18 research outputs found

    Effet de la fertilisation organique Ă  base de litiĂšre foliaire de Jatropha curcas L. et Jatropha gossypifolia L. sur la culture de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Ă  Guider (Nord/Cameroun)

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    La baisse de la fertilitĂ© des sols due Ă  la mauvaise gestion des terres et l’utilisation excessive des engrais chimiques a motivĂ© le regain d’intĂ©rĂȘt dans la recherche de fertilisants organiques respectant l’environnement pour un dĂ©veloppement durable. Pour Ă©valuer l’efficacitĂ© agronomique des litiĂšres de Jatropha sur la production de la tomate, une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite en champs dans des pots de 20 cm de diamĂštre. Le dispositif expĂ©rimental est un bloc de Fischer randomisĂ© avec un total de 64 pots (4 traitements x 4 rĂ©pĂ©titions x 4 unitĂ©s expĂ©rimentales). Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les litiĂšres de Jatropha curcas et Jatropha gossypifolia ont amĂ©liorĂ© la croissance et le dĂ©veloppement (le diamĂštre et la ramification de la tige, le nombre de feuille et de fruits ainsi que la masse des fruits) de la tomate par rapport au tĂ©moin. La litiĂšre de Jatropha curcas a induit une large amĂ©lioration de la masse des fruits (33,09 g) par rapport aux autres traitements : le tĂ©moin (19,99 g), la litiĂšre de Jatropha gossypifolia (20,44 g) et l’engrais chimique (24,02 g). Pour une culture dont on aimerait avoir des gros fruits l’utilisation des fertilisants organiques Ă  base des litiĂšres de Jatropha curcas pourrait ĂȘtre conseillĂ©e.Mots clĂ©s : Fertilisant organique, LitiĂšre, Jatropha curcas, Jatropha gossypifolia, Nord-Cameroun.   English Title: Effect of organic fertilization based on leaf litter of Jatropha curcas L. and Jatropha gossypifolia L. on the tomato crop (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Guider (North Cameroon)The decline in soil fertility due to poor land management and excessive use of chemical fertilizers has induced new interest in the quest for environmentally friendly organic fertilizers for sustainable development. To assess the agronomic effectiveness of Jatropha litter on tomato production, a study was conducted in the field in pots of 20 cm in diameter. The experimental set-up is a randomized Fischer block with a total of 64 pots (4 treatments x 4 repetitions x 4 experimental units). The results showed that the litters of Jatropha curcas and Jatropha gossypifolia improved the growth and development (the diameter and branching of the stem, the number of leaves and fruits as well as the mass of the fruits) of the tomato compared to the witness. Jatropha curcas litter induced a large improvement in fruit mass (33.09 g) compared to other treatments: the control (19.99 g), Jatropha gossypifolia litter (20.44 g) and chemical fertilizer (24.02 g). For a crop from which we would like to have larger fruits, the use of organic fertilizers based on Jatropha curcas litter could be recommended.Keywords: Organic fertilizer, Litter, Jatropha curcas, Jatropha gossypifolia, North Cameroon. &nbsp

    Importance Socioéconomique et Ethnomédicinale de Haematostaphis barteri Hook F. dans les Localités de Bidzar, Figuil, Boula-ibbi et Lagam, Nord-Cameroun

