14 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Sungkup Dan Mulsa Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Bawang Merah (Allium. Ascalonicum.l) Kultivar Napu

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    This research was conducted in Petimbe Village, Palolo District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. It held in July to September 2015. This research used Split Plot Design. The main plot was sheiter (N0) = Not in sheiter and (N1) = in sheiter and sub plots were various types of much (M0) = no mulch (M1) = rice straw mulch (M2) =black plastic mulch (M3) = silver plastic mulch. The observation variablewere height of plants (cm),at age of 30 and 40 DAP,number of leaves at age of 30 and 40 DAP, weight of fresh tubers per clump, and weight of fresh tuber per 5 clumps (g). The result of the research showed that the treatment of various types of mulch had no real effect on the growth of Napu cultivarsonion in terms of plant height and number of leaves,the treatment of plastic containtment just hasreal effect only on the number of leaves at 40 DAP. However, it has not real effect on height of the plants, and the treatmentshas real effect on theyields increasing of onion including the numbers of leaves at 40 HST and had no real effect on the numbers of fresh tuber clump, fresh tuber per 5 clumps.The aims of the research was to learn and know the effect of containment and mulch on growth and yield of Napu red onion cultivar

    Konduktivitas termal komposit resin epoksi dan serbuk arang tempurung kelapa

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    Composite materials are materials that are widely developed and their use has been widespread in various industrial and household sectors. Epoxy composites filled with coconut shell charcoal powder have been tested for their thermal conductivity properties using the one-dimensional conduction method. The tested specimens had dimensions of 50 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm made of epoxy and coconut shell powder with a percentage of charcoal weight of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%. The specimen is inserted into a thermal conductivity measuring instrument made of solid aluminum which is insulated around it. The heater is mounted on the aluminum as a heat source, while the other end is left open to the free air in the room. The results showed that the highest average thermal conductivity was a 30% variation of 0.5003 W/m°C, then a 20% variation of 0.3738 W/m°C, a 10% variation of 0.3487 W/m°C. and the lowest at 0% variation without using coconut shell charcoal powder at 0.1364 W/m°C

    Variasi persen berat tempurung kelapa terhadap konduktivitas termal komposit silicone rubber

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    Experiments to know themal conductivities of silicone rubber composite were conducted. The sillicon rubber was mixed with coconut shells charcoal powder with weight variations. The weight presentage variations were 0, 10, 20 and 30%. Increasing the weight persentage was expected to increase the thermal conductivity of the composite. The speciment size was 50 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm. The speciments were tested according to the conduction heat transfer mode. To make sure that the temperatures were steady, the experiments were performed for about 6 hours. The results indicated that increasing the weight presentage raised the composite thermalconductivities. At 0% of wight, the composite had a thermalconductivity of 0.157 W/m°C, at 10%, 20% and 30% of weight compositions; the composite had thermal conductivities of 0.461 W/m°C, 0.58 W/m°C, and 0.73 W/m°C respectively

    Invigorasi Benih Nangka (Artocarpus Heterophyllus Lamk) Setelah Periode Simpan Dengan Pemberian Zpt

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    Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh invigorasi benih nangka dengan pemberian ZPT pada berbagai lama simpan serta konsentrasi ZPT terbaik pada masing-masing lama simpan telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu dan Teknologi Benih, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tadulako, Palu dari bulan September sampai Desember 2012. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) 2 Faktor yaitu lama simpan dan pemberian ZPT dengan 3 ulangan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh dengan dosis tertentu pada berbagai lama simpan memberikan pengaruh berbeda terhadap invigorasi benih serta pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh 0.05% pada waktu simpan 4 dan 5 minggu menghasilkan invigorasi benih nangka yang terbaik

    Madam: Budaya Urang Banjar Merantau untuk Kehidupan Lebih Baik

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    Urang Banjar terkenal sebagai orang yang suka merantau. Merantau dalam istilah Urang Banjar dikenal dengan sebutan madam. Madam dilakukan Urang Banjar dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan hidup yang lebih baik. Madam sudah menjadi budaya bagi Urang Banjar, sehingga Urang Banjar mudah dijumpai diberbagai wilayah yang ada di Indonesia termasuk di Kelurahan Kuala Pembuang I. Urang Banjar berani melakukan madam tentu ada penyebabnya. Fenomena madam Urang Banjar ke Kelurahan Kuala Pembuang I menjadi topik yang sangat menarik untuk diteliti dan dibahas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor apa saja yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya madam dan bagaimana kehidupan sosial Urang Banjar di Kelurahan Kuala Pembuang I. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian yaitu Urang Banjar dengan lokasi penelitian di Kelurahan Kuala Pembuang I, Kabupaten Seruyan, Kalimantan Tengah. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dari wawancara dan observasi. Kemudian analisis data menggunakan model Milles dan Huberman. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua faktor yang membuat Urang Banjar madam ke Kelurahan Kuala Pembuang I. Pertama, faktor pendorong dikarenakan berkurangnya sumber daya alam dan menyempitnya lapangan pekerjaan serta susahnya dalam mengembangkan karir di tempat asal. Kedua, faktor penarik dikarenakan banyaknya lowongan pekerjaan di Perusahaan kayu saat itu dan adanya hubungan kekeluargaan. Kehidupan sosial Urang Banjar di Kelurahan Kuala Pembuang terjalin dengan baik dengan masyarakat sekitar, hal ini dikarenakan ketika ada acara dari suku lain Urang Banjar senantiasa membantu. Selain itu, Urang Banjar selama berada di Kelurahan Kuala Pembuang I mempunyai sikap toleransi yang besar terhadap sesama, terutama dalam hal agama

