244 research outputs found
Kariyer tercihini etkileyen faktörlerin mesleki olgunluk düzeyi üzerindeki etkisi : lise öğrencileri üzerinde bir araştırma
06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Lise çağındaki gençlerin meslek seçimiyle ilgili bazı tutum ve davranışları göstermesi beklenir. Bu da yeterli mesleki olgunluğa sahip olmakla mümkündür. Bu araştırmanın amacı, lise son sınıf öğrencilerinin kariyer tercihinde etkili olan faktörlerden karar stratejileri, öz-yeterlilik inancı ve okullardaki psikolojik danışmanlık ve rehberlik hizmetlerinin öğrencilerin mesleki olgunluk düzeyi üzerine etkisini incelemektir. Öğrencilerin karar stratejilerinin, mesleki olgunluk düzeylerinin, öz-yeterlilik seviyelerinin ve PDR faaliyetlerinin yaş, cinsiyet, anne-baba eğitim düzeyi, kardeş sayısı, okul türü gibi birtakım demografik değişkenlere göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadıklarını tespit etmek ise çalışmanın diğer amacını oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında ihtiyaç duyulan veriler, Sakarya ilindeki liselerde öğrenim gören 12. Sınıf öğrencilerine uygulanan standardize edilmiş anket ile elde edilmiştir. Araştırma verileri 300 kişinin katılımıyla elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler SPSS kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler IBM SPSS Statistics 22 programı vasıtasıyla bağımsız örneklemler t-testi, one-way anova, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre değişkenlerin mesleki olgunluk düzeyine etkisine bakıldığında; mesleki olgunluk ile karar stratejilerinden kararsızlık boyutu arasında istatistiki açıdan anlamlı, orta kuvvette ve negatif yönde bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Mesleki olgunluk ile mantıklı karar stratejisi arasında ise istatistiki açıdan anlamlı, pozitif yönde ve orta kuvvette bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Ayrıca mesleki olgunluk ile genel öz-yeterlilik değişkeni arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı, orta kuvvette ve pozitif yönde bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. PDR faaliyetlerinin ve işlevselliğinin ise mesleki olgunluk düzeyi üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olmadığı görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bireysel Kariyer Planlama, Mesleki Olgunluk, Karar Stratejileri, Öz-Yeterlik,Danışmanlık ve RehberlikThe adolescents in high school are expected to show some of the attitudes and behaviors related to career choice. It is possible to have sufficient professional maturity. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors (self-efficacy beliefs, making decision strategies, guidance and counseling services in schools) influencing decision strategies in career choice of high school senior students and the effects of these factors on career maturity level of the students. Another purpose of the study is to identify whether counseling and guidance, career maturity level, decision making strategies and self-efficacy of students differentiate or not according to a number of demographic variables like personnel age, gender, parents' education level, number of siblings and school type. The data required for research were collected from the students studying in 12th grade of high school in Sakarya by standardized questionnaires. The data collected through 300 valid questionnaires. The obtained data was evaluated by using independent samples t-test, one-way anova, correlation and regression analysis through IBM SPSS Statistics 22 software. According to the findings of study, statistically significant, moderate and negative relationship was found between professional maturity and dimension of the indecision of decision strategies. Besides, statistically significant, moderate and positive relationship was found between professional maturity and logical decision strategy. In addition, statistically significant, moderate and positive relationship was found between professional maturity and self-efficacy. Considering the impact on the professional maturity level of the variables; counseling and guidance activities and the functionality of these activities has been shown not to have a statistically significant effect on the level of professional maturity. Keywords: Personal Career Planning, Career Maturity, Decision Making Strategies, SelfEfficacy,Counseling and Guidance
The Effects Of The Urea On Cold Weather Strength Gaining Of Fresh Concrete
