9 research outputs found

    Pengaruh identitas gender terhadap persepsi tentang humor seksis dengan prasangka gender sebagai variabel moderator

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    INDONESIA: Tanpa kita sadari humor yang berkembang dalam masyarakat masih bermuatan seksisme. Sebagian orang masih menganggap humor seksis sebagai sesuatu yang lucu dan menghibur. Hal tersebut diketahui dari bagaimana orang menanggapi humor seksis dengan tertawaan. Identitas gender dianggap dapat memengaruhi persepsi seseorang terhadap humor seksis. Selanjutnya, prasangka gender diduga dapat meningkatkan pengaruh identitas gender dengan persepsi tentang humor seksis. Penelitian ini bertujuaan untuk mengetahui pengaruh identitas gender terhadap persepsi tentang humor seksis, mengetahui pengaruh prasangka gender terhadap persepsi tentang humor seksis, serta untuk mengetahui apakah prasangka gender dapat memoderasi pengaruh identitas gender terhadap persepsi tentang humor seksis. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian korelasional dengan melibatkan subjek penelitian sebanyak 158 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan identitas gender berpengaruh terhadap persepsi tentang humor seksis (F(7) = 6.262, P .05). Sementara itu, prasangka gender dapat berperan sebagai variabel moderator dalam pengaruh antara identitas gender dengan persepsi tentang humor seksis (F(4) = 5.359, P < .05). ENGLISH: Without we knowing humor evolving in society is still contain sexism. Some people still consider sexist humor as something funny and entertaining. This is known from how people react to sexist humor with laughter. Gender identity is considered to affect one’s perception of sexist humor. Furthermore, gender prejudice is condered to increase the affect of gender identity on one’s perception of sexist humor. This study aims to determine the affect of gender identity on perception of sexist humor, to determine the affect of gender prejudice on perception of sexist humor, and to determine whether gender prejudice can moderate the affect of gender identity on perception of sexist humor. This study used correlational research design that involved 158 participants. It was found that gender identity significantly affected participants’s perception of sexist humor (F(7) = 6.262, P .05). Meanwhile, gender prejudice can act as variable that moderates the affect between gender identity on perception of sexist humor (F(4) = 5.359, P < .05)

    Tradition of Sesaji Rewanda at Kreo cave

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    Sesaji Rewanda tradition is a ceremonial ritual performed by the Gunungpati community in Goa Kreo which is an annual event on the fifth day of Shawwal a month in the Islamic calendar. The ritual ceremony of Sesaji Rewanda is a symbol of respect for the ancestors of the monkeys who had helped Sunan Kalijaga when taking teak wood to be used as the main pillar of the 'saka guru' at the Great Mosque of Demak. This study used descriptive methods with qualitative study forms. The data collection in this study utilized participation observation techniques, in-depth interviews, library studies, and documents. The data obtained were analyzed with an ethnolinguistic approach, then the data analysis technique was completed by ethnographic analysis methods covering domains, taxonomy, and components. In addition, informal and formal methods were applied in presenting data. The results of the study obtained the use of the term in the tradition of Sesaji Rewanda in Gunungpati. The terms used in traditional rituals are classified in monomorphemic and polymorphemic forms (fixation and composition). Through an ethnolinguistic approach, the traditional term Sesaji Rewanda contains lexical and cultural meanings. The mindset of the Gunungpati community is reflected in the terms used in the ritual tradition of Sesaji Rewanda. The use of terms in the lexicon of Sesaji Rewanda can be put as a guide or paradigm of life in behaving and living by the Gunungpati community


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    This research is based on improving the oral culture (folklore) and native language which is an intellectual wealth of a nation. Folklore is an oral culture that is passed down through generation to generation in its submission and defense. Whereas in the modern generation that desperately needs more attention to keep preserving it. This research aims to find out the reflections of Gunungpati society's lexicon on the folklore of Goa Kreo as a petilasan of Sunan Kalijaga in Semarang City. Folklore of Goa Kreo as  petilasan of Sunan Kalijaga became the beginning of  Sesaji Rewanda tradition in Gunungpati Semarang. The research method used is qualitative descriptive.  The data collection in this research uses participation observation techniques, in-depth interviews, library studies and documents. The data that has been obtained is analyzed with an ethnolinguistic approach, then the data analysis technique is done by ethnographic analysis methods covering domains, taxonomy, and components. The results of analysis this research data are the forms of lexicon of Gunungpati society on the Goa Kreo’s folklore in the form of lingual units including of monomorphists, polymorphists, phrases and clauses. The folklore lexicons of Goa Kreo in Javanese have cultural, lexical and contextual meanings that reflecting the local wisdom of Gunungpati society