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    L’étude avait pour but de documenter les connaissances des populations locales sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt socioĂ©conomique et mĂ©dicinales de Haematostaphis barteri dans les localitĂ©s de Bidzar, Figuil, Boula-ibbi and Lagam, au Nord-Cameroun. Elle s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e entre septembre et novembre 2018 et a impliquĂ© 93 personnes de trois groupes ethniques (Guidar, Peulh et Guiziga) et choisies de façon alĂ©atoire. ConstituĂ©s d’hommes, de femmes, de jeunes, des personnes ĂągĂ©es et des tradithĂ©rapeutes. La collecte des donnĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© faite par des entrevues semi-structurĂ©es. Ces entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© conduits en langues française et locale, avec recours parfois Ă  un interprĂšte. Des paramĂštres ethnobotaniques comme la valeur d’usage et consensuelle, le taux de rĂ©ponse, l’indice culturel d’importance, le niveau de fidĂ©litĂ© et le degrĂ© de consensus sur la mĂ©dication ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour Ă©valuer l’importance de H. barteri dans les localitĂ©s Ă©tudiĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus rĂ©vĂšlent sur le plan ethnique et genre, une forte participation des Guidars et une dominance du genre masculin. Ces enquĂȘtĂ©s pour la plupart Ă©taient analphabĂštes et exerçaient comme activitĂ© principale l’agriculture (68,82%) soutenue par un systĂšme d’entraide appelĂ© « Sourgha Â». Le nom local de H. barteri variait d’une ethnie Ă  l’autre et Ă©tait, soit une combinaison de la saveur des fruits et de sa disposition sur l’arbre, ou alors un assemblage couleur et nombre de fruits par grappe. Cette espĂšce est employĂ©e dans quatre (04) domaines d’utilisations, avec un large consentement pour les usages alimentaires (4 UV) et mĂ©dicinaux (3UV). Le faible consentement (1,33UV) est enregistrĂ© pour son utilisation sous forme de bois d’énergie. Les fruits sont majoritairement utilisĂ©s dans l’alimentation (37%) et sa vente procure aux mĂ©nages des moyens de subsistance ; alors dans la catĂ©gorie mĂ©dicinale, ce sont les feuilles, les Ă©corces et les racines sous forme de dĂ©coction qui sont sollicitĂ©es pour traiter dix (10) affections ; dont l’anĂ©mie, la fiĂšvre, le mal de ventre, la typhoĂŻde, le mal d’estomac et le paludisme comme maladies les plus traitĂ©es. Pour booster l’effet du phytomĂ©dicament, H. barteri est parfois associĂ©e Ă  Tamarindus indica, Acacia nilotica et au miel. Aucune mesure de gestion durable et rationnelle de l’espĂšce n’a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©clarĂ©e par nos enquĂȘtĂ©s, toutefois, ils disent avoir mis en place des stratĂ©gies comme la multiplication des champs et la diversification de cultures et l’abandon des terres pauvres au profit de nouvelles terres fertiles, pour faire face aux impacts nĂ©gatifs des changements globaux. Les multiples utilisations et trĂšs variĂ©es, associĂ©es Ă  l’absence de mesures adĂ©quates de gestion soutenable et aux effets du changement climatique affectent les individus de cette espĂšce dans les localitĂ©s investiguĂ©es ; ainsi des mesures de prĂ©servations s’imposent.   The aim of the study was to document the socio-economic and medicinal use of Haematostaphis barteri by local populations of Bidzar, Figuil, Boula-ibbi and Lagam, in North Cameroon. A total of 93 respondents in three groups (Guidar, Peulh and Guiziga) in North Cameroon were randomly selected to participe in the survey. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to a randomly selected men, women, young, elderly and traditional healers between september and november 2018. These interviews were conducted in french and local languages, sometimes with the need of an interpreter. Ethnobotanical parameters such as use value, consensus value, response rate, cultural importance index, fidelity level and medication consensus level were used to evaluate the importance of H. barteri in the investigated localities. On the ethnic and gender level, the result showed a strong participation of Guidars group and male gender. Most of the respondents were illiterate and their main activity was agriculture (68,82%) which is supported by mutual aid system called “Sourgha”. H. barteri local name varied from on group to another and was either a combination of the flavor of the fruit and its arrangement on the tree, or else a combination of color and number of fruits per cluster. This specie is used in four (04) categories (food, medicinal, economic and fuelwood), with broad consent for food (4UV) and medicinal (3UV) uses. Low consent (1,33UV) was recorded for fuelwood use. Fruits were the most frequently used part in food category (37%) and its commercialization provides means of subsistence to many households. In medicinal category, leaves, barks and roots were used in form of decoction to treat ten (10) diseases, with anemia, fever, stomach ache, typhoid, stomach ache and malaria as the most treated diseases. To boost the effect of herbal medicine did by H. barteri parts, respondents sometimes added honey and some parts of Tamarindus indica and Acacia nilotica. No measure of sustainable and rational management of the species has been declared by our respondents, however, they say they have put in place strategies such as the multiplication of fields, diversification of crops and abandonment of poor land in favor of new fertile lands, in order to cope with the negative impacts of global changes. Multiple uses, associated with the absence of adequate measures of sustainable management and the effects of climate change affect individuals of this species in the investigated localities, therefore, preservation measures are needed

    Importance Socioéconomique et Ethnomédicinale de Haematostaphis barteri Hook F. dans les Localités de Bidzar, Figuil, Boula-ibbi et Lagam, Nord-Cameroun

