26 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Segmentasi Pelanggan UMKM Griya Batik Sum Gati Kabupaten Blitar melalui Pemanfaatan Platform E-Commerce

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    Batik merupakan salah satu produk unggulan yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia. Di Indonesia, batik menjadi salah satu usaha yang paling digeluti oleh para pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Dalam menggeluti usaha batik, UMKM pada masing-masing daerah akan memiliki motif desain unggulan yang menjadi ciri khas daerah tersebut. Salah satu UMKM yang menggeluti usaha batik yaitu UMKM Griya Batik Sum Gati di Kabupaten Blitar. Pemasaran produk yang dilakukan pada umumnya hanya menggunakan aplikasi Whatsapp dan secara konvensional. Sehingga, pemasaran produk kurang mencakup skala yang lebih luas. Oleh karena itu, pada kegiatan pengabdian ini, penulis ingin membantu mengenalkan batik khas Blitar dengan tujuan meningkatkan segmentasi pelanggan Griya Batik Sum Gati melalui penjualan produk yang terfokus pada pemasaran produk berbasis e-commerce agar memudahkan UMKM menjualkan produk batik Kabupaten Blitar diseluruh kalangan di Indonesia. Terdapat 3 tahapan dalam pelaksanaan program ini, diantaranya tahap observasi dengan melakukan survei proses bisnis pembuatan batik, tahap implementasi kegiatan dengan pembuatan akun e-commerce hingga pengunggahan dan penjualan produk, tahap evaluasi dan monitoring. Hasil kegiatan yang didapatkan adalah, mitra dapat memulai memasarkan produknya melalui platform e-commerce dengan jangkauan lebih luas

    Designing a Livestock Ecosystem Platform for Smallholders Farmers

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    This research aims to develop and create a simple of user-friendly marketplace platform called “Pasar Kebo” for the farming (livestock) ecosystem in Kudus Regency as well as testing the effectiveness of the product. With this platform, it is hoped to create an integrated farming ecosystem, thereby creating an efficient supply chain management system. This will make it easier for smallholder farmers to obtain livestock production facilities to sell their livestock products in the market. So this will certainly improve the welfare of the livestock ecosystem members. For the government, this platform can be useful to provide accurate data in the mapping and monitoring of animal production, as well as a basis for the implementation of appropriate policies in the livestock sector. Data collection was accomplished through direct interviews with several Kudus breeders as well as observations at the Office of Agriculture in the Kudus Regency livestock sector.This research is longitudinal, so it will be carried out in stages, and each stage uses a different method. For this step, we tried to develop a prototype. For the next stage, it will be developed until this breeding ecosystem market platform is really perfectly realized


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    Kegiatan distribusi menjadi kunci dalam memperlancar dan mempermudah penyampaian barang ke pelanggan. Agar tujuan kegiatan pendistribusian dapat optimal, penentuan jenis dan jumlah kendaraan, serta rute pendistribusian perlu untuk dipertimbangkan. Saat ini, permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan ialah kurang sesuainya antara banyak barang yang diangkut dengan kapasitas truk yang dipakai dalam kegiatan distribusi tabung oksigen, yang akhirnya berdampak pada tidak optimalnya rute kendaraan. Karena setiap jenis kendaraan memiliki kapasitas angkut tersendiri. Sehingga, permasalahan dalam penelitian ini masuk dalam Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP), yaitu permasalahan penentuan suatu rute kendaraan untuk melayani suatu pelanggan yang diasosiasikan dengan node, dengan demand yang telah diketahui dan rute yang menghubungkan depot dengan pelanggan, serta antar pelanggan yang lainnya, dengan mempertimbangkan kapasitas maksimal kendaraan. Salah satu cara penyelesaian CVRP, dapat menggunakan Algoritma Clarke and Wright Savings, dengan bantuan Microsoft Excel. Sehingga, tujuan penelitian ini ialah menghasilkan jumlah dan rute kendaraan baru yang lebih optimal untuk pendistribusian tabung oksigen. Hasil yang didapatkan, perusahaan cukup menggunakan 2 jenis kendaraan, yaitu truk roda enam kapasitas 95 tabung sebanyak satu kendaraan, dan pickup kapasitas 25 tabung sebanyak   satu kendaraan, dengan rata-rata total jarak tempuh untuk kendaraan truk roda 6 ialah 334,7 km/minggu, sedangkan untuk kendaraan pickup ialah 8,5 km/mingg


