403 research outputs found

    Çinko ve bakır gideriminde bir biyokütle kaynağı olarak defne yapraklarının kullanılması ve modellenmesi

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    Medicinal and aromatic plants which is one of the considerable non-timber forest products in Turkey, especially in the last century have become an important socio-economic values. In this study, Laurus nobilis L. leaves (LNL), an aromatic plant, were used as biosorbent in the treatment process. The effects of biosorbent dosage, biosorption time, solution pH, initial zinc and copper ions concentration, humic acid or ionic strength or competitive effects on the biosorption of Zn(II) and Cu(II) by LNL were investigated. The LNL biomass was characterized using SEM and FT-IR spectrum. The non-linearized and linearized isotherm equations were compared and discussed. Zn(II) and Cu(II) biosorption better matched with the Temkin equation and Pseudo second-order kinetic equation successfully defined the biomass behaviors of both heavy metal ions. Additionally, a single-stage batch bioreactor system for heavy metal biosorption based on the best fit non-linear isotherm equation also has been presented. It was found that heavy metal uptake was affected by competitive biosorption studies. Finally, these studies showed that the LNL can be used as an environmentally friendly and abundant biosorbent for removing zinc and copper ions from contaminated waters.Türkiye’de kereste dışı orman ürünlerinden olan tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler sosyo-ekonomik açıdan bu yüzyılda önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada aromatic bir bitki olan defne yaprakları arıtma prosesesinde biyosorban olarak kullanılmıştır. Biyosorban dozajı, çözelti pH'sı, temas süresi, başlangıçtaki ağır metal iyonları konsantrasyonu, iyonik kuvvet, hümik asit etkisi ve LNL ile Bakır (II) ve çinko (II) 'nun biyosorpsiyonu üzerindeki rekabetçi etkiler incelenmiştir. Biyosorban, FT-IR ve SEM görüntüleri kullanılarak karakterize edilmiştir. Doğrusallaştırılmış ve doğrusallaştırılmamış izoterm modelleri karşılaştırılmış ve tartışılmıştır. Zn (II) ve Cu (II) biyosorpsiyonu, Temkin denklemiyle daha iyi uyum sağlamış ve sahte ikinci derece reaksiyon kinetiği, her iki ağır metalin biyosorpsiyon davranışlarıyla da uyum göstermistir. Ayrıca, ağır metal biyosorpsiyonu için doğrusal olmayan en uygun izoterm denklemine dayanan tek kademeli bir biyoreaktör sistemi de sunulmuştur. Ağır metal giderimini ortamdaki diğer iyonların varlığı bir miktar etkilemiştir. Bu çalışmalar LNL'nin çinko ve bakır iyonlarını kirli sulardan uzaklaştırmak için, çevre dostu ve bol bulunan bir biyosorban olarak, değerlendirilebileceğini göstermiştir

    Determinants of foreign direct investments: comparative analysis for Brazil, China, South Korea and Turkey

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    Purpose- With the globalization race gaining momentum after 1980, investments in developing countries increased significantly with the removal of obstacles to capital flows. With the effect of the globalization phenomenon in the world economy, developing countries have sought to meet the capitals they need with foreign investments. Until the 1980s, foreign direct investments were subject to serious restrictions. The priority of foreign direct investment was South Korea and Brazil in the early days. These two countries were followed by many emergency countries with development potential, and Turkey was trying to be included in this group. In the early 2000s, the biggest factor behind China's huge growth was the directing of foreign investments to China. In this study, inflation rate, unemployment rate and the index of industrial production, foreign direct investment coming to Brasil, China, South Korea and Turkey are examined on whether this is effective. Methodology- The data used in statistical tests are foreign direct investments, inflation, unemployment and the industrial production index, which has the largest share in GDP and allows interpretation without GDP being announced. All monthly data used in the tests are gathered from the Reuters, Bloomberg, UCTAD and the World Bank that covers periods from January 2012 to December 2020. Initially, unit root tests were performed to determine whether the data was stable.There are 3 basic critical points to understand whether unit root tests are stationary or not. After that, the VAR model has been applied. But before that coordinates all selected variables together and examines the integrity of the system, it is required to determine the appropriate lag length in order to make assumptions correct. The are five most common methods for determining lag lengths. In order to understand whether there is a long-term relationship between variables or not that are determined to be stationary, Johansen Cointegration test has been applied. Trace Statistics and the Max-Eigenvalue statistics were used in this test. And also impulse-response functions are obtained. Variance decomposition investigates which percentage of the change in a variable is caused by itself and which percentage is caused by other variables. Findings- All data have been converted into percentages by taking changes compared to the previous month. It has been modeled by getting the absolute values and logarithms of the data. For all 4 countries the series are found out to be stationary at level. ADF unit root test performed, then the appropriate length level determined. According to LR Test Statistics, Final Prediction Error, Akaike Information Criteria, Hannan-Quinn Information Criteria and Schwarz Information Criteria, the appropriate lang length appears as 1. According to the cointegration test result, cointegration was determined between all countries and all data. Impulse response graphs were indicated that all variables respond in a reducing way to decreasing shocks occurred in each indicator. Shocks have lost their effect on average in 4-5 months. According to the variance decomposition results, variables were the power of explanation over each other. Conclusion- In the Brasil, China, South Korea and Turkish economy, it is seen that there is a close relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth indicators inflation, unemployment, industrial production index in the long term. According to the output of analyses, it is necessary to create the appropriate physical environment for increasing foreign capital investments, to ensure domestic economic, political and legal stability, to make arrangements that encourage foreign capital. Especially, a policy should be followed to decrease inflation and unemployment rates, which are indicators of economic growth and GDP should be risen by increasing industrial production. Coming from the foreign investments should become from the type of foreign direct investment and it should be supplied that these investments both create new markets and new employment areas by establishing a new facility.Publisher's Versio

    Artralji ile Başvuran Bir Wegener Granülamatozu Olgusu

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    Granulomatosis with polyangitis (GPA/WG) (previously known as Wegener granulomatosis) is a multisystemsystemic necrotizing non-caeseating granulomatous vasculitis affecting small to medium sized arteries, capillaries andveins, with a predilection for the respiratory system and kidneys. The average incidence of this disease is 40-55. 90% of theWG patients have pulmonary involvement. Wegener Granulomatosis is a disease with high mortality when its diagnosisand treatment is delayed. Although WG may have symptoms such as hemoptysis and hematuria, it should be noted that itmay present with severe arthralgia and arthritis which may be in many connective tissue diseases and vasculitis. Malepatient, 52 years old. Analgesic treatment was applied when he came to the center due to arthralgia two months ago,however, there was no change in his complaints and intra-articular injection treatment was applied on left knee and bothshoulders. The symptoms did not regress and the patient lost 20 kg within the last two months. In urine analysis, 14-15erythrocyte and 10-15 leucocyte detected in every field; 1 positive detected. The patient was hospitalized in order to makefurther examination upon the determination of CRP: 61 mg/L and ESR: 82 mm/hr in the next polyclinic control after threedays. In the kidney biopsy report, “Pauci-immun glomerulonephritis” was primarily considered in the phenomenon. For thefirst three days 1 gr pulse and by the fourth day 1 mg/kg methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide treatment was appliedWegener Granülomatozu özellikle üst solunum yolları, akciğer ve böbrekler olmak üzere, tüm organları tutabilen nekrotizan granülomatöz vaskülitik bir hastalıktır. Ortalama görülme yaşı 40-55 tir. Kadın ve erkek eşit etkilenir. Akciğer tutulumu Wegener granülomatozisli hastaların %90’ında mevcuttur. Wegener Granülomatozu, tanı ve tedavisi geciktiğinde, mortalitesi yüksek olan bir hastalıktır. WG’nin hemoptizi ve hematüri gibi semptomları olabileceği gibi; birçok konnektif doku hastalığı ve vaskülitte olabilen şiddetli artralji ve artritle de prezente olabilir. 52 yaşında erkek hasta. 2 ay önce başlayan eklemlerde ağrı şikayetiyle başvurduğu merkezde analjezik tedavisi uygulanmış ancak fayda görmemesi nedeniyle sol diz ve her iki omuzuna intraartiküler enjeksiyon tedavisi yapılmış. Şikayetleri gerilemeyen hastanın son 2 ayda 20kg kaybı olmuş. Tam idrar tahlilinde: her sahada 14-15 eritrosit ve 10-12 lökosit, protein; 1 pozitif saptandı. Hastanın 3 gün sonraki poliklinik kontrolünde CRP’si:61 mg/L, sedimantasyonu: 82 mm saptanması üzerine ileri tetkik amacıyla hospitalize edildi. Böbrek biyopsisi raporunda, ön planda “pauci-immun glomerulonefrit” düşünüldü. İlk 3 gün 1 gr pulse, 4. günden itibaren 1 mg/kg metilprednizolon tedavisi ve siklofosfamid tedavisi uygulandı