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    L’étude avait pour but de documenter les connaissances des populations locales sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt socioĂ©conomique et mĂ©dicinales de Haematostaphis barteri dans les localitĂ©s de Bidzar, Figuil, Boula-ibbi and Lagam, au Nord-Cameroun. Elle s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e entre septembre et novembre 2018 et a impliquĂ© 93 personnes de trois groupes ethniques (Guidar, Peulh et Guiziga) et choisies de façon alĂ©atoire. ConstituĂ©s d’hommes, de femmes, de jeunes, des personnes ĂągĂ©es et des tradithĂ©rapeutes. La collecte des donnĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© faite par des entrevues semi-structurĂ©es. Ces entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© conduits en langues française et locale, avec recours parfois Ă  un interprĂšte. Des paramĂštres ethnobotaniques comme la valeur d’usage et consensuelle, le taux de rĂ©ponse, l’indice culturel d’importance, le niveau de fidĂ©litĂ© et le degrĂ© de consensus sur la mĂ©dication ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour Ă©valuer l’importance de H. barteri dans les localitĂ©s Ă©tudiĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus rĂ©vĂšlent sur le plan ethnique et genre, une forte participation des Guidars et une dominance du genre masculin. Ces enquĂȘtĂ©s pour la plupart Ă©taient analphabĂštes et exerçaient comme activitĂ© principale l’agriculture (68,82%) soutenue par un systĂšme d’entraide appelĂ© « Sourgha Â». Le nom local de H. barteri variait d’une ethnie Ă  l’autre et Ă©tait, soit une combinaison de la saveur des fruits et de sa disposition sur l’arbre, ou alors un assemblage couleur et nombre de fruits par grappe. Cette espĂšce est employĂ©e dans quatre (04) domaines d’utilisations, avec un large consentement pour les usages alimentaires (4 UV) et mĂ©dicinaux (3UV). Le faible consentement (1,33UV) est enregistrĂ© pour son utilisation sous forme de bois d’énergie. Les fruits sont majoritairement utilisĂ©s dans l’alimentation (37%) et sa vente procure aux mĂ©nages des moyens de subsistance ; alors dans la catĂ©gorie mĂ©dicinale, ce sont les feuilles, les Ă©corces et les racines sous forme de dĂ©coction qui sont sollicitĂ©es pour traiter dix (10) affections ; dont l’anĂ©mie, la fiĂšvre, le mal de ventre, la typhoĂŻde, le mal d’estomac et le paludisme comme maladies les plus traitĂ©es. Pour booster l’effet du phytomĂ©dicament, H. barteri est parfois associĂ©e Ă  Tamarindus indica, Acacia nilotica et au miel. Aucune mesure de gestion durable et rationnelle de l’espĂšce n’a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©clarĂ©e par nos enquĂȘtĂ©s, toutefois, ils disent avoir mis en place des stratĂ©gies comme la multiplication des champs et la diversification de cultures et l’abandon des terres pauvres au profit de nouvelles terres fertiles, pour faire face aux impacts nĂ©gatifs des changements globaux. Les multiples utilisations et trĂšs variĂ©es, associĂ©es Ă  l’absence de mesures adĂ©quates de gestion soutenable et aux effets du changement climatique affectent les individus de cette espĂšce dans les localitĂ©s investiguĂ©es ; ainsi des mesures de prĂ©servations s’imposent.   The aim of the study was to document the socio-economic and medicinal use of Haematostaphis barteri by local populations of Bidzar, Figuil, Boula-ibbi and Lagam, in North Cameroon. A total of 93 respondents in three groups (Guidar, Peulh and Guiziga) in North Cameroon were randomly selected to participe in the survey. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to a randomly selected men, women, young, elderly and traditional healers between september and november 2018. These interviews were conducted in french and local languages, sometimes with the need of an interpreter. Ethnobotanical parameters such as use value, consensus value, response rate, cultural importance index, fidelity level and medication consensus level were used to evaluate the importance of H. barteri in the investigated localities. On the ethnic and gender level, the result showed a strong participation of Guidars group and male gender. Most of the respondents were illiterate and their main activity was agriculture (68,82%) which is supported by mutual aid system called “Sourgha”. H. barteri local name varied from on group to another and was either a combination of the flavor of the fruit and its arrangement on the tree, or else a combination of color and number of fruits per cluster. This specie is used in four (04) categories (food, medicinal, economic and fuelwood), with broad consent for food (4UV) and medicinal (3UV) uses. Low consent (1,33UV) was recorded for fuelwood use. Fruits were the most frequently used part in food category (37%) and its commercialization provides means of subsistence to many households. In medicinal category, leaves, barks and roots were used in form of decoction to treat ten (10) diseases, with anemia, fever, stomach ache, typhoid, stomach ache and malaria as the most treated diseases. To boost the effect of herbal medicine did by H. barteri parts, respondents sometimes added honey and some parts of Tamarindus indica and Acacia nilotica. No measure of sustainable and rational management of the species has been declared by our respondents, however, they say they have put in place strategies such as the multiplication of fields, diversification of crops and abandonment of poor land in favor of new fertile lands, in order to cope with the negative impacts of global changes. Multiple uses, associated with the absence of adequate measures of sustainable management and the effects of climate change affect individuals of this species in the investigated localities, therefore, preservation measures are needed

