77 research outputs found

    Pengawasan Infrastruktur Jalan Pada Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Dan Penataan Ruang (Pupr) Di Kabupaten Bone

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    This study purposed to determine how preventive supervision in road infrastructure and repressive supervision in infrastructure at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office in Bone Regency. This study usesd descriptive qualitative research. The number of informants in this study amounted to 12 people. Data collection techniques were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that preventive supervision on road infrastructure development in Bone Regency had been maximal, because the Public Works agency had supervised activity planning in accordance with implementation / planning standards with good cooperation with consultants / service providers, but on repressive supervision of development. road infrastructure in Bone Regency had not been maximal, because when doing the inspection the problem was not punc, this was because there was missing in data collection which was used as the main basis for conducting inspections, then in conducting supervision with each of their duties. according to the field, the problem was the distance to an area was very far so it took a long time.Keywords: supervision, road infrastructure, public works and spatial plannin

    Karakterisasi hasil quenching besi cor pada manufaktur roda gigi mesin tenun

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    The development of science and technology today has a significant influence on technological development and advances in the industrial world. Casting is a product manufacturing technique in which the metal is melted in a furnace and then poured into a mold cavity that is similar to the original form of the cast product to be made. One of the results or products produced from the casting method in this study is a weaving gear component. The gear serves as a short distance power transmission based on the rotation ratio from the main shaft to the drive shaft. This study purpose to determine the effect of the quenching process with oil cooling media on cast iron material. The testing results reveal that the composition test results in 3.18% carbon content, such that the components in this gear manufacturing are used in cast iron, which essentially has the characteristics of being heat-resistant and brittle. It is also necessary to use it as a way of producing materials feeling the continuous impact. The brittling effect of quenching oil heat treatment improves the quality of the materials. It is observed from the research findings that use the Vickers hardness test that the quenching heat treatment shows a substantial difference in score. The highest Vickers hardness test score with quenching oil materials achieving a score of 427.84 VHN is seen. The test exhibits the maximum value of 378.18 VHN in raw materials.Keywords: Cast iron, quenching, chemical composition, Vickers hardness

    أثر تطبيق القواميس العربية- الإندونيسيا في الهاتف على إتقان المفردات لطلاب قسم تدريس اللغة العربية للسنة 2018 بجامعة علاء الدين الإسلامية الحكومية مكاسر

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    تشير نتائج هذه الرسالة إلى أن نتائج التحليل الإحصائي الوصفي التي تم الحصول عليها على متوسط درجة من تطبيقات القاموس هي 73 تقع على فترات من 76-81. هذه النتائج هي في الفئة المتوسطة ومتوسط درجة إتقان المفردات هو 71 وتقع على فترات 67-76. هذه النتيجة هي في الفئة المتوسطة. علاوة على ذلك, فإن درجة العلاقة بين تطبيق القاموس وإتقان المفردات هي 0,513, وهذه النتيجة هي في الفئة المتوسطة. نتائج الختبار مساهمة المتغير X إلى Y, تم الحصول على نتائج 26.41%. يوضح المعامل وجود علاقة بين تطبيق القواميس عل إتقان المفردات لطلاب قسم تدريس اللغة العربية للسنة 2018 بجامعة علاء الدين الإسلامية الحكومية مكاسر. بينما في الاختبار الإحصائي البسيط للانحدار وهو اختبار t, فإن نتائج اختبار الفرضية التي تم الحصول عليها أن t tabel 4,190, ثم يتم رفض Ho وقبول Ha

    Taste Panel Evaluation and Acceptance of Soy-beef Bur~er

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the addition of textured soy protein (TSP) at 0%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% levels on the quality and general acceptance of soy-beef burgers by trained taste panels as well as the consumer. Analyses carried out at three-week intervals include TBA values, water holding capacity, cooking loss, sensory evaluation and consumer acceptance. The increase of textured soy protein levels in beef burger resulted in significant decrease in TBA values and cooking loss. The addition of textured soy protein also increased the water holding capacity of the products. Generally, storage time reduced the quality of these products. Sensory properties showed that the substitution of meat with textured soy protein increased the intensity of beany flavour and taste. The addition of textured soy protein decreased the colour acceptance but had no specific effect on the quality attributes such as appearance, texture, saltiness and juidness of the product. Results of the consumer acceptance test showed that there were no significant differences in preference for the 0%,20% and 30% levels of textured soy protein in beef burger


