6 research outputs found
Therapeutic potential and bioactive phenolics of locally grown Pakistani and Chinese varieties of ginger in relation to extraction solvents
Current study compares the Therapeutic/nutra-pharmaceuticals potential and phenolics profile of Pakistani grown Pakistani and Chinese varieties of ginger. Crude yield of bioactive components from the varieties tested, using different extraction solvents including chloroform, ethyl acetate, ether, methanol, ethanol and distilled water. The crude bioactives varied from 14.1-82.5%. The highest extraction yield was noted for Pakistani species. The HPLC analysis revalued significant amounts of phenolics including vanillin, protocatechuic, vanillic, ferulic, sinapinic and cinnamic acids. The highest anti-inflammatory activity was shown by ethanolic extract of Pakistani variety (IC50: 26.5±1.8) whereas Chinese variety exhibited potent anticancer potential against MCF-7 cell line (Inhibition: 91.38 %). The Chinese variety in general showed higher phenolics and anticancer, while the Pakistani exhibited higher anti-inflammatory activity. Pakistani grown ginger and ethanolic extract of Chinese ginger showed highest antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa 18.0±0.02 & 15.00±0.02 mm respectively. Minimum results obtained with water for both varieties of ginger with range of 7.2±0.22 and 6±0.07 respectively. Moreover, the phenolics composition, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anticancer activities of both tested varieties of ginger were notably affected as a function of extraction solvents. Our findings advocate selection of appropriate solvent for recovery of effective phenolic bioactive compounds from ginger verities to support the Nutra-pharmaceutical formulation
Formação do Psicólogo, no Estado do Paraná, para Atuar Junto às Queixas Escolares
Foregrounded on Historical and Cultural Psychology, current research discusses the formationprovided by Psychology Courses in the state of Paraná, Brazil, so that undergraduates couldunderstand and evaluate students with schooling difficulties. Fourteen teacher-training coursesupervisors from seven higher education institutions of the state of Paraná were interviewed. Resultsshow that within the context of the formation of Psychologists the comprehension of schoolcomplaints is bonded to social issues and is de-linked from individuals’ blameworthiness in schoolingfailures. Schooling formation should lead students to understand the historical and social determinantsthat affect the appropriation of knowledge and contribute towards a type of intervention that promotesthe individuals’ highest development.O objetivo deste artigo é discorrer sobre a formação que os cursos de Psicologia do Estado do Paranáoferecem para que os graduandos compreendam e avaliem alunos encaminhados com dificuldadesescolares, tomando-se como referência a Psicologia Histórico-Cultural. Foram entrevistados 14supervisores de estágio na área escolar de sete instituições de Ensino Superior do Paraná. Comoresultados da pesquisa, constatamos que, na formação dos psicólogos, a compreensão das queixasescolares é vinculada a questões sociais, saindo de uma visão que culpabiliza os indivÃduos peloinsucesso escolar. Entendemos que a formação deve levar os alunos a entenderem os determinanteshistórico-sociais que influenciam na apropriação do conhecimento e contribuÃrem para umaintervenção que promova o desenvolvimento máximo dos indivÃduos
School education and the formation of conscience: a study on young people from the historic-cultural psychology approach
Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de compreender como adolescentes e jovens vivenciam a educação escolar, bem como explicitar e analisar elementos reveladores da constituição da consciência, humanizada ou alienada, a partir da discussão de temas referentes à adolescência, educação escolar, realidade social e trabalho. Ao enfocar a constituição da consciência, apresenta a finalidade de identificar e levantar as possibilidades concretamente existentes, no contexto escolar, para a constituição da consciência humanizada na adolescência. Para tal este estudo se fundamenta nos pressupostos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural, por meio dos conhecimentos elaborados por seus principais autores, Vigotski, Leontiev e Luria, entre outros. Esse trabalho compõe-se de um estudo bibliográfico e de uma pesquisa de campo em que se utilizou a técnica de grupo focal para a obtenção das informações necessárias à sua conclusão e contou com a participação de dezesseis adolescentes da terceira série do Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede pública estadual. As informações contidas no discurso dos jovens forneceram alguns dados sobre a maneira como eles se organizam e percebem a realidade a seu redor, possibilitando elementos para a compreensão acerca da contribuição da educação escolar na constituição da consciência e na compreensão do mundo e da sociedade. As informações