76 research outputs found

    Studi Perbaikan Keandalan Jaringan Distribusi Primer Dengan Pemasangan Gardu Induk Sisipan Di Kabupaten Enrekang Sulawesi Selatan

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    Dengan berkembangnya taraf hidup masyarakat pedesaan di Sulawesi Selatan khususnya kabupaten Enrekang, maka keandalan sistem distribusi primer sangat dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga listrik. Oleh karena keandalan jaringan distribusi primer ke Kabupaten Enrekang di PLN Cabang Pinrang masih cukup rendah, maka akan diperbaiki dengan ditempatkannya sebuah Gardu Induk Sisipan untuk membagi luas daerah pelayanan. Gardu Induk Sisipan sangat dimungkinkan dibangun di Kabupaten Enrekang, mengingat jaringan transmisi Makale – Sidrap 150 kV telah beroperasi. Jaringan transmisi tersebut melintas di Kabupaten Enrekang dengan menggunakan material Aktiva Tetap Tidak Bergerak (ATTB) yang tersedia di PLN Wilayah Sulselrabar. Dibuatnya tugas akhir ini dengan tujuan membandingkan keandalan jaringan distribusi primer di Kabupaten Enrekang sebelum dan sesudah pemasangan gardu induk sisipan agar dapat digunakan sebagai rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan keandalan pada sistem tersebut. Berdasarkan kedua metoda perhitungan didapatkan hasil nilai SAIDI pada masing-masing penyulang masih sesuai dengan standart PLN 59 : 1985 sebesar 4,364 jam/tahun dan untuk hasil nilai SAIFI pada masing-masing penyulang masih sesuai dengan standart PLN 59 : 1985 sebesar 1,199 jam/tahu

    ANFIS modelling of a twin rotor system using particle swarm optimisation and RLS

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    Artificial intelligence techniques, such as neural networks and fuzzy logic have shown promising results for modelling of nonlinear systems whilst traditional approaches are rather insufficient due to difficulty in modelling of highly nonlinear components in the system. A laboratory set-up that resembles the behaviour of a helicopter, namely twin rotor multiinput multi-output system (TRMS) is used as an experimental rig in this research. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) tuned by particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is developed in search for non-parametric model for the TRMS. The antecedent parameters of the ANFIS are optimized by a PSO algorithm and the consequent parameters are updated using recursive least squares (RLS). The results show that the proposed technique has better convergence and better performance in modeling of a nonlinear process. The identified model is justified and validated in both time domain and frequency domai

    Inverse model based control for a twin rotor system

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    The use of active control technique has intensified in various control applications, particularly in the field of aircraft systems. A laboratory set-up system which resembles the behaviour of a helicopter, namely twin rotor multi-input multioutput system (TRMS) is used as an experimental rig in this research. This paper presents an investigation using inverse model control for the TRMS. The control techniques embraced in this work are direct inverse-model control, augmented PID with feedforward inverse-model control and augmented PID with feedback inverse-model control. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) method is used to tune the parameter of PID controller. To demonstrate the applicability of the methods, a simulated hovering motion of the TRMS, derived from experimental data is considered. The proposed inverse model based controller is shown to be capable of handling both systems dynamic as well as rigid body motion of the system, providing good overall system performance

    Dynamic nonlinear inverse-model based control of a twin rotor system using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system

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    A dynamic control system design has been a great demand in the control engineering community, with many applications particularly in the field of flight control. This paper presents investigations into the development of a dynamic nonlinear inverse-model based control of a twin rotor multi-input multi-output system (TRMS). The TRMS is an aerodynamic test rig representing the control challenges of modern air vehicle. A model inversion control with the developed adaptive model is applied to the system. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is augmented with the control system to improve the control response. To demonstrate the applicability of the methods, a simulated hovering motion of the TRMS, derived from experimental data is considered in order to evaluate the tracking properties and robustness capacities of the inverse- model control technique

    Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah B3 terhadap Indeks Proper di Rspi Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso

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    RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso is a hospital that has received ratings blue for PROPER. The hospital is classified in the government hospitals with the classification of type B education. The average amount of harzardous and toxic waste generated as much as 80.55 kg / day with an average number of patient visits as many as 391 people / day. Based on the field observations that has done, the management of hazardous and toxic waste in this hospital has not managed well arcconding to Government Regulation No. 101 in 2014, Environment Minister Decision No.r 06 in 2013 and Health Minister Decision No. 1204 in 2004. The purpose of this study was to assess the management of hazardous and toxic waste to PROPER index in RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso. This research methodology used in this research was qualitative and quantitative approaches with cross sectional design. The population of this study was executing management of hazardous and toxic wastes by using total sampling technique. The results showed data types and volume hazardous and toxic waste management, reporting activity of hazardous and toxic waste management, license and validity period hazardous and toxic waste management, the implementation of permit conditions, the amount of waste managed hazardous and toxic, and hazardous and toxic waste management with third-party, Based on Health Minister Decision No. 1204 in 2004 lug process, transportation, storage and management of B3 waste management not eligible. Based on the results of this research hazardous and toxic waste come from 7 hospital primary care with various types of hazardous and toxic was syringes, plabot, scalpel, infusion hoses, catheters hoses, tissue and fluids body, the result of assessment hazardous and toxic waste management by 70% and PROPER ranking was blue

    Effect Of Priming On Seed Vigor Of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)

