49 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran IPA Sekolah Dasar Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter

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    Kurikulum 2013 merupakan kurikulum baru yang memuat unsur penekanan karakter disetiap Kompetensi Dasar (KD). Adanya karakter yang diterapkan dalam setiap pembelajaran IPA akan membiasakan perilaku baik/terpuji (akhlakul karimah) sejak dini. Usia siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD) adalah usia yang tepa! dalam penanaman dan pengembangan karakter. Penanaman karakter sejak dini akan menjadi bekal di masa yang akan datang terutama dalam mempersiapkan peserta didik sebagai generasi penerus warga masyarakat dan Negara, karena muatan etika dan moral yang terkandung di dalamnya.Hasil pemikiran ini menghasilkan balnva pendidikan karakter sangat efektif diterapkan dalam pembelajaran IPA karena pembelajaran IPA tidak akan terlepas dari produk, proses, dan sikap siswa terhadap sains

    Accountability in Managing Business Funds through Budgeting to SME's

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    The classic problem that is still inherent in SME’s activities is the lack ofcapital. This is also felt by SMEs in the Tarumajaya sub-district, North Bekasi,West Java. So, there is a need for appropriate fund management andbudgeting. Therefore, this activity aims to provide workshops related toaccountability, good procedures for managing business funds, as well asproviding budgeting practices for SMEs. The method of implementing PKMactivities consists of 3 stages, namely: planning, implementation, andevaluation. The workshop was held in the Hall of TPI PALIJAYA Segara JayaVillage and was attended by 54 business people with different business objects.The material was delivered in the form of theory and practice, followed by adiscussion and question and answer session with the participants. Based on theresults of the questionnaire survey, it was found that before this training, only23% of the trainees stated that they had planned a business activity budget.Only 17% stated that they used to record transactions related to their businessactivities routinely. After this training, the participants increasingly understoodthe importance of budgeting in business. Thus, an assessment of 90% ofparticipants stated that the business budget was an important matter. As for theparticipant's assessment of the whole set of activities, 83% stated that thematerial presented by the service team was important, and 77% stated it wasuseful. As many as 73% of participants stated that the material had beendelivered by the service team clearly, and 87% of participants expressedsatisfaction with the community service activities carried out by the communityservice team from FE UNJ


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Media Sosial dan Suasana Toko terhadap Proses Keputusan Pembelian pada Eatboss Cafe Cabang Lengkong. Eatboss Cafe Cabang Lengkong merupakan sebuah cafe yang menjual berbagai produk makanan dan minuman. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif verifikatif. Objek penelitian adalah konsumen Eatboss Cafe Cabang Lengkong dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan analisis korelasi berganda, dan koefisien determinasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pengaruh media sosial dan suasana toko terhadap proses keputusan pembelian secara simultan adalah sebesar 121,580. Sedangkan secara parsial suasana toko lebih besar pengaruhnya daripada media sosial, karena berdasarkan perhitungan standardized coefficients beta memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu sebesar 0,474 dibandingkan media sosial

    Plant Conservation Based on Tri Mandala Concept on Homegarden at Pakraman Penge Village, Baru Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency, Bali

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    Penge Pakraman village is a traditional village that has the potency to become ecotourism. The emergence of new tourist attractions affects land changes to support tourism activities. This causes the number of plant species in nature to decrease. Plant conservation by utilizing local wisdom is one effort to reduce the decrease of plant species number. The application of Tri Hita Karana and Tri Mandala in Balinese daily life able to support plant conservation activity. The objective of this research was to determine the role of Tri Mandala concept in plant conservation at Pakraman Penge home garden. Data collection methods are carried out through observation plant location with inventory number and name of plants in house sample. Plant use continues with study literature. The results of an inventory of plant diversity in home gardens of Pakraman Penge village recorded 70 species of plants from 16 houses sample. The plant habitus varied from herbs, shrubs until trees. Plant species in the home gardens have functions for ceremonies (51%), medicinal (24%), ornamental (17%), food (6%), and spices (2%). However, based on the location, most plant species were found in madya mandala and the lowest were found in utama mandala. We also found plants with conservation status consist of least concerned (15 species), vulnerable (Dracaena draco), near threatened (Cycas rumphii), endangered (Coffea arabica). Therefore, the application of Tri Mandala concept on Balinese home gardens supports plant conservation and gives economic benefit in individual leve

