proposed framework examines the mediation effect of active learning on the relationship between learning styles and accessibility of learning through blended learning. The study sample consisted of undergraduate students from Universiti Putra Malaysia. In addition, this study also utilized a random sampling method. In total, 224 responses were collected and analyzed using a partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings revealed that active learning fully mediated the relationship between learning style and blended learning. Active learning also mediated the relationship between accessibility and blended learning with complementary mediation. Moreover, this study offers several practical suggestions for essential parties, including the government and the education sector, to optimize blended learning approaches in Malaysia

    Effectiveness of digital learning on students’ higher order thinking skills

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    In the realm of education, learning and instructional activities play a crucial role in cultivating lasting and meaningful comprehension among science students. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the i-Genius module in enhancing students’ performance in science. The i-Genius module’s development adhered to the ADDIE model, and two specific research questions were formulated: i) is there a statistically significant difference in mean scores between the experimental and control groups? and ii) to what extent can i-Genius contribute to students’ conceptual evolution compared to traditional methods? To address these questions, a sequential mixed-method approach involving interviews, pre-tests, and post-tests was implemented in two distinct schools in the Seremban District. The experimental group comprised 35 participants, and the control group also included 35 students with similar characteristics. Student performance, assessed through pre-test and post-test mean scores, revealed that students exposed to i-Genius achieved significantly higher scores than those exposed to traditional methods in the post-test (t(68)=8.37, p&lt;0.05). This study’s implications lie in its practical application within the school context, offering an alternative instructional tool for teaching science and presenting an instructional model to guide teachers in formulating strategies that encourage problem-posing within the science curriculum

    Leadership and ICTs implementation for rural development

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    This study aims to explore the implementation of ICTs in rural development and the role played by community leaders. The study was conducted on 10 selected rural communities in the state of Terengganu. This study adopts the qualitative method, specifically, the phenomenology approach. This study focuses on target groups to achieve the research objectives. The data were collected from interviews using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and official printed document. The results of this study provide a clear picture of the potential of ICT use in terms of economic development, education and social development of rural communities. This study also examines the support of local leaders as the agents of change, especially in the field of Information communication technology (ICT) to accelerate the development process in rural areas. In conclusion, ICT can be potentially used by people in the rural area with the participation and collaboration of the members of the community, community leaders, government agencies, the private sector and ICT industry players

    Impacts of fertigation via surface and subsurface drip irrigation on growth rate of rockmelon

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    Fertigation is one of the most important application of irrigation that are being used in commercial farming. This aplication help farmers to timely supply the water through drip irrigation coupled with accurate amout of water, rate of fertilizer application, and at the same time improving the nutrient uptake and water use efficiency (WUE) by the plant. The water supply through surface and subsurface drip irrigation system is the most efficient irrigation practice compared to others.Water supply from subsurface drip irrigation system is directly into the root zone, while for surface drip irrigation, water is supplied above the root zone. However, the use of surface drip irrigation system can cause the irrigation water easily evaporate to environment and reduce the WUE by plant. Rockmelon (cucumis melo) was selected as plant material in this study. Rockmelon is one of the plant that contain sweet and juicy along with other nutritional value. It also has commercial interest in a number of countries, including Europe, the United States, Mediterranean and Asia. The objectives of the study were to observe the different growth rate of rockmelon between surface and subsurface drip irrigation as well as to observe the efficiency of irrigation. This study was conducted under the rain shelter at Unit Fertigasi Projek Keusahawanan Ladang 10, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). There were two treatments of irrigation tested, surface drip irrigation and subsurface drip irrigation. Data collection include leaf diameter, leaf length and fruit circumferences. The effect of irrigation on growth performance of rockmelon were observe during week one and week six and was analyzed with Statistically Analysis System (SAS). The result of this study showed that, the growth for surface drip irrigation is higher compared to subsurface drip irrigation and both of the treatments achieved 25% of irrigation application efficiency

    Model pembentukan minat kerjaya sains, teknologi, kejuruteraan dan matematik dalam kalangan pelajar aliran sains tingkatan empat di Selangor, Malaysia