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    Dari pembahasan  dari Teori  konstruktivisme Vygotsky: 1) Pembelajaran berfokus pada peserta didik, memberi perhatian pada proses berfikir atau proses mental , dan bukan sekedar pada hasil belajar. Disamping kebenaran peserta didik, guru harus memahami proses yang digunakan anak sehingga sampai pada jawaban yang diinginkan; 2) Mengutamakan peran peserta didik dalam berinisiatif sendiri dan keterlibatan aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. didalam kelas, penyajian pengetahuan jadi (ready made) tidak mendapat penekanan, melainkan anak didorong menemukan sendiri pengetahuan itu me1alui interaksi spontan dengan keadaannya; 3) Memaklumi akan adanya perbedaan individual dalam hal kemajuan perkembangan. Seluruh peserta didik tumbuh melewati urutan, namun perturnbuhan itu berlangsung pada kecepatan yang berbeda; 4) Semua kerja kognitif tingkat tinggi pada manusia  berawal dari lingkungannya. Pengetahuan merupakan suatu bentukan secara sosial dan terintemalisasi pada masing-masing individu; 5) Menekankan pada pengajaran top-down daripada botom-up. Top-down berarti bahwa siswa mulai dengan masalah-masalah yang kompleks untuk dipecahkan dan selanjutnya memecahkan atau menemukan (dengan bantuan guru dalam bentuk scaffolding) keterampilan-keterampilan dasar yang diperlukan; 6) Pembelajaran berrnakna bagi peserta didik, konsep baru atau inforrnasi baru yang akan disarnpaikan harus dikaitkan dengan konsep-konsep yang telah ada pada sturktur kognitif dan terkait dengan kenyataan hidup yang dialami peserta didik


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     The entry of new programs or innivations in society will certainly lead to new thoughts or knowledge in attitudes, behavoir in individuals. Thia study aims to determine the implementation of the corporate farming program, the response of farmers to the corporate  farming program, and the level of farmer adoption of the corporate farming program in Trimulyo Village, Bantul Regency, DIY. The basic method in this research used a qualitative descriptive method. The research location was determined purposively, in Trimulyo Village, Bantul Regency, DIY which was implementing a corporate farming program. The sample was determined purposively  with a total of 30 farmers. Data analysis used descripyive method and Likert scale. The results showed tha the implementation of the corporate farming program was carried out through socialization, consolidation, land preparation, seeding, planting, weeding, irrigation, fertilization, maintenance, and harvesting. The respon of farmer’s to the corporate farming program from a cognitive perspecyive is in the good category, from an affective perpective it is in the agree category and from a conative perspective it is in the medium  category. The overall responses is included in the fairly good category. The level of farmer adoption of the corporate farming program is in the medium category

    Perception of Undergraduates on Use of Turnitin Plagiarism Checker in Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria

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    Projects, theses and dissertations submitted to the library form the highest number of collections in most academic library holdings in Nigeria. Ensuring that such works are free from plagiarism becomes imperative for future use and reuse. In an attempt to help stem this ugly trend of plagiarism, the Nigerian Universities Commission directed that all Universities in Nigeria should adopt the use of Turnitin plagiarism checker. This study seeks to determine the perception, challenges, and support systems available for students regarding the use of Turnitin in Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMin). There are 3,033 final year undergraduate students in the 2017/2018 academic session. Using Krejcie & Morgan sample size table, 341 undergraduates and eleven (11) Turnitin Officers were randomly sampled across Departments and Schools (Faculties) in FUTMin. Structured questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. A total of 338 (99%) copies of questionnaire from undergraduates and 11 (100%) from Turnitin Officers were filled, returned and found valid for this study. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data from which the results were presented in tables. Findings revealed that students were relatively unaware of what constitutes plagiarism. Recommendations included the need for awareness and orientation on what constitutes plagiarism, citation and referencing education