    Kajian Kebutuhan Family Centered Care dalam Perawatan Bayi Sakit Kritis di Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    Infants hospitalization in the NICU adversely affect for infants and parents. Efforts can be developed to minimize this impact is by applying family centered care (FCC). The first step is identify needs of parents. In previous study examined the differences needs of parents. This study aimed to identify the FCC needs in critically ill infants care in the NICU. The research method was mixed method design with sequential explanatory strategy. The samples in quantitative research were 45 respondents and using questionnaires NICU Family Need Inventory. Data analysis was done by mean. Qualitative research using 7 participants and using interview guidelines. Data analysis used analysis content technique. This research has been carried out in the NICU Government Hospital of Bandung Raya. The quantitative result indicated that parents with critically ill infants in the NICU need assurance most (M = 3.90), followed by information (M = 3.82), proximity (M = 3.76), support (M = 3.49), and comfort (M = 3.37). The main themes from qualitative analysis demonstrated needs of parents in assurance associated with assured the best care possible is being given to infants; information is honest, clear, and routine regarding condition, prognosis, and procedures that performed to infants; and proximity to always close and make contact with the infants. Needs of parents are focused on the wellbeing of their infants. In doing nursing care, beside improving care to the infants, the nurses should pay attention to needs of parents related the assurance their infants get the best care, open communication, and close contact with their infants. By identifying the needs of parents in the NICU, it can allow nurses to integrate the needs of parents into FCC so that parents can meet these needs, get satisfaction, and can improve the quality of life infants

    Development of Nonlinear Adaptive PI Controller For Improved Pneumatic Actuator System

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    The wide application of pneumatic actuator in electrical and electronics sectors are undeniable hence ask for a good control environment. PID controller is always known with easy implementation and good control performance. But the limitation of the PID static gains to effectively control the complex nonlinear system is unavoidable. This suggests the enhancement of the PI controller with a nonlinear adaptive interaction algorithm (AIA). The modification is introduced by integrating a nonlinear gain function that adaptively tunes the AIA parameter, hence resulting the best tuning of the PI control gains. The uncertainties and nonlinearities inherent in the system parameters are believed to be handled by the integration, therefore improving the controller performances while maintaining the pneumatic actuator at the desired position. It was proved that improved error performance criteria’s, settling time and overshoot were resulted by the nonlinear AIA PI compared to fix AIA PI. Besides, the nonlinear AIA PI has successfully reduced the overshoot to 5.35% and 6.70% compared to optimal AIA PI and optimal PI controller, respectively. To conclude, the development of the proposed controller is demonstrated to function well and offers an alternative tuning strategy in other electronical and electronic engineering applications

    Development of Nonlinear Adaptive PI Controller For Improved Pneumatic Actuator System

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    The wide application of pneumatic actuator in electrical and electronics sectors are undeniable hence ask for a good control environment. PID controller is always known with easy implementation and good control performance. But the limitation of the PID static gains to effectively control the complex nonlinear system is unavoidable. This suggests the enhancement of the PI controller with a nonlinear adaptive interaction algorithm (AIA). The modification is introduced by integrating a nonlinear gain function that adaptively tunes the AIA parameter, hence resulting the best tuning of the PI control gains. The uncertainties and nonlinearities inherent in the system parameters are believed to be handled by the integration, therefore improving the controller performances while maintaining the pneumatic actuator at the desired position. It was proved that improved error performance criteria’s, settling time and overshoot were resulted by the nonlinear AIA PI compared to fix AIA PI. Besides, the nonlinear AIA PI has successfully reduced the overshoot to 5.35% and 6.70% compared to optimal AIA PI and optimal PI controller, respectively. To conclude, the development of the proposed controller is demonstrated to function well and offers an alternative tuning strategy in other electronical and electronic engineering applications

    Effects of leptin on sperm count and morphology in Sprague‐Dawley rats and their reversibility following a 6‐week recovery period

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    Altered epididymal sperm count and morphology following leptin treatment has been reported recently. This study examined the effects of 42 days of leptin treatment on sperm count and morphology and their reversibility during a subsequent 56‐day recovery period. Twelve‐week‐old male Sprague‐Dawley rats were randomised into four leptin and four saline‐treated control groups (n = 6). Intraperitoneal injections of leptin were given daily (60 μg Kg−1 body weight) for 42 days. Controls received 0.1 ml of 0.9% saline. Leptin‐treated animals and their respective age‐matched controls were euthanised on either day 1, 21, 42 or 56 of recovery for collection of epididymal spermatozoa. Sperm concentration was determined using a Makler counting chamber. Spermatozoa were analysed for 8‐hydroxy‐2‐deoxyguanosine and DNA fragmentation (Comet assay). Data were analysed using anova. Sperm concentration

    Tree Risk Assessment with Sonic Tomograph Method at Bali Botanical Garden

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    Safety perception is the most important part of people's choice in determining tourist sites. Standing trees that are prone to falling are very dangerous for both visitors and employees. Standing tree with decay wood inside is often the cause of tree failure. Therefore, there is a need for research examining the risk of collection and non-collection trees in Bali Botanical Garden. Tree risk checks were carried out using the Tree Risk Assessment method from the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), which has been modified. The result of this research gives valuable information for the manager to determine tree handling to minimize tree risk