3,382 research outputs found

    Degree growth of meromorphic surface maps

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    We study the degree growth of iterates of meromorphic selfmaps of compact Kahler surfaces. Using cohomology classes on the Riemann-Zariski space we show that the degrees grow similarly to those of mappings that are algebraically stable on some birational model.Comment: 17 pages, final version, to appear in Duke Math Journa

    Singular semipositive metrics in non-Archimedean geometry

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    Let X be a smooth projective Berkovich space over a complete discrete valuation field K of residue characteristic zero, endowed with an ample line bundle L. We introduce a general notion of (possibly singular) semipositive (or plurisubharmonic) metrics on L, and prove the analogue of the following two basic results in the complex case: the set of semipositive metrics is compact modulo constants, and each semipositive metric is a decreasing limit of smooth semipositive ones. In particular, for continuous metrics our definition agrees with the one by S.-W. Zhang. The proofs use multiplier ideals and the construction of suitable models of X over the valuation ring of K, using toroidal techniques.Comment: 49 pages, 1 figure. Accepted in the Journal of Algebraic Geometr

    Ethical Duties Based upon Animal Interests

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    Este artículo trata sobre la naturaleza y el alcance de las obligaciones éticas que los humanos tienen con los animales, derivadas del hecho de que éstos otros seres están vivos. También se presta atención a cómo las preocupaciones éticas de los seres humanos individuales se transforman en posiciones sociales y, finalmente, leyes para la protección de los animales a través del concepto de la utilización respetuosa de los animales por los humanos. Se dan cuatro grandes principios sobre los cuales se puede construir una ética amigable con los animales. This article addresses the nature and scope of the ethical duties that humans have toward animals which arise out of the fact that these other beings are alive. Attention is also given to how the ethical concerns of individual humans will be transformed into social positions and ultimately laws for the protection of animals through the concept of the respectful use of animals by humans. Four broad principles are provided upon which an animal friendly ethic can be built

    La estatuaria cívica en Mendoza durante la etapa posterremoto : patriotas, héroes y leales servidores : (1861-1880).

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    Fil: Favre, Patricia S.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letra

    An International Treaty for Animal Welfare

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    Currently there is no international agreement that ensures the welfare and protection of animals. Nor is there any international standard that regulates and defines the acceptable treatment of animals. This lack of international consensus leads to the current disparate treatment of animals around the world, echoing the need for an international framework addressing the issue. This Article discusses a proposed umbrella treaty, the International Convention for the Protection of Animals (ICPA). This umbrella treaty would enable animal welfare issues to gain international recognition and protection by setting the general guidelines and polices regarding the treatment and use of animals. This Article argues that this is the best way to successfully pursue international protection by reconciling the conflicting goals of making a treaty enticing to as many countries as possible without eliminating enforcement mechanisms. This Article also suggests four companion protocols that would further delineate specific animal welfare standards and requirements. With the present economic climate, it may be difficult to convince countries to pass such a treaty. However, the ICPA could make it possible to begin the process of enacting groundbreaking international animal protection

    Wildlife Rights: The Ever-Widening Circle

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    Article published in the Environmental Law

    The Gathering Momentum

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    Article published in the Journal of Journal of Animal Law

    Tension Points Within the Language of the CITES Treaty

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    Article published in the Boston University International Law Journal

    The Development of Anti-Cruelty Laws During the 1800s

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    Article published in the Detroit College of Law Review

    Time for a Sharper Legal Focus

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    Article published in the Journal of Animal Law