10,195 research outputs found

    Caracterização de bactérias e fungos envolvidos na degradação de sulfentrazona em solos.

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    Impacto ambiental do regulador de crescimento vegetal paclobutrazol.

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    Capítulo 1. Paclobutrazol - Regulador de Crescimento Vegetal. Capítulo 2. Xenobióticos e seus Impactos Ambientais. Capítulo 3. Efeito de Paclobutrazol na Microbiota do Filoplano de Mangueiras. Capítulo 4. Efeito do Paclobutrazol sobre a Microbiota do Solo. Capítulo 5. Degradação do Paclobutrazol em Solos Tropicais. Capítulo 6. Análise do Polimorfismo de Bactérias Degradadoras do Paclobutrazol. Capítulo 7. Avaliação de Risco em decorrência da Exposição Perinatal ao Paclobutrazol: análise de alguns indicadores físicos e neurocomportamentais. Capítulo 8. Toxicidade do Paclobutrazol em Ambiente Aquático.bitstream/CNPMA/5809/1/documentos_30.pd

    Evidence for Domesticated and Wild Populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae is predominantly found in association with human activities, particularly the production of alcoholic beverages. S. paradoxus, the closest known relative of S. cerevisiae, is commonly found on exudates and bark of deciduous trees and in associated soils. This has lead to the idea that S. cerevisiae is a domesticated species, specialized for the fermentation of alcoholic beverages, and isolates of S. cerevisiae from other sources simply represent migrants from these fermentations. We have surveyed DNA sequence diversity at five loci in 81 strains of S. cerevisiae that were isolated from a variety of human and natural fermentations as well as sources unrelated to alcoholic beverage production, such as tree exudates and immunocompromised patients. Diversity within vineyard strains and within saké strains is low, consistent with their status as domesticated stocks. The oldest lineages and the majority of variation are found in strains from sources unrelated to wine production. We propose a model whereby two specialized breeds of S. cerevisiae have been created, one for the production of grape wine and one for the production of saké wine. We estimate that these two breeds have remained isolated from one another for thousands of years, consistent with the earliest archeological evidence for winemaking. We conclude that although there are clearly strains of S. cerevisiae specialized for the production of alcoholic beverages, these have been derived from natural populations unassociated with alcoholic beverage production, rather than the opposite

    Dynamical study of the hyperextended scalar-tensor theory in the empty Bianchi type I model

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    The dynamics of the hyperextended scalar-tensor theory in the empty Bianchi type I model is investigated. We describe a method giving the sign of the first and second derivatives of the metric functions whatever the coupling function. Hence, we can predict if a theory gives birth to expanding, contracting, bouncing or inflationary cosmology. The dynamics of a string inspired theory without antisymetric field strength is analysed. Some exact solutions are found.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Caracterização de bactérias e fungos envolvidos na degradação de sulfentrazona em solos.

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    Uma vez que microrganismos presentes nos solos são capazes de degradar e mineralizar agrotóxicos, é possível fazer a biorremediação de sítios contaminados, empregando-se microrganismos previamente selecionados. Logo, o isolamento, a caracterização e a identificação de microrganismos, com capacidade para metabolizar compostos potencialmente tóxicos, é de suma importância para a biorremediação. Não há registros na literatura sobre a identificação de microrganismos que degradem a sulfentrazona. Esse herbicida destaca-se como um dos mais utilizados nas principais culturas do Brasil. Assim, é necessário determinar quais os microrganismos que podem estar envolvidos em sua dissipação. Para isso solos sem histórico da aplicação do herbicida foram suplementados com sulfentrazona como única fonte de carbono e energia. Após 255 dias de incubação foram retiradas amostras para o isolamento e identificação dos microrganismos resistentes e ou degradadores do herbicida. Após a diluição em série, alíquotas foram plaqueadas em meio de cultura mínimo suplementado com o herbicida. As colônias que cresceram foram isoladas e selecionadas em meio de cultura mínimo líquido suplementado com concentrações crescentes de sulfentrazona. Após três repicagens os microrganismos foram plaqueados e purificados em meio mínimo sólido. As bactérias e actinomicetos foram identificados pelo perfil de ácidos graxos da membrana celular. Os fungos foram isolados e identificados com o auxílio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e o uso de manual de identificação. As bactérias degradadoras de sulfentrazona foram identificadas como Nocardia brasiliensis, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Rhizobium radiobacter, Ralstonia pickettii e Methylobacterium radiotolerans. Os fungos isolados e identificados como degradadores deste herbicida pertencem aos gêneros Cladosporium sp., Eupenicillium sp., Paecilomyces sp., Penicillium sp., Chrysosporium sp. e Metarrhizium sp

    A negative mass theorem for surfaces of positive genus

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    We define the "sum of squares of the wavelengths" of a Riemannian surface (M,g) to be the regularized trace of the inverse of the Laplacian. We normalize by scaling and adding a constant, to obtain a "mass", which is scale invariant and vanishes at the round sphere. This is an anlaog for closed surfaces of the ADM mass from general relativity. We show that if M has positive genus then on each conformal class, the mass attains a negative minimum. For the minimizing metric, there is a sharp logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality and a Moser-Trudinger-Onofri type inequality.Comment: 8 page

    Nonadiabatic Pauli susceptibility in fullerene compounds

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    Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility χ\chi is unaffected by the electron-phonon interaction in the Migdal-Eliashberg context. Fullerene compounds however do not fulfill the adiabatic assumption of Migdal's theorem and nonadiabatic effects are expected to be relevant in these materials. In this paper we investigate the Pauli spin susceptibility in nonadiabatic regime by following a conserving approach based on Ward's identity. We find that a sizable renormalization of χ\chi due to electron-phonon coupling appears when nonadiabatic effects are taken into account. The intrinsic dependence of χ\chi on the electron-phonon interaction gives rise to a finite and negative isotope effect which could be experimentally detected in fullerides. In addition, we find an enhancement of the spin susceptibility with temperature increasing, in agreement with the temperature dependence of χ\chi observed in fullerene compounds. The role of electronic correlation is also discussed.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages, 8 figures include

    The Modular Group, Operator Ordering, and Time in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity

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    A choice of time-slicing in classical general relativity permits the construction of time-dependent wave functions in the ``frozen time'' Chern-Simons formulation of (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional quantum gravity. Because of operator ordering ambiguities, however, these wave functions are not unique. It is shown that when space has the topology of a torus, suitable operator orderings give rise to wave functions that transform under the modular group as automorphic functions of arbitrary weights, with dynamics determined by the corresponding Maass Laplacians on moduli space.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Polarization Diffusion from Spacetime Uncertainty

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    A model of Lorentz invariant random fluctuations in photon polarization is presented. The effects are frequency dependent and affect the polarization of photons as they propagate through space. We test for this effect by confronting the model with the latest measurements of polarization of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur