33 research outputs found

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    Pengaruh Ketinggian Batang Bawah terhadap Keberhasilan Tumbuh Durian Kleting Kuning dalam Sistem Top Working

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    Pohon durian yang tumbuh di Indonesia sekarang ini sebagian besar berasal dari biji. Karenanya, produksinya bervariasi baik mutu maupun jumlahnya. Untuk menstabilkan produksi baik kualitas maupun jumlahnya, maka pohon tersebut harus diperbaiki mutu genetisnya dengan teknologi top working. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh ketinggian batang bawah durian terhadap keberhasilan hidup batang atas dalam sistem top working. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Ngantang, Kabupaten Malang pada bulan april 2014 hingga bulan februari 2015. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 4 kali perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan ketinggian batang bawah antara lain : P1 (Ketinggian 75 cm), P2 (Ketinggian 90 cm), P3 (Ketinggian 105 cm), dan P4 (Ketinggian 120 cm). Batang bawah yang digunakan sebagai bahan penelitian berumur sekitar 5 tahun, diameter 10-15 cm. Batang atas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Durian Kleting Kuning. Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 3 tanaman. Parameter penelitian yang diamati adalah persentase keberhasilan top working, saat pecah tunas, diameter tunas, panjang tunas dan jumlah daun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh ketinggian dari keempat perlakuan adalah tidak nyata, perlakuan P2, P3, dan P4 menghasilkan 100%, sementara itu perlakuanP1 menghasilkan 77,7%. Saat pecah tunas batang atas serta diameter batang atas tidak berbeda nyata. Panjang tunas dan jumlah daun perlakuan P2, P3, dan P4 berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan P1

    Environmental Conditions and COVID-19 Incident

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    COVID-19 is a new infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and was designated as a pandemic since March 12, 2020, because there are a lot of case in several countries. On February 1, 2021, the total number of COVID-19 cases reached 103 million in the world, and in Indonesia it reached 1.09 million. Many factors influence the transmission and death of COVID-19, for example environmental conditions. This study aims to provide an overview of environmental conditions that can be a factor for transmission and death due to COVID-19. The method in this research is literature review, which is a literature review with secondary data obtained through research journals which are then synthesized and obtained 23 articles as a reference for preparing literature reviews. COVID-19 and environmental degradation have decreased air, water, noise and marine pollution due to the lockdown, but there has been an increase in the volume of hazardous and toxic waste from COVID-19 patients. Then from air pollution, the results of decreases in CO, NO2, and PM10 during lockdown. Meanwhile, for climatology and meteorology, the result is that every 1oC increase in temperature from the average temperature can reduce daily cases of COVID-19 by 36% and 57% when the average humidity is at 67% and 85.5%. Likewis,e humidity each 1oC increase relatively reduces daily cases of COVID-19 by 11% to 22% with a temperature range of 5.04oC to 8.2oC. The conclusion of this research is that the environmental conditions during a pandemic had their own polemic. However, several pollutants such as CO, NO2, O3, PM2,5, and PM10  is closely related to the spread of COVID-19. This literature review can provide recommendations for an overall global government demonstration policy in the prevention and control of environmental pollution and recycling of medical waste

    Colonoscopy polyp detection and classification: Dataset creation and comparative evaluations

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common types of cancer with a high mortality rate. Colonoscopy is the preferred procedure for CRC screening and has proven to be effective in reducing CRC mortality. Thus, a reliable computer-aided polyp detection and classification system can significantly increase the effectiveness of colonoscopy. In this paper, we create an endoscopic dataset collected from various sources and annotate the ground truth of polyp location and classification results with the help of experienced gastroenterologists. The dataset can serve as a benchmark platform to train and evaluate the machine learning models for polyp classification. We have also compared the performance of eight state-of-the-art deep learning-based object detection models. The results demonstrate that deep CNN models are promising in CRC screening. This work can serve as a baseline for future research in polyp detection and classification

    A Cognitive Approach To Designing Effective Implementation Of Industrial Policies : C-Solutions for Vehicle Maintenance Regulations (VMR) Implementation in Sarawak

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    Policy implementation science has moved from its traditional top-down ‘’how-to’’ approach that focuses primarily on the policy implementers while neglecting those affected by the implementation, to the hybrid ‘’what-and-how-to’’ approach, where the policy implementation mechanics incorporate the understanding of the ‘’meaning’’ and ‘’benefits’’ of the policy from the perspective of all the stakeholders - those who will be doing the enforcement, and those who will be impacted upon by the policy. Theories from the science of the mind, or cognitive science, such as the theories of social cognition and distributed cognition, have gained popularity in policy implementation science in the developed countries since a decade ago. This new approach however, is still at inception stage in many developing countries. This research explored the utility of cognitive science approach in designing the implementation of industrial policies, in the case of implementing the Vehicle Maintenance Regulations (VMR) regulations, a set of mandatory regulations passed to regulate safe and healthy vehicle maintenance industry in Malaysia. The benefits of the cognitive approach, over the ‘’implementer-oriented’’ rational choice theory approach conventionally adopted in policy implementation were explored. The cognitive science approach is expected to increase the effectiveness of the VMR policy implementation by integrating the ‘sense-making’ and ‘meaning-making’ of all stakeholders whose cooperation and cooperativeness are highly essential in ensuring successful implementation. This research yielded both, an industrial working model, and an academic model. The C-Solutions Model suggests a win-win implementation plan that could garner support from all VMR stakeholders – the car workshop operators, the car owners, and the government implementer agents. The ‘’Cognitive Model of VMR Implementation’ was produced to describe how understanding the cognitive functions of the stakeholders could be utilised to collect their best support for the VMR regulations implementation

    20.000 People Around the World Waiting for Execution of Death Penalty

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