Common methods of concrete placing in freeze and cold weather have not beenchanged for ages. The methods are heating materials, melting ice and curing fresh concrete byinsulation devices and applying heating systems until finishing concrete curing. Utilizingchemical compounds in fresh concrete in order to decrease freezing temperature andcontinuation of hydration process at low temperatures are very limited. In addition, the studiesrelated to the behavior of the chemical admixture and the effects of them on the properties ofthe concrete are very scarce in technical literature. There are not any standards related to theapplication of antifreeze admixture to the concrete neither in Europe nor in U.S. Because ofthe reasons the study focused on the application of urea to the cold weather concreting. One ofthe advantages of this method is having an easy curing condition after concrete placing, inwhich, only one anti-evaporation sheet is used to keep fresh concrete wet until finishing ofconcrete curing. For this reason, Urea is used at level of %6 by weight of cement dosage inthe mixes. After casting, one group of concrete samples were cured in the different deepfreezesat -5, -10, -15, -200C for 7, and then that same samples were cured in water for 28days. At -50C and -100C the admixture positive effect is evident but at -150C and -200C it hasnot got the same effect when compared to mixes without antifreeze admixtures. As a result atcold weather concreting, urea can be an effective alternative to the other precautions up to -50C without any protections
Prognostic significance of C-reactive protein/albumin and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratios in patients with COVID-19
Introduction and aim. COVID-19 causes an uncontrolled and generalized inflammatory response of the host immune system. Early recognition of the disease and early prediction of the clinical course are of great importance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive role of the C-reactive protein/albumin ratio (CAR) and the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) for mortality in patients hospitalized with the diagnosis of COVID-19. Material and methods. The patients, who were hospitalized for COVID-19 and whose CRP, albumin, neutrophil, and lymphocyte levels were documented within the first 24 hours after admission, were analyzed retrospectively. Patients were divided into survivors and non-survivors; the groups were compared. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression models were developed to evaluate the CAR and the NLR as risk factors for mortality in COVID-19 patients. Results. One hundred and thirty patients were included in this study. The mean age of the survivor group (n=114) was 60±16 and 52% were male. The mean age of the non-survivor group (n=16) was 75±13 and 56% were male. In the non-survivor group, the CAR detected at the time of admission to the hospital was significantly higher compared to patients in the survivor group (p=0.026). Conclusion. As a result, the CAR, the NLR and LDH are independent risk factor indicators of mortality in hospitalized patients
A study on life satisfaction and flexible work
Araştırmalar, işverenlerin etkili sonuçlar alabilmeleri için, esnek çalışma düzenlemelerinin uygulanmasında iş-çalışan ihtiyaçları arasındaki dengeyi hassas bir şekilde kurmaları gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. İşletmelerdeki esnek çalışma düzenlemeleri, çalışanın iş ve iş dışındaki diğer taahhütlerinin dengelenmesinin önemli bir aracı olarak kabul edilmektedir. Yaşam doyumu, kişinin yaşamını bir bütün olarak kendisinin önemli bulduğu kriterle değerlendirmesi sonucundaki duygu ve düşüncelerini ifade etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, esnek çalışma ile yaşam doyumu arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasıdır. Esnek çalışma uygulanan kurumlarda çalışanların oluşturduğu örneklem, on farklı şirketten ulaşılabilen 82 katılımcıdan gelen anket formları değerlendirilmiştir. SPSS (25) programı ile yapılan analizlerde, ölçek olarak, ‘Esnek Çalışma’ için Albion (2004) ve ‘Yaşam Doyumu’ ölçeği için ise Diener ve arkadaşlarının (1985) geliştirdiği ölçekler ile yapılan analiz sonucu, esnek çalışma düzenlemelerinin çalışanların yaşam doyumuna etkisi tespit edilememiştir. Çalışmada, katılımcıların esnek çalışma ve yaşam doyumu ile ilgili olumlu algılarının orta düzeyde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Esnek Çalışma ve yaşam doyumunun demografik değişkenlere göre anlamlı farklılık gösterip göstermediği ile ilgili olarak yapılan analiz sonrasında lisans ve üzeri mezuniyete sahip olan çalışanların diğer eğitim düzeyindeki çalışanlara göre daha olumlu bir esnek çalışma değerlendirmelerine sahip oldukları görülmüştür.Researches show that in order to achieve effective results, employers need to delicate the balance between work-employee needs in the implementation of flexible working arrangements. Flexible working arrangements in enterprises are considered as important intermediary of balancing the employee's work and other commitments. Life satisfaction expresses one's feelings and thoughts as a result of evaluating life as a whole with the criteria that he / she finds important. This study aims to determine whether flexible working affect life satisfaction of employees. The sampling consists of 82 participants from ten different companies who apply flexible working hours. The data from the surveys were analyzed with SPSS (25) program. The scales used for the research are based on Albion’s (2004) Flexible Working Scale and Diener et al.’s (1985) scale of life satisfaction. The results show that there is no relationship between these two variables, in other words flexible working perception does not affect life satisfaction perception. In the study, positive perceptions of the participants about flexible work and life satisfaction were found to be moderate. After the analysis on whether flexible working and life satisfaction showed a significant difference according to demographic variables, it was seen that the employees who have undergraduate and higher university degree have more positive flexible working evaluations than the others
Examination of the Ability of Classroom Teacher Candidates’ Making Written Arguments
The purpose of this study is to examine the ability of classroom teacher candidates’ written arguments. 100 teacher candidates who are 3rd grade, participated in the study. For this purpose, a worksheet was prepared which contains 4 problems about the physical and chemical changes, the state of matter and mixtures from General Chemistry course. The worksheet was prepared according to the method of argumentation. The second problem in the worksheet consists of two different interrelated questions within itself. The answers given by teacher candidates to problem situations were scored by argumentation scale. The firstly to evaluate the answers given, it must be true in the field of chemistry. Wrong answers show that there may be misconception. When the data obtained from the study are analysed, it is seen that only the ratio of those who make correct in the first question of the second item is higher than those who do wrong. In other problems, it is seen that the ratio of the wrong answer is higher. This shows that teacher candidates have misconceptions about physical and chemical change. On the other hand, a simple linear correlation process was applied to determine the relationship between teacher candidates' grades of Science Information Laboratory Practice grade and the points they got from the argumentation scale. The result shows that there is a negative relationship between the passing score and the argumentation score. This means that the level of argumentation of students who are very successful in academic terms is not high. Keywords: Argumentation, Written Argument Skills, Classroom Teacher DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-6-06
Gebeliklerde düşük östriyol düzeyleri nasıl yönetilir, tek merkez deneyimi
Objective: Low estriol (uE3) levels in the second-trimester screening for Down syndrome may be the result of fetal demise, congenital abnormalities, or some genetic hormonal disorders of the fetus. Although X-linked ichthyosis, a microdeletion syndrome with mild ichthyosis, which causes steroid sulfatase (STS) deficiency, is the most common genetic cause, second-trimester screening tests calculate the risk for a less common and severe disorder known as the Smith Lemli Opitz syndrome (SLOS). We aimed to investigate the outcomes of pregnancies with low uE3 levels in Down syndrome screening and emphasize the high prevalence of STS deficiency instead of SLOS in such cases. Methods: Fifteen pregnancies with very low uE3 levels and high risk for trisomy and/or SLOS in screening tests were evaluated and tested for STS deficiency and SLOS. Results: Seven of the pregnancies had STS microdeletion syndrome, while additional two cases were supposed to have STS gene mutation according to family and/or postnatal history. Although one fetal death was recorded, no chromosomal abnormality, SLOS, or congenital malformation was recorded in our series. Conclusions: SLOS is a very severe and rare syndrome. The risk estimation for SLOS in screening tests causes stress for pregnant women and healthcare givers. We recommend the addition of risk estimation for STS deficiency when a low uE3 level is detected in the screening test.Amaç: İkinci trimester Down sendromu tarama testlerindeki düşük
östriyol (uE3) seviyesi, fetal ölüm, konjenital anormallikler veya
fetüsün çeşitli genetik hormonal bozukluklarından kaynaklanabilir.
Steroid sülfataz (STS) eksikliğine neden olan ve hafif iktiyozla seyreden
bir mikrodelesyon sendromu olan X’e bağlı iktiyoz en yaygın genetik
neden olmasına rağmen, ikinci trimester tarama testleri daha az yaygın
ve daha şiddetli bir hastalık olan Smith Lemli Opitz Sendromu (SLOS)
için risk hesaplamaktadır. Down sendromu taramasında uE3 düzeyi
düşük olan gebeliklerin sonuçlarını araştırmayı ve bu gibi durumlarda
SLOS yerine STS eksikliğinin yüksek prevalansını vurgulamayı
Yöntemler: Tarama testlerinde uE3 seviyeleri çok düşük olan ve
trizomi ve/veya SLOS açısından yüksek risk taşıyan on beş gebelik STS
eksikliği ve SLOS açısından değerlendirilmiş ve test edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Gebeliklerin yedisinde STS mikrodelesyon sendromu
bulunurken, ek iki olguda aile ve/veya doğum sonrası öyküye
dayanarak STS gen mutasyonu düşünüldü. Bir fetal ölüm tespit edildi.
Ek kromozom anomalisi, SLOS veya konjenital malformasyon tespit
Sonuçlar: SLOS çok ağır seyreden ve nadir görülen bir sendromdur.