    Importance Socioéconomique et Ethnomédicinale de Haematostaphis barteri Hook F. dans les Localités de Bidzar, Figuil, Boula-ibbi et Lagam, Nord-Cameroun

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    L’étude avait pour but de documenter les connaissances des populations locales sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt socioĂ©conomique et mĂ©dicinales de Haematostaphis barteri dans les localitĂ©s de Bidzar, Figuil, Boula-ibbi and Lagam, au Nord-Cameroun. Elle s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e entre septembre et novembre 2018 et a impliquĂ© 93 personnes de trois groupes ethniques (Guidar, Peulh et Guiziga) et choisies de façon alĂ©atoire. ConstituĂ©s d’hommes, de femmes, de jeunes, des personnes ĂągĂ©es et des tradithĂ©rapeutes. La collecte des donnĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© faite par des entrevues semi-structurĂ©es. Ces entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© conduits en langues française et locale, avec recours parfois Ă  un interprĂšte. Des paramĂštres ethnobotaniques comme la valeur d’usage et consensuelle, le taux de rĂ©ponse, l’indice culturel d’importance, le niveau de fidĂ©litĂ© et le degrĂ© de consensus sur la mĂ©dication ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour Ă©valuer l’importance de H. barteri dans les localitĂ©s Ă©tudiĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus rĂ©vĂšlent sur le plan ethnique et genre, une forte participation des Guidars et une dominance du genre masculin. Ces enquĂȘtĂ©s pour la plupart Ă©taient analphabĂštes et exerçaient comme activitĂ© principale l’agriculture (68,82%) soutenue par un systĂšme d’entraide appelĂ© « Sourgha Â». Le nom local de H. barteri variait d’une ethnie Ă  l’autre et Ă©tait, soit une combinaison de la saveur des fruits et de sa disposition sur l’arbre, ou alors un assemblage couleur et nombre de fruits par grappe. Cette espĂšce est employĂ©e dans quatre (04) domaines d’utilisations, avec un large consentement pour les usages alimentaires (VUE = 4) et mĂ©dicinaux (VUE = 3). Le faible consentement (VUE = 1,33) est enregistrĂ© pour son utilisation sous forme de bois d’énergie. Les fruits sont majoritairement utilisĂ©s dans l’alimentation (37%) et sa vente procure aux mĂ©nages des moyens de subsistance ; alors dans la catĂ©gorie mĂ©dicinale, ce sont les racines, les Ă©corces et les feuilles sous forme de dĂ©coction qui sont sollicitĂ©es pour traiter dix (10) affections ; dont l’anĂ©mie, la fiĂšvre, le mal de ventre, la typhoĂŻde, le mal d’estomac et le paludisme comme maladies les plus traitĂ©es. Pour booster l’effet du phytomĂ©dicament, H. barteri est parfois associĂ©e Ă  Tamarindus indica, Acacia nilotica et au miel. Aucune mesure de gestion durable et rationnelle de l’espĂšce n’a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©clarĂ©e par nos enquĂȘtĂ©s, toutefois, ils disent avoir mis en place des stratĂ©gies comme la multiplication des champs et la diversification de cultures et l’abandon des terres pauvres au profit de nouvelles terres fertiles, pour faire face aux impacts nĂ©gatifs des changements globaux. Les multiples utilisations et trĂšs variĂ©es, associĂ©es Ă  l’absence de mesures adĂ©quates de gestion soutenable et aux effets du changement climatique affectent les individus de cette espĂšce dans les localitĂ©s investiguĂ©es ; ainsi des mesures de prĂ©servations s’imposent.   The aim of the study was to document the socio-economic and medicinal use of Haematostaphis barteri by local populations of Bidzar, Figuil, Boula-ibbi and Lagam, in North Cameroon. A total of 93 respondents in three groups (Guidar, Peulh and Guiziga) in North Cameroon were randomly selected to participe in the survey. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to a randomly selected men, women, young, elderly and traditional healers between september and november 2018. These interviews were conducted in french and local languages, sometimes with the need of an interpreter. Ethnobotanical parameters such as use value, consensus value, response rate, cultural importance index, fidelity level and medication consensus level were used to evaluate the importance of H. barteri in the investigated localities. made and served as analyzing basis. On the ethnic and gender level, the result showed a strong participation of Guidars group and male gender. Most of the respondents were illiterate and their main activity was agriculture (68,82%) which is supported by mutual aid system called “Sourgha”. H. barteri local name varied from on group to another and was either a combination of the flavor of the fruit and its arrangement on the tree, or else a combination of color and number of fruits per cluster. This specie is used in four (04) categories (food, medicinal, economic and fuelwood), with broad consent for food (EUV = 4) and medicinal (EUV = 3) uses. Low consent (EUV = 1,33) was recorded for fuelwood use. Fruits were the most frequently used part in food category (37%) and its commercialization provides means of subsistence to many households. In medicinal category, roots, barks and leaves were used in form of decoction to treat ten (10) diseases, with anemia, fever, stomach ache, typhoid, stomach ache and malaria as the most treated diseases. To boost the effect of herbal medicine did by H. barteri parts, respondents sometimes added honey and some parts of Tamarindus indica and Acacia nilotica. No measure of sustainable and rational management of the species has been declared by our respondents, however, they say they have put in place strategies such as the multiplication of fields, diversification of crops and abandonment of poor land in favor of new fertile lands, in order to cope with the negative impacts of global changes. Multiple uses, associated with the absence of adequate measures of sustainable management and the effects of climate change affect individuals of this species in the investigated localities, therefore, preservation measures are needed