    Chilaiditi Syndrome After Colonoscopy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Chilaiditi Syndrome (CS) was first described by Demetrius Chilaiditi in 1910 as a condition characterized radiologically by thepositioning of the colon between the liver and the diaphragm. This condition of unknown cause is very rare in the general population. Although it is usually asymptomatic, it may present with acute, chronic, or recurrent forms and might be associated with symptoms such as constipa-tion, dyspnea, loss of appetite and chest pain. Diagnosis of CS is important since it might be confused with pneumoperitoneum, may cause intestinal obstruction, perforation, and ischemia, and might possibly result in intestinal perforations during colonoscopy. We report the case of a 62-year-old woman who presented with sudden dyspnea and abdominal pain after colonoscopy and was diagnosed as CS after radiolog-ical imaging

    The impact of foreign direct investments on Turkish economy

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    Amaç- Bu çalışmada enflasyon oranı, işsizlik oranı ve sanayi üretim endeksinin, Türkiye’ye gelen doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımları üzerinde etkili olup olmadığı incelenmektedir. Yöntem- Analize tabi tutulan datalar DYY, işsizlik oranı, enflasyon oranı ve GSYİH içindeki en yüksek paya sahip olan sanayi üretim endeksidir. Ocak 2005 - Mayıs 2020 arasındaki dönemleri kapsayan aylık veriler kullanılmıştır. Testlerdeki datalar TCMB EVDS, TÜİK ve Dünya Bankası’ndan alınmıştır. Bulgular- Serileimiz düzey değerde durağan çıkmıştır.Eş bütünleşme test sonucuna göre ,tüm değerlerimizin eş bütünleşik olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.Etki tepki grafiklerine göre tüm değişkenler, her göstergede meydana gelen şokları azaltmak için indirgeyici bir şekilde yanıt vermektedir. Şoklar etkisini ortalama 3 ayda kaybetmiştir. Sonuç- Türkiye ekonomisinde doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımları ile ekonomik büyüme göstergeleri enflasyon, işsizlik, sanayi üretim endeksi arasında uzun dönemde sıkı ilişki içerisinde olduğu görülmektedir.Purpose- In this study, inflation rate, unemployment rate and the index of industrial production, foreign direct investment coming to Turkey are examined on whether this is effective. Methodology :The data analyzed are FDI, unemployment rate, inflation rate and industrial production index with the highest share in GDP. Monthly data covering the period between January 2005 and May 2020 were used. The data in the tests have been obtained from the CBRT EDDS, TURKSTAT and the World Bank. Findings- The series are found out to be stationary at level. According to the cointegration test result, cointegration could found between all our data. Impulse response graphs indicate that all variables respond in a reducing way to reducing shocks occurred in each indicator. Shocks have lost their effect on average in 3 days. Conclusion- In the Turkish economy, it is seen that there is a close relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth indicators inflation, unemployment, Industrial Production Index in the long term.Publisher's Versio

    Helal Turizm Eğilimleri: Kastamonu İlinde Bir Uygulama

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    Tüketicilerin karar vermelerinde etkin olan faktörlerden biri de dini inançlardır. Dünyada en yaygın dinlerden biri olan İslamiyet’in kurallarına uygun “helal turizm” hem Türkiye hem Dünyada daha çok talep edilir duruma gelmektedir. Türkiye’de genelde toplumun muhafazakâr kesimi yapacakları tatilin İslami kurallara uygun olmasını talep etmektedir. Gelecekte helal turizm harcamalarının toplam turizm harcamaları içindeki payının artacağı tahmin edilmektedir. Artan “Helal Turizm” ihtiyaçlarına rağmen bu konuda yeterince akademik araştırma yapılmamıştır. Çalışmamızın amacı Helal Turizme olan tüketici eğilimlerinin araştırılması; bu eğilimlerin demografik unsurlar, gelir düzeyi gibi unsurlara göre değişip değişmediğini araştırmaktır. Böylelikle Helal turizm konusunda literatüre katkıda bulunulacaktır. Daha önceden Helal turizm hakkında yapılmış akademik çalışmalardan yararlanarak helal turizmin özelliklerini içeren bir ölçek geliştirilmiş ve Kastamonu il merkezinde yaşayan tüketiciler üzerinde anket uygulanmıştır. 22 maddeden oluşan ölçek yardımıyla ortalamalar arası farklar incelenmiş, hipotez testleri yapılmıştır. Kastamonu merkezinde tüketicilerin helal turizme yoğun ilgisinin bulunduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu ilgi helal turizm sektörünün gelecekte gelişmesi için gerekli altyapıyı sağlamaktadır