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    Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan Dan Matematik (STEM) merupakan komponen penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi bagi persediaan melahirkan tenaga mahir untuk keperluan revolusi industri. STEM merupakan pakej kepada pengetahuan sains dan kemahiran pelajar untuk diintegrasikan dengan elemen yang terdapat dalam STEM. Keseluruhan objektif kajian untuk mengukur minat kerjaya STEM dari pemboleh ubah dominan dilaporkan dari kajian lepas yang mempunyai pengaruh terhadap pembentukan minat kerjaya pelajar. Justeru, kajian membentuk model pembentukan minat kerjaya STEM dalam kalangan pelajar Aliran Sains Tingkatan Empat yang melibatkan pengaruh Sikap terhadap STEM, Motivasi Terhadap Sains dan Kemahiran Abad Ke-21 (KAK21) bagi memenuhi keperluan pembelajaran untuk penguasaan kurikulum Sains sebagai asas keterusan kepada pembentukan aspirasi kerjaya STEM pelajar. Sorotan kajian menunjukkan pengaruh sikap terhadap STEM, autoriti ibu bapa serta dua perantara kajian, iaitu motivasi sains serta sebahagian elemen KAK21 terhadap pembentukan minat kerjaya pelajar. Kajian ini mengabungkan elemen-elemen daripada tiga teori, iaitu Teori Kurikulum Elliot Eisner, Teori Sosial Kognitif Kerjaya dan Teori Penentuan Kendiri untuk membentuk minat pelajar terhadap kerjaya STEM. Kajian juga mengukur pengaruh setiap pemboleh ubah iaitu Sikap terhadap STEM, Autoriti Ibu Bapa, Kemahiran Abad Ke-21 dan Motivasi terhadap Sains dengan menggunakan analisis Model Persamaan Struktur (Structural Equation Modelling atau SEM). Kajian menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif dengan melibatkan seramai 314 pelajar aliran sains Tingkatan Empat di Selangor dari Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK). Dapatan kajian diperoleh dari borang soalan kaji selidik yang diedarkan kepada pelajar. Model dibentuk dan disahkan melalui hubungan korelasi antara pemboleh ubah kajian dengan menggunakan maklum balas daripada pelajar berdasarkan instrumen Student Attitudes toward Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S-STEM) and interest in STEM careers, Science Motivation Questionnaire II (SMQ-II) dan Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ). Model mewakili setiap pemboleh ubah kajian dibentuk, iaitu Model Cadangan dan telah mencapai indeks kesepadanan bagi model struktur. Walau bagaimanapun, model kedua (Model Modifikasi) telah dibentuk untuk mengukur pemboleh ubah yang substantif dalam kajian bagi mempengaruhi pembentukan minat kerjaya STEM pelajar. Model Modifikasi merupakan model terbaik dan dapat menjelaskan kesan pengaruh yang besar (63.2%) daripada keseluruhan pemboleh ubah kajian kepada pembentukan minat kerjaya STEM. Pemboleh ubah kajian memberi pengaruh secara langsung yang signifikan ialah Sikap terhadap STEM, Motivasi terhadap Sains dan Autoriti Ibu Bapa. Kesan perantara juga wujud dalam model, iaitu Motivasi terhadap Sains yang berperanan sebagai perantara antara Sikap terhadap STEM dan juga Autoriti Ibu Bapa kepada pembentukan minat kerjaya STEM. Secara keseluruhan Model Cadangan dan Model Modifikasi dapat memberi kesan sumbangan yang besar kepada pembentukan minat kerjaya STEM pelajar. Sebagai rumusan, dapatan kajian dapat membentuk model Minat kerjaya STEM yang tepat bagi memenuhi keperluan pembelajaran dalam kalangan pelajar aliran sains di Malaysia dengan memberi penekanan kepada Sikap terhadap STEM, Autoriti Ibu Bapa, Motivasi terhadap Sains, serta keperluan pengukuhan terhadap Kemahiran Abad Ke-21 untuk pembentukan minat kerjaya STEM yang lebih efektif