    Can antimalarial, antiviral and anti-respiratory infections Cameroonian medicinal plants be used as one of the potential ways to cure COVID-19? Pharmacological and ethnomedicinal proof

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    COVID-19 is a severe acute respiratory syndrome-related corona-virus SARS-CoV-2, that constitutes a pandemic threat to global public health. Unfortunately, there are no specific available therapies. This research work presents the ïŹndings of an investigation on traditional Cameroonian remedies of respiratory tract infections, malaria and viral infections, and also recipes that could serve as a baseline for the prevention, alleviate symptoms, treatment and perhaps may help for the anti-COVID-19 drugs discovery. Data on the medicinal plants were collected from traditional healers, Cameroonian medicinal plants books, the internet, and in addition to our personal experience as researchers and herbalists. Details of 85 plant species used to manage these three mentioned diseases in Cameroon and their pharmacological properties are recorded. Due to their ethnomedicinal uses and pharmacological activities, twenty-eight (28) plant species and 13 recipes are suggested for COVID-19 prevention, alleviate symptoms, treatment and baseline for anti-COVID-19 drug discovery. Amongst the proposed plants we have the following, Curcuma longa, Azadirachta indica, Zingiber officinale, Allium sativum and Ocimum gratissimum which were reported to possess certain inhibition properties against COVID-19 protease

    Air layering of three agroforestry species in the Guinean savannah highlands of Adamawa in Cameroon

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    Ximenia americana, Vitex doniana and Lophira lanceolata are species prized by the populations of the Guinean savannah highlands of Cameroon. They are unfortunately still in the wild where they are subjected to various pressures. From the perspective of the conservation and enhancement of local biodiversity, their domestication appears necessary. The objective of the work is to study the vegetative propagation by air layering of these fruit trees. The experimental device used is a split-split-plot with three repetitions. Species represents the main treatment; the substrates constitute the secondary treatment while the covering of the layers with aluminum foil represents the tertiary treatment. The experimental unit was 30 layers. The rooting rate of layers varies significantly (0.000<0.001) from 48.88±1.89% in Ximenia americana to 81.38±2.08% in Lophira lanceolata. Sphagnum was the best substrate with 69.63±1.38% against 61.66±1.54% for the black soil-sawdust mixture. The analysis of variance reveals a significant difference for the substrates (0.0025<0.01). Covering the layers with aluminum foil presented a rate of 69.44±2.15% while the uncovered layers presented 61.85±1.54%, the analysis of variance shows a significant difference (0,0031<0.01). Lophira lanceolata exhibited the best air layering ability; the rooted layers were weaned and acclimatized for two months before being transferred to the field. During this process 19% and 52% respectively of the layers of Vitex doniana and Ximenia americana flowered. This inexpensive technique is an essential step in the process of their domestication