    Pelaksanaan Operasional Food And Beverage Department dalam Pencapian Excelent Service di Crystal Lotus Hotel YOGYAKARTA

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    - Food and beverage department merupakan bagiand ari hotel yang memiliki tugas cukup penting karena departemen ini bertugas memenuhi kebutuhan makanan dan minuman. Food and beverage department dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu food and beverage product danfood and beverage service.Pengunaan standar pelayanan yang mengaju pada kepuasan tamu amatlah penting di terapkan di pelayanan food and beverage yang mana akan memberikan kontribusi pendapatan yang meningkat juga bisa membuka pangsa pasar baru untuk Hotel, ada bebrapa faktor yang dapat menghabat dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan yang prima yaitu Komunikasi yang kurang baik, akan mengganggu jalannya pekerjaan kedua departemen, selain itu pembagian pekerjaan yang tidak teratur membuat beberapa pekerjaan food and beverage service tidak selesai tepat waktu yang akhirnya menimbulkan ketidak nyamanan pelangan. Jumlah equipment food and beverage service yang tidak sesuai dengan event yang sedang berlangsung juga mengganggu kelancaran operasional, hal ini yang seharusnya di hindari oleh di Crystal Lotus Hotel. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan teknik pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi serta studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini adalah dalam pelaksanaan operasionalnya food and beverage departement di pencapian excelent service dalam menangani breakfast, lunch dan dinner.dari penelitian dapat diambil kesimpulan dari guest comment card yang masuk ke Food and beverage departement rata–rata tamu mengatakan puas dengan pelayanan namun ada beberapa catatan yaitu kurangnya staff yang incharge menyebabkan lambannya pelayanan, kurangnya peralatan mengakibatkan ketidak lancaran operasional. Solusi untuk menangani kendala yang dialami food and beverage departement adalah Penambahan staff dan pengadaan equipment

    Performance analysis of max-pressure control system for traffic network using macroscopic fundamental diagram

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    Traffic signal control is known to improve performance and to reduce congestion of urban networks in traffic management. As a control system, the traffic signal control regulates vehicles through traffic lights to produce traffic conditions with maximum output, queue lengths dispersion and less travel time. Max pressure control is a widely known approach in the traffic management for controlling signalized intersections networks by only requiring information of queues adjacent to the intersection and does not call for knowledge of mean demands. Beside the simplicity of the approach, the formulation requires turning ratio information related to movement of vehicles entering and leaving links of the intersections and phase saturation flow. In practice, real time measurement of turning ratios is subjected to inaccuracies caused by sensor network limitations. Therefore, it is of interest to carry out performance analysis of max pressure control application due to inaccuracies of turning ratio information. The paper considers the max-pressure control performance analysis by means of macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) approach. The performance analysis is conducted on a traffic model of Bandung city, Indonesia consisting of five active signalized intersections. In which, four intersections are active signalized intersections that have two signal phases, and one intersection is an active signalized intersection that has three signal phases. The simulation results show the max-pressure control algorithm performs good performance based on the evaluation of the MFD diagram related to the density value and the maximum vehicle flow value produced. In addition, based on travel time graph evaluation, the max-pressure control is more adaptive in handling changes in the demand rate which increases drastically. The performance analysis of simulation results using MFD with the proposed critical velocity approach indicates the max pressure control is insensitive to turning ratio variations to some extent

    GCNIllustrator: Illustrating the Effect of Hyperparameters on Graph Convolutional Networks

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    An increasing number of real-world applications are using graph-structured datasets, imposing challenges to existing machine learning algorithms. Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are deep learning models, specifically designed to operate on graphs. One of the most tedious steps in training GCNs is the choice of the hyperparameters, especially since they exhibit unique properties compared to other neural models. Not only machine learning beginners, but also experienced practitioners often have difficulties to properly tune their models. We hypothesize that having a tool that visualizes the effect of hyperparameters choice on the performance can accelerate the model development and improve the understanding of these black-box models. Additionally, observing clusters of certain nodes helps to empirically understand how a given prediction was made due to the feature propagation step of GCNs. Therefore, this demo introduces GCNIllustrator - a web-based visual analytics tool for illustrating the effect of hyperparameters on the predictions in a citations graph

    Pengaruh Model Cooperative Script Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Kota Sorong

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari penerapan model Cooperative Script terhadap hasil belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Quasi Experimental Design dengan desain eksperimen Non-Equivalent Pretest-Posttest Design. Populasi penelitian mencakup seluruh siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Kota Sorong dengan dua kelas sebagai sampel acak, kelas IX A sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan memberikan perlakuan berupa penerapan model Cooperative Script pada pembelajaran dikelas dan kelas IX B sebagai kelas Kontrol dengan tidak memberikan perlakuan khusus. Perangkat yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data adalah lembar observasi dan soal pretest – post test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif yang signifikan dari penerapan model Cooperative Script terhadap hasil belajar kelas IX A SMP Negeri 1 Kota Sorong dengan persamaan regresi Y = 39,396 + 0,543X, dengan kriteria pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dengan menggunakan SPSS 23.0 bahwa hasil perhitungan nilai sig. adalah 0,000 < 0,005 dan perbandingan nilai thitung 5,372 > ttabel 2,045