Tarama testlerinde SLOS için risk tahmini hamileler ve sağlık çalışanları
için strese neden olmaktadır. Anksiyeteyi önlemek için tarama
testlerinde düşük bir uE3 seviyesi tespit edildiğinde STS eksikliği için
risk tahmininin eklenmesini öneririz
Precontoured buttress plate vs reconstruction plate for acetabulum posterior wall fractures: A biomechanical study
Background: The purpose of open reduction and internal fixation of acetabulum posterior wall fractures is to restore anatomical structure and stability of the hip joint, in order to start weight bearing as soon as possible and prevent hip arthrosis; restoration of the anatomy should preserve function of the joint as well. Although "special shaped precontoured plates" have been developed in recent years for surgical treatment of this region, studies comparing the traditional plates with the newly designed precontoured plates are lacking. AIM To evaluate the biomechanical properties of precontoured anatomic buttress and conventional curved reconstruction plates (CCRPs) for posterior wall acetabulum fracture treatment. METHODS Twelve pelvis models were created for testing plate treatment of fracture in the posterior wall of the acetabulum. These 12 pelvis models were used to create 24 hemipelvis models (experimental) by cutting from the sagittal plane and passing over the center of gravity, after which the posterior wall acetabular fractures (of similar type and size) were created. In these experimental models, the right acetabulum was fixed with a 5-hole CCRP, while the left was fixed with a precontoured anatomic buttress plate (PABP). Samples were placed through the test device and were subjected to static load testing, with a constant testing velocity of 2 mm/min until the load reached 2.3 kN or the acetabular fixation failed. Dynamic tests were also performed with sinusoidal wave load, with a maximal load of 2.3 kN and a load ratio of 0.1. RESULTS The average stiffness values were 460.83 +/- 95.47 N/mm for the PABP and 291.99 +/- 118.58 N/mm for the 5-hole CCRP. The precontoured anatomic acetabulum buttress plates had significantly higher rigidity than the CCRPs (P = 0.022). There was a statistically significant difference between the unloaded and 2.3 kN-loaded values of AL (posterosuperior fracture line vertical to the ground surface) and CL (posteroinferior fracture line vertical to the ground surface) parameters for both the PABPs and the 5-hole CCRPs (P = 0.036 and P = 0.045, respectively). According to the static tests, the amount of total displacement was significantly less in the PABPs than in the CCRPs. Comparative analysis of the displacement in the BL (posterior wall fracture line horizontal to the ground) parameter yielded no statistically significant differences between the PABP and the 5-hole CCRPs (P = 0.261). CONCLUSION PABP provides more stable fixation in acetabulum posterior wall fractures than 5-hole CCRP, allowing for proximal or distal fracture line screw application without reshaping
The relationship between insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in non-obese non-diabetic Turkish individuals: a pilot study
Background/Aims: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is related to obesity, metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome may also be encountered in non-obese, non-diabetic individuals, and there are no published data about the prevalence of these conditions in non-obese, non-diabetic Turkish subjects. We aimed to determine the difference between non-obese, non-diabetic nonalcoholic fatty liver disease patients and healthy controls in terms of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in Turkish subjects. Materials and Methods: Non-obese, non-diabetic individuals (n=219) were enrolled. The cohort was divided into two groups according to presence of steatosis in ultrasonography: nonalcoholic fatty liver disease group (n=143) and healthy control group (n=76). Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome were analyzed and compared between the two groups. Results: The prevalences of metabolic syndrome (32.2% vs. 5.3%, respectively; p<0.001) and insulin resistance (46.2% vs. 9.2%, respectively; p<0.001) were significantly higher in the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease group. According to multiple logistic regression analysis, age (odds ratio 1.534; p=0.0032), insulin resistance (odds ratio 1.074; p<0.001), and serum ALT levels (odds ratio 1.102; p<0.001) were independently associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Conclusion: Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are not rare in non-obese, non-diabetic Turkish subjects with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Ultrasonographically detected fatty liver was independently associated with insulin resistance, irrespective of the presence of metabolic syndrome
A reference interval study for common biochemical analytes in Eastern Turkey: a comparison of a reference population with laboratory data mining.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to define the reference intervals (RIs) in a Turkish population living in Northeast Turkey (Erzurum) for 34 analytes using direct and indirect methods. In the present study, the regional RIs obtained were compared with other RI studies, primarily the nationwide study performed in Turkey.
Materials and methods: For the direct method, 435 blood samples were collected from a healthy group of females (N = 218) and males (N = 217) aged between 18 and 65 years. The sera were analysed in Ataturk University hospital laboratory using Roche reagents and analysers for 34 analytes. The data from 1,366,948 records were used to calculate the indirect RIs using a modified Bhattacharya method.
Results: Significant gender-related differences were observed for 17 analytes. There were also some apparent differences between RIs derived from indirect and direct methods particularly in some analytes (e.g. gamma-glutamyltransferase, creatine kinase, LDL-cholesterol and iron). The RIs derived with the direct method for some, but not all, of the analytes were generally comparable with the RIs reported in the nationwide study and other previous studies in Turkey.There were large differences between RIs derived by the direct method and the expected values shown in the kit insert (e.g. aspartate aminotransferase, total-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and vitamin B12).
Conclusions: These data provide region-specific RIs for 34 analytes determined by the direct and indirect methods. The observed differences in RIs between previous studies could be related to nutritional status and environmental factors
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