6 research outputs found

    Limit Cycle Analysis in a Class of Hybrid Systems

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    Hybrid systems are those that inherently combine discrete and continuous dynamics. This paper considers the hybrid system model to be an extension of the discrete automata associating a continuous evolution with each discrete state. This model is called the hybrid automaton. In this work, we achieve a mathematical formulation of the steady state and we show a way to obtain the initial conditions region to reach a specific limit cycle for a class of uncoupled and coupled continuous-linear hybrid systems. The continuous-linear term is used in the sense of the system theory and, in this sense, continuous-linear hybrid automata will be defined. Thus, some properties and theorems that govern the hybrid automata dynamic behavior to evaluate a limit cycle existence have been established; this content is explained under a theoretical framework. © 2016 Antonio Favela-Contreras et al

    Rufino Tamayo : 70 Anos de Creacion

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    Affective Embodied Agents and Their Effect on Decision Making

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    Embodied agents, such as avatars and social robots, are increasingly incorporating a capacity to enact affective states and recognize the mood of their interlocutor. This influences how users perceive these technologies and how they interact with them. We report on an experiment aimed at assessing perceived empathy and fairness among individuals interacting with avatars and robots when compared to playing against a computer or a fellow human being. Twenty-one individuals were asked to play the ultimatum game, playing the role of a responder against another person, a computer, an avatar and a robot for a total of 32 games (8 per condition). We hypothesize that affective expressions by avatars and robots influence the emotional state of the users, leading them to irrational behavior by rejecting unfair proposals. We monitored galvanic skin response and heart rate of the players in the period when the offer was made by the proposer until the decision was announced by the responder. Our results show that most fair offers were accepted while most unfair offers were rejected. However, participants rejected more very unfair offers made by people and computers than by the avatars or robots

    Assessing empathy and managing emotions through interactions with an affective avatar

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    Assistive technologies can improve the quality of life of people diagnosed with different forms of social communication disorders. We report on the design and evaluation of an affective avatar aimed at engaging the user in a social interaction with the purpose of assisting in communication therapies. A human-avatar taxonomy is proposed to assist the design of affective avatars aimed at addressing social communication disorder. The avatar was evaluated with 30 subjects to assess how effectively it conveys the desired emotion and elicits empathy from the user. Results provide evidence that users become used to the avatar after a number of interactions, and they perceive the defined behavior as being logical. The users' interactions with the avatar entail affective reactions, including the mimic emotions that users felt, and establish a preliminary ground truth about prototypic empathic interactions with avatars that is being used to train learning algorithms to support social communication disorder evaluation.FONDECYT (Chile) 115025

    Evolución de la inteligencia de negocios

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    ¿Cuántas decisiones tomamos en un día normal?, ¿Cómo decidimos nuestras acciones?, todos los días y en cada momento tomamos decisiones, el tomar decisiones de manera inconsciente puede tener lamentables consecuencias, por otro lado, se dice que el éxito de una persona se basa en gran medida en la forma en como toma decisiones, tal y como lo menciona el Doctor Alejandro Peña Ayala “El ser humano es un tomador natural de decisiones, su forma de vida, éxitos y fracasos están en función en buena medida de sus decisiones”