obtidas a partir da atividade com os jovens sobre os temas escolhidos apresentaram-se, no contexto do trabalho de campo, como um todo caótico, sendo necessário organizá-las pela mediação das abstrações, para que se pudesse compreendê-las para além de sua aparência e chegar ao que revelavam da realidade estudada. Foram organizadas inicialmente a partir de seu conteúdo externo, por sub-temas e, então, pelo exercÃcio do pensamento analÃtico, buscou-se compreender suas relações e nexos internos, suas contradições. A análise ressalta a naturalidade e espontaneidade com que os jovens expressam a realidade da qual fazem parte, compreendendo-a em sua forma imediata e manifesta, evidenciando uma relação empÃrica com esta realidade. A educação escolar a que estes jovens tiveram acesso não lhes possibilitou a formação do pensamento teórico, a partir do qual poderiam compreender a realidade em suas múltiplas determinações e, assim, não lhes foi possÃvel superar a alienação presente em nossa sociedade, elemento constituinte de sua consciênciaCurrent research investigates the manner teenagers and young people experience school education. It also analyzes factors which reveal the constitution of humanized or alienated conscience through discussions on themes dealing with young people, education at school, social reality and work. When conscience formation is focused, the really existing possibilities within the school context are identified and selected so that a humanized conscience may be constituted during the teenage period. Investigation is based on the presuppositions of Historical and Cultural Psychology through factors developed mainly by Vygotsky, Leontiev, Luria and others. Current investigation comprises bibliographical study and field research using focal group technique so that information required for its conclusion may be obtained. It also involved the participation of sixteen young people in the last year of government secondary school. Information contained in the young peoples discourse provided data on the manner they organized themselves and perceived their surrounding reality. This is a factor for the understanding of their contribution in school education in conscience formation and for the understanding of the world and society. Information obtained from activities with young people on chosen themes was somewhat chaotic within the field assignment context. They had to be organized through abstractions so that they could be understood beyond the surface and reach the reality under analysis. They were at first organized according to their external contents by sub-items. Their relationships, internal connections and contradictions were then understood through analytic thought. Analysis highlights the naturalness and spontaneity with which young people express their reality. Since they understand it clearly and without any mediation, an empirical relationship with reality is thus evident. School education to which they had access failed to give them a training in theoretical thought through which they could understand reality in its several determinations. It was not possible for them to overcome alienation, a constituent element in their conscience, in current societ
The Formation of the Psychologist in the State of Paraná, Brazil, Vis-À-Vis School Complaints
Foregrounded on Historical and Cultural Psychology, current research discusses the formation
provided by Psychology Courses in the state of Paraná, Brazil, so that undergraduates could
understand and evaluate students with schooling difficulties. Fourteen teacher-training course
supervisors from seven higher education institutions of the state of Paraná were interviewed. Results
show that within the context of the formation of Psychologists the comprehension of school
complaints is bonded to social issues and is de-linked from individuals’ blameworthiness in schooling
failures. Schooling formation should lead students to understand the historical and social determinants
that affect the appropriation of knowledge and contribute towards a type of intervention that promotes
the individuals’ highest development
Formação do Psicólogo, no Estado do Paraná, para Atuar Junto às Queixas Escolares
Foregrounded on Historical and Cultural Psychology, current research discusses the formation
provided by Psychology Courses in the state of Paraná, Brazil, so that undergraduates could
understand and evaluate students with schooling difficulties. Fourteen teacher-training course
supervisors from seven higher education institutions of the state of Paraná were interviewed. Results
show that within the context of the formation of Psychologists the comprehension of school
complaints is bonded to social issues and is de-linked from individuals’ blameworthiness in schooling
failures. Schooling formation should lead students to understand the historical and social determinants
that affect the appropriation of knowledge and contribute towards a type of intervention that promotes
the individuals’ highest development