    Evaluasi Program Tahfidz Melalui Media Sosial di Yayasan Indonesia Berkah

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    The Tahfidz Online program is the flagship program of the Indonesia Berkah Foundation. This study aims to describe and evaluate the implementation of the Indonesia Berkah Foundation's Tahfidz Online program. This research is qualitative research with data collection techniques using observation, interviews and document analysis. The CIPP (context, input, process, product) evaluation model developed by Daniel Leroy Stufflebeam et al. was used as an evaluation reference. This study finds out that: In terms of the input component, it shows that musyrifah, curriculum, and infrastructure have met the criteria. However, there are notes on the input of students not meeting the criteria of intention because God also does not understand the knowledge of recitation and Arabic. In terms of the media process components and materials, they do not meet the criteria of interest and are arranged in a sequence that makes it easy for students, while the method and time have met the criteria. Keywords: Online Tahfidz Program, Evaluation of Education&nbsp; Program Tahfidz Online adalah program unggulan dari Yayasan Indonesia Berkah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program Tahfidz Online Yayasan Indonesia Berkah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Model evaluasi CIPP (context, input, process, product) yang dikembangkan oleh Daniel Leroy Stufflebeam, dkk digunakan sebagai acuan evaluasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini, sebagai berikut: Dalam komponen input menunjukkan bahwa musyrif/ah, kurikulum dan sarana prasarana sudah memenuhi kriteria, terdapat catatan pada input santri belum memenuhi kriteria niat karena Allah juga belum memahami ilmu tajwid dan bahasa Arab. Dalam komponen process media dan materi belum memenuhi kriteria menarik minat dan disusun dengan urutan yang memudahkan santri, sedangkan metode dan waktu sudah memenuhi kriteria. Kata Kunci: Program Tahfidz Online, Evaluasi Program Pendidika

    Analisis dan Integrasi Data Log, Data Scal, Data Core, Data Uji Sumur, serta Data Produksi Untuk Mengetahui Harga Cut-Off Petrofisika dan Kontak Minyak-Air Lapangan Kejora (Cekungan Jawa Timur Utara)

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    Kejora Oil Field is located approximately 20 kilometers northeast of Cepu, Bojonegoro regency, East Java. This field was matured, being first discovered in 1898 by Royal Dutch Shell, with more than 100 MMSTB of oil produced. The remaining oil is estimated to be around 18 MMSTB, based on existing data. This implies that the field is still promising to be developed. Advanced petrophysical analysis of the field, classified as a brown field, is necessary to ensure that its reserves amount is valid. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed using available data of Kejora Field. Qualitative and quantitative log interpretation was done by integrating log data, special core analysis (SCAL) data, core data, well test data, and production data (KJ P-01 and KJ P-04). Petrophysical modeling equivalence found in old wells (KJ P-01 and KJ P-04) was applied to new wells (drilled in 2013), namely KJ P-25 and KJ P-26. Petrophysical parameters, such as porosity cut-off (ø), shale volume (Vsh), and water saturation (Sw) of a well or oil/gas field, are required to determine the value of net pay (h). This “h” value is then used to evaluate the amount of hydrocarbon reserves. Cut-off analysis was performed on wells KJ P-25 and KJ P-26. The analysis result values of cut-off ø, Vsh and Sw are 0.125, 0.38, and 0.67 respectively. The oil-water contact in Kejora Field is defined as lowest known oil (LKO), based on outermost well test data on the trap edge of Kejora Field. Six values of LKO were obtained, as this field consists of six areas separated by faults. Keywords: cut-off, porosity, shale volume, water saturation, LKO  ABSTRAKLapangan Minyak Kejora terletak sekitar 20 kilometer sebelah timur-laut dari Cepu, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur. Lapangan Kejora merupakan lapangan tua, ditemukan pada tahun 1898 oleh Royal Dutch Shell, dan telah menghasilkan minyak lebih dari 100 MMSTB. Dari data yang ada, masih tersisa minyak sekitar 18 MMSTB. Ini menyiratkan bahwa status lapangan masih menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan. Analisis petrofisika lanjutan pada lapangan dengan kategori brown field ini dibutuhkan, untuk mengkonfirmasi kebenaran angka cadangan. Analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif petrofisika, dilakukan dengan  menggunakan data yang tersedia untuk Lapangan Kejora. Interpretasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif log dilakukan dengan integrasi antara data log, data special core analysis (SCAL), core, data tes sumur, serta data produksi yang tersedia dan lengkap (KJ P-01 dan KJ P-04). Ekuivalensi modeling petrofisik yang dijumpai pada  pada sumur lama (KJ P-01 dan KJ P-04), diterapkan pada sumur baru (tahun 2013) yakni sumur KJ P-25 dan KJ P-26. Determinasi parameter petrofisika seperti harga cut-off porositas (ϕ), volume shale (Vsh), dan saturasi  air  (Sw) dari  suatu  sumur atau lapangan  minyak/gas  bumi  perlu  ditentukan, untuk mengetahui besarnya netpay (h). Besaran “h” ini nantinya digunakan sebagai salah satu faktor penting untuk perhitungan cadangan hidrokarbon. Analisis cut-off dilakukan pada sumur KJ P-25  dan  KJ  P-26,  Lapangan  Kejora  dengan  hasil  dari  analisis  cut-off  ϕ,  Vsh,  dan  Sw berturut-turut  adalah 0.125,  0.38,  dan  0.67.  Kontak minyak-air  di  Lapangan  Kejora didefinisikan sebagai  minyak  terendah  yang  dapat  dikenali  (Lowest  Known  Oil/LKO),  yang  ditentukan berdasarkan data uji pada sumur terluar di tepi perangkap  Lapangan Kejora.  Terdapat 6 wilayah yang dibatasi oleh sesar pada lapangan ini, sehingga diperoleh 6 harga nilai LKO, sedangkan untuk resevoar N, O, P, P1 LKO ditentukan  berdasarkan sumur KJ P-25 dan KJ P-26. Kata-kata kunci: cut-off, porositas, volume shale, saturasi air, LK