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    The implementation of distance education during the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic raises various problems, especially about the process of student learning assessment. Therefore there is a need for alternative assessment models that support good and effective distance learning processes, both for teachers and students. This paper seeks to provide an overview of alternative forms of assessment and evaluation, which can be used as a reference for educators in assessing and evaluating the learning outcomes of distance learners in the Corona pandemic that is sweeping Indonesia. This research is a type of library research. Researchers obtain data from the results of the study of literature from a variety of books, journals, scientific works, and also other documents that examine the assessment and evaluation of learning, both in general and specifically examine the assessment and evaluation of distance learning. The results of this study are several forms of assessment models that can be applied in the distance learning process, including online-based assessment, portfolio assessment, and self-assessment

    Utilizing Item Response Theory Approach for Calibrating Items in the Final Assessment of Islamic Cultural History Subject

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    Purpose –The aim of this exploratory descriptive study with a IRT approach is to evaluate the quality of items used in the final assessment of 10th grade Islamic cultural history subject at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 Bantul Yogyakarta. Design/methods/approach–Data was collected through documentation of student responses at the end of the year assessment. Student response data were analyzed using the item response theory approach. Findings – Based on the analysis of 25 questions on the Islamic Cultural History subject at MAN 2 Bantul, the study concludes that the instrument fits the 1 PL model (Logistics parameter), as indicated by the results of the model fit test. The parameter analysis of item difficulty level with the 1 PL model reveals that 7 items fall under the very easy category, 5 items under the easy category, 9 items under the medium category, and 4 items under the very difficult category. Notably, none of the items fall under the difficult category in this 1 PL model. Research implications/limitations –The findings on the distribution of item difficulty levels could guide educators in revising and improving the quality of assessment tools, ensuring that the questions are well-balanced and challenging enough to effectively evaluate students' knowledge and skills. Moreover, the absence of items falling under the difficult category in the 1 PL model suggests a need for more rigorous and challenging items to enhance the validity and reliability of the assessment instrument. Originality/value–The research value of this study lies in its contribution to the development of a valid and reliable assessment tool in the field of Islamic cultural history subject


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    Failure to manage higher education will impact the loss of the higher education institution in producing quality human resources. This study explores leadership in the education management system at the Hindu Religion College (STAH) Dharma Sentana, Central Sulawesi. This research was conducted using a mixed-method with research subjects, all lecturers and employees who work at STAH Dharma Sentana Central Sulawesi, with as many as 41 respondents. Data were obtained through the distribution of questionnaires and interviews. The results of the partial analysis of research data indicate that two variables significantly affect the education management system: visionary and unifying. While the other three variables, namely empowering, controlling ratios and emotions, and integrity, in statistics do not significantly affect the education management system at STAH Dharma. Central Sulawesi Sentana. The results of the coefficient of determination of the value of R square indicate that the variation of the independent variables used in the model, namely visionary, unifying, empowering, controlling ratios and emotions, and integrity, contribute to or have an effect of 45.4% on the education management system variable. In this study, the role of the leader in improving the quality of the education management system that most dominantly influences is the unifying variable, where the leader can unify the diversity of employee characteristics. Leaders provide opportunities for employees to contribute to achieving organizational goals. This study provides a model of leadership in education management. This study provides a leadership model in education management in higher education to improve the quality of education

    Analysis of Items with Item Response Theory (IRT) Approach on Final Assessment for Al-Quran Hadith Subjects

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    Measurement in the field of education, especially the teaching and learning process can be done with measuring tools in the form of tests and non-tests. Islamic Religious Education is considered the same as other subjects. to realize student success is also measured through evaluation, which is a systematic process to obtain information about the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities. In addition, it can also assist teachers in achieving learning objectives and describe student achievement in accordance with predetermined criteria. This study aims to analyze the Year-End Assessment of MAN 2 Bantul for the 2020/2021 academic year consisting of 25 multiple-choice questions. The items analyzed in the report have a total number of responses of 265 students. Item analysis using analysis with modern test theory ( Item Response Theory ). The results showed that the results of the model fit test showed that the instrument fit on the 2 PL model (Logistics parameter) with the lowest AIC value, namely 4874.85. The results of the parameter analysis of the level of difficulty indicate that there are 4 questions that are categorized as very easy, 4 easy questions, 15 moderate questions, 1 difficult question, and 1 very difficult question. This shows that the distribution of the difficulty level parameters is quite balanced. The results of the analysis of the different power parameters show that there are 23 good questions, 1 fairly good question, and 1 bad question. This shows that the different power level parameters are quite good. The results of the estimation of students' abilities with the MLE estimator showed that there were no students who had abilities below -4. There are 15 students with abilities above 2.00. There are 165 students who fall into the good category (ability -2 to 2 and 9 students who have abilities below -2. Based on the plot of the information function, it can be concluded that the optimal test if given to individuals with low abilities is around -1.2. Accurate questions to measure students' abilities with a range of -2.5 to 1.2

    Implementation of Warehouse Receipt System in Food Warehouses in Kudus District

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    Agriculture is a sector that is able to score growth during the pandemic crisis. The export performance of the agricultural sector also continues to show positive growth. For this reason, real support is needed so that agriculture can continue to grow sustainably. One of them is by building a modern agricultural commodity product storage system, one of which is by using a warehouse receipt system. The warehouse receipt system has very strategic functions, including as a stock management instrument, logistics financing instrument, and supporting food security efforts. Unfortunately, the utilization of the warehouse receipt system in Kudus Regency is still very low, as indicated by the minimal utilization of the warehouse receipt system. This research aims to analyze the reasons why the warehouse receipt system has not been optimally utilized by farmers. This research uses a qualitative method with Miles and Huberman's interactive data analysis, namely: data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of this study indicate that SRG has great potential to improve the welfare of farmers and advance the agricultural sector in Kudus Regency. However, to overcome various obstacles that hinder the implementation of SRG, serious efforts are needed from various parties, namely: Increase public knowledge and awareness about SRG; simplify the process and requirements for using SRG; improve SRG infrastructure, including information systems and warehouses; improve the ability of farmers to obtain financing through SRG; and improve cooperation between related agencies

    Digital Storytelling Trends in Early Childhood Education in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Digital storytelling is often used in various contexts today, especially in the world of education. Many educators have followed this trend in early childhood education (ECE). This study examines the application of digital storytelling in ECE in Indonesia. Using a systematic literature review (SLR) a method, this research is a qualitative approach which is also known as a meta-synthesis. The literature reviewed was 15 articles from 56 articles that researchers found in the Google Scholar database. The results show that digital storytelling serves as an important method and medium to ensure children's learning experiences are enjoyable. In general, it is used in ECE in Indonesia through simple technology. This technology can enhance a story or fairy tale by making it more fun, interesting, communicative, and dramatic. However, the findings of this review of studies and methodological gaps have implications for ECE policy, practice, and research in Indonesia. Keywords: digital storytelling, early childhood education, storytelling trend in Indonesia References: Agosto, D. E. (2016). Why storytelling matters: Unveiling the literacy benefits of storytelling. Children and Libraries, 14(2), 21–26. Ahmad, I. F. (2022). Urgensi Literasi Digital di Indonesia pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19: Sebuah Tinjauan Sistematis. Nusantara: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 2(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.14421/njpi.2022.v2i1-1 Aisha, I., & Kaloeti, D. V. S. (2021). Digital Storytelling Intervention on Prosocial Behavior Improvement among Early Childhood. Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 7(2), 185–196. https://doi.org/10.15575/psy.v7i2.5713 Boltman, A., & Druin, A. (2001). Children’s storytelling technologies. Differences in Elaboration and Recall. Chambers, G. J., & Yunus, M. M. (2017). Enhancing Learners’ Sentence Constructions via ‘Wheel of Grammar’. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 25(4). 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