285 research outputs found

    Correlation Between Gunung Padang and Sundanese Traditional Roof

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    Gunung Padang is the oldest prehistoric megaliths in Indonesia which has a function as a place of worship for the people who settled there about 2000BC according to its orientation and philosophy. Meanwhile after dark ages, people knowledge on building shelter arises therefore many traditional houses are build and had their philosophy implemented such as the vertical and horizontal beliefs in relation of human, nature, and divinity. This study concerns architecture identity correlation of place in the two eras because of cultural transition which can be observed until now. Gunung Padang has a similar vertical concept identity compare to Sundanese traditional roof according to both philosophy if the highest place is the most sacred place and describes the relationship between human, nature and divinity. The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between Gunung Padang and the Sundanese traditional roof concept in religion and cultural aspect. Qualitative methods that leverages vernacular theory is used of the analysis methods

    Application of Electrical Properties to Differentiate Lard From Tallow and Palm Oil

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    This study aimed to differentiate lard from tallow and palm oil based on its electrical properties, namely conductance, impedance and capacitance. These properties were measured at spectra frequencies of 4.20 to 5.00 MHz in room temperature (26-27 oC). Statistic multivariate that consist on principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were used to evaluate the data. The results showed that lard and tallow can be differentiated using whole parameters electrical properties of materials. On the other hand, lard and palm oil can only be differentiated using part of the material electrical properties. Good performance of differentiation process was obtained using PCA model at 4.91 to 4.98 MHz. The first two components of PCA, which was derived from conductance, impedance and capacitance, contributed more than 90% of the total variances. CA showed that lard and tallow are different groups based on the Euclidean distance of each electrical properties. This technique can be potentially developed as an electrical sensor for differentiation lard to tallow and palm oil

    Komunikasi Politik Calon Legislatif Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) dalam Pemenangan Pemilu Legislatif di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2014

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    Election is a key element of a democratic country, the election is an event that involves many people, especially the people of Indonesia within a certain area. One of the most important essence of democracy is the institution of political institutions as well as political infrastructure that scope there are political parties as participants, each individual or political party pursued a strategy of trying to compete and to win in the competition and managed to sit in the seat of parliament, especially sitting in the Riau Provincial Parliament legislative seats.This research was conducted in the Office of Pekanbaru DPD Golkar Party, which is addressed in Jl. Sudirman No. 464 Pekanbaru. This research is a descriptive qualitative study using the case study method, in which the case studies used in this study is an intrinsic case study, which is conducted as a case study of the first or the last to want to understand someone. In this study were used as the subject is a person who knows and understands very well regarded by researchers in providing information on the Strategy DPD Golkar Party Pekanbaru in Riau Province Legislative Election 2014 Campaign.From result of analysis Party faction of the partys work in Indonesia are still getting great support darimasyarakat including in the city of Pekanbaru. In the 2014 legislative elections the party faction works kembalimenempatkan candidate as the winner. Factors affecting the Golkar party candidate winning legislative elections supported by Political Cost measurable and produce victory in legislative elections in 2014.Keywords: Political Communication Legislative Candidate

    Analysis of Impact of Consumer Emotional Aspects on Brand Loyalty in Gold Installment Product

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    The purpose of this research is to know and analyze Emotional Attachment, Brand Love, Brand Awareness effect on Brand Loyalty in Gold installment product at Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area of Medan Gajah Mada, either partially or simultaneously. as the sample population in this study is 91 people. Data were collected through questionnaire. Data were tested using validity and reliability tests, and the data must satisfy the element of classical assumption test requirements. Furthermore, the data analysis was done using Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study indicate that there is influence Emotional Attachment to brand loyalty on Gold installment products in Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area Medan Gajah Mada. There is an influence of Brand Love on brand loyalty on Gold installment products at Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area Medan Gajah Mada. There is an influence of Brand Awareness on brand loyalty on Gold installment products at Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area Medan Gajah Mada. There is an influence of Emotional Attachment, Brand Love, and Brand Awareness on brand loyalty on Gold installment products at Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area Medan Gajah Mada. This can be seen from the comparison of the probability value of research with the level of Alpha research. The amount of Emotional Attachment, Brand Love, and Brand Awareness in explaining brand loyalty in Gold installment product at Bank Syariah Mandiri Office Area of Medan Gajah Mada is 60.70% the remaining 39.30% is explained by other variable not included in the model of this research.     Keywords: Emotional Attachment, Brand Love, Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalt

    Pengaruh Kesadaran Merek, Kesan Kualitas, Asosiasi Merek Dan Loyalitas Merek Terhadap Ekuitas Merek (Survei Pada Konsumen Pembeli Dan Pengguna Produk Sari Apel Siiplah Di Perumahan Saxophone Kecamatan Lowokwaru Kota Malang)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Association and Brand Loyalty simultan and parsial on Brand Equity. This research used explanatory research to test the hypothesis and quantitative approaches. The number of samples in this research were 100 respondents who are Citizens Saxophone Lowokwaru District Malang. Analysis this stduy using regression analysis techniques. These results indicate that the effect of simultan each indpendent variable on Brand Equity is done by testing the F-test. From the results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained by value Fvalue 13.056, while F table at significant level of 0.05 indicates a value of 1.968. This means that F count larger than F table so that Ho refused and Ha accepted, which means that independent variable Brand Awareness , Perceived Quality, Brand Association , Brand Loyalty has a significant influence simultaneously to variable Brand equity. The results also showed that parsial independent variables showed significant levels on the dependent variable

    Pengaruh Penambahan Cat Pada Agregat Kasar Batu Pumice Terhadap Kekakuan Balok Beton Bertulang Tiga Tumpuan

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    Beton merupakan suatu material pokok dalam bidang konstruksi. Salah satu jenis beton yang digunakan dalam konstruksi adalah beton ringan. Agregat pada beton ringan biasanya berasal dari batuan vulkanik seperti batu pumice. Batu pumice adalah batuan asam yang terbentuk dari lava cair yang melewati proses pendinginan dari meletusnya gunung berapi. Karena karakteristik batu pumice yang berongga mengakibatkan penyerapan air terhadap agregat menjadi besar, yang berhubungan pada pengurangan kekuatan agregat. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini agregat batu pumice dilapisi cat yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi penyerapan air. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh agregat batu pumice yang dilapisi cat terhadap kekakuan balok beton bertulang. Dalam penelitian ini balok beton bertulang digunakan sebagai benda uji untuk agregat pumice dan pumice cat masing-masing tiga buah benda uji, serta tiga buah benda uji untuk agregat normal sebagai pembanding. Balok benda uji diletakkan diatas tiga tumpuan sendi-sendi-rol yang dengan bentang masing-masing batang sama panjang. Beban terpusat diberikan di tengah masing-masing bentang yang juga akan dianalisa lendutan dibawah beban. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan penyerapan air agregat pumice yang dilapisi cat lebih kecil yaitu 10,1% dibandingkan dengan pumice tanpa cat 14%. Sehingga mempengaruhi berat balok benda uji pumice yang dilapisi cat lebih ringan 42,12 kg dibandingkan dengan agregat pumice biasa 42,28 kg. Kekakuan balok beton bertulang pumice tanpa cat lebih besar bila dibanding balok yang menggunakan agregat pumice dilapisi cat. Hal ini dikarenakan cat jenis polimer yang melapisi permukaan agregat mengakibatkan berkurangnya daya lekat antara semen dan agregat. Nilai kekakuan balok beragregat pumice pada bentang 1 sebesar 900,45 kg/mm dan pada bentang 2 sebesar 653,38 kg/mm. Nilai kekakuan balok untuk pumice cat pada bentang 1 sebesar 493,82 kg/mm dan pada bentang 2 sebesar 413,05 kg/mm

    Study of Spiritual Tourism Areas - Healing in Cirebon

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    Today, spiritual tourism, an alternative form of travel, is becoming increasingly common. Spirituality is now seen as a lifestyle, particularly when it comes to attaining a balance between the mind, body, and soul, which is often referred to as spiritual healing. People seek new meaning and fulfilment through spiritual healing, fulfilling their need for security in the process. Cirebon’s tourism locations embrace the esoteric tradition and offer spiritual healing practices. This study aims to describe spiritual healing in Cirebon’s tourism activities. The research adopts an exploratory method, and data are collected through surveys and field observations. The survey data is then processed and analysed by categorising the responses. The information is grouped according to similarities, and then examined and interpreted in the context of Cirebon’s spiritual tourism sector. The selected participants for this study are individuals who have engaged in spiritual tourism in Cirebon on multiple occasions. The study’s findings provide valuable insights for the development of spiritual healing in Cirebon. The results can be utilised to further explore the potential of spiritual healing tourism in Cirebon, benefiting its overall tourism industry. Keywords: area, Cirebon-esoteric-tradition, explorative, spiritual-healingToday, spiritual tourism, an alternative form of travel, is becoming increasingly common. Spirituality is now seen as a lifestyle, particularly when it comes to attaining a balance between the mind, body, and soul, which is often referred to as spiritual healing. People seek new meaning and fulfilment through spiritual healing, fulfilling their need for security in the process. Cirebon’s tourism locations embrace the esoteric tradition and offer spiritual healing practices. This study aims to describe spiritual healing in Cirebon’s tourism activities. The research adopts an exploratory method, and data are collected through surveys and field observations. The survey data is then processed and analysed by categorising the responses. The information is grouped according to similarities, and then examined and interpreted in the context of Cirebon’s spiritual tourism sector. The selected participants for this study are individuals who have engaged in spiritual tourism in Cirebon on multiple occasions. The study’s findings provide valuable insights for the development of spiritual healing in Cirebon. The results can be utilised to further explore the potential of spiritual healing tourism in Cirebon, benefiting its overall tourism industry. Keywords: area, Cirebon-esoteric-tradition, explorative, spiritual-healin

    Analysis of Purchase Decision on Satisfaction in PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)

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    A good quality service can foster the satisfaction of customer that in time will provide a greater benefit for the company, such as, the relationship between PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) and its clients that if becomes harmonious, will benefit the company, and more importantly the reputation of PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) will become better in the clients’ point of view. Purposive Sampling Method is used as the sampling method, with 50 respondents who were chosen beforehand based on several criteria, namely, clients who have experienced the benefit of insurance, either claims or complaints submitted by the clients. Path analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data, with three independent variables, which are Service Quality, Price, and Corporate reputation, Purchase Decision as intervening variable, and Satisfaction as dependent variable. The result of multiple linear regression analysis shows that Service Quality, Price, and Corporate Reputation variables are the most influencing and significant factors to Satisfaction through Purchase Decision of life insurance so as to increase the productivity of PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) Cabang Medan Utara.     Keywords: service quality, price, corporate reputation, purchase decision, satisfactio
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