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    Desa Teluk Nilap merupakan salah satu daerah di kecamatan Kubu Babussalam, kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Riau. Daerah ini merupakan daerah dataran rendah dengan ketinggian dari permukaan laut 6-10 m dan kedalaman sumber air tanah ≤ 5 m. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan kelayakan kualitas air tanah di derah penelitian sebagai air bersih. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan cara mengumpulkan data air tanah dangkal (sumur gali) di lokasi penelitian. Kemudian, ditentukan titik-titik pengamatan (pumping test) dan pengambilan sampel air tanah dangkal untuk analisis laboratorium. Dari 15 sampel air tanah, didapatkan warna air tanah keruh (60%), coklat (20%), kuning (14%), bening (6%); TDS&nbsp; berkisar 283,4 – 958,0 mg/l; pH berkisar 5,37- 6,37; kadar Fe berkisar 0,3-30 mg/l; kadar Hg berkisar 0,0009 – 0,02 mg/l dan kadar Pb&nbsp; berkisar 0,009 – 0,01 mg/l. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran semua parameter fisika dan kimia air tanah di daerah penelitian yang mengacu pada Permenkes No.32 tahun 2017 tentang persyaratan air bersih maka dihasilkan peta kelayakan air tanah yang menunjukan bahwa semua air tanah di daerah penelitian tidak layak digunakan sebagai air bersih. &nbsp

    The citizens’ participation of household solid waste management and monitoring of household solid waste separation in Kelurahan Abadijaya, Kecamatan Sukmajaya, Depok

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    InIndonesia, sites for TPA (landfills) as final waste dumping are still inlimited supply. Meanwhile, the amount of recycled waste is still low due to thelack of awareness about how to sort household waste. The citizens’participation activity for this study aimed to increase awareness about how tosort household waste by involving the stakeholders. The method used for thecitizens participation activity was obtained through four stages, includingadvocacy, counseling for garbage collectors, counseling for households, andmonitoring the waste sorting behavior in households. The obtained results arebased on a 100% attendance at counseling by both the stakeholders and thegarbage collectors. There is a significance difference in the level ofunderstanding found in households before and after the counseling. According tothe results of the study, as many as 44.2% of the households started sortingtheir waste based on monitoring

    Identification of Hazardous Waste Risk Level in Central Java Province, Indonesia

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    Hazardous waste may be an environmental and public health threat if not managed properly and may contribute to a regional multi-hazard when other natural disasters also exist. Hazardous and toxic waste may cause industrial disaster if its risks are not well identified and mitigated. This study aims to model the city/district-based risk assessment for each type of hazardous waste in Central Java Province for anticipating hazardous waste disasters and necessary responses. The concept of disaster is used as the method in this study, consisting of hazard, vulnerability, and capacity. The results showed that the generation of hazardous waste in Central Java Province was very large, amounting to 2,886,974.024 tons in 2021. The hazardous waste produced was sourced from 1233 types of businesses/activities in Central Java Province, with 4042 types of hazardous waste. The healthcare sector is identified as the sector that produces the most hazardous waste. Overall, the risk levels of the majority of hazardous waste types fall into the low category