69 research outputs found

    Топос «Малої Вітчизни» у філософії етнокультури та сучасному українському філософському романі (The topos of «Little Homeland» in philosophy of ethnic culture and in modern ukrainian philosophical novel)

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    Культурологічна семантика топосу «Малої Вітчизни» у філософії етнокультури та у сучасному українському філософському романі розглядається на прикладі книг «Листя землі» Володимира Дрозда та «Переддень Доби Водолієвої» Анатолія Федя. Феноменологічні виміри життєвого світу проаналізовані в контексті культурологічної регіоніки, спираючись на геокультурні та етноментальні особливості буття на території певного краю як «малої Вітчизни» людей (The article discusses cultural semantics of the topos of «Little Homeland» in philosophy of ethnic culture and in the modern Ukrainian philosophical novel on the examples of the books «The leaves of the earth» by Vladimir Drozd and «Eve of the Aquarian Age» by Anatoly Fed. The phenomenological life-worlds are analyzed in the context of, based on ethno-mentality and geo-cultural features of being on the territory of a particular region as a «Little Homeland» of the people

    The formation of legal framework of migration policy in Russian federation (1992-2010)

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    © the author(s). The relevance of the issue under examination is conditioned by the significance and necessity of research on the process of formation of the migration policy legal framework in the state administration applied to the solution of arising problems in the field of political and legal regulation of migration processes. The article is aimed at the study of the regulatory framework formation of the state migration policy in the Russian Federation during the period of 1992 to 2010 years. The leading approach to the research on the given problem is institutional approach, which allows us to research the legal institution of migration processes-an important aspect of migration policy. The article sheds light on the migration policy development trends, shows the process of formation of new migration policy, gives the analysis of its regulatory framework and the influence of the country's political situation on changes in legislative measures in the field of migration processes regulation, and suggests recommendations on their optimization. The materials, observations, and conclusions provided by this article contribute to the theory of political regulation of migration processes and can prove useful in adopting managerial decisions and holding organizational events for purposes of efficiency enhancement of migration processes regulation, as well as in developing curricula on politological specialties: "Political Region Studies", "Political Management" and others, in delivering lectures on "Migration Policy" course

    Migration policy: Characteristics of the regional dimension of migration in modern Russia (Volga Federal District)

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    © by the author(s). The relevance of the research topic is determined by the importance of the problem and the need to study migration issues in the public administration practice. The article aims to study migration processes and state migration policies in the Russian Federation during the period from the end of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st centuries. The institutional approach is used as the main approach in this research. The study identifies socio-political, socio-economic, and legal factors which influence the effectiveness of migration policies: administrative, legislative, executive, target-oriented, regional, and consumer. The article presents qualitative changes in the internal and external migration flows in modern Russia, the Volga region, and shows the need to create a new migration policy: migration flows go from the north and the east to the central and south-western parts of the country, forced migration has been replaced by labor migration of the indigenous population from the countries of the near and far abroad. The article also examines the trends in the development of migration legislation, shows the influence of the political situation in the country on the changes in legislation regulating migration processes, and elaborates proposals and recommendations for their optimization. It defines the stages and the main directions of the new migration policy in modern Russia, describes the effect that reforming of the bodies of state power has on the effectiveness of migration policy at the federal and regional levels, and suggests measures for improving migration policies. The materials of the article may be useful in making management decisions and taking specific organizational measures in order to improve the management of migration processes, as well as in the development of training courses in political science studies: "Political Regionalism", "Political Control", "Migration Policy", etc

    The structure and content of the educational program for the development of reflective thinking of children at the lessons of history

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    © Serials Publications.The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the need to improve methods of teaching history for the purpose of reflective thinking development of children. The article is focused on the development of reflective thinking in order to improve educational programs in history. The leading approach to study this problem was the design approach that allows selection and structuring of the basic components of the program, their unity provide an effective development of the abilities of pupils to analyze information and allocate the main thing in it, determine the essential features, etc. The research helps to design the structure and content of the program for the development of reflective thinking of children at the lessons of history. It was found that reflective thinking of children at the lessons of history can be developed efficiently by the targeted psychological-pedagogical influence on the process of assimilation of historical concepts and formation of verbal skills to express the content of the concept of different types of judgments. Methodical recommendations for the development of reflective thinking of children at the lessons of history have been developed. Materials can become the basis of effective organization of educational process at the lessons of history, and can be used by the authors of textbooks and teaching materials for historical subjects

    History and social sciences teacher's professional activity in the context of IT-development of education

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    © The authors. The urgency of a studied problem is caused by requirements of a federal state educational standard of the general education assuming a new approach to the development of a lesson in the conditions of the modern information-educational environment. In this regard it is necessary for a teacher to seize appropriate technology of preparation of a lesson. The article is aimed at the analysis of didactic characteristics and possibilities of the information-educational environment by means of which it is possible to build effectively the educational process in new conditions. The leading approach to the research of this problem was system-activity approach, which allows realizing the principles of designing a lesson in the information-educational environment, being an important tool of the analysis of planned educational results. The article disclosed the role, presented the content and revealed the features of professional activity of the teacher in the conditions of informatization of education and also emphasized their influence on the achievement of planned educational results. The materials of the article can be useful to teachers of history and social science while designing a lesson in the information-educational environment, at definition and analysis of planned educational results, selection of types of the educational activity corresponding to planned educational results and selection of tutorials for realization of these types of educational activity

