190 research outputs found


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    Hidup bersama tanpa nikah merupakan fenomena yang tidak asing di Barat. Ada beberapa aspek menarik yang dapat dipelajari dari fenomena itu. Hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan latar belakang, karakteristikdan pola hubungan sosial yang spesifik pada individu yang memilih hidup bersama tanpa nikah. Hal lain yang menarik dari fenomena itu adalah efeknya terhadap perkawinan. Anggapan bahwa melakukan kumpul kebo sebelum nikah akan menurunkan risiko terjadinya perceraian, ternyata tidak terbukti. Tidak terbuktinya hipotesis bahwa kumpul kebo merupakan persiapan pernikahan memunculkan anggapan bahwa pola hubungan itu sebagai alternatif pernikahan atau upaya untuk tidak terikat. Ketiga anggapan itupun belum jelas terbukti dalam tulisan ini. Sementara itu ada anggapan yang kuat bahwa hakekat pernikahan tidak berubah dengan makin banyaknya pasangan yang memilih hidup tanpa nika


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    Adanya arus masuk penduduk dari desa ke kou temyata tidak hanya sebagai dampak dari daya tarik kota saja, akan tetapi ada faktor- faktor internal atau karakteristik-karakteristik individu lainnya yang mempengaruhinya. Beberapa faktor tersebut mendasari keputusan seseorang untuk melakukan migrasi. Tulisan ini mengupas tentang migrasi dari sudut pandang psikologi. Sisi pertama adalah membahas tentang karakteristik-karakteristik individu yang secara potensial mempengaruhi penduduk untuk melakukan migrasi. Sisi kedua adalah proses psikologis yang disebabkan oleh kondisi sosial ekonomi sehingga menekan seseorang berkeputusan untuk melakukan migrasi

    Upaya perlindungan terhadap COVID-19 pada ingroup dan outgroup

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    Various efforts have been carried out to protect oneself and one’s group from the threat of COVID-19. In reality, it is possible that there are different mechanisms to protect the group. Ingroup favoritism is likely to occur, even in times of pandemic. This study aims to explore the differences in protective behaviors (toward ingroups vs. outgroups) and investigate the differentiating factors leading to protective behaviors. Through an online survey, a total of 593 respondents filled out a questionnaire that measures ingroup and outgroup protection, self-protection, and collective coping. The results of the data analysis show the tendency for ingroup favoritism in efforts to protect the group. Further analysis shows that efforts to protect the ingroup are influenced by collective coping and self-protection, while efforts to protect the outgroup are only influenced by collective coping. These findings strengthen the perspective that collectivity is the basis for protection from COVID-19 in general, while individual factors lead to greater ingroup protection

    Students’ Perspectives on Concepts, Factors, and Models Related to the Attainment of Achievement

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    This study aimed to explore concepts, factors affecting, and achievement models, from the perspective of tertiary students in Yogyakarta. Respondents (N = 533) were students of a private university in Yogyakarta. Data was collected through an open-ended questionnaire for all respondents, and in-depth interviews with 23 of these. Data were analyzed using content analysis techniques for responses to the answers provided. The results show that the concept of achievement, according to the perspective of the students, is differentiated between into definitions of achievement, and the criteria of what may to be considered to be achievements. The definition of achievement, according to the students, is something which is unique to this finding, with the emergence of non-academic achievement and excellence in competition with others. The criteria discovered, for a person to be considered to be an achiever, include compliance with goals (both personal and social) and the presence of the element of development. The presence of the suitability of social goals, is another unique thing found in this study. Factors which influence achievement include ‘input’ (personal capacities), and ‘process’ (the learning process)’. The external conditions which emerged in this finding took the form of other unique matters, found in the local culture. The dynamics of reaching achievement begin with ‘input’ (cognitive capacity, personal skills, motivation), and external conditions (which give rise to academic learning behaviors with the support of self-efficacy), for future learning achievements which are more optimal, with the attainment of personal and social goals

    Conservation Behavior in the Agricultural Societies of Java

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    This research aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the conservation behavior in the context of the Java community. A deep exploration was conducted on the ecological value model, dynamics of ecological value activation, social attachment bias and collective efficacy in the development of the conservational movement in Menoreh hills. Approach to ethno-phenomenology was made towards five subjects who were chosen by purposive sampling technique. The results showed several conclusions. Harmony of life is the main reason that animates the conservation practice. Peace was translated as biospheric values namely, niteni (pay attention carefully), gemati (nurture with affection) and altruistic value nguri-uri (maintaining a legacy for the next generation). Culturally, the agents who were able to revive the conservation movement has high participation in community activities (akeh srawung), trusted as the source of information and had networked with local policy figure (key figure) as the head of the village and the regent. Without the support of a key figure, collective efficacy will weaken due to the loss of access to the collective agreement and conformity of the conservation movement

    Anchor Establishment Factors: Phenomenological Study of the Rejection Towards Banking Payroll

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    Muhammadiyah owns 16,346 kindergartens across Indonesia. In Yogyakarta, out of 212 kindergartens listed in the government, 70 belong to Muhammadiyah (30%). Cumulatively, distribution of money in Yogyakarta's Muhammadiyah kindergarten is significant; however none of the kindergartens use the banking payroll system, making it vulnerable to financial exploitation and corruption. There is a rejection towards this banking payroll system. The current study aims to understand the factors influencing such rejection. Qualitative approach used in the study was phenomenology. Results from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) on five teachers showed that anchors were established through the dynamics of two factors: leadership experience and belongingness. Variations between the factors create a new layer of anchor. More participants are needed to better understand the forming of anchors, as well as statistical analysis to validate the new anchor