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    Priming is a process that controls the process of hydration of seeds for the ongoing metabolic processes before germination. Research on priming was conducted at ICERI seed laboratory from May to September 2009 to evaluate the effect of different priming methods on wheat seed vigor. Physical properties and chemical composition of seed were evaluated before seeds were treated. The priming treatment were conducted by soaking 250 g of seed in 500 mL of solution for hydropriming and halopriming. Two seed lots of Nias and Dewata variety were subjected to heated and unheated distilled water for 12hours and subjected to KCl and CaCl2 at 10, 20, and 30 ppm and unprimed seed. The experiment were arranged in completely randomized design, replicated thrice. Vigor evaluation by observed seed germination, simultaneity growth, germination rate, seedling dry weight, electric conductivity of seed leakage and length of primary root. The results showed that highest germination, simultaneity growth, seedling dry weight, and length of primary root, were priming treatment with KCl 30 ppm and CaCl2 20 and 30 ppm. Priming with distilled water for 12 hours gave higher germination percentage and simultaneity growth

    Studi Komparatif Determinan Kejadian Diare di Wilayah Pesisir (Puskesmas Abeli) dan Perkotaan (Puskesmas Lepo-lepo) Tahun 2016

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    Puskesmas Abeli dan Puskesmas Lepo-lepo adalah salah satu Puskesmas di Kota Kendari dengan dengankasus diare yang berfluktuasi dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun terakhir. Pada Wilayah Pesisir (Puskesmas Abeli) tahun2012 dari 23.719 penduduk terdapat 293 kasus. Tahun 2013 dari 24.307 penduduk meningkat sebanyak 1.188kasus tahun 2014 dari 24.532 penduduk terdapat 967 kasus. Pada tahun 2015 penderita diare dari bulan Januarisampai dengan Desember sebanyak 508 kasus. Sedangkan pada wilayah perkotaan (Puskesmas Lepo-lepo) tahun2012 dari 21.295 penduduk terdapat 1.301 kasus. Tahun 2013 dari 20.981 penduduk terdapat 1.159 kasus, Tahun2014 dari 24.087 penduduk terdapat 338 kasus. Dan pada tahun 2015 penderita diare dari bulan Januari sampaidengan Desember sebanyak 603 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan determinankejadian diare pada kedua wilayah tersebut meliputi : penyediaan air bersih, jamban keluarga, pengolahansampah, sarana pembuangan air limbah dan personal hygiene. Penelitian iniadalah penelitian analitikobservasional dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalahseluruh masyarakat yang diambil dari data registrasi pasien periode Oktober-Desember 2015 yang didiagnosismenderita penyakit diare pada Puskesmas Abeli dan Puskesmas Lepo-lepo. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak62 responden, 31 responden pada Puskesmas Abeli dan 31 responden pada Puskesmas Lepo-lepo denganmenggunakan simple random sampling. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah penderita diare. Hasil penelitianmenunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan secara statistik (ρ 0,05) sarana pembuangan air limbah (ρ = 0,668), personal hygiene (ρ = 0,300) di wilayah Puskesmas Abeli danPuskesmas Lepo-lepo

    Particle swarm modelling of a flexible beam structure

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    This paper presents a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm with dynamic spread factor inertia weight and its application to dynamic modeling of a flexible beam structure. In this study, system identification scheme based on PSO is formulated to obtain a dynamic model of the beam in parametric form. A PSO algorithm with dynamic spread factor inertia weight is proposed and its performance is assessed in comparison to a standard PSO in modelling the flexible beam structure

    Nitrogen Management in a Maize-Groundnut Crop Rotation of Humid Tropics: Effect on N2O Emission

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    Development of appropriate land management techniques to attain sustainability and increase the N use efficiency of crops in the tropics has been gaining momentum. The nitrous oxides (N2Os) affect global climate change and its contribution from N and C management systems is of great significance. Thus, N transformations and N2O emission during maize-groundnut crop rotation managed with various N sources were studied. Accumulation of nitrate (NO3 –) and its disappearance happened immediately after addition of various N sources, showing liming effect. The mineral N retained for 2–4 weeks depending on the type and amount of N application. The chicken manure showed rapid nitrification in the first week after application during the fallow period, leading to a maximum N2O flux of 9889 μg N2O-N m–2 day– 1. The same plots showed a residual effect by emitting the highest N2O (4053 μg N2O-N m–2 day– 1) during maize cultivation supplied with a halfrate of N fertilizer. Application of N fertilizer only or in combination with crop residues exhibited either lowered fluxes or caused a sink during the groundnut and fallow periods due to small availability of substrates and/or low water-filled pore space (<40%). The annual N2O emission ranged from 1.41 to 3.94 kg N2O-N ha–1; the highest was estimated from the chicken manure plus crop residues and half-rate of inorganic N-amended plots. Results indicates a greater influence of chicken manure on the N transformations and thereby N2O emission

    Mass Production Media of Biofertilizer N Fixer Azotobacter sp. from Rhizosphere in Indonesia

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    Mass production media of biofertilizer must be able to maintain the shelf-life in accordance with provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture Number 01 of 2019 concerning Organic Fertilizer, Biofertilizer, and Ameliorant. This paper review aims to provide an overview of the media of mass production Azotobacter biofertilizer in Indonesia. Azotobacter biofertilizer in the form of a single liquid or solid fertilizer must have a minimum population of 1x108 CFU/g. Isolation of the nitrogen fixer microbe Azotobacter can be carried out through one or more agroecosystems, after that grown at selective media, pick the carrier either liquid or solid carrier, and additive that can increase microbial viability. Liquid carriers have more advantages over solid carriers. Before commercializing, it is necessary to check the quality of the biofertilizer referring to applicable regulations. &nbsp