    A Geometric Interpretation and Comparison of the Methods Of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Bivariate Lagrange Interpolation

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    In this study, the consumer prices, real gross domestic product (GDP) and unemployment for Germany and Turkey between 2006 and 2011 are geometrically interpreted by using Lagrange interpolation and OLS method. The coefficients of linear regression models are obtained by matrix display of OLS method. The Lagrange interpolation polynomial is considered in bivariate situation and we aim a different formulation. Thanks to the considered methods, it will be possible to have an idea about the unemployment rate status in Germany and Turkey. We use two different methods for the prediction of unemployment rates, which are developed by different equations in order to predict third variable by using two variables. Our main purpose is to determine whether an equation gives the correct guess rather than numerical expression. Besides, we have tried to state geometric display to data. Keywords: Lagrange interpolation, ordinary least square (OLS), regression, geometrical display, matrix display

    A Long View of Shareholder Power: From the Antebellum Corporation to the Twenty-First Century

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    For most of the twentieth century, the conventional wisdom held—probably correctly—that shareholders in America’s large, public corporations were passive and powerless and that managers wielded the real power. Beginning in the 1980s, however, shareholders in the form of institutional investors started to push for a greater say in corporate decision-making. In the twenty-first century, hedge funds have upped the ante, fighting for major changes in corporations whose shares they own. Once-imperial CEOs have now become embattled as they fight, but often lose, against activist shareholders demanding policy changes, new dividends, board representation, and even the sale or break-up of corporations. In short, things have changed. This Article situates the present-day rise of shareholder power by taking a long view of the previous two centuries, moving beyond traditional accounts to reach all the way back to the beginnings of the American business corporation in the early nineteenth century, then following the story of shareholder power up to the present day. Its long view reveals the complicated and shifting nature of shareholder power, documenting how periods of greater shareholder power were interspersed with periods where shareholders had little power, how the focus of shareholder power has moved from controlling shareholders to autonomous managers, and how shareholder power has ebbed and flowed across the last two centuries. This Article not only provides the backstory to present-day developments, but also suggests that what has appeared as a hallmark of American corporate capitalism—the relative powerlessness of shareholders—may only have been typical of a few decades in the middle of the twentieth century.\u3c.p\u3

    A Needs-Based Partial Theory of Human Injustice: Oppression, Dehumanization, Exploitation, and Systematic Inequality in Opportunities to Address Human Needs

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    The article presents an original needs-based partial theory of human injustice and shows its relationship to existing theories of human need and human liberation. The theory is based on an original typology of three social structural sources of human injustice, a partial theorization of the mechanisms of human injustice, and a needs-based theorization of the nature of human injustice, as experienced by individuals. The article makes a sociological contribution to normative social theory by clarifying the relationship of human injustice to human needs, human rights, and human liberation. The theory contends that human injustice is produced when oppression, mechanistic dehumanization, and exploitation create systematic inequality in opportunities to address human needs, leading to wrongful need deprivation and the resulting serious harm. In one longer sentence, this needs-based party theory of the sources, mechanisms, and nature of human injustice contends that three distinct social systemic sources—oppression, mechanistic dehumanization, and exploitation—produce unique and/or overlapping social mechanisms, which create systematic inequality in opportunities to address universal human needs in culturallyspecific ways, thus producing the nature of the human injustice theorized here: wrongfully unmet needs and serious harm

    Effect of Spinning Cycling Training on Body Composition in Women

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    In this study the effects of a 6 week spinning cycling training on the body composition of women were investigated. Twelve sedentary women (32-47 years old) voluntarily participated in this study. The 6-week training program consisted of exercise sessions on 3 days per week. The intensity of the training program that was kept low in the beginning was increased in the subsequent weeks. The training sessions including the warm-up and cool down lasted for 30-60 minutes. The analyses on the body compositions were measured regularly every week with bioelectrical impedance method. In data analysis descriptive statistics and repeated-measures analysis of variance were used. In the end of the 6-week spinning workouts positive changes were observed in many parameters related to body composition. Particularly after the 3rd week the significant changes recorded were noteworthy. At the end of the 6th week those who were overweight by World Health Organization (WHO) standards moved onto normal weight category and those who were obese became overweight. In conclusion it was seen that the spinning cycling workouts were seen as as effective method to lose weight and reduce the body fat ratio among women in this age group. This exercise method may be recommended for getting good results among obese and overweight women in a short period of time