    Reparative Spheroids in HPV-Associated Chronic Cervicitis

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    Background: Spheroid cell structures (SCS) described in cell culture are used to study cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. However, the role of the SCS in the repair process in vivo remains unexplored. The aim of the study was to examine the cellular composition of the spherical structures and their functional significance in the repair of the squamous epithelium in human papilloma virus-associated chronic cervicitis (HPV-CC). Methods and Results: The cytology and biopsy materials from 223 patients with HPV-CC were subjected to molecular testing for HPV DNA by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (Real-Time PCR) with genotyping and chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH), as well as immunocytological and immunohistochemical analyses of p16INK4A, Ki67, SMA, Vimentin, CD34, E-cadherin, Oct4, CD44, CKW markers. In the stem cell niche zone, these spheroid structures were discovered having proliferative activity and showing signs of producing stem cells involved in the repair of the cervical mucosa in HPV-CC. Conclusion: The persistence of the HPV in the stem cell niche zone cells in the cervix determines the chronization of inflammation in this area, with the ability to perform pathological repair. The immunophenotype of the spheroid cell structures in the HPV-CC includes cells with signs of stem cells (‘stemness’) and the mesenchymal-epithelial transition

    Substantive, methodological and organizational discourse in oriental history learning at school and university

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Currently, the system of education in Russia is changing radically. One of the factors behind the process of education reorganization, university education in particular, is the process of globalization and computerization. Advanced concepts and the best practices of market-leading educational services (especially in the US and the UK) made it possible to develop the national education model with the aim to solve a number of problems related to the formation of a modern education model, historical education including, such as future demand for specialists, efficiency of the knowledge obtained, and mobility of professional qualifications under present conditions. The article focuses on the issues of training history teachers at universities as well as the issues related to teaching history, especially world history, at schools. The authors discuss relevant issues concerning the ways of improving methodology and technologies in history teachers’ school practice, analyze the methods for increasing motivation of history students through implementation of innovative educational technologies, and outline the guidelines for intensifying students’ learning activities in preparation for their final exam in history

    The role of the educational environment in the adaptation of children from migrant families

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    © Serials Publications. The relevance of the research problem is in need of understanding of the leading factors in the educational environment, influencing the process of socio-cultural adaptation of migrant children and a personal orientation in the educational process. The article describes the options of adaptation of migrant children in the educational environment, which is the foundation of social and cultural adaptation. This is determined by its diverse functions and potential, supporting the integrating of a child into society on the cognitive and behavioral levels. The article outlines the possibility of forming a specific system of relations and a favorable psychological climate in a multicultural educational environment. A leading approach to the study of this problem is the criterial-oriented approach based on two sociological paradigms - interactionism (analysis of the role of social, cultural and educational environment in the process of adaptation) and structural functionalism (the study of the social functions of migration, mechanisms of adaptation of ethnic migrants, the research of features of cognitive-behavioral sphere of children-migrants). The article may be useful for teachers of secondary schools, teachers, organizing education and training of migrant children in educational organizations and children's groups for extracurricular activities

    Spatial structure of fibrinopeptide B in water solution with DPC micelles by NMR spectroscopy

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Fibrinopeptide B (GluFib) is one of the factors of thrombosis. Normal blood protein soluble, fibrinogen (fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B), is transformed into the insoluble, fibrin, which in the form of filaments adheres to the vessel wall at the site of injury, forming a grid. However, the spatial structure of this peptide has not been established till now. In this article, GluFib peptide is investigated together with dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles which were used for mimicking the environment of peptide in blood vessels. The spatial structure was obtained by applying 1D and 2D 1H-1H NMR spectroscopy (TOCSY, NOESY). It was shown that the fibrinopeptide B does not have a secondary structure but we can distinguish the fragment Gly 9 - Arg 14 with a good convergence (the backbone RMSD for the Gly9 - Arg14 is 0.18 ± 0.08 Å)

    Mosque Books of the Tobolsk Province of the 19th - Early 20<sup>th</sup> Centuries as a Literary Text of the Siberian Tatars: Books Contents and Vocabulary

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    The question is raised about the study of mosque books of the Tobolsk province of the XIX - early XX centuries, stored in the State Budgetary Institution of the Tyumen region “State Archives of Tobolsk”. It is reported that the documents cover the period from 1830 to 1917 and are the metric books of the Siberian Tatars “on a note on births, about marriage, divorce and death”. The relevance of the study is due to the preservation and study of the literary texts of the indigenous Turkic people of Western Siberia - the Siberian Tatars. A review of the geography and chronology of preserved manuscripts is carried out, the features of the composition of the information contained in mosque books of the Sauskan and Chebourg yurts are considered. The authors emphasize the value of metric books as a source, since some traditional features of Tatar writing of the 18th-19th centuries have been preserved in them, which is associated with generally accepted standards for the design of official business papers. The scientific prospects of the study are considered: the creation of a written corpus of manuscript books of Siberian Tatars; analysis of the unexplored literary texts in the corpus, archaeographic (paleographic description, the study of graphics, spelling and punctuation), linguistic-textological and linguocultural aspects; application of the genealogical approach in describing the anthroponymic of Tobolsk province of the 19th - early 20th centuries on the basis of metric data on births, marriages, divorces and death