61 research outputs found

    The Effect of Interaction and Product Quality on Customer Satisfaction: Multi-Group Structural Equation Modelling

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    The aim of this article is to investigate the differences in the effect of personal interaction quality and product quality on customer satisfaction between supermarkets and discount markets. To evaluate the data and test the measurement and structural invariance, multi-group structural equation modelling is used. The data used in this study were comprised of 52.6% supermarket customers and 47.4% discount market customers. Our results show strong measurement invariance of the scale. There is no significant difference in the construct validity of product and personal interaction quality and customer satisfaction between supermarkets and discount markets. The product and personal interaction quality scores are significantly higher in supermarkets than in discount markets; however, the customer satisfaction scores are significantly lower in supermarkets. The product and personal interaction quality have a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction for both the supermarkets and discount markets. Significant differences are found between the two types of markets in terms of the relationship between personal interaction quality and product quality on customer satisfaction. While the direct effect of product quality on customer satisfaction is higher in discount markets, the direct effect of personal interaction quality on customer satisfaction is the same in discount and supermarkets

    Abdullah Necip el-Ayıntabî'nin er-Risaletü'l-Vaz'iyyesi ve şerhi (tahkik ve inceleme)

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    Lafız- anlam ilişkisini ve lafzın anlama delalet keyfiyetiyle ilgilenen Vaz' ilmi, farklı bilim dalları tarafından ortaya konan lafız çeşitlerini kısımlandırmayı ve bilhassa lafzın hakiki ve mecazi anlamını tespit etmeyi gaye edinmektedir. Tarihsel bağlamda ele alındığında, Adüdiddin el-İci'nin (ö.756/1355) er-Risaletü'l-Vaz'iyye'si ile başlatılabilecek Vaz' Literatürü, bu eser üzerine yapılan tüm çalışma ve ele alınan meseleler, daha sonraki dilcileri de etkilemiştir. Bu alanda birçok dil düşünürü tarafından muhtelif çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bunlar arasında Abdullah Necip el-Ayıntabi'nin şerhiyle birlikte ele alınan er-Risaletü'l Vaz'iyye adlı eseri, Vaz' ilmini gerek sistematik gerek kendisinden önceki çalışmaları kıyaslayıp doğru gördüğü yönleriyle ele alarak bilimleştirme sürecinde büyük katkısıyla öne çıkmaktadır. Ancak konunun araştırılması ve yazımında karşılaşılan birtakım zorluklar olmuştur. Önecelikle müellifin hayatına dair ayrıntılı bilgiye yer veren bir kaynak bulunmamasından dolayı ulaşılan bilgiler ölçüsünde müellifin ilmî kişiliği ve eserleri ile ilgili bilgilere değinilmiştir. Ayrıca eserin, müellife ait asıl nüshasının bulunmamasından dolayı üç ayrı müstensih tarafından yazılan nüshalar tercih yöntemi kapsamında ele alınmıştır. İlk olarak hem risale hem de şerhinin müellifi olan Abdullah Necip Efendi'nin hayatı ve Vaz' ilmine dair yazdığı eser tanıtılarak Vaz' ilmi alanında müelliften önce ve sonrasında yapılan çalışmalar değerlendirilmiştir. En son kısımda da tahkik metni Arapça olarak düzenlenip sunulmuştur. Bu çalışma, vaz' ilmine dair çeşitli kütüphanelerde yazma eserler olarak yerini alan ve içinde şerhi de mündemiç olan "er-Risaletü'l-Vaz'iyye" ve şerhinin, tahkik kurallarına uygun bir şekilde hazırlanarak ilim dünyasına, vaz‘ ilmine dair temel metinlerin neşir ve incelenmesi kapsamında bu alandaki çalışmalara katkı sağlamayı hedeflemektedir. -------------------- Vaz 'scholar, who is interested in understanding the word-meaning relationship and the meaning of the wording, seeks to distinguish the types of lexicality put forward by different disciplines and in particular to determine the true and metaphorical meaning of the Risalâ. In the historical context, the Vaz 'Literature, which can be initiated by Adududdin al-Ici (d.756 / 1355) er-Risaletu-vas'iyye, all the work and the issues on this work affected the linguists later. Various studies have been carried out by many language thinkers in this field. Among these, his work named Risaletü'l Vaz'iyye, considered together with the commentary of Abdullah Necip al-Ayıntabi, comes to the forefront with his great contribution in the scientificization process by comparing Vaz 'sology with the systematic and previous works and by considering them correctly. However, we think it would be appropriate to mention the difficulties encountered in the research and writing of the subject. Due to the lack of a source for detailed information about the life of the author, information about the scientific personality and works of the author was mentioned. Also, the copies written by three separate authors were taken into consideration in the method of preference since there was no original copy of the author. First of all, the work of Abdullah Necip Efendi, the author of both the treatise and commentary, and his work on the science of Vaz, were introduced and the works performed before and after the author in the field of science were evaluated. In the last section, the verification text was presented in Arabic

    Male rats exhibit higher oxidative protein damage than females of the same chronological age

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    The basis of the difference in life expectancy between males and females is still unknown. Previous studies have provided compelling evidence for the presence of oxidized proteins, and lipids in advanced human atherosclerotic lesions. The gender factor responsible for such protein oxidation is unknown and controversial. Our aim was to reveal the difference between protein oxidation parameters of male and female rats of the same chronological age to understand the protein oxidation mechanisms enabling females live longer than males. In the current study, we investigated the relation between protein hydroperoxide levels (P-OOH) and other protein oxidation parameters such as protein carbonyl (PCO), total thiol (T-SH), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), and nitrotyrosine (NT). Our study also covered other oxidative stress parameters such as lipid hydroperoxides (L-OOH), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the plasma of male and female aged rats. Plasma P-OOH and AOPP levels of male rats were significantly higher compared with those of the female rats. T-SH levels were significantly lower in the aged male rats compared with those of the female rats. On the other hand, PCO, NT, and L-OOH levels, and SOD activity were all found to be not different. These data support the hypothesis that elevated levels of P-OOH and AOPP contribute to the extent of protein, but not lipid, oxidation in plasma of aged male rats. Furthermore, the results presented here may also rationalize studies, which have shown that protein oxidation is modulated on the basis of gender dependency. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Prooxidant activities of alpha-lipoic acid on oxidative protein damage in the aging rat heart muscle

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    In the present study, we investigated whether a-lipoic acid (ALA) supplementation could have prooxidant or antioxidant effects on protein oxidation parameters such as protein carbonyl (PCO), nitrotyrosine (NT), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), and protein thiol (P-SH), as well as oxidative stress parameters such as total thiol (T-SH), non-protein thiol (Np-SH), and lipid hydroperoxide (LHP) in the heart muscle tissue of aged rats. ALA (100 mg/kg body wt/day) was administered intraperitoneally to the experimental animals for 14 days. PCO, NT, AOPP, and P-SH levels were increased, T-SH and Np-SH levels were not changed, and only LHP levels were decreased in the heart muscle tissue of aged rats with ALA Supplementation. When compared with nonsupplemented aged rats, increasing levels of protein oxidation markers such as PCO, NT, and AOPP in ALA-supplernented aged rats may suggest that oxidative protein damage is increased in ALA-supplemented aged rats. We assume that an explanation for our findings regarding ALA supplementation on protein oxidation markers in the heart muscle tissue of aged rats may be due to the prooxidant effects of ALA. The prooxidant effects of ALA supplementation should be considered in future studies. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Determination of heavy metal levels of some traditional cheese types in Hatay

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    Hatay ili yoğun tarımsal ve sanayi (demir-çelik vb.) faaliyetleri nedeniyle ağır metal kontaminasyonu açısından dikkat edilmesi gerekenönemli bölgelerden birisidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Hatay ilinden toplanan bazı yöresel peynirlerin metal konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesive halk sağlığı üzerine etkileri açısından değerlendirilmesidir. Bu kapsamda Hatay ilinin farklı noktalarından carra (n:11), künefelik (n:11),sünme (n:11) ve sürk (n:11) peynir numuneleri toplandı. Numunelerdeki organik bileşiklerin uzaklaştırılması için mikrodalga yaş yakmametodu kullanıldı. Yakma işlemi sonrası As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb ve Zn metal düzeyleri ICP-OES cihazı kullanılarak ölçüldü. Eldeedilen veriler analiz edildiğinde peynir numunelerinde canlılar için esansiyel olmayan As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni ve Pb ağır metallerine rastlanmadı.Peynir grupları arasında Cu düzeyleri açısından fark anlamlı değildi. Carra, künefelik ve sünme peynirlerle kıyaslandığında sürk peynirlerininFe ve Mn konsantrasyonları anlamlı düzeyde (P<0.001) daha yüksek, Zn konsantrasyonları ise anlamlı düzeyde daha düşük bulundu(P<0.01). Carra, künefelik ve sünme peynirlerinde tespit edilen ortalama Zn düzeylerinin literatürle kıyaslandığında yüksek olduğu tespitedildi. Sonuç olarak Hatay ilinde satışa sunulan carra, künefelik, sünme ve sürk peynirlerinin tespit edilen ortalama metal düzeyleri gözönüne alındığında tüketilmelerinin sağlık riski taşımadığı söylenebilir.Hatay is one of the important areas in terms of heavy metal contamination due to the intensive agricultural and industry (iron and steel etc.) activities. The aim of this study was to determine the metal concentrations of some traditional cheeses collected from Hatay province and to evaluate them in terms of their effects on public health. In this context, carra (n:11), kunefelik (n:11), sunme (n:11) and surk (n:11) cheese samples collected from different parts of the province. Metal levels of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined by ICP-OES after microwave digestion that used to remove organic compounds from the samples. According to the analyzed data, nonessential metal (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni and Pb) levels of all cheese samples were below the detection limit. The difference between the cheese groups in terms of Cu levels was not significant. It was found that Fe and Mn concentrations of surk cheeses were significantly higher (P<0.001) and Zn concentration was significantly lower (P<0.01) when compared to carra, kunefelik and sunme cheeses. In this study, the average Zn levels detected in carra, kunefelik and sunme cheeses were detected to be higher when compared with the literature. In conclusion, it can be said that the consumption of carra, kunefelik, sunme and surk cheeses offered for sale in the Hatay province does not pose a health risk